gecko-dev/webtools/litmus/js/EditCategories.js fbffe3db10 - updated/added licecse boilerplate to template files;
- use moo.fx js libraries to control collapsable divs for holding instructions and such which are nice to have around but we don't always want to see;
- start on admin tool (edit categories)
- more CSS cleanups
2005-11-18 17:37:38 +00:00

30 lines
831 B

var exists;
var allStretch;
//the main function, call to the effect object
function ec_init(){
var divs = document.getElementsByClassName("collapsable");
allStretch = new fx.MultiFadeSize(divs, {duration: 400});
items = document.getElementsByClassName("display");
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++){
var h3 = items[i];
div = h3.nextSibling;
h3.title = h3.className.replace("display ", "");
if (window.location.href.indexOf(h3.title) < 0) {
allStretch.hide(div, 'height');
if (exists != true) exists = false;
} else
exists = true;
h3.onclick = function() {
allStretch.showThisHideOpen(this.nextSibling, 100, 'height');
if (exists == false) $('products').childNodes[2].fs.toggle('height');