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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
// CSearchWindowBase.h
#pragma once
#include "CMailNewsWindow.h"
#include "LPeriodical.h"
#include "LListener.h"
#include "msg_srch.h"
#include "PascalString.h"
#include "CSearchManager.h"
#include "MailNewsgroupWindow_Defines.h"
class LGAPushButton;
class CPatternProgressCaption;
class CSearchTableView;
const long MAX_SEARCH_MENU_ITEMS = 16;
class CSearchWindowBase : public CMailNewsWindow,
public LPeriodical,
public LListener
typedef CMailNewsWindow Inherited;
// IDs for panes in associated view, also messages that are broadcast to this object
paneID_Search = 'SRCH' // MSG_Pane *, search button
, paneID_Stop = 'STOP' // nil, stop button
, paneID_ResultsEnclosure = 'RENC' // Results enclosure
, paneID_ScopeEnclosure = 'SENC' // Scope enclosure
, paneID_ResultsTable = 'Tabl' // Results table
, paneID_ProgressBar = kMailNewsStatusPaneID // Progress bar
, paneID_SearchOptions = 'SOPT' // Search options dialog
// Stream version number
// This must be changed every time you change the streamed parameters
enum { eValidStreamVersion = 0x000b };
CSearchWindowBase(LStream *inStream, DataIDT inWindowType);
virtual ~CSearchWindowBase();
virtual void SetUpBeforeSelecting() = 0;
static MSG_SearchAttribute AttributeFromDataType(PaneIDT inCellDataType);
static PaneIDT DataTypeFromSortCommand(CommandT inSortCommand);
// Overriden methods
virtual MSG_ScopeAttribute GetWindowScope() const = 0;
virtual void FinishCreateSelf();
virtual Boolean ObeyCommand(CommandT inCommand, void *ioParam = nil);
virtual void FindCommandStatus(CommandT inCommand, Boolean &outEnabled,
Boolean &outUsesMark, Char16 &outMark,
Str255 outName);
virtual void ListenToMessage(MessageT inMessage, void *ioParam = nil);
virtual Boolean HandleKeyPress(const EventRecord &inKeyEvent);
virtual void SpendTime(const EventRecord &inMacEvent);
virtual void DrawSelf();
virtual void SetDescriptor(ConstStr255Param inDescriptor);
virtual void Activate();
virtual void DeactivateSelf();
virtual void AboutToClose();
virtual void SearchOptions() ;
// Utility methods
void RecalcMinMaxStdSizes();
void ShowHideSearchResults(Boolean inDoShow);
void UpdateResultsVertWindExtension();
Boolean IsResultsTableVisible()
return mResultsTableVisible;
Boolean GetDefaultSearchTable( CMailNewsWindow*& outWindow, CMailFlexTable*& outMailFlexTable);
CStr255& GetFolderDisplayName(const char *inFolderName, CStr255& outFolderName);
void MessageSearchParamsResized(Int16 inResizeAmount);
virtual void MessageWindSearch();
virtual void MessageWindStop(Boolean inUserAborted);
void AddOneScopeMenuItem(
Int16 inStringIndex,
Int16 inAttrib);
void AddOneScopeMenuItem(
const CStr255& inString,
Int16 inAttrib);
virtual void ReadWindowStatus(LStream *inStatusData);
virtual void WriteWindowStatus(LStream *outStatusData);
virtual void UpdateTableStatusDisplay();
virtual void SetWinCSID(Int16 wincsid);
virtual UInt16 GetValidStatusVersion() const;
// Instance variables
Int16 mMinVResultsSize;
Int16 mResultsVertWindExtension;
Boolean mResultsTableVisible;
LPane *mResultsEnclosure;
CSearchTableView *mResultsTable;
LGAPushButton *mSearchButton;
Boolean mCanRotateTarget;
CSearchManager mSearchManager;
LArray mSearchFolders;
CPatternProgressCaption *mProgressBar;
Int16 mNumBasicScopeMenuItems;
Int16 mNumMenuItems;
MSG_SearchMenuItem mSearchMenuItems[MAX_SEARCH_MENU_ITEMS];
LGAPushButton *mSearchOptionsButton;
}; // class CSearchWindowBase