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# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
package TestsMod;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(runTests,checkArgs);
# runSuite
# Runs each test package it reads from the given file.
sub runSuite {
my ($testsuite) = @_;
print "Running test suite: $testsuite\n";
# Open the test suite and run each test package read.
open TESTSUITE, $testsuite || die ("Cannot open testsuite.\n");
while ($inputString = <TESTSUITE>) {
# Parse the string for the testpackage and if there is a wrapper class.
($testPackage, $wrapperClass) = ($inputString =~ /^(\S+)\s+(.*)/);
if ($wrapperClass =~ /[A-Za-z]/) {
@args = ("${testPackage}.txt", "-q", "-gt", "-uw",
} else {
@args = ("${testPackage}.txt", "-q", "-gt");
# Send the report to the server.
# Backup the current report.
rename("report.txt", "${testPackage}Report.old");
# runTests
# Performs the conformance tests on a given java implementation.
sub runTests {
my (@args) = @_;
# Global variables.
$testfile = "";
$useWorkDir = 0;
$workDir = "";
$useTestRoot = 0;
$testRoot = "";
$genReport = 0;
$genResult = 0;
$useWrapper = 0;
$wrapperClass = "";
$useDots = 0;
$classpath = $ENV{CLASSPATH};
# Test info.
$testID = "";
$executeClass = "";
$executeArgs = "";
$result = "";
$resultLog = "";
$color = "";
# Width count.
$widthCount = 0;
# Result counters.
$totalTests = 0;
$totalPassed = 0;
$totalFailed = 0;
$totalException = 0;
$totalAssert = 0;
$totalCheckTest = 0;
# Parse the argument list.
print("Test file: $testfile\n");
print("Working dir: $workDir\n");
print("Test root: $testDir\n");
print("Generate results: $genResult\n");
print("Wrapper class: $wrapperClass\n");
print("Classpath: $classpath\n");
# Open the test file.
open TESTLIST, $testfile || die ("Cannot open test file.\n");
# Open the html result files.
if ($genResult) {
open RESULTS, "+>report.html" || die ("Cannot open report file.\n");
open PASSED, "+>passed.html" || die ("Cannot open passed file.\n");
open FAILED, "+>failed.html" || die ("Cannot open failed file.\n");
open EXCEPTION, "+>exception.html" || die ("Cannot open exception file.\n");
open ASSERT, "+>assert.html" || die ("Cannot open assert file.\n");
open CHECKTEST, "+>checktest.html" || die ("Cannot open check test file.\n");
# Generate the headers for the result html.
# Open the report file.
if ($genReport) {
open REPORT, "+>report.txt" || die ("Cannot open results file.\n");
while ($testID = <TESTLIST>) {
# ***** Need to take care of blanks, space, etc... ***** #
$testString = <TESTLIST>;
# Parse the test string for the execute class and arguments.
($executeClass, $executeArgs) = ($testString =~ /^(\S+)\s+(.*)/);
# Excute the test.
if ($useWrapper) {
$executeString = "sajava -classpath $classpath -sys -ce $wrapperClass $executeClass $executeArgs";
} else {
$executeString = "sajava -classpath $classpath -sys -ce $executeClass $executeArgs";
open(LOG,"$executeString 2>&1 |") || die ("Could not execute test\n");
while(<LOG>) {
$resultLog .= $_;
close LOG;
#print("Result: $resultLog\n");
# Parse the result string. Print to stdout and report.
$loweredResult = lc $resultLog;
if ($loweredResult =~ /status:passed./) {
$result = "PASSED";
$color = "#99FF99";
if ($useDots) {
} else {
if ($genResult) {
elsif ($loweredResult =~ /status:failed./) {
$result = "FAILED";
$color = "#FF6666";
if ($genResult) {
elsif ($loweredResult =~ /status:not run./) {
$result = "FAILED";
$color = "#FF6666";
if ($genResult) {
elsif ($loweredResult =~ /status:exception./) {
$result = "EXCEPTION";
$color = "#FF6666";
if ($genResult) {
elsif ($loweredResult =~ /status:assertion./) {
$result = "ASSERTION";
$color = "#FF6666";
if ($genResult) {
else {
$result = "CHECK TEST";
$color = "#8080FF";
if ($genResult) {
# Print the result to the report file.
if ($genReport) {
#Clear the test info.
$testID = "";
$executeClass = "";
$executeArgs = "";
$result = "";
$resultLog = "";
$color = "";
print("\nDone with tests.\n");
# Close files.
# Close the report files.
if ($genResult) {
close RESULTS;
close PASSED;
close FAILED;
close ASSERT;
# Close the result file.
if ($genReport) {
close REPORT;
# checkArgs
# Checks to see if there are command line arguments.
# Returns true(1) or false(0).
sub checkArgs {
local @args = @_;
# print("Number of args: $#args\n");
if ($#args == -1) {
return 0;
return 1;
# parseArgs
# Go through the argument list and set the matching global
# variables.
sub parseArgs {
local @args = @_;
# Check if the first argument is the help option.
if ( $args[$i] eq '-h' ){
print("Usage: runTests <testfile> [options....]\n");
print("\t-q\t\t\tQuiet mode. Print non-passing tests only.\n");
print("\t-gr\t\t\tGenerate result files in html format.\n");
print("\t-gt\t\t\tGenerate a report file in text format.\n");
print("\t-uw <class>\t\tUse specfied class as a wrapper class.\n");
print("\t-classpath <path>\tUse specified path as the classpath.\n");
print("\t-workdir <dir>\t\tUse specified dir as the working dir.\n");
print("\t-testroot <path>\tUse specified path as the test root.\n");
print("\t-keyword <keyword>\tRun tests with the specified keyword only.\n");
print("\t-h\t\t\tHelp. You're in it.\n");
# The first argument should the test file.
$testfile = $args[0];
# Check if the file exits.
if (!(-e $testfile)) {
die "Test file does not exist in the current directory.\n";
# Go through the rest of the arguments.
print("Args: ");
$i = 0;
while( $i < @args ){
#print("$args[$i]", "\n");
if ( $args[$i] eq '-gr' ){
$genResult = 1;
if ( $args[$i] eq '-gt' ){
$genReport = 1;
if ( $args[$i] eq '-q' ){
$useDots = 1;
elsif ( $args[$i] eq '-uw' ) {
$useWrapper = 1;
$wrapperClass = $args[$i];
# Check if a wrapper class has been given.
if ( $wrapperClass eq '' ) {
die ("No wrapper class specified.\n");
elsif ( $args[$i] eq '-classpath' ) {
$classpath = $args[$i];
#Check if the given work dir is valid.
if ( $classpath eq '' ) {
die ("No classpath specified.\n");
elsif ( $args[$i] eq '-workdir' ) {
$useWorkDir = 1;
$workDir = $args[$i];
#Check if the given work dir is valid.
if ( $workDir eq '' ) {
die ("No working directory specified.\n");
} elsif (!(-e $workDir)) {
die ("Working directory does not exist.\n");
} else {
$workDir .= "/";
elsif ( $args[$i] eq '-testroot' ) {
$useTestRoot = 1;
$testRoot = $args[$i];
#Check if the given test root is valid.
if ( $testRoot eq '' ) {
die ("No test root specified.\n");
# Ignore the rest of the arguments.
# resolveArgs
# Replace any test argument with the correct value.
sub resolveArgs {
if ($useWorkDir) {
$executeArgs =~ s/-WorkDir\s+(\S+)/-WorkDir $workDir/;
$executeArgs =~ s/-workDir\s+(\S+)/-WorkDir $workDir /;
$executeArgs =~ s/-TestWorkDir\s+(\S+)/-WorkDir $workDir /;
} else {
# Remove the argument name and value from the string.
$executeArgs =~ s/-WorkDir\s+(\S+)/\ /;
$executeArgs =~ s/-workDir\s+(\S+)/\ /;
$executeArgs =~ s/-TestWorkDir\s+(\S+)/\ /;
if ($useTestRoot) {
$executeArgs =~ s/file:\/G:\/JCK-114a/$testRoot/;
} else {
# Remove the argument name and value from the string.
$executeArgs =~ s/-Test\s+(\S+)/\ /;
$executeArgs =~ s/-test\s+(\S+)/\ /;
$executeArgs =~ s/-TestURL\s+(\S+)/\ /;
$executeArgs =~ s/-testURL\s+(\S+)/\ /;
# printDot
# Prints a dot on stdout.
sub printDot {
# Check if width exceeds 80 chars.
if ($widthCount >= 80) {
$widthCount = 0;
} else {
# printToScreen
# Prints the test result to stdout.
sub printToScreen {
print("\nTestCaseID: $testID");
print("Execute Class: $executeClass\n");
print("Execute Args: $executeArgs\n");
print("Result: $result.\n");
if (!($result eq 'PASSED')) {
print("Result Log:\n");
$widthCount = 0;
# genResultHeader
# Prints out headers for the result files.
sub genResultHeader {
print RESULTS "<HTML>\n";
print RESULTS "<TITLE>Test Results</TITLE>\n";
print RESULTS "<BODY>\n";
print PASSED "<HTML>\n";
print PASSED "<TITLE>Pass Results</TITLE>\n";
print PASSED "<BODY>\n";
print FAILED "<HTML>\n";
print FAILED "<TITLE>Fail Results</TITLE>\n";
print FAILED "<BODY>\n";
print EXCEPTION "<HTML>\n";
print EXCEPTION "<TITLE>Exceptions Results</TITLE>\n";
print EXCEPTION "<BODY>\n";
print ASSERT "<HTML>\n";
print ASSERT "<TITLE>Assert Results</TITLE>\n";
print ASSERT "<BODY>\n";
print CHECKTEST "<HTML>\n";
print CHECKTEST "<TITLE>Check Test Results</TITLE>\n";
print CHECKTEST "<BODY>\n";
# genResultFooter
# Prints out footers for the result files.
sub genResultFooter {
# Print out totals to the result file.
print RESULTS "</BODY>\n";
print RESULTS "</HTML>\n";
print PASSED "</BODY>\n";
print PASSED "</HTML>\n";
print FAILED "</BODY>\n";
print FAILED "</HTML>\n";
print EXCEPTION "</BODY>\n";
print EXCEPTION "</HTML>\n";
print ASSERT "</BODY>\n";
print ASSERT "</HTML>\n";
print CHECKTEST "</BODY>\n";
print CHECKTEST "</HTML>\n";
# genResults
# Print out the totals for the test run.
sub genResults {
#Print out the totals.
print RESULTS "</TABLE><P>\n";
print RESULTS "<TR>\n";
print RESULTS "<TD WIDTH=\"50\" BGCOLOR=\"#D4D4D4\"><B>Total</B></TD>\n";
print RESULTS "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#E4E4E4\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><B>\n";
print RESULTS $totalTests;
print RESULTS "</B></FONT></TD>\n";
print RESULTS "</TR>\n";
print RESULTS "<TR>\n";
print RESULTS "<TD WIDTH=\"50\" BGCOLOR=\"#D4D4D4\"><A HREF=\"\n";
print RESULTS "passed.html\"><B>Passed</B></A></TD>\n";
print RESULTS "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#99FF99\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><B>\n";
print RESULTS $totalPassed;
print RESULTS "</B></TD>\n";
print RESULTS "</TR>\n";
print RESULTS "<TR>\n";
print RESULTS "<TD WIDTH=\"50\" BGCOLOR=\"#D4D4D4\"><A HREF=\"\n";
print RESULTS "failed.html\"><B>Failed</B></A></TD>\n";
print RESULTS "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#FF6666\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><B>\n";
print RESULTS $totalFailed;
print RESULTS "</B></TD>\n";
print RESULTS "</TR>\n";
print RESULTS "<TR>\n";
print RESULTS "<TD WIDTH=\"50\" BGCOLOR=\"#D4D4D4\"><A HREF=\"\n";
print RESULTS "exception.html\"><B>Unhandled Exceptions</B></A></TD>\n";
print RESULTS "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#FF6666\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><B>\n";
print RESULTS $totalException;
print RESULTS "</B></TD>\n";
print RESULTS "</TR>\n";
print RESULTS "<TR>\n";
print RESULTS "<TD WIDTH=\"50\" BGCOLOR=\"#D4D4D4\"><A HREF=\"\n";
print RESULTS "assert.html\"><B>Assertions Thrown</B></A></TD>\n";
print RESULTS "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#FF6666\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><B>";
print RESULTS $totalAssert;
print RESULTS "</B></TD>\n";
print RESULTS "</TR>\n";
print RESULTS "<TR>\n";
print RESULTS "<TD WIDTH=\"50\" BGCOLOR=\"#D4D4D4\"><A HREF=\"\n";
print RESULTS "checktest.html\"><B>Check Test</B></A></TD>\n";
print RESULTS "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#8080FF\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><B>\n";
print RESULTS $totalCheckTest;
print RESULTS "</B></TD>\n";
print RESULTS "</TR>\n";
print RESULTS "</TABLE><P>\n";
# genTestResult
# Print out the test to the right result file.
sub genTestResult {
local(*RESULTFILE) = @_;
print RESULTFILE "<TR>\n";
print RESULTFILE "<TD WIDTH=\"10%\" BGCOLOR=\"#D4D4D4\"><B>Test ID</B></TD>\n";
print RESULTFILE "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#E4E4E4\"><B>";
print RESULTFILE $testID;
print RESULTFILE "</B></FONT></TD>\n";
print RESULTFILE "</TR>\n";
print RESULTFILE "<TR>\n";
print RESULTFILE "<TD WIDTH=\"10%\" BGCOLOR=\"#D4D4D4\"><B>Execute Class</B></TD>\n";
print RESULTFILE "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#E4E4E4\"><B>";
print RESULTFILE $executeClass;
print RESULTFILE "</B></FONT></TD>\n";
print RESULTFILE "</TR>\n";
print RESULTFILE "<TR>\n";
print RESULTFILE "<TD WIDTH=\"10%\" BGCOLOR=\"#D4D4D4\"><B>Execute Arguments</B></TD>\n";
print RESULTFILE "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#E4E4E4\"><B>";
print RESULTFILE "${executeArgs} ";
print RESULTFILE "</B></FONT></TD>\n";
print RESULTFILE "</TR>\n";
print RESULTFILE "<TR>\n";
print RESULTFILE "<TD WIDTH=\"10%\" BGCOLOR=\"#D4D4D4\"><B>Result</B></TD>\n";
print RESULTFILE $color;
print RESULTFILE "\"><B>";
print RESULTFILE $result;
print RESULTFILE "</B></TD>\n";
print RESULTFILE "</TR>\n";
#Only print the log if the test didn't pass.
if (!($result eq 'PASSED')) {
print RESULTFILE "<TR>\n";
print RESULTFILE "<TD WIDTH=\"10%\" BGCOLOR=\"#D4D4D4\"><B>Log</B></TD>\n";
print RESULTFILE "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#E4E4E4\"><PRE>\n";
print RESULTFILE $resultLog;
print RESULTFILE "</PRE></TD>\n";
print RESULTFILE "</TR>\n";
print RESULTFILE "</TABLE><P>\n";
# printTestReport
# Print out the test result to the report file.
sub printTestReport {
local(*REPORTFILE) = @_;
print REPORTFILE "$testID";
#Check for new line.
if ($executeArgs =~ /\n/) {
print REPORTFILE "$executeClass $executeArgs";
} else {
print REPORTFILE "$executeClass $executeArgs\n";
print REPORTFILE "$result\n";
# If the test didn't passed, print out the result log.
if (!($result eq 'PASSED')) {
print REPORTFILE "$resultLog";