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class query
// approved "selectable" and "queryable" fields. In sort order
var $approved_selects = array('count' /*special */,
/* 'report_email',
*/ 'report_host_id',
var $approved_wheres = array('count',
var $orderbyChecked = false; // If we are ordering, used by continuity params
var $selected; // Selected part of query
var $where; // Where part of query
var $orderby; // How to order query
var $show; // How many to show on results page
var $page; // The page we are (page*show = starting result #)
var $count; // Should we count (top 25 page)
var $product_family; // The product family we are searching on
var $artificialReportID; // Only used when report_id is not in query results, as we need a report id,
// regardless of if the user wants to see it.
var $totalResults; // How many results total in the database for the query
var $reportList; // if totalResults < max_nav_count has list of report_id's for next/prev nav
var $resultSet; // Actual data
function query(){
function getQueryInputs(){}
function processQueryInputs(){
global $config;
if (isset($_GET['ascdesc']) && (strtolower($_GET['ascdesc']) == 'asc' || strtolower($_GET['ascdesc']) == 'asc')){
$ascdesc = $_GET['ascdesc'];
} else {
$ascdesc = 'desc';
* SHOW (really "Limit")
if (!isset($_GET['show']) ||
$_GET['show'] == null ||
$_GET['show'] > $config['max_show'])
$this->show = $config['show'];
} else {
$this->show = $_GET['show'];
* PAGE (really other part of "Limit"
if (!isset($_GET['page']) ||
$_GET['page'] == null)
$this->page = 1;
} else {
$this->page = $_GET['page'];
* Count
if (isset($_GET['count'])){
$this->count = 'report_id'; // XX limitation for now
// if nothing... it's nothing
If user defines what to select and were not counting, just
use their input.
if (isset($_GET['selected']) && !isset($_GET['count'])){
$this->selected = array();
foreach($_GET['selected'] as $selectedChild){
if(in_array(strtolower($selectedChild), $this->approved_selects)){
$this->selected[] = array('field' => $selectedChild,
'title' => $config['fields'][$selectedChild]);
} else {
// Otherwise, we do it for them
$this->selected[] = array('field' => 'host_hostname',
'title' => $config['fields']['host_hostname']);
// Showing date is good just about always, except when using a count
$this->selected[] = array('field' => 'report_file_date',
'title' => $config['fields']['report_file_date']);
// We need the report_id regardless of if the user wants to see it, so we add it ourselves,
// but also set artificalReportID, so we know to pull it before we display results.
if($this->_searchQueryInput($this->selected, 'report_id') === false) {
$this->artificialReportID = true;
$this->selected[] = array('field' => 'report_id',
'title' => $config['fields']['report_id']);
$this->orderby = array();
// The first priority is those who were recently specified (such as a menu header clicked).
if(isset($_GET['orderby']) && in_array(strtolower($_GET['orderby']), $this->approved_selects)){
$this->orderby[$_GET['orderby']] = $ascdesc;
// For continuity Params we set this to true to verify it's been checked as matching an approved val
$this->orderbyChecked = true;
// After, we append those who werere selected previously and order desc.
$this->orderby = array_merge($this->orderby, $this->_calcOrderBy());
// If we are counting, we need to add A column for it
if (isset($_GET['count'])){
// set the count variable
$next =sizeof($this->selected)+1;
$this->selected[$next]['field'] = 'count';
$this->selected[$next]['title'] = 'Amount';
// Hardcode host_id
$_GET['count'] = 'report_id'; // XXX we just hardcode this (just easier for now, and all people will be doing).
// XX NOTE: We don't escape count below because 'host_id' != `host_id`.
if (isset($_GET['count'])){
$this->orderby['count'] = 'desc'; // initially hardcode to desc
$this->orderby['host_hostname'] = 'desc';
$this->product_family = "";
$this->product_family = $_GET['product_family'];
$this->where = array();
while (list($column, $value) = each($_GET)) {
/* To help prevent stupidity with columns, we only add
it to the WHERE statement if it's passes as a column
we allow. Others simly don't make sense, or we don't
allow them for security purposes.
if (in_array(strtolower($column), $this->approved_wheres) && strtolower($column) != 'count' && strtolower($column)){
// these are our various ways of saying "no value"
if (($value != -1) && ($value != null) && ($value != '0')){
// if there's a wildcard (%,_) we should use 'LIKE', otherwise '='
if ((strpos($value, "%") === false) && (strpos($value, "_") === false)){
$operator = "=";
} else {
$operator = "LIKE";
// Add to query
if (in_array(strtolower($column), $this->approved_wheres)){
$this->where[] = array($column, $operator, $value);
return true;
function doQuery(){
global $db, $config;
$sql_select = 'SELECT ';
foreach($this->selected as $select_child){
// we don't $db->quote here since unless it's in our approved array (exactly), we drop it anyway. i.e. report_id is on our list, 'report_id' is not.
// we sanitize on our own
if ($select_child['field'] == 'count'){
$sql_select .= 'COUNT( '.$this->count.' ) AS count';
$this->orderby = array_merge(array('count'=> 'DESC'), $this->orderby);
} else {
$sql_select .= $select_child['field'];
$sql_select .= ', ';
if(sizeof($this->selected) > 0){
$sql_select = substr($sql_select, 0, -2);
$sql_select = $sql_select.' ';
$sql_from = 'FROM report, host';
$sql_where = 'WHERE ';
foreach($this->where as $where_child){
// we make sure to use quote() here to escape any evil on the value. The others are sane
$sql_where .= $where_child[0].' '.$where_child[1].' '.$db->quote($where_child[2]).' AND ';
// Dates are special
// if the user didn't delete the default YYYY-MM-DD mask, we do it for them
if (isset($_GET['report_file_date_start']) && $_GET['report_file_date_start'] == 'YYYY-MM-DD'){
$_GET['report_file_date_start'] = null;
if (isset($_GET['report_file_date_end']) && $_GET['report_file_date_end'] == 'YYYY-MM-DD'){
$_GET['report_file_date_end'] = null;
if (isset($_GET['report_file_date_start']) &&(($_GET['report_file_date_start'] != null) || ($_GET['report_file_date_end'] != null))){
// if we have both, we do a BETWEEN
if ($_GET['report_file_date_start'] && $_GET['report_file_date_end']){
$sql_where .= "(report_file_date BETWEEN ".$db->quote($_GET['report_file_date_start'])." and ".$db->quote($_GET['report_file_date_end']).") AND ";
// if we have only a start, then we do a >
else if ($_GET['report_file_date_start']){
$sql_where .= "report_file_date > ".$db->quote($_GET['report_file_date_start'])." AND ";
// if we have only a end, we do a <
else if ($_GET['report_file_date_end']){
$sql_where .= "report_file_date < ".$db->quote($_GET['report_file_date_end'])." AND ";
if(sizeof(trim($sql_where)) <= 0){
$sql_where .= ' AND ';
$sql_where .= 'host.host_id = report_host_id ';
if ($this->product_family){
// product_family
$prodFamQuery = $db->Execute("SELECT product.product_value
FROM product
WHERE product.product_family = ".$db->quote($this->product_family)." ");
$sql_product_family = "";
trigger_error("A database error occured.", E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
$prodFamCount = 0;
if($prodFamCount > 0){
$sql_product_family .= ' OR ';
$sql_product_family .= 'report.report_product = '.$db->quote($prodFamQuery->fields['product_value']).' ';
// If we had results, wrap it in ()
if($prodFamCount > 0){
$sql_product_family = ' AND ( '.$sql_product_family;
$sql_product_family .= ')';
$sql_where .= $sql_product_family;
$sql_orderby = '';
if(isset($this->orderby) && sizeof($this->orderby) > 0){
$sql_orderby = 'ORDER BY ';
foreach($this->orderby as $orderChild => $orderDir){
$sql_orderby .= $orderChild.' '.$orderDir;
$sql_orderby .= ',';
$sql_orderby = substr($sql_orderby,0,-1).' ';
* Count
$sql_groupby = null;
if (isset($_GET['count'])){
$sql_groupby = 'GROUP BY host.host_hostname DESC ';
$sql = $sql_select." \r".$sql_from." \r".$sql_where." \r".$sql_groupby.$sql_orderby;
// Calculate Start
$start = ($this->page-1)*$this->show;
$dbQuery = $db->SelectLimit($sql,$this->show,$start,$inputarr=false);
if (!$dbQuery){
trigger_error("A database error occured.", E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
$this->resultSet = array();
while (!$dbQuery->EOF) {
$this->resultSet[] = $dbQuery->fields;
* Count Total
$totalCount = $db->Execute("SELECT COUNT(report.report_id) AS total
FROM report, host
trigger_error("A database error occured.", E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
$this->totalResults = $totalCount->fields['total'];
// Get the first 2000 report id's for prev/next navigation, only if < 2000 results and
// only if count isn't being done (since you can't next/prev through that).
if($this->totalResults < $config['max_nav_count'] && $this->count == null){
$listQuerySQL = "SELECT report.report_id
FROM report, host ".
$sql_where." \r".
$listQuery = $db->SelectLimit($listQuerySQL,2001,0,$inputarr=false);
trigger_error("A database error occured.", E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
$this->reportList = array();
$this->reportList[] = $listQuery->fields['report_id'];
return true;
function continuityParams($omit = null){
$standard = '';
// if $omit is empty, make it a blank array
if($omit == null){ $omit = array(); }
// Where
if(isset($this->where) && sizeof($this->where) > 0){
foreach($this->where as $node => $item){
if(!($item[0] == 'report_id' && $this->artificialReportID)){
if(!in_array($item[0], $omit)){
$standard .= $item[0].'='.$item[2].'&';;
} else {
$standard .= $item[0].'='.urlencode($item[2]).'&';;
// Selected
if(isset($this->selected) && sizeof($this->selected) > 0 && !in_array('selected', $omit)){
foreach($this->selected as $selectedNode){
if(!($selectedNode['field'] == 'report_id' && $this->artificialReportID)){
if($selectedNode['field'] != 'count' && !in_array($selectedNode['field'], $omit)){
$standard .= 'selected%5B%5D='.$selectedNode['field'].'&';
// Ascdesc
if((isset($_GET['ascdesc']) && !in_array('ascdesc', $omit)) &&
($_GET['ascdesc'] == 'asc' || $_GET['ascdesc'] == 'desc')){
$standard .= 'ascdesc='.$_GET['ascdesc'].'&';
// Orderby
if(isset($_GET['orderby']) && !in_array('orderby', $omit) && $this->orderbyChecked){
$standard .= 'orderby='.$_GET['orderby'].'&';
// Count
if(isset($this->count) && !in_array('count', $omit)){
$standard .= 'count=on'.'&';
// Show
if(isset($this->show) && !in_array('show', $omit)){
$standard .= 'show='.$this->show.'&';
// ProductFam
if(isset($this->product_family) && !in_array('product_family', $omit)){
$standard .= 'product_family='.$this->product_family.'&';
// Page
if(isset($this->page) && !in_array('page', $omit)){
$standard .= 'page='.$this->page.'&';
// strip off any remaining & that may be on the end
if(substr($standard, -5) == '&'){
$standard = substr($standard, 0, -5);
// lets return
return $standard;
function columnHeaders(){
$columnCount = 0;
$column[$columnCount]['text'] = 'Detail';
$contParams = $this->continuityParams(array('ascdesc'));
foreach($this->selected as $selectedChild){
if(!($selectedChild['field'] == 'report_id' && $this->artificialReportID)){
$column[$columnCount]['text'] = $selectedChild['title'];
$o_orderby = $selectedChild['field'];
// Figure out if it should be an asc or desc link
if($selectedChild['field'] == $this->_firstChildKey($this->orderby) && $this->orderby[$selectedChild['field']] == 'desc'){
$o_ascdesc = 'asc';
} else {
$o_ascdesc = 'desc';
if((isset($this->count)) || !isset($this->count)){
$column[$columnCount]['url'] = '?'.$contParams.'&orderby='.$o_orderby.'&ascdesc='.$o_ascdesc;
return $column;
function outputHTML(){
global $iolib;
$continuity_params = $this->continuityParams(array('count', 'ascdesc', 'orderby'));
// Data
$output = array();
$rowNum = 0;
if(sizeof($this->resultSet) > 0){
foreach($this->resultSet as $row){
$colNum = 0;
// Prepend if new_front;
$output[$rowNum][0]['text'] = 'Detail';
if (isset($row['count'])){
$output[$rowNum][0]['url'] = '/query/?host_hostname='.$row['host_hostname'].'&'.$continuity_params.'&selected%5B%5D=report_file_date';
else {
$output[$rowNum][0]['url'] = '/report/?report_id='.$row['report_id'].'&'.$continuity_params;
foreach($row as $cellName => $cellData){
if(!($cellName == 'report_id' && $this->artificialReportID)){
$output[$rowNum][$colNum]['col'] = $cellName;
if($cellName == 'report_problem_type'){
$cellData = resolveProblemTypes($cellData);
else if($cellName == 'report_behind_login'){
$cellData = resolveBehindLogin($cellData);
$output[$rowNum][$colNum]['text'] = $cellData;
return $output;
function outputXML(){}
function outputCSV(){}
function outputXLS(){}
function outputRSS(){}
function _calcOrderBy(){
$result = array();
foreach($this->approved_selects as $selectedChild){
if($this->_searchQueryInput($this->selected, $selectedChild) !== false &&
!array_key_exists($selectedChild, $this->orderby))
$result[$selectedChild] = 'desc';
return $result;
function _searchQueryInput($input, $query){
for($i=0; $i< sizeof($input); $i++){
if ($input[$i]['field'] == $query){
return $i;
return false;
function _firstChildKey($keyOf){
$key = array_keys($keyOf);
return $key[0];