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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
#ifndef nsComponentManager_h__
#define nsComponentManager_h__
#include "nsIComponentLoader.h"
#include "nsNativeComponentLoader.h"
#include "nsIComponentManager.h"
#include "nsIFactory.h"
#include "nsIRegistry.h"
#include "nsHashtable.h"
#include "prtime.h"
#include "prmon.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
class nsFactoryEntry;
class nsDll;
class nsIServiceManager;
// Registry Factory creation function defined in nsRegistry.cpp
// We hook into this function locally to create and register the registry
// Since noone outside xpcom needs to know about this and nsRegistry.cpp
// does not have a local include file, we are putting this definition
// here rather than in nsIRegistry.h
extern "C" NS_EXPORT nsresult NS_RegistryGetFactory(nsIFactory** aFactory);
extern const char XPCOM_LIB_PREFIX[];
class nsComponentManagerImpl : public nsIComponentManager {
// nsComponentManagerImpl methods:
virtual ~nsComponentManagerImpl();
static nsComponentManagerImpl* gComponentManager;
nsresult Init(void);
nsresult PlatformPrePopulateRegistry();
friend class nsFactoryEntry;
nsresult RegistryNameForLib(const char *aLibName, char **aRegistryName);
nsresult RegisterComponentCommon(const nsCID &aClass,
const char *aClassName,
const char *aProgID, char *aRegistryName,
PRBool aReplace, PRBool aPersist,
const char *aType);
nsresult AddComponentToRegistry(const nsCID &aCID, const char *aClassName,
const char *aProgID,
const char *aRegistryName,
const char *aType);
nsresult GetLoaderForType(const char *aType,
nsIComponentLoader **aLoader);
nsresult LoadFactory(nsFactoryEntry *aEntry, nsIFactory **aFactory);
nsFactoryEntry *GetFactoryEntry(const nsCID &aClass, PRBool checkRegistry);
nsresult SyncComponentsInDir(PRInt32 when, nsIFileSpec *dirSpec);
nsresult SelfRegisterDll(nsDll *dll);
nsresult SelfUnregisterDll(nsDll *dll);
nsresult HashProgID(const char *aprogID, const nsCID &aClass);
nsresult UnloadLibraries(nsIServiceManager *servmgr, PRInt32 when);
// The following functions are the only ones that operate on the persistent
// registry
nsresult PlatformInit(void);
nsresult PlatformVersionCheck();
nsresult PlatformRegister(const char *cidString, const char *className, const char *progID, nsDll *dll);
nsresult PlatformUnregister(const char *cidString, const char *aLibrary);
nsresult PlatformFind(const nsCID &aCID, nsFactoryEntry* *result);
nsresult PlatformProgIDToCLSID(const char *aProgID, nsCID *aClass);
nsresult PlatformCLSIDToProgID(const nsCID *aClass, char* *aClassName, char* *aProgID);
nsObjectHashtable* mFactories;
nsObjectHashtable* mProgIDs;
nsSupportsHashtable* mLoaders;
PRMonitor* mMon;
nsIRegistry* mRegistry;
nsRegistryKey mXPCOMKey;
nsRegistryKey mClassesKey;
nsRegistryKey mCLSIDKey;
PRBool mPrePopulationDone;
nsRegistryKey mLoadersKey;
nsNativeComponentLoader *mNativeComponentLoader;
nsSpecialSystemDirectory *mComponentsDir;
PRUint32 mComponentsDirLen;
#define NS_MAX_FILENAME_LEN 1024
#ifdef XP_UNIX
/* The default registry on the unix system is $HOME/.mozilla/registry per
* vr_findGlobalRegName(). vr_findRegFile() will create the registry file
* if it doesn't exist. But it wont create directories.
* Hence we need to create the directory if it doesn't exist already.
* Why create it here as opposed to the app ?
* ------------------------------------------
* The app cannot create the directory in main() as most of the registry
* and initialization happens due to use of static variables.
* And we dont want to be dependent on the order in which
* these static stuff happen.
* Permission for the $HOME/.mozilla will be Read,Write,Execute
* for user only. Nothing to group and others.
#define NS_MOZILLA_DIR_NAME ".mozilla"
#endif /* XP_UNIX */
#ifdef XP_BEOS
#define NS_MOZILLA_DIR_NAME "mozilla"
#endif /* XP_BEOS */
* When using the registry we put a version number in it.
* If the version number that is in the registry doesn't match
* the following, we ignore the registry. This lets news versions
* of the software deal with old formats of registry and not
* alpha0.20 : First time we did versioning
* alpha0.30 : Changing autoreg to begin registration from ./components on unix
* alpha0.40 : repository -> component manager
* alpha0.50 : using nsIRegistry
* alpha0.60 : xpcom 2.0 landing
* alpha0.70 : using nsIFileSpec. PRTime -> PRUint32
* alpha0.90 : using nsIComponentLoader, abs:/rel:/lib:, shaver-cleanup
* Class: nsFactoryEntry()
* There are two types of FactoryEntries.
* 1. {CID, dll} mapping.
* Factory is a consequence of the dll. These can be either session
* specific or persistent based on whether we write this
* to the registry or not.
* 2. {CID, factory} mapping
* These are strictly session specific and in memory only.
class nsFactoryEntry {
nsFactoryEntry(const nsCID &aClass, char *location, char *aType,
nsIComponentLoader *aLoader);
nsFactoryEntry(const nsCID &aClass, nsIFactory *aFactory);
nsresult GetFactory(nsIFactory **aFactory,
nsComponentManagerImpl * mgr) {
if (factory) {
*aFactory = factory.get();
return NS_OK;
nsresult rv;
if (!loader.get()) {
rv = mgr->GetLoaderForType(type, getter_AddRefs(loader));
return rv;
rv = loader->GetFactory(cid, location, type, aFactory);
factory = do_QueryInterface(*aFactory);
return rv;
nsCID cid;
char *location;
nsCOMPtr<nsIFactory> factory;
char *type;
nsCOMPtr<nsIComponentLoader> loader;
#endif // nsComponentManager_h__