Jordan Santell 886f65d972 Bug 1058898 - Enable e10s tests on the performance tool. r=vp
rename : browser/devtools/performance/test/browser_perf-aaa-run-first-leaktest.js => browser/devtools/performance/test/browser_aaa-run-first-leaktest.js
2015-05-10 01:20:56 -07:00

45 lines
1.7 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
* Tests if the built-in profiler module is not reactivated if no other
* consumer was using it over the remote debugger protocol, and ensures
* that the actor will work properly even in such cases (e.g. the Gecko Profiler
* addon was installed and automatically activated the profiler module).
let test = Task.async(function*() {
// Ensure the profiler is already running when the test starts.
let ENTRIES = 1000000;
let INTERVAL = 1;
let FEATURES = ["js"];
yield sendProfilerCommand("StartProfiler", [ENTRIES, INTERVAL, FEATURES, FEATURES.length]);
let { panel: firstPanel } = yield initPerformance(SIMPLE_URL);
let firstFront = firstPanel.panelWin.gFront;
let firstAlreadyActive = firstFront.once("profiler-already-active");
let recording = yield firstFront.startRecording();
yield firstAlreadyActive;
ok(recording._profilerStartTime > 0, "The profiler was not restarted.");
let { panel: secondPanel } = yield initPerformance(SIMPLE_URL);
let secondFront = secondPanel.panelWin.gFront;
let secondAlreadyActive = secondFront.once("profiler-already-active");
let secondRecording = yield secondFront.startRecording();
yield secondAlreadyActive;
ok(secondRecording._profilerStartTime > 0, "The profiler was not restarted.");
yield teardown(firstPanel);
ok((yield PMM_isProfilerActive()),
"The built-in profiler module should still be active.");
yield teardown(secondPanel);
ok(!(yield PMM_isProfilerActive()),
"The built-in profiler module should have been automatically stoped.");