Eitan Isaacson cd4a3691f1 Bug 1769586 - P3: Rename IDRefsIterator AssociatedElementsIterator. r=Jamie
The iterator uses both explicitly set element attributes and content attributes
with IDs to iterate over all associated elements

Differential Revision:
2024-09-15 22:39:53 +00:00

442 lines
15 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "CachedTableAccessible.h"
#include "AccIterator.h"
#include "HTMLTableAccessible.h"
#include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "nsAccUtils.h"
#include "nsIAccessiblePivot.h"
#include "Pivot.h"
#include "RemoteAccessible.h"
namespace mozilla::a11y {
// Used to search for table descendants relevant to table structure.
class TablePartRule : public PivotRule {
virtual uint16_t Match(Accessible* aAcc) override {
role accRole = aAcc->Role();
if (accRole == roles::CAPTION || aAcc->IsTableCell()) {
return nsIAccessibleTraversalRule::FILTER_MATCH |
if (aAcc->IsTableRow()) {
return nsIAccessibleTraversalRule::FILTER_MATCH;
if (aAcc->IsTable() ||
// Generic containers.
accRole == roles::TEXT || accRole == roles::TEXT_CONTAINER ||
accRole == roles::SECTION ||
// Row groups.
accRole == roles::ROWGROUP) {
// Walk inside these, but don't match them.
return nsIAccessibleTraversalRule::FILTER_IGNORE;
return nsIAccessibleTraversalRule::FILTER_IGNORE |
// The Accessible* keys should only be used for lookup. They should not be
// dereferenced.
using CachedTablesMap = nsTHashMap<Accessible*, CachedTableAccessible>;
// We use a global map rather than a map in each document for three reasons:
// 1. We don't have a common base class for local and remote documents.
// 2. It avoids wasting memory in a document that doesn't have any tables.
// 3. It allows the cache management to be encapsulated here in
// CachedTableAccessible.
static StaticAutoPtr<CachedTablesMap> sCachedTables;
/* static */
CachedTableAccessible* CachedTableAccessible::GetFrom(Accessible* aAcc) {
if (!sCachedTables) {
sCachedTables = new CachedTablesMap();
return &sCachedTables->LookupOrInsertWith(
aAcc, [&] { return CachedTableAccessible(aAcc); });
/* static */
void CachedTableAccessible::Invalidate(Accessible* aAcc) {
if (!sCachedTables) {
if (Accessible* table = nsAccUtils::TableFor(aAcc)) {
// Destroy the instance (if any). We'll create a new one the next time it
// is requested.
CachedTableAccessible::CachedTableAccessible(Accessible* aAcc) : mAcc(aAcc) {
// Build the cache. The cache can only be built once per instance. When it's
// invalidated, we just throw away the instance and create a new one when
// the cache is next needed.
int32_t rowIdx = -1;
uint32_t colIdx = 0;
// Maps a column index to the cell index of its previous implicit column
// header.
nsTHashMap<uint32_t, uint32_t> prevColHeaders;
Pivot pivot(mAcc);
TablePartRule rule;
for (Accessible* part = pivot.Next(mAcc, rule); part;
part = pivot.Next(part, rule)) {
role partRole = part->Role();
if (partRole == roles::CAPTION) {
// If there are multiple captions, use the first.
if (!mCaptionAccID) {
mCaptionAccID = part->ID();
if (part->IsTableRow()) {
colIdx = 0;
// This might be an empty row, so ensure a row here, as our row count is
// based on the length of mRowColToCellIdx.
if (rowIdx == -1) {
// We haven't created a row yet, so this cell must be outside a row.
// Check for a cell spanning multiple rows which already occupies this
// position. Keep incrementing until we find a vacant position.
for (;;) {
EnsureRowCol(rowIdx, colIdx);
if (mRowColToCellIdx[rowIdx][colIdx] == kNoCellIdx) {
// This position is not occupied.
// This position is occupied.
// Create the cell.
uint32_t cellIdx = mCells.Length();
auto prevColHeader = prevColHeaders.MaybeGet(colIdx);
auto cell = mCells.AppendElement(
CachedTableCellAccessible(part->ID(), part, rowIdx, colIdx,
prevColHeader ? *prevColHeader : kNoCellIdx));
mAccToCellIdx.InsertOrUpdate(part, cellIdx);
// Update our row/col map.
// This cell might span multiple rows and/or columns. In that case, we need
// to occupy multiple coordinates in the row/col map.
uint32_t lastRowForCell =
static_cast<uint32_t>(rowIdx) + cell->RowExtent() - 1;
MOZ_ASSERT(lastRowForCell >= static_cast<uint32_t>(rowIdx));
uint32_t lastColForCell = colIdx + cell->ColExtent() - 1;
MOZ_ASSERT(lastColForCell >= colIdx);
for (uint32_t spannedRow = static_cast<uint32_t>(rowIdx);
spannedRow <= lastRowForCell; ++spannedRow) {
for (uint32_t spannedCol = colIdx; spannedCol <= lastColForCell;
++spannedCol) {
EnsureRowCol(spannedRow, spannedCol);
auto& rowCol = mRowColToCellIdx[spannedRow][spannedCol];
// If a cell already occupies this position, it overlaps with this one;
// e.g. r1..2c2 and r2c1..2. In that case, we want to prefer the first
// cell.
if (rowCol == kNoCellIdx) {
rowCol = cellIdx;
if (partRole == roles::COLUMNHEADER) {
for (uint32_t spannedCol = colIdx; spannedCol <= lastColForCell;
++spannedCol) {
prevColHeaders.InsertOrUpdate(spannedCol, cellIdx);
// Increment for the next cell.
colIdx = lastColForCell + 1;
void CachedTableAccessible::EnsureRow(uint32_t aRowIdx) {
if (mRowColToCellIdx.Length() <= aRowIdx) {
mRowColToCellIdx.AppendElements(aRowIdx - mRowColToCellIdx.Length() + 1);
MOZ_ASSERT(mRowColToCellIdx.Length() > aRowIdx);
void CachedTableAccessible::EnsureRowCol(uint32_t aRowIdx, uint32_t aColIdx) {
auto& row = mRowColToCellIdx[aRowIdx];
if (mColCount <= aColIdx) {
mColCount = aColIdx + 1;
for (uint32_t newCol = row.Length(); newCol <= aColIdx; ++newCol) {
// An entry doesn't yet exist for this column in this row.
MOZ_ASSERT(row.Length() > aColIdx);
Accessible* CachedTableAccessible::Caption() const {
if (mCaptionAccID) {
Accessible* caption = nsAccUtils::GetAccessibleByID(
nsAccUtils::DocumentFor(mAcc), mCaptionAccID);
MOZ_ASSERT(caption, "Dead caption Accessible!");
MOZ_ASSERT(caption->Role() == roles::CAPTION, "Caption has wrong role");
return caption;
return nullptr;
void CachedTableAccessible::Summary(nsString& aSummary) {
if (Caption()) {
// If there's a caption, we map caption to Name and summary to Description.
} else {
// If there's no caption, we map summary to Name.
Accessible* CachedTableAccessible::CellAt(uint32_t aRowIdx, uint32_t aColIdx) {
int32_t cellIdx = CellIndexAt(aRowIdx, aColIdx);
if (cellIdx == -1) {
return nullptr;
return mCells[cellIdx].Acc(mAcc);
bool CachedTableAccessible::IsProbablyLayoutTable() {
if (RemoteAccessible* remoteAcc = mAcc->AsRemote()) {
return remoteAcc->TableIsProbablyForLayout();
if (auto* localTable = HTMLTableAccessible::GetFrom(mAcc->AsLocal())) {
return localTable->IsProbablyLayoutTable();
return false;
/* static */
CachedTableCellAccessible* CachedTableCellAccessible::GetFrom(
Accessible* aAcc) {
for (Accessible* parent = aAcc; parent; parent = parent->Parent()) {
if (parent->IsDoc()) {
break; // Never cross document boundaries.
TableAccessible* table = parent->AsTable();
if (!table) {
if (LocalAccessible* local = parent->AsLocal()) {
nsIContent* content = local->GetContent();
if (content && content->IsXULElement()) {
// XUL tables don't use CachedTableAccessible.
// Non-XUL tables only use CachedTableAccessible.
auto* cachedTable = static_cast<CachedTableAccessible*>(table);
if (auto cellIdx = cachedTable->mAccToCellIdx.Lookup(aAcc)) {
return &cachedTable->mCells[*cellIdx];
// We found a table, but it doesn't know about this cell. This can happen
// if a cell is outside of a row due to authoring error. We must not search
// ancestor tables, since this cell's data is not valid there and vice
// versa.
return nullptr;
Accessible* CachedTableCellAccessible::Acc(Accessible* aTableAcc) const {
Accessible* acc =
nsAccUtils::GetAccessibleByID(nsAccUtils::DocumentFor(aTableAcc), mAccID);
MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(acc == mAcc, "Cell's cached mAcc is dead!");
return acc;
TableAccessible* CachedTableCellAccessible::Table() const {
for (const Accessible* acc = mAcc; acc; acc = acc->Parent()) {
// Since the caller has this cell, the table is already created, so it's
// okay to ignore the const restriction here.
if (TableAccessible* table = const_cast<Accessible*>(acc)->AsTable()) {
return table;
return nullptr;
uint32_t CachedTableCellAccessible::ColExtent() const {
if (RemoteAccessible* remoteAcc = mAcc->AsRemote()) {
if (RequestDomainsIfInactive(CacheDomain::Table)) {
return 1;
if (remoteAcc->mCachedFields) {
if (auto colSpan = remoteAcc->mCachedFields->GetAttribute<int32_t>(
CacheKey::ColSpan)) {
MOZ_ASSERT(*colSpan > 0);
return *colSpan;
} else if (auto* cell = HTMLTableCellAccessible::GetFrom(mAcc->AsLocal())) {
// For HTML table cells, we must use the HTMLTableCellAccessible
// GetColExtent method rather than using the DOM attributes directly.
// This is because of things like rowspan="0" which depend on knowing
// about thead, tbody, etc., which is info we don't have in the a11y tree.
uint32_t colExtent = cell->ColExtent();
MOZ_ASSERT(colExtent > 0);
if (colExtent > 0) {
return colExtent;
return 1;
uint32_t CachedTableCellAccessible::RowExtent() const {
if (RemoteAccessible* remoteAcc = mAcc->AsRemote()) {
if (RequestDomainsIfInactive(CacheDomain::Table)) {
return 1;
if (remoteAcc->mCachedFields) {
if (auto rowSpan = remoteAcc->mCachedFields->GetAttribute<int32_t>(
CacheKey::RowSpan)) {
MOZ_ASSERT(*rowSpan > 0);
return *rowSpan;
} else if (auto* cell = HTMLTableCellAccessible::GetFrom(mAcc->AsLocal())) {
// For HTML table cells, we must use the HTMLTableCellAccessible
// GetRowExtent method rather than using the DOM attributes directly.
// This is because of things like rowspan="0" which depend on knowing
// about thead, tbody, etc., which is info we don't have in the a11y tree.
uint32_t rowExtent = cell->RowExtent();
MOZ_ASSERT(rowExtent > 0);
if (rowExtent > 0) {
return rowExtent;
return 1;
UniquePtr<AccIterable> CachedTableCellAccessible::GetExplicitHeadersIterator() {
if (RemoteAccessible* remoteAcc = mAcc->AsRemote()) {
if (RequestDomainsIfInactive(CacheDomain::Table)) {
return nullptr;
if (remoteAcc->mCachedFields) {
if (auto headers =
CacheKey::CellHeaders)) {
return MakeUnique<RemoteAccIterator>(*headers, remoteAcc->Document());
} else if (LocalAccessible* localAcc = mAcc->AsLocal()) {
return MakeUnique<AssociatedElementsIterator>(
localAcc->Document(), localAcc->GetContent(), nsGkAtoms::headers);
return nullptr;
void CachedTableCellAccessible::ColHeaderCells(nsTArray<Accessible*>* aCells) {
auto* table = static_cast<CachedTableAccessible*>(Table());
if (!table) {
if (mAcc->IsRemote() && RequestDomainsIfInactive(CacheDomain::Table)) {
if (auto iter = GetExplicitHeadersIterator()) {
while (Accessible* header = iter->Next()) {
role headerRole = header->Role();
if (headerRole == roles::COLUMNHEADER) {
} else if (headerRole != roles::ROWHEADER) {
// Treat this cell as a column header only if it's in the same column.
if (auto cellIdx = table->mAccToCellIdx.Lookup(header)) {
CachedTableCellAccessible& cell = table->mCells[*cellIdx];
if (cell.ColIdx() == ColIdx()) {
if (!aCells->IsEmpty()) {
Accessible* doc = nsAccUtils::DocumentFor(table->AsAccessible());
// Each cell stores its previous implicit column header, effectively forming a
// linked list. We traverse that to get all the headers.
CachedTableCellAccessible* cell = this;
for (;;) {
if (cell->mPrevColHeaderCellIdx == kNoCellIdx) {
break; // No more headers.
cell = &table->mCells[cell->mPrevColHeaderCellIdx];
Accessible* cellAcc = nsAccUtils::GetAccessibleByID(doc, cell->mAccID);
void CachedTableCellAccessible::RowHeaderCells(nsTArray<Accessible*>* aCells) {
auto* table = static_cast<CachedTableAccessible*>(Table());
if (!table) {
if (auto iter = GetExplicitHeadersIterator()) {
while (Accessible* header = iter->Next()) {
role headerRole = header->Role();
if (headerRole == roles::ROWHEADER) {
} else if (headerRole != roles::COLUMNHEADER) {
// Treat this cell as a row header only if it's in the same row.
if (auto cellIdx = table->mAccToCellIdx.Lookup(header)) {
CachedTableCellAccessible& cell = table->mCells[*cellIdx];
if (cell.RowIdx() == RowIdx()) {
if (!aCells->IsEmpty()) {
Accessible* doc = nsAccUtils::DocumentFor(table->AsAccessible());
// We don't cache implicit row headers because there are usually not that many
// cells per row. Get all the row headers on the row before this cell.
uint32_t row = RowIdx();
uint32_t thisCol = ColIdx();
for (uint32_t col = thisCol - 1; col < thisCol; --col) {
int32_t cellIdx = table->CellIndexAt(row, col);
if (cellIdx == -1) {
CachedTableCellAccessible& cell = table->mCells[cellIdx];
Accessible* cellAcc = nsAccUtils::GetAccessibleByID(doc, cell.mAccID);
// cell might span multiple columns. We don't want to visit it multiple
// times, so ensure col is set to cell's starting column.
col = cell.ColIdx();
if (cellAcc->Role() != roles::ROWHEADER) {
bool CachedTableCellAccessible::Selected() {
return mAcc->State() & states::SELECTED;
} // namespace mozilla::a11y