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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
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* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
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* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
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* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
// dropmenu.h
// Provides the interface for a popup menu in which you can drag and drop
// Created by Scott Putterman on 9/10/96
#ifndef _DROPMENU_H
#define _DROPMENU_H
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "tlbutton.h"
#include "cxicon.h"
typedef enum {eABOVE=1, eON=2, eBELOW=3, eNONE} MenuSelectionType;
class CDropMenuButton : public CStationaryToolbarButton {
BOOL m_bButtonPressed; // have had a mouse down
BOOL m_bMenuShowing; // is the menu showing
BOOL m_bFirstTime; // is this the first time we've moved after a mouse up
// Generated message map functions
virtual afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
virtual afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
virtual afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
virtual afx_msg LRESULT OnMenuClosed(WPARAM, LPARAM);
class CDropMenu;
class CDropMenuItem {
CString m_szText;
UINT m_nCommandID;
void* m_pCustomIcon; // An icon can be drawn instead of using bitmaps
IconType m_nIconType; // The icon type.
HBITMAP m_hUnselectedBitmap; // Just like the toolbar buttons (DWH)
HBITMAP m_hSelectedBitmap;
CDropMenu * m_pSubMenu;
BOOL m_bIsSeparator;
CSize m_unselectedBitmapSize;
CSize m_selectedBitmapSize;
CSize m_textSize;
CSize m_totalSize;
CRect m_menuItemRect;
BOOL m_bShowFeedback; //Does this show selection information
BOOL m_bIsEmpty; //Is the submenu empty
int m_nColumn; //The column in the menu this item is in
void * m_pUserData;
CDropMenuItem(UINT nFlags, CString szText, UINT nCommandID,
HBITMAP hUnselectedBitmap, HBITMAP hSelectedBitmap, BOOL bShowFeedback,
void *pUserData = NULL);
CDropMenuItem(UINT nFlags, CString szText, UINT nCommandID, CDropMenu *pSubMenu, BOOL bIsEmpty,
HBITMAP hUnselectedBitmap, HBITMAP hSelectedBitmap, BOOL bShowFeedback,
void *pUserData = NULL);
CDropMenu *GetSubMenu(void) { return m_pSubMenu; }
CString GetText(void) { return m_szText; }
UINT GetCommand(void) { return m_nCommandID; }
HBITMAP GetUnselectedBitmap(void) { return m_hUnselectedBitmap; }
HBITMAP GetSelectedBitmap(void) { return m_hSelectedBitmap; }
BOOL IsSeparator(void) { return m_bIsSeparator; }
BOOL IsSubMenu(void) { return m_pSubMenu != NULL && !m_bIsSeparator; }
BOOL IsMenuItem(void) { return m_pSubMenu == NULL && !m_bIsSeparator; }
BOOL IsEmpty(void) { return m_bIsEmpty; }
CSize GetUnselectedBitmapSize(void) { return m_unselectedBitmapSize; }
void SetUnselectedBitmapSize(CSize bitmapSize) { m_unselectedBitmapSize = bitmapSize; }
CSize GetSelectedBitmapSize(void) { return m_selectedBitmapSize; }
void SetSelectedBitmapSize(CSize bitmapSize) { m_selectedBitmapSize = bitmapSize; }
CSize GetTextSize(void) { return m_textSize; }
void SetTextSize(CSize textSize) { m_textSize = textSize; }
CSize GetTotalSize(void) { return m_totalSize; }
void SetTotalSize(CSize totalSize) { m_totalSize = totalSize; }
void GetMenuItemRect(LPRECT rect);
void SetMenuItemRect(LPRECT rect);
BOOL GetShowFeedback(void) { return m_bShowFeedback;}
void SetColumn(int nColumn) { m_nColumn = nColumn; }
int GetColumn(void) { return m_nColumn; }
void * GetUserData(void) { return m_pUserData; }
void SetIcon(void* pIcon, IconType iconType) { m_pCustomIcon = pIcon; m_nIconType = iconType; }
HICON GetLocalFileIcon() { return (HICON)m_pCustomIcon; }
CRDFImage* GetCustomIcon() { return (CRDFImage*)m_pCustomIcon; }
IconType GetIconType() { return m_nIconType; }
#define PT_REFRESH WM_USER + 62
class CDropMenuDropTarget : public COleDropTarget
CWnd *m_pOwner;
CDropMenuDropTarget(CWnd *pOwner);
virtual DROPEFFECT OnDragEnter(CWnd * pWnd,
COleDataObject * pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point);
virtual DROPEFFECT OnDragOver(CWnd * pWnd,
COleDataObject * pDataObject, DWORD dwKeyState, CPoint point );
virtual BOOL OnDrop(CWnd * pWnd, COleDataObject * pDataObject,
DROPEFFECT dropEffect, CPoint point);
class CDropMenuColumn {
int m_nFirstItem;
int m_nLastItem;
int m_nWidth;
int m_nHeight;
int m_nWidestImage;
BOOL m_bHasSubMenu;
CDropMenuColumn(int nFirstItem, int nLastItem, int nWidth, int nHeight);
CDropMenuColumn() {;}
void SetFirstItem(int nFirstItem) { m_nFirstItem = nFirstItem; }
int GetFirstItem(void) { return m_nFirstItem; }
void SetLastItem(int nLastItem) { m_nLastItem = nLastItem; }
int GetLastItem(void) { return m_nLastItem; }
void SetWidth(int nWidth) { m_nWidth = nWidth; }
int GetWidth(void) { return m_nWidth; }
void SetHeight(int nHeight) { m_nHeight = nHeight; }
int GetHeight(void) { return m_nHeight; }
void SetWidestImage(int nWidestImage) { m_nWidestImage = nWidestImage; }
int GetWidestImage(void) { return m_nWidestImage; }
void SetHasSubMenu(BOOL bHasSubMenu) {m_bHasSubMenu = bHasSubMenu; }
BOOL GetHasSubMenu(void) { return m_bHasSubMenu; }
class CDropMenuDragData
CPoint m_PointHit; // Added by Dave H. In our RDF world, we need to give drag feedback
MenuSelectionType eSelType; // in the drop menus, since some drops won't be allowed.
COleDataObject* m_pDataSource;
UINT m_nCommand;
DROPEFFECT m_DropEffect;
CDropMenuDragData(COleDataObject* pDataSource, const CPoint& point)
:m_pDataSource(pDataSource), m_PointHit(point) { m_DropEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE; };
class CDropMenu: public CWnd, public CCustomImageObject {
CPtrArray m_pMenuItemArray;
CPtrArray m_pColumnArray;
int m_WidestImage;
int m_WidestText;
int m_nSelectedItem;
MenuSelectionType m_eSelectedItemSelType; //is selection above, on, below or on?
CWnd *m_pParent; //The real parent of this menu (could me some other window)
CDropMenu *m_pMenuParent; //The menu parent of this menu (if its real parent is
//another type of window, this is NULL
CDropMenu *m_pShowingSubmenu; //The current submenu that is showing
CDropMenuDropTarget *m_pDropTarget;
HBITMAP m_hSubmenuUnselectedBitmap;
HBITMAP m_hSubmenuSelectedBitmap;
BOOL m_bShowing; //even though it may be showing on screen, is it a submenu
//that has been killed and is just waiting the specified delay time
BOOL m_bAboutToShow; //A submenu that is about to be opened but is not yet on the screen.
BOOL m_bHasSubMenu; //does this menu have at least one submenu
BOOL m_bNotDestroyed;
BOOL m_bDropOccurring; //Have we just been dropped on
BOOL m_bMouseUsed; //Is the mouse or keyboard being used
BOOL m_bDragging; //Is this menu being displayed for drag and drop
CDropMenuItem *m_pUnselectedItem; //Which menu has most recently been unselected
UINT m_nUnselectTimer; //the unselected menu timer
CDropMenuItem *m_pSelectedItem; //Which menu has most recently been selected
UINT m_nSelectTimer; //the selected menu timer
UINT m_nHaveFocusTimer;
BOOL m_bRight; //is this window to the right of its parent
BOOL m_bIsOpen; //Are we currently open
BOOL m_bShowFeedback; //Does this draw feedback above and below menu item
HHOOK m_mouseHook;
CDropMenuItem *m_pOverflowMenuItem; //The overflow menu item;
int m_nLastVisibleColumn; //The last column that will show up on the screen before it overflows
BOOL m_bFirstPaint;
CDropMenuItem *m_pParentMenuItem; //The menu item this submenu belongs to
void * m_pUserData; // User data attached to the menu item
UINT GetMenuItemCount();
void LoadComplete(HT_Resource r);
void AppendMenu(UINT nFlags, UINT nIDNewItem, CString szText, BOOL bShowFeedback, HBITMAP hUnselectedBitmap, HBITMAP hSelectedBitmap = NULL,
void* pCustomIcon = NULL, IconType iconType = BUILTIN_BITMAP, void *pUserData = NULL);
void AppendMenu(UINT nFlags, UINT nIDNewItem, CDropMenu *pSubMenu, BOOL bIsEmpty,
CString szText, BOOL bShowFeedback, HBITMAP pUnselectedBitmap, HBITMAP hSelectedBitmap = NULL,
void* pCustomIcon = NULL, IconType iconType = BUILTIN_BITMAP, void *pUserData = NULL);
void DeleteMenu(UINT nPosition, UINT nFlags);
void CreateOverflowMenuItem(UINT nCommand, CString szText, HBITMAP hUnselectedBitmap, HBITMAP hSelectedBitmap = NULL);
BOOL IsOpen(void) { return m_bIsOpen; }
BOOL IsDragging(void) { return m_bDragging;}
int GetSelected(void) { return m_nSelectedItem; }
int Create(CWnd *pParent, int x, int y);
void TrackDropMenu(CWnd* pParent, int x, int y, BOOL bDragging = FALSE, CDropMenuDropTarget *pDropTarget = NULL, BOOL bShowFeedback = FALSE, int oppX = -1, int oppY = -1);
BOOL PointInMenus(POINT pt);
BOOL IsShowingMenu(HWND hwnd);
void HandleKeystroke(WPARAM key);
virtual BOOL OnCommand( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
void Deactivate(void);
void SetUserData(void *pUserData) { m_pUserData = pUserData; }
void *GetUserData(void) { return m_pUserData; }
void PostNcDestroy(void );
void DestroyDropMenu(void);
static CDropMenu* GetLastDropMenu(); // Handle to the gLastMenu var.
static void SetLastDropMenu(CDropMenu* menu); // Sets the gLastMenu var.
void DrawSeparator(HDC hDC, int x, int y, int nWidth);
void DrawVerticalSeparator(HDC hDC, int x, int y, int nHeight);
void DrawBorders(HDC hDC, CRect rcClient);
void SetDropMenuTarget(CDropMenuDropTarget *pDropTarget);
virtual CSize GetMenuSize(void);
virtual CSize CalculateColumn(CDropMenuColumn *pColumn, int nStartX);
int AddOverflowItem(int nColumn, int nStartX);
virtual void CalculateItemDimensions(void);
virtual void CalculateOneItemsDimensions(CDropMenuItem* item);
virtual CSize MeasureBitmap(HBITMAP hBitmap);
virtual CSize MeasureText(CString text);
virtual CSize MeasureItem(CDropMenuItem *pItem);
virtual void DrawItem(CDropMenuColumn *pColumn, CDropMenuItem *pItem, CRect rc, HDC hDC, BOOL bIsSelected, MenuSelectionType eSelType);
virtual CSize DrawImage(CDC * pDC, const CRect & rect, CDropMenuColumn *pColumn, CDropMenuItem * pItem, BOOL bIsSelected,
MenuSelectionType eSelType);
virtual CDropMenuDropTarget *GetDropMenuDropTarget(CWnd *pOwner);
void ChangeSelection(CPoint point);
int FindSelection(CPoint point, MenuSelectionType &eSelType);
int FindSelectionInColumn(CDropMenuColumn *pColumn, CPoint point, MenuSelectionType &eSelType);
MenuSelectionType FindSelectionType(CDropMenuItem *pItem, int y, int nHeight);
void SelectMenuItem(int nItemIndex, BOOL bIsSelected, BOOL bHandleSubmenus, MenuSelectionType eSelType);
BOOL NoSubmenusShowing(void);
CDropMenu *GetMenuParent(void);
BOOL IsDescendant(CWnd *pDescendant);
BOOL IsAncestor(CWnd *pAncestor);
void DropMenuTrackDropMenu(CDropMenu *pParent, int x, int y, BOOL bDragging, CDropMenuDropTarget *pDropTarget,
BOOL bShowFeedback, int oppX =- 1, int oppY = -1);
virtual BOOL DestroyWindow(void);
BOOL ShowWindow( int nCmdShow );
int FindCommand(UINT nCommand);
CPoint FindStartPoint(int x, int y, CSize size, int oppX = -1, int oppY = -1);
void HandleUpArrow(void);
void HandleDownArrow(void);
void HandleLeftArrow(void);
void HandleRightArrow(void);
void HandleReturnKey(void);
void ShowSubmenu(CDropMenuItem * pItem);
int FindMenuItemPosition(CDropMenuItem* pMenuItem);
void InvalidateMenuItemRect(CDropMenuItem *pMenuItem);
void InvalidateMenuItemIconRect(CDropMenuItem *pMenuItem);
void KeepMenuAroundIfClosing(void);
void SetSubmenuBitmaps(HBITMAP hSelectedBitmap, HBITMAP hUnselectedBitmap);
CWnd *GetTopLevelParent(void);
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnPaint();
virtual afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
virtual afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
virtual afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg UINT OnNcHitTest( CPoint point );
afx_msg LRESULT OnDropTargetDropOccurred(WPARAM, LPARAM);
afx_msg LRESULT OnDropTargetDraggingOccurred(WPARAM, LPARAM);
afx_msg LRESULT OnCloseAllMenus(WPARAM, LPARAM);
afx_msg void OnTimer( UINT nIDEvent );
afx_msg void OnActivate( UINT nState, CWnd* pWndOther, BOOL bMinimized );
afx_msg void OnDestroy( );