Nick Alexander 52e65cee71 Bug 1675829 - Allow disabling the cookie database in the profile with network.cookie.noPersistentStorage. r=baku
Firefox background tasks use a new temporary profile directory for
every invocation.  We would like to write as little data as possible
into the temporary profile directory in this mode.  This patch allows
to make the persistent cookie storage discard cookies just like
private cookie storage.

This approach simply uses that the base `CookieStorage` class is close
to sufficient already.  There may be a performance impact with more
virtual invocations, but none of these functions seem likely to be

Differential Revision:
2022-03-18 04:20:02 +00:00

209 lines
7.1 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_net_CookieStorage_h
#define mozilla_net_CookieStorage_h
#include "CookieKey.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsTHashtable.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"
#include <functional>
#include "CookieCommons.h"
class nsIArray;
class nsICookie;
class nsICookieTransactionCallback;
class nsIPrefBranch;
namespace mozilla {
namespace net {
class Cookie;
// Inherit from CookieKey so this can be stored in nsTHashTable
// TODO: why aren't we using nsClassHashTable<CookieKey, ArrayType>?
class CookieEntry : public CookieKey {
// Hash methods
using ArrayType = nsTArray<RefPtr<Cookie>>;
using IndexType = ArrayType::index_type;
explicit CookieEntry(KeyTypePointer aKey) : CookieKey(aKey) {}
CookieEntry(const CookieEntry& toCopy) {
// if we end up here, things will break. nsTHashtable shouldn't
// allow this, since we set ALLOW_MEMMOVE to true.
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("CookieEntry copy constructor is forbidden!");
~CookieEntry() = default;
inline ArrayType& GetCookies() { return mCookies; }
inline const ArrayType& GetCookies() const { return mCookies; }
size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const;
ArrayType mCookies;
// stores the CookieEntry entryclass and an index into the cookie array within
// that entryclass, for purposes of storing an iteration state that points to a
// certain cookie.
struct CookieListIter {
// default (non-initializing) constructor.
CookieListIter() = default;
// explicit constructor to a given iterator state with entryclass 'aEntry'
// and index 'aIndex'.
explicit CookieListIter(CookieEntry* aEntry, CookieEntry::IndexType aIndex)
: entry(aEntry), index(aIndex) {}
// get the Cookie * the iterator currently points to.
mozilla::net::Cookie* Cookie() const { return entry->GetCookies()[index]; }
CookieEntry* entry;
CookieEntry::IndexType index;
class CookieStorage : public nsIObserver, public nsSupportsWeakReference {
size_t SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const;
void GetCookies(nsTArray<RefPtr<nsICookie>>& aCookies) const;
void GetSessionCookies(nsTArray<RefPtr<nsICookie>>& aCookies) const;
bool FindCookie(const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
const nsACString& aHost, const nsACString& aName,
const nsACString& aPath, CookieListIter& aIter);
uint32_t CountCookiesFromHost(const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
uint32_t aPrivateBrowsingId);
void GetAll(nsTArray<RefPtr<nsICookie>>& aResult) const;
const nsTArray<RefPtr<Cookie>>* GetCookiesFromHost(
const nsACString& aBaseDomain, const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes);
void GetCookiesWithOriginAttributes(const OriginAttributesPattern& aPattern,
const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
nsTArray<RefPtr<nsICookie>>& aResult);
void RemoveCookie(const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
const nsACString& aHost, const nsACString& aName,
const nsACString& aPath);
virtual void RemoveCookiesWithOriginAttributes(
const OriginAttributesPattern& aPattern, const nsACString& aBaseDomain);
virtual void RemoveCookiesFromExactHost(
const nsACString& aHost, const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributesPattern& aPattern);
void RemoveAll();
void NotifyChanged(nsISupports* aSubject, const char16_t* aData,
bool aOldCookieIsSession = false);
void AddCookie(nsIConsoleReportCollector* aCRC, const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes, Cookie* aCookie,
int64_t aCurrentTimeInUsec, nsIURI* aHostURI,
const nsACString& aCookieHeader, bool aFromHttp);
static void CreateOrUpdatePurgeList(nsIArray** aPurgedList,
nsICookie* aCookie);
virtual void StaleCookies(const nsTArray<Cookie*>& aCookieList,
int64_t aCurrentTimeInUsec) = 0;
virtual void Close() = 0;
virtual void EnsureInitialized() = 0;
virtual nsresult RunInTransaction(
nsICookieTransactionCallback* aCallback) = 0;
CookieStorage() = default;
virtual ~CookieStorage() = default;
void Init();
void AddCookieToList(const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
Cookie* aCookie);
virtual void StoreCookie(const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
Cookie* aCookie) = 0;
virtual const char* NotificationTopic() const = 0;
virtual void NotifyChangedInternal(nsISupports* aSubject,
const char16_t* aData,
bool aOldCookieIsSession) = 0;
virtual void RemoveAllInternal() = 0;
// This method calls RemoveCookieFromDB + RemoveCookieFromListInternal.
void RemoveCookieFromList(const CookieListIter& aIter);
void RemoveCookieFromListInternal(const CookieListIter& aIter);
virtual void RemoveCookieFromDB(const CookieListIter& aIter) = 0;
already_AddRefed<nsIArray> PurgeCookiesWithCallbacks(
int64_t aCurrentTimeInUsec, uint16_t aMaxNumberOfCookies,
int64_t aCookiePurgeAge,
std::function<void(const CookieListIter&)>&& aRemoveCookieCallback,
std::function<void()>&& aFinalizeCallback);
nsTHashtable<CookieEntry> mHostTable;
uint32_t mCookieCount{0};
void PrefChanged(nsIPrefBranch* aPrefBranch);
bool FindSecureCookie(const nsACString& aBaseDomain,
const OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes,
Cookie* aCookie);
static void FindStaleCookies(CookieEntry* aEntry, int64_t aCurrentTime,
bool aIsSecure,
nsTArray<CookieListIter>& aOutput,
uint32_t aLimit);
void UpdateCookieOldestTime(Cookie* aCookie);
void MergeCookieSchemeMap(Cookie* aOldCookie, Cookie* aNewCookie);
static already_AddRefed<nsIArray> CreatePurgeList(nsICookie* aCookie);
virtual already_AddRefed<nsIArray> PurgeCookies(int64_t aCurrentTimeInUsec,
uint16_t aMaxNumberOfCookies,
int64_t aCookiePurgeAge) = 0;
int64_t mCookieOldestTime{INT64_MAX};
uint16_t mMaxNumberOfCookies{kMaxNumberOfCookies};
uint16_t mMaxCookiesPerHost{kMaxCookiesPerHost};
uint16_t mCookieQuotaPerHost{kCookieQuotaPerHost};
int64_t mCookiePurgeAge{kCookiePurgeAge};
} // namespace net
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // mozilla_net_CookieStorage_h