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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express oqr
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is the JavaScript 2 Prototype.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
* terms of the GNU Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the
* provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above.
* If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your
* version of this file under the NPL, indicate your decision by
* deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
* file under either the NPL or the GPL.
#ifndef jsclasses_h
#define jsclasses_h
#include "jstypes.h"
namespace JavaScript {
namespace JSClasses {
using JSTypes::JSValue;
using JSTypes::JSObject;
using JSTypes::JSType;
using JSTypes::JSScope;
using JSTypes::JSFunction;
using JSTypes::FunctionMap;
using ICG::ICodeModule;
struct JSSlot {
typedef enum { kNoFlag = 0, kIsConstructor = 0x01, kIsVirtual = 0x02 } SlotFlags; // <-- readonly, enumerable etc
// a slot may have a getter or a setter or both, but NOT either if mActual
JSType* mType;
uint32 mIndex;
SlotFlags mFlags;
JSFunction* mGetter;
JSFunction* mSetter;
bool mActual;
JSSlot() : mType(0), mFlags(kNoFlag), mGetter(0), mSetter(0), mActual(true)
bool isConstructor() const { return (mFlags & kIsConstructor) != 0; }
bool isVirtual() const { return (mFlags & kIsVirtual) != 0; }
typedef gc_map_allocator(JSSlot) gc_slot_allocator;
typedef std::map<String, JSSlot, std::less<const String>, gc_slot_allocator> JSSlots;
typedef std::pair<String, JSFunction*> MethodEntry;
typedef std::vector<MethodEntry, gc_allocator<MethodEntry> > JSMethods;
typedef std::vector<JSFunction*, gc_allocator<JSFunction*> > JSFunctions;
struct JSOperator {
JSType *mOperand1;
JSType *mOperand2;
JSFunction *mFunction;
JSOperator(JSType *op1, JSType *op2, JSFunction *f) : mOperand1(op1), mOperand2(op2), mFunction(f) { }
typedef std::vector<JSOperator *, gc_allocator<JSOperator *> > JSOperatorList;
* Represents a class in the JavaScript 2 (ECMA 4) language.
* Since a class defines a scope, and is defined in a scope,
* a new scope is created whose parent scope is the scope of
* class definition.
class JSClass : public JSType {
JSScope* mScope;
uint32 mSlotCount;
JSSlots mSlots;
uint32 mStaticCount;
JSSlots mStaticSlots;
JSValue* mStaticData;
JSMethods mMethods;
bool mHasGetters; // tracks whether any getters/setters get assigned
bool mHasSetters;
JSFunctions mGetters; // allocated at 'complete()' time
JSFunctions mSetters;
JSOperatorList *mOperators[ExprNode::kindsEnd];
JSClass(JSScope* scope, const String& name, JSClass* superClass = 0)
: JSType(name, superClass),
mScope(new JSScope(scope)),
mSlotCount(superClass ? superClass->mSlotCount : 0),
mHasGetters(false), mHasSetters(false), mGetters(0), mSetters(0)
if (superClass) {
// inherit superclass methods
mMethods = JSMethods(superClass->mMethods);
// and virtual fields
JSSlots::iterator sEnd = superClass->mSlots.end();
for (JSSlots::iterator si = superClass->mSlots.begin(); si != sEnd; si++)
if (si->second.isVirtual())
mSlots[si->first] = si->second;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < ExprNode::kindsEnd; i++)
mOperators[i] = NULL;
JSClass* getSuperClass()
return static_cast<JSClass*>(mBaseType);
JSScope* getScope()
return mScope;
const JSSlot& defineSlot(const String& name, JSType* type, JSSlot::SlotFlags flags = JSSlot::kNoFlag, JSFunction* getter = 0, JSFunction* setter = 0)
JSSlot& slot = mSlots[name];
slot.mType = type;
slot.mIndex = mSlotCount++; // starts at 0.
slot.mSetter = setter;
slot.mGetter = getter;
slot.mFlags = flags;
if (setter || getter)
slot.mActual = false;
return slot;
void setGetter(const String& name, JSFunction *getter, JSType* type)
JSSlots::iterator slti = mSlots.find(name);
if (slti == mSlots.end())
defineSlot(name, type, JSSlot::kNoFlag, getter, 0);
else {
ASSERT(!slti->second.mActual || slti->second.isVirtual());
ASSERT(slti->second.mGetter == 0);
slti->second.mGetter = getter;
slti->second.mActual = false;
mHasGetters = true;
void setSetter(const String& name, JSFunction *setter, JSType* type)
JSSlots::iterator slti = mSlots.find(name);
if (slti == mSlots.end())
defineSlot(name, type, JSSlot::kNoFlag, 0, setter);
else {
JSSlot &s = slti->second;
ASSERT(!s.mActual || s.isVirtual());
ASSERT(s.mSetter == 0);
s.mSetter = setter;
s.mActual = false;
mHasSetters = true;
bool hasGetter(const String& name)
JSSlots::iterator slti = mSlots.find(name);
return ((slti != mSlots.end()) && slti->second.mGetter);
bool hasSetter(const String& name)
JSSlots::iterator slti = mSlots.find(name);
return ((slti != mSlots.end()) && slti->second.mSetter);
bool hasGetter(uint32 index)
return (index < mGetters.size() && mGetters[index]);
bool hasSetter(uint32 index)
return (index < mSetters.size() && mSetters[index]);
JSFunction* getter(uint32 index)
return mGetters[index];
JSFunction* setter(uint32 index)
return mSetters[index];
const JSSlot& getSlot(const String& name)
return mSlots[name];
bool hasSlot(const String& name)
return (mSlots.find(name) != mSlots.end());
bool hasGetterOrSetter(const String& name)
return (mSlots.find(name) != mSlots.end());
JSSlots& getSlots()
return mSlots;
uint32 getSlotCount()
return mSlotCount;
* Define a static/class variable.
const JSSlot& defineStatic(const String& name, JSType* type)
JSSlot& slot = mStaticSlots[name];
ASSERT(slot.mType == 0);
slot.mType = type;
slot.mIndex = mStaticCount++;
return slot;
const JSSlot& defineConstructor(const String& name)
JSSlot& slot = mStaticSlots[name];
ASSERT(slot.mType == 0);
slot.mType = &JSTypes::Function_Type;
slot.mIndex = mStaticCount++;
slot.mFlags = JSSlot::kIsConstructor;
return slot;
const JSSlot& getStatic(const String& name)
return mStaticSlots[name];
bool hasStatic(const String& name, JSType*& type, bool &isConstructor)
JSSlots::const_iterator i = mStaticSlots.find(name);
if (i != mStaticSlots.end()) {
type = i->second.mType;
isConstructor = i->second.isConstructor();
return true;
return false;
bool hasStatic(const String& name)
return (mStaticSlots.find(name) != mStaticSlots.end());
bool complete()
if (mHasGetters || mHasSetters) {
if (mHasGetters) mGetters.resize(mSlotCount);
if (mHasSetters) mSetters.resize(mSlotCount);
JSSlots::iterator end = mSlots.end();
for (JSSlots::iterator i = mSlots.begin(); i != end; i++) {
if (mHasGetters) mGetters[i->second.mIndex] = i->second.mGetter;
if (mHasSetters) mSetters[i->second.mIndex] = i->second.mSetter;
mStaticData = new JSValue[mStaticCount];
return (mStaticData != 0);
JSValue& operator[] (uint32 index)
return mStaticData[index];
virtual void printProperties(Formatter& f)
f << "Properties:\n";
f << "Statics:\n";
void printStatics(Formatter& f)
JSClass* superClass = getSuperClass();
if (superClass) superClass->printStatics(f);
for (JSSlots::iterator i = mStaticSlots.begin(), end = mStaticSlots.end(); i != end; ++i) {
f << i->first << " : " << mStaticData[i->second.mIndex] << "\n";
void defineOperator(ExprNode::Kind op, JSType *operand1, JSType *operand2, JSFunction *f)
if (!mOperators[op])
mOperators[op] = new JSOperatorList();
else {
for (JSOperatorList::iterator i = mOperators[op]->begin(),
end = mOperators[op]->end(); i != end; ++i) {
if (((*i)->mOperand1 == operand1)
&& ((*i)->mOperand2 == operand2)) {
(*i)->mFunction = f;
mOperators[op]->push_back(new JSOperator(operand1, operand2, f));
void addApplicableOperators(JSOperatorList &list, ExprNode::Kind op, const JSType *operand1, const JSType *operand2)
if (mOperators[op]) {
for (JSOperatorList::iterator i = mOperators[op]->begin(),
end = mOperators[op]->end(); i != end; ++i) {
if (operand1->isSubTypeOf((*i)->mOperand1) && operand2->isSubTypeOf((*i)->mOperand2)) {
void defineMethod(const String& name, JSFunction *f)
uint32 slot;
if (hasMethod(name, slot))
mMethods[slot] = MethodEntry(name, f);
mMethods.push_back(MethodEntry(name, f));
bool hasMethod(const String& name, uint32& index)
JSMethods::iterator end = mMethods.end();
for (JSMethods::iterator i = mMethods.begin(); i != end; i++) {
if (i->first == name) {
index = static_cast<uint32>(i - mMethods.begin());
return true;
return false;
JSFunction* getMethod(uint32 index)
return mMethods[index].second;
* Represents an instance of a JSClass.
class JSInstance : public JSObject {
JSValue mSlots[1];
void* operator new(size_t n, JSClass* thisClass)
uint32 slotCount = thisClass->getSlotCount();
if (slotCount > 0) n += sizeof(JSValue) * (slotCount - 1);
return gc_base::operator new(n);
void operator delete(void* /*ptr*/) {}
void operator delete(void* /*ptr*/, JSClass* /*thisClass*/) {}
JSInstance(JSClass* thisClass)
mType = thisClass;
// initialize extra slots with undefined.
uint32 slotCount = thisClass->getSlotCount();
if (slotCount > 0) {
std::uninitialized_fill(&mSlots[1], &mSlots[1] + (slotCount - 1),
// for grins, use the prototype link to access methods.
// setPrototype(thisClass->getScope());
JSFunction* getMethod(uint32 index)
return getClass()->getMethod(index);
JSClass* getClass()
return static_cast<JSClass*>(mType);
JSValue& operator[] (uint32 index)
return mSlots[index];
virtual void printProperties(Formatter& f)
f << "Properties:\n";
f << "Slots:\n";
printSlots(f, getClass());
bool hasGetter(uint32 index)
return getClass()->hasGetter(index);
bool hasSetter(uint32 index)
return getClass()->hasSetter(index);
JSFunction* getter(uint32 index)
return getClass()->getter(index);
JSFunction* setter(uint32 index)
return getClass()->setter(index);
void printSlots(Formatter& f, JSClass* thisClass)
JSClass* superClass = thisClass->getSuperClass();
if (superClass) printSlots(f, superClass);
JSSlots& slots = thisClass->getSlots();
for (JSSlots::iterator i = slots.begin(), end = slots.end(); i != end; ++i) {
f << i->first << " : " << mSlots[i->second.mIndex] << "\n";
} /* namespace JSClasses */
} /* namespace JavaScript */
#endif /* jsclasses_h */