
205 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const { Cc, Ci } = require("chrome");
const imageTools = Cc[";1"].
const io = Cc[";1"].
const base64png = "" +
"AABzenr0AAAASUlEQVRYhe3O0QkAIAwD0eyqe3Q993AQ3cBSUKpygfsNTy" +
const { base64jpeg } = require("./fixtures");
const { platform } = require("sdk/system");
// For Windows, Mac and Linux, platform returns the following: winnt, darwin and linux.
var isWindows = platform.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") == 0;
const canvasHTML = "data:text/html," + encodeURIComponent(
<canvas width='32' height='32'></canvas>\
function comparePixelImages(imageA, imageB, callback) {
let tabs = require("sdk/tabs");{
url: canvasHTML,
onReady: function onReady(tab) {
let worker = tab.attach({
contentScript: "new " + function() {
let canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
let context = canvas.getContext("2d");
self.port.on("draw-image", function(imageURI) {
let img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
context.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
let pixels = Array.join(context.getImageData(0, 0, 32, 32).data);
self.port.emit("image-pixels", pixels);
img.src = imageURI;
let compared = "";
worker.port.on("image-pixels", function (pixels) {
if (!compared) {
compared = pixels;
this.emit("draw-image", imageB);
} else {
tab.close(callback.bind(null, compared === pixels))
worker.port.emit("draw-image", imageA);
// Test the typical use case, setting & getting with no flavors specified
exports["test With No Flavor"] = function(assert) {
var contents = "hello there";
var flavor = "text";
var fullFlavor = "text/unicode";
var clip = require("sdk/clipboard");
// Confirm we set the clipboard
// Confirm flavor is set
assert.equal(clip.currentFlavors[0], flavor);
// Confirm we set the clipboard
assert.equal(clip.get(), contents);
// Confirm we can get the clipboard using the flavor
assert.equal(clip.get(flavor), contents);
// Confirm we can still get the clipboard using the full flavor
assert.equal(clip.get(fullFlavor), contents);
// Test the slightly less common case where we specify the flavor
exports["test With Flavor"] = function(assert) {
var contents = "<b>hello there</b>";
var contentsText = "hello there";
// On windows, HTML clipboard includes extra data.
// The values are from widget/windows/nsDataObj.cpp.
var contentsWindowsHtml = "<html><body>\n<!--StartFragment-->" +
contents +
var flavor = "html";
var fullFlavor = "text/html";
var unicodeFlavor = "text";
var unicodeFullFlavor = "text/unicode";
var clip = require("sdk/clipboard");
assert.ok(clip.set(contents, flavor));
assert.equal(clip.currentFlavors[0], unicodeFlavor);
assert.equal(clip.currentFlavors[1], flavor);
assert.equal(clip.get(), contentsText);
assert.equal(clip.get(flavor), isWindows ? contentsWindowsHtml : contents);
assert.equal(clip.get(fullFlavor), isWindows ? contentsWindowsHtml : contents);
assert.equal(clip.get(unicodeFlavor), contentsText);
assert.equal(clip.get(unicodeFullFlavor), contentsText);
// Test that the typical case still works when we specify the flavor to set
exports["test With Redundant Flavor"] = function(assert) {
var contents = "<b>hello there</b>";
var flavor = "text";
var fullFlavor = "text/unicode";
var clip = require("sdk/clipboard");
assert.ok(clip.set(contents, flavor));
assert.equal(clip.currentFlavors[0], flavor);
assert.equal(clip.get(), contents);
assert.equal(clip.get(flavor), contents);
assert.equal(clip.get(fullFlavor), contents);
exports["test Not In Flavor"] = function(assert) {
var contents = "hello there";
var flavor = "html";
var clip = require("sdk/clipboard");
// If there's nothing on the clipboard with this flavor, should return null
assert.equal(clip.get(flavor), null);
exports["test Set Image"] = function(assert) {
var clip = require("sdk/clipboard");
var flavor = "image";
var fullFlavor = "image/png";
assert.ok(clip.set(base64png, flavor), "clipboard set");
assert.equal(clip.currentFlavors[0], flavor, "flavor is set");
exports["test Get Image"] = function(assert, done) {
var clip = require("sdk/clipboard");
clip.set(base64png, "image");
var contents = clip.get();
comparePixelImages(base64png, contents, function (areEquals) {
"Image gets from clipboard equals to image sets to the clipboard");
exports["test Set Image Type Not Supported"] = function(assert) {
var clip = require("sdk/clipboard");
var flavor = "image";
assert.throws(function () {
clip.set(base64jpeg, flavor);
}, "Invalid flavor for image/jpeg");
// Notice that `imageTools.decodeImageData`, used by `clipboard.set` method for
// images, write directly to the javascript console the error in case the image
// is corrupt, even if the error is catched.
// See:
exports["test Set Image Type Wrong Data"] = function(assert) {
var clip = require("sdk/clipboard");
var flavor = "image";
var wrongPNG = "data:image/png" + base64jpeg.substr(15);
assert.throws(function () {
clip.set(wrongPNG, flavor);
}, "Unable to decode data given in a valid image.");