Jon Leighton 62986df7ba servo: Merge #20021 - Lazy load fonts in a FontGroup (from jonleighton:lazy-font-group); r=mbrubeck,glennw
Lazy load fonts in a FontGroup

The first commit message explains this so I'll just copy it here:


This is a step towards fixing #17267. To fix that, we need to be able to
try various different fallback fonts in turn, which would become
unweildy with the prior eager-loading strategy.

Prior to this change, FontGroup loaded up all Font instances, including
the fallback font, before any of them were checked for the presence of
the glyphs we're trying to render.

So for the following CSS:

    font-family: Helvetica, Arial;

The FontGroup would contain a Font instance for Helvetica, and a Font
instance for Arial, and a Font instance for the fallback font.

It may be that Helvetica contains glyphs for every character in the
document, and therefore Arial and the fallback font are not needed at

This change makes the strategy lazy, so that we'll only create a Font
for Arial if we cannot find a glyph within Helvetica. I've also
substantially refactored the existing code in the process and added
some documentation along the way.


I've added some tests in the second commit, but it required quite a bit of gymnastics to make it possible to write such a test. I'm not sure if the added complexity to the production code is worth it?

On the other hand, having this infrastructure in place may be useful for testing future changes in this area, and also possibly brings us a step closer to extracting a library as discussed in #4901. (What I mean by that is: it reduces coupling between `FontCacheThread` and `FontContext` -- the latter would have a place in such a library, the former wouldn't.)

Source-Revision: f48dce120dddd8e3d585cfc8bc221faa2726bf6b

extra : subtree_source : https%3A//
extra : subtree_revision : fb8733e63bb69d941051bf4aff8a86c396c85f8e
2018-02-22 10:49:52 -05:00

448 lines
16 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use app_units::Au;
use euclid::{Point2D, Rect, Size2D};
use font_context::{FontContext, FontSource};
use font_template::FontTemplateDescriptor;
use ordered_float::NotNaN;
use platform::font::{FontHandle, FontTable};
use platform::font_context::FontContextHandle;
use platform::font_template::FontTemplateData;
use servo_atoms::Atom;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::str;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use style::computed_values::{font_stretch, font_variant_caps, font_weight};
use style::properties::style_structs::Font as FontStyleStruct;
use style::values::computed::font::SingleFontFamily;
use text::Shaper;
use text::glyph::{ByteIndex, GlyphData, GlyphId, GlyphStore};
use text::shaping::ShaperMethods;
use time;
use unicode_script::Script;
use webrender_api;
macro_rules! ot_tag {
($t1:expr, $t2:expr, $t3:expr, $t4:expr) => (
(($t1 as u32) << 24) | (($t2 as u32) << 16) | (($t3 as u32) << 8) | ($t4 as u32)
pub const GPOS: u32 = ot_tag!('G', 'P', 'O', 'S');
pub const GSUB: u32 = ot_tag!('G', 'S', 'U', 'B');
pub const KERN: u32 = ot_tag!('k', 'e', 'r', 'n');
// FontHandle encapsulates access to the platform's font API,
// e.g. quartz, FreeType. It provides access to metrics and tables
// needed by the text shaper as well as access to the underlying font
// resources needed by the graphics layer to draw glyphs.
pub trait FontHandleMethods: Sized {
fn new_from_template(fctx: &FontContextHandle, template: Arc<FontTemplateData>, pt_size: Option<Au>)
-> Result<Self, ()>;
fn template(&self) -> Arc<FontTemplateData>;
fn family_name(&self) -> String;
fn face_name(&self) -> Option<String>;
fn is_italic(&self) -> bool;
fn boldness(&self) -> font_weight::T;
fn stretchiness(&self) -> font_stretch::T;
fn glyph_index(&self, codepoint: char) -> Option<GlyphId>;
fn glyph_h_advance(&self, GlyphId) -> Option<FractionalPixel>;
fn glyph_h_kerning(&self, glyph0: GlyphId, glyph1: GlyphId) -> FractionalPixel;
/// Can this font do basic horizontal LTR shaping without Harfbuzz?
fn can_do_fast_shaping(&self) -> bool;
fn metrics(&self) -> FontMetrics;
fn table_for_tag(&self, FontTableTag) -> Option<FontTable>;
/// A unique identifier for the font, allowing comparison.
fn identifier(&self) -> Atom;
// Used to abstract over the shaper's choice of fixed int representation.
pub type FractionalPixel = f64;
pub type FontTableTag = u32;
trait FontTableTagConversions {
fn tag_to_str(&self) -> String;
impl FontTableTagConversions for FontTableTag {
fn tag_to_str(&self) -> String {
let bytes = [(self >> 24) as u8,
(self >> 16) as u8,
(self >> 8) as u8,
(self >> 0) as u8];
pub trait FontTableMethods {
fn buffer(&self) -> &[u8];
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct FontMetrics {
pub underline_size: Au,
pub underline_offset: Au,
pub strikeout_size: Au,
pub strikeout_offset: Au,
pub leading: Au,
pub x_height: Au,
pub em_size: Au,
pub ascent: Au,
pub descent: Au,
pub max_advance: Au,
pub average_advance: Au,
pub line_gap: Au,
/// `FontDescriptor` describes the parameters of a `Font`. It represents rendering a given font
/// template at a particular size, with a particular font-variant-caps applied, etc. This contrasts
/// with `FontTemplateDescriptor` in that the latter represents only the parameters inherent in the
/// font data (weight, stretch, etc.).
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct FontDescriptor {
pub template_descriptor: FontTemplateDescriptor,
pub variant: font_variant_caps::T,
pub pt_size: Au,
impl<'a> From<&'a FontStyleStruct> for FontDescriptor {
fn from(style: &'a FontStyleStruct) -> Self {
FontDescriptor {
template_descriptor: FontTemplateDescriptor::from(style),
variant: style.font_variant_caps,
pt_size: style.font_size.size(),
pub struct Font {
pub handle: FontHandle,
pub metrics: FontMetrics,
pub descriptor: FontDescriptor,
pub actual_pt_size: Au,
shaper: Option<Shaper>,
shape_cache: RefCell<HashMap<ShapeCacheEntry, Arc<GlyphStore>>>,
glyph_advance_cache: RefCell<HashMap<u32, FractionalPixel>>,
pub font_key: webrender_api::FontInstanceKey,
impl Font {
pub fn new(handle: FontHandle,
descriptor: FontDescriptor,
actual_pt_size: Au,
font_key: webrender_api::FontInstanceKey) -> Font {
let metrics = handle.metrics();
Font {
handle: handle,
shaper: None,
shape_cache: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
glyph_advance_cache: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
/// A unique identifier for the font, allowing comparison.
pub fn identifier(&self) -> Atom {
bitflags! {
pub struct ShapingFlags: u8 {
#[doc = "Set if the text is entirely whitespace."]
#[doc = "Set if we are to ignore ligatures."]
#[doc = "Set if we are to disable kerning."]
#[doc = "Text direction is right-to-left."]
const RTL_FLAG = 0x08;
#[doc = "Set if word-break is set to keep-all."]
const KEEP_ALL_FLAG = 0x10;
/// Various options that control text shaping.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct ShapingOptions {
/// Spacing to add between each letter. Corresponds to the CSS 2.1 `letter-spacing` property.
/// NB: You will probably want to set the `IGNORE_LIGATURES_SHAPING_FLAG` if this is non-null.
pub letter_spacing: Option<Au>,
/// Spacing to add between each word. Corresponds to the CSS 2.1 `word-spacing` property.
pub word_spacing: (Au, NotNaN<f32>),
/// The Unicode script property of the characters in this run.
pub script: Script,
/// Various flags.
pub flags: ShapingFlags,
/// An entry in the shape cache.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
struct ShapeCacheEntry {
text: String,
options: ShapingOptions,
impl Font {
pub fn shape_text(&mut self, text: &str, options: &ShapingOptions) -> Arc<GlyphStore> {
let this = self as *const Font;
let mut shaper = self.shaper.take();
let lookup_key = ShapeCacheEntry {
text: text.to_owned(),
options: *options,
let result = self.shape_cache.borrow_mut().entry(lookup_key).or_insert_with(|| {
let start_time = time::precise_time_ns();
let mut glyphs = GlyphStore::new(text.len(),
if self.can_do_fast_shaping(text, options) {
debug!("shape_text: Using ASCII fast path.");
self.shape_text_fast(text, options, &mut glyphs);
} else {
debug!("shape_text: Using Harfbuzz.");
if shaper.is_none() {
shaper = Some(Shaper::new(this));
shaper.as_ref().unwrap().shape_text(text, options, &mut glyphs);
let end_time = time::precise_time_ns();
TEXT_SHAPING_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER.fetch_add((end_time - start_time) as usize,
self.shaper = shaper;
fn can_do_fast_shaping(&self, text: &str, options: &ShapingOptions) -> bool {
options.script == Script::Latin &&
!options.flags.contains(ShapingFlags::RTL_FLAG) &&
self.handle.can_do_fast_shaping() &&
/// Fast path for ASCII text that only needs simple horizontal LTR kerning.
fn shape_text_fast(&self, text: &str, options: &ShapingOptions, glyphs: &mut GlyphStore) {
let mut prev_glyph_id = None;
for (i, byte) in text.bytes().enumerate() {
let character = byte as char;
let glyph_id = match self.glyph_index(character) {
Some(id) => id,
None => continue,
let mut advance = Au::from_f64_px(self.glyph_h_advance(glyph_id));
if character == ' ' {
let (length, percent) = options.word_spacing;
advance = (advance + length) + Au((advance.0 as f32 * percent.into_inner()) as i32);
if let Some(letter_spacing) = options.letter_spacing {
advance += letter_spacing;
let offset =|prev| {
let h_kerning = Au::from_f64_px(self.glyph_h_kerning(prev, glyph_id));
advance += h_kerning;
Point2D::new(h_kerning, Au(0))
let glyph = GlyphData::new(glyph_id, advance, offset, true, true);
glyphs.add_glyph_for_byte_index(ByteIndex(i as isize), character, &glyph);
prev_glyph_id = Some(glyph_id);
pub fn table_for_tag(&self, tag: FontTableTag) -> Option<FontTable> {
let result = self.handle.table_for_tag(tag);
let status = if result.is_some() { "Found" } else { "Didn't find" };
debug!("{} font table[{}] with family={}, face={}",
status, tag.tag_to_str(),
self.handle.family_name(), self.handle.face_name().unwrap_or("unavailable".to_owned()));
pub fn glyph_index(&self, codepoint: char) -> Option<GlyphId> {
let codepoint = match self.descriptor.variant {
font_variant_caps::T::SmallCaps => codepoint.to_uppercase().next().unwrap(), //FIXME: #5938
font_variant_caps::T::Normal => codepoint,
pub fn has_glyph_for(&self, codepoint: char) -> bool {
pub fn glyph_h_kerning(&self, first_glyph: GlyphId, second_glyph: GlyphId)
-> FractionalPixel {
self.handle.glyph_h_kerning(first_glyph, second_glyph)
pub fn glyph_h_advance(&self, glyph: GlyphId) -> FractionalPixel {
*self.glyph_advance_cache.borrow_mut().entry(glyph).or_insert_with(|| {
match self.handle.glyph_h_advance(glyph) {
Some(adv) => adv,
None => 10f64 as FractionalPixel // FIXME: Need fallback strategy
pub type FontRef = Rc<RefCell<Font>>;
/// A `FontGroup` is a prioritised list of fonts for a given set of font styles. It is used by
/// `TextRun` to decide which font to render a character with. If none of the fonts listed in the
/// styles are suitable, a fallback font may be used.
pub struct FontGroup {
descriptor: FontDescriptor,
families: SmallVec<[FontGroupFamily; 8]>,
impl FontGroup {
pub fn new(style: &FontStyleStruct) -> FontGroup {
let descriptor = FontDescriptor::from(style);
let families =
.map(|family| FontGroupFamily::new(descriptor.clone(), family.clone()))
FontGroup { descriptor, families }
/// Finds the first font, or else the first fallback font, which contains a glyph for
/// `codepoint`. If no such font is found, returns the first available font or fallback font
/// (which will cause a "glyph not found" character to be rendered). If no font at all can be
/// found, returns None.
pub fn find_by_codepoint<S: FontSource>(
&mut self,
mut font_context: &mut FontContext<S>,
codepoint: char
) -> Option<FontRef> {
self.find(&mut font_context, |font| font.borrow().has_glyph_for(codepoint))
.or_else(|| self.first(&mut font_context))
pub fn first<S: FontSource>(
&mut self,
mut font_context: &mut FontContext<S>
) -> Option<FontRef> {
self.find(&mut font_context, |_| true)
/// Find a font which returns true for `predicate`. This method mutates because we may need to
/// load new font data in the process of finding a suitable font.
fn find<S, P>(
&mut self,
mut font_context: &mut FontContext<S>,
mut predicate: P
) -> Option<FontRef>
S: FontSource,
P: FnMut(&FontRef) -> bool
.filter_map(|family| family.font(&mut font_context))
.find(|f| predicate(f))
.or_else(|| {
/// A `FontGroupFamily` is a single font family in a `FontGroup`. It corresponds to one of the
/// families listed in the `font-family` CSS property. The corresponding font data is lazy-loaded,
/// only if actually needed.
struct FontGroupFamily {
descriptor: FontDescriptor,
family: SingleFontFamily,
loaded: bool,
font: Option<FontRef>,
impl FontGroupFamily {
fn new(descriptor: FontDescriptor, family: SingleFontFamily) -> FontGroupFamily {
FontGroupFamily {
loaded: false,
font: None,
/// Returns the font within this family which matches the style. We'll fetch the data from the
/// `FontContext` the first time this method is called, and return a cached reference on
/// subsequent calls.
fn font<S: FontSource>(&mut self, font_context: &mut FontContext<S>) -> Option<FontRef> {
if !self.loaded {
self.font = font_context.font(&self.descriptor, &;
self.loaded = true;
pub struct RunMetrics {
// may be negative due to negative width (i.e., kerning of '.' in 'P.T.')
pub advance_width: Au,
pub ascent: Au, // nonzero
pub descent: Au, // nonzero
// this bounding box is relative to the left origin baseline.
// so, bounding_box.position.y = -ascent
pub bounding_box: Rect<Au>
impl RunMetrics {
pub fn new(advance: Au, ascent: Au, descent: Au) -> RunMetrics {
let bounds = Rect::new(Point2D::new(Au(0), -ascent),
Size2D::new(advance, ascent + descent));
// TODO(Issue #125): support loose and tight bounding boxes; using the
// ascent+descent and advance is sometimes too generous and
// looking at actual glyph extents can yield a tighter box.
RunMetrics {
advance_width: advance,
bounding_box: bounds,
ascent: ascent,
descent: descent,
pub fn get_and_reset_text_shaping_performance_counter() -> usize {
let value = TEXT_SHAPING_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER.load(Ordering::SeqCst);, Ordering::SeqCst);