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synced 2025-02-28 21:28:55 +00:00
290 lines
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Executable File
290 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bonsai CVS tool.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# Query the CVS database.
use strict;
# Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once". "use vars" just
# doesn't work for me.
sub sillyness {
my $zz;
$zz = $::Setup_String;
$zz = $::script_type;
require 'CGI.pl';
my $CVS_ROOT = $::FORM{"cvsroot"};
$CVS_ROOT = pickDefaultRepository() unless $CVS_ROOT;
$::TreeID = $::FORM{'module'}
if (!exists($::FORM{'treeid'}) &&
exists($::FORM{'module'}) &&
$::TreeID = 'default'
if (!exists($::TreeInfo{$::TreeID}{'repository'}) ||
# get dir, remove leading and trailing slashes
my $dir = $::FORM{"dir"};
$dir = "" unless defined $dir;
$dir = "" if ($dir =~ /^\.\.\/$/);
$dir =~ s/^\/([^:]*)/$1/;
$dir =~ s/([^:]*)\/$/$1/;
my $rev = $::FORM{"rev"};
if(!defined($rev)) {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
my $registryurl = Param('registryurl');
$registryurl =~ s@/$@@;
my $script_str;
$::Setup_String = $script_str;
if( $CVS_ROOT eq "" ){
$CVS_ROOT = pickDefaultRepository();
my $s = "";
if ($rev) {
$s = "for branch <i>$rev</i>";
my $revstr = '';
$revstr = "&rev=$rev" unless $rev eq '';
my $rootstr = '';
$rootstr .= "&cvsroot=$::FORM{'cvsroot'}" if defined $::FORM{'cvsroot'};
$rootstr .= "&module=$::TreeID";
my $module = $::TreeInfo{$::TreeID}{'module'};
my $toplevel = Param('toplevel');
PutsHeader("Repository Directory $toplevel/$dir $s", "");
my $output = "<DIV ALIGN=LEFT>";
$output .= "<A HREF='toplevel.cgi" . BatchIdPart('?') . "'>$toplevel</a>/ ";
my ($dir_head, $dir_tail) = $dir =~ m@(.*/)?(.+)@;
$dir_head = "" unless defined $dir_head;
$dir_tail = "" unless defined $dir_tail;
my $link_path = "";
foreach my $path (split('/',$dir_head)) {
$link_path .= $path;
$output .= "<A HREF='rview.cgi?dir=$link_path$rootstr$revstr'>$path</A>/ ";
$link_path .= '/';
chop ($output);
$output .= " $dir_tail/ $s ";
$output .= "</DIV>";
print $output;
print '<table width="100%"><tr><td width="70%">';
my $other_dir;
($other_dir = $dir) =~ s!^$module/?!!;
my $other_dir_used = 1;
if (-d "$CVS_ROOT/$dir") {
chdir "$CVS_ROOT/$dir";
$other_dir_used = 0;
} elsif (-d "$CVS_ROOT/$other_dir") {
chdir "$CVS_ROOT/$other_dir";
} else {
chdir "$CVS_ROOT";
print "
Goto Directory:
<FORM action=rview.cgi method=get>
<INPUT name=dir value='$dir' size=30>
<INPUT name=rev value='$rev' type=hidden>
<INPUT name=module value='$::TreeID' type=hidden>
<INPUT name=cvsroot value='$CVS_ROOT' type=hidden>
<INPUT type=submit value='chdir'>
<FORM action=rview.cgi method=get><TR><TD>
<INPUT name=rev value='$rev' size=30>
<INPUT name=dir value='$dir' type=hidden>
<INPUT name=module value='$::TreeID' type=hidden>
<INPUT name=cvsroot value='$CVS_ROOT' type=hidden>
<INPUT type=submit value='Set Branch'>
my @dirs = ();
while( <*> ){
if( -d $_ ){
push @dirs, $_;
my $j;
my $split;
if( @dirs != 0 ){
$j = 1;
$split = int(@dirs/4)+1;
print "<P><FONT SIZE=+1><B>Directories:</B></FONT><table><TR VALIGN=TOP><td>";
for my $i (@dirs){
$::FORM{"dir"} = ($dir ne "" ? "$dir/$i" : $i);
my $anchor = &make_cgi_args;
print "<dt><a href=rview.cgi${anchor}>$i</a>\n";
if( $j % $split == 0 ){
print "\n<td>\n";
$::FORM{"dir"} = $dir;
print "\n</tr></table>\n";
print "<P><FONT SIZE=+1><B>Files:</B></FONT>";
print "<table><TR VALIGN=TOP><td>";
my @files = <*,v>;
$j = 1;
$split = int(@files/4)+1;
for $_ (@files){
$_ =~ s/\,v//;
print qq{<dt><a href="$registryurl/file.cgi?cvsroot=$CVS_ROOT&file=$_&dir=$dir$revstr"}
. " onclick=\"return js_file_menu('$dir','$_','$rev','$CVS_ROOT',event)\">\n";
print "$_</a>\n";
if( $j % $split == 0 ){
print "\n</td><td>\n";
print "\n</tr></table>\n</td><td>";
print "\n</td></tr></table>\n";
sub setup_script {
$script_str = qq%
<script $::script_type><!--
var event = new Object;
function js_who_menu(n,extra,d) {
if( parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4 ||
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1 ){
return true;
l = document.layers['popup'];
if(d.target.y > window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset - l.clip.height) {
l.top = (window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset - l.clip.height);
} else {
l.top = d.target.y - 6;
l.left = d.target.x - 6;
if( l.left + l.clipWidth > window.width ){
l.left = window.width - l.clipWidth;
return false;
function js_file_menu(dir,file,rev,root,d) {
if( parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 4 ||
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1 ){
return true;
l = document.layers['popup'];
if(d.target.y > window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset - l.clip.height) {
l.top = (window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset - l.clip.height);
} else {
l.top = d.target.y - 6;
l.left = d.target.x - 6;
if( l.left + l.clipWidth > window.width ){
l.left = window.width - l.clipWidth;
return false;
<layer name="popup" onMouseOut="this.visibility='hide';" left=0 top=0 bgcolor="#ffffff" visibility="hide">