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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Calendar views code
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* the Mozilla Calendar Squad
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Vladimir Vukicevic <vladimir.vukicevic@oracle.com>
* Joey Minta <jminta@gmail.com>
* Michael Buettner <michael.buettner@sun.com>
* gekacheka@yahoo.com
* Matthew Willis <lilmatt@mozilla.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
var calendarViewController = {
QueryInterface: function(aIID) {
if (!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.calICalendarViewController) &&
!aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) {
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
createNewEvent: function (aCalendar, aStartTime, aEndTime) {
// XXX If we're adding an item from the view, let's make sure that
// XXX the calendar in question is visible!
// XXX unify these
if (!aCalendar) {
if ("ltnSelectedCalendar" in window) {
aCalendar = ltnSelectedCalendar();
} else {
aCalendar = getSelectedCalendarOrNull();
// if we're given both times, skip the dialog
if (aStartTime && aEndTime && !aStartTime.isDate && !aEndTime.isDate) {
var event = createEvent();
event.startDate = aStartTime;
event.endDate = aEndTime;
var sbs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"]
var props = sbs.createBundle("chrome://calendar/locale/calendar.properties");
event.title = props.GetStringFromName("newEvent");
doTransaction('add', event, aCalendar, null, null);
} else if (aStartTime && aStartTime.isDate) {
var event = createEvent();
event.startDate = aStartTime;
doTransaction('add', event, aCalendar, null, null);
} else {
// default pop up the dialog
var date;
if (aStartTime) {
date = aStartTime;
} else {
date = currentView().selectedDay.clone();
date.isDate = false;
createEventWithDialog(aCalendar, date, null);
modifyOccurrence: function (aOccurrence, aNewStartTime, aNewEndTime, aNewTitle) {
// if modifying this item directly (e.g. just dragged to new time),
// then do so; otherwise pop up the dialog
if ((aNewStartTime && aNewEndTime) || aNewTitle) {
var instance = aOccurrence.clone();
if (aNewTitle) {
instance.title = aNewTitle;
// When we made the executive decision (in bug 352862) that
// dragging an occurrence of a recurring event would _only_ act
// upon _that_ occurrence, we removed a bunch of code from this
// function. If we ever revert that decision, check CVS history
// here to get that code back.
if (aNewStartTime) { // we know we have aEndTime too then
// Yay for variable names that make this next line look silly
if (instance instanceof Components.interfaces.calIEvent) {
instance.startDate = aNewStartTime;
instance.endDate = aNewEndTime;
} else {
instance.entryDate = aNewStartTime;
instance.dueDate = aNewEndTime;
doTransaction('modify', instance, instance.calendar, aOccurrence, null);
} else {
// prompt for choice between occurrence and master for recurrent items
var itemToEdit = getOccurrenceOrParent(aOccurrence);
if (!itemToEdit) {
return; // user cancelled
deleteOccurrence: function (aOccurrence) {
var itemToDelete = getOccurrenceOrParent(aOccurrence);
if (!itemToDelete) {
if (!itemToDelete.parentItem.hasSameIds(itemToDelete)) {
var event = itemToDelete.parentItem.clone();
doTransaction('modify', event, event.calendar, itemToDelete.parentItem, null);
} else {
doTransaction('delete', itemToDelete, itemToDelete.calendar, null, null);
function switchToView(aViewType) {
var viewDeck = getViewDeck();
var selectedDay;
var currentSelection = [];
try {
selectedDay = viewDeck.selectedPanel.selectedDay;
currentSelection = viewDeck.selectedPanel.getSelectedItems({});
} catch(ex) {
// This dies if no view has even been chosen this session, but that's
// ok because we'll just use now() below.
if (!selectedDay)
selectedDay = now();
// Anyone wanting to plug in a view needs to follow this naming scheme
var view = document.getElementById(aViewType+"-view");
viewDeck.selectedPanel = view;
var compositeCal = getCompositeCalendar();
if (view.displayCalendar != compositeCal) {
view.displayCalendar = compositeCal;
view.timezone = calendarDefaultTimezone();
view.controller = calendarViewController;
view.setSelectedItems(currentSelection.length, currentSelection);
function moveView(aNumber) {
// Helper function to get the view deck in a neutral way, regardless of whether
// we're in Sunbird or Lightning.
function getViewDeck() {
var sbDeck = document.getElementById("view-deck");
var ltnDeck = document.getElementById("calendar-view-box");
return sbDeck || ltnDeck;
function currentView() {
return getViewDeck().selectedPanel;
/** Creates a timer that will fire after midnight. Pass in a function as
* aRefreshCallback that should be called at that time.
function scheduleMidnightUpdate(aRefreshCallback) {
var jsNow = new Date();
var tomorrow = new Date(jsNow.getFullYear(), jsNow.getMonth(), jsNow.getDate() + 1);
var msUntilTomorrow = tomorrow.getTime() - jsNow.getTime();
// Is an nsITimer/callback extreme overkill here? Yes, but it's necessary to
// workaround bug 291386. If we don't, we stand a decent chance of getting
// stuck in an infinite loop.
var udCallback = {
notify: function(timer) {
var timer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/timer;1"]
timer.initWithCallback(udCallback, msUntilTomorrow, timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
// Returns the actual style sheet object with the specified path. Callers are
// responsible for any caching they may want to do.
function getStyleSheet(aStyleSheetPath) {
for each (var sheet in document.styleSheets) {
if (sheet.href == aStyleSheetPath) {
return sheet;
// Updates the style rules for a particular object. If the object is a
// category (and hence doesn't have a uri), we set the border color. If
// it's a calendar, we set the background color
function updateStyleSheetForObject(aObject, aSheet) {
var selectorPrefix, name, ruleUpdaterFunc;
if (aObject.uri) {
// This is a calendar, so we're going to set the background color
name = aObject.uri.spec;
selectorPrefix = "item-calendar=";
ruleUpdaterFunc = function calendarRuleFunc(aRule, aIndex) {
var color = getCalendarManager().getCalendarPref(aObject, 'color');
if (!color) {
color = "#A8C2E1";
aRule.style.backgroundColor = color;
aRule.style.color = getContrastingTextColor(color);
} else {
// This is a category, where we set the border. Also note that we
// use the ~= selector, since there could be multiple categories
name = aObject.replace(' ','_');
selectorPrefix = "item-category~=";
ruleUpdaterFunc = function categoryRuleFunc(aRule, aIndex) {
var color = getPrefSafe("calendar.category.color."+aObject, null);
if (color) {
aRule.style.border = color + " solid 2px";
} else {
var selector = '.calendar-item[' + selectorPrefix + '"' + name + '"]';
// Now go find our rule
var rule, ruleIndex;
for (var i = 0; i < aSheet.cssRules.length; i++) {
var maybeRule = aSheet.cssRules[i];
if (maybeRule.selectorText && (maybeRule.selectorText == selector)) {
rule = maybeRule;
ruleIndex = i;
if (!rule) {
aSheet.insertRule(selector + ' { }', aSheet.cssRules.length);
rule = aSheet.cssRules[aSheet.cssRules.length-1];
ruleUpdaterFunc(rule, ruleIndex);
* Sets the selected day in the minimonth to the currently selected day
* in the embedded view.
function observeViewDaySelect(event) {
var date = event.detail;
var jsDate = new Date(date.year, date.month, date.day);
// for the month and multiweek view find the main month,
// which is the month with the most visible days in the view;
// note, that the main date is the first day of the main month
var jsMainDate;
if (!event.originalTarget.supportsDisjointDates) {
var mainDate = null;
var maxVisibleDays = 0;
var startDay = currentView().startDay;
var endDay = currentView().endDay;
var firstMonth = startDay.startOfMonth;
var lastMonth = endDay.startOfMonth;
for (var month = firstMonth.clone(); month.compare(lastMonth) <= 0; month.month += 1, month.normalize()) {
var visibleDays = 0;
if (month.compare(firstMonth) == 0) {
visibleDays = startDay.endOfMonth.day - startDay.day + 1;
} else if (month.compare(lastMonth) == 0) {
visibleDays = endDay.day;
} else {
visibleDays = month.endOfMonth.day;
if (visibleDays > maxVisibleDays) {
mainDate = month.clone();
maxVisibleDays = visibleDays;
jsMainDate = new Date(mainDate.year, mainDate.month, mainDate.day);
getMinimonth().selectDate(jsDate, jsMainDate);
/** Provides a neutral way to get the minimonth, regardless of whether we're in
* Sunbird or Lightning.
function getMinimonth() {
var sbMinimonth = document.getElementById("lefthandcalendar");
return sbMinimonth || document.getElementById("ltnMinimonth");