2000-05-13 02:14:52 +00:00

1988 lines
56 KiB

// -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
// License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
// IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express oqr
// implied. See the License for the specific language governing
// rights and limitations under the License.
// The Original Code is the JavaScript 2 Prototype.
// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
// Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
// Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
// Rights Reserved.
#include "numerics.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "world.h"
namespace JS = JavaScript;
// Reader
// Create a Reader reading characters from the source string.
// sourceLocation describes the origin of the source and may be used for error messages.
// initialLineNum is the line number of the first line of the source string.
JS::Reader::Reader(const String &source, const String &sourceLocation, uint32 initialLineNum):
source(source + uni::null), sourceLocation(sourceLocation), initialLineNum(initialLineNum)
begin = p = this->;
end = begin + this->source.size() - 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
recordString = 0;
// Mark the beginning of a line. Call this after reading every line break to fill
// out the line start table.
void JS::Reader::beginLine()
ASSERT(p <= end && (!linePositions.size() || p > linePositions.back()));
// Return the number of the line containing the given character position.
// The line starts should have been recorded by calling beginLine.
uint32 JS::Reader::posToLineNum(uint32 pos) const
ASSERT(pos <= getPos());
std::vector<const char16 *>::const_iterator i = std::upper_bound(linePositions.begin(), linePositions.end(), begin + pos);
ASSERT(i != linePositions.begin());
return static_cast<uint32>(i-1 - linePositions.begin()) + initialLineNum;
// Return the character position as well as pointers to the beginning and end (not including
// the line terminator) of the nth line. If lineNum is out of range, return 0 and two nulls.
// The line starts should have been recorded by calling beginLine(). If the nth line is the
// last one recorded, then getLine manually finds the line ending by searching for a line
// break; otherwise, getLine assumes that the line ends one character before the beginning
// of the next line.
uint32 JS::Reader::getLine(uint32 lineNum, const char16 *&lineBegin, const char16 *&lineEnd) const
lineBegin = 0;
lineEnd = 0;
if (lineNum < initialLineNum)
return 0;
lineNum -= initialLineNum;
if (lineNum >= linePositions.size())
return 0;
lineBegin = linePositions[lineNum];
const char16 *e;
if (lineNum < linePositions.size())
e = linePositions[lineNum] - 1;
else {
e = lineBegin;
const char16 *end = Reader::end;
while (e != end && !isLineBreak(*e))
lineEnd = e;
return static_cast<uint32>(lineBegin - begin);
// Begin accumulating characters into the recordString, whose initial value is
// ignored and cleared. Each character passed to recordChar() is added to the end
// of the recordString. Recording ends when endRecord() or beginLine() is called.
// Recording is significantly optimized when the characters passed to readChar()
// are the same characters as read by get(). In this case the record String does
// not get allocated until endRecord() is called or a discrepancy appears between
// get() and recordChar().
void JS::Reader::beginRecording(String &recordString)
Reader::recordString = &recordString;
recordBase = p;
recordPos = p;
// Append ch to the recordString.
void JS::Reader::recordChar(char16 ch)
if (recordPos) {
if (recordPos != end && *recordPos == ch) {
} else {
recordString->assign(recordBase, recordPos);
recordPos = 0;
*recordString += ch;
// Finish recording characters into the recordString that was last passed to beginRecording().
// Return that recordString.
JS::String &JS::Reader::endRecording()
String *rs = recordString;
if (recordPos)
rs->assign(recordBase, recordPos);
recordString = 0;
return *rs;
// Report an error at the given character position in the source code.
void JS::Reader::error(Exception::Kind kind, const String &message, uint32 pos)
uint32 lineNum = posToLineNum(pos);
const char16 *lineBegin;
const char16 *lineEnd;
uint32 linePos = getLine(lineNum, lineBegin, lineEnd);
ASSERT(lineBegin && lineEnd && linePos <= pos);
throw Exception(kind, message, sourceLocation, lineNum, pos - linePos, pos, lineBegin, lineEnd);
// Lexer
static const char controlCharNames[6] = {'b', 't', 'n', 'v', 'f', 'r'};
// Print the characters from begin to end, escaping them as necessary to make the resulting
// string be readable if placed between two quotes specified by quote (which should be either
// '\'' or '"').
void JS::escapeString(Formatter &f, const char16 *begin, const char16 *end, char16 quote)
ASSERT(begin <= end);
const char16 *chunk = begin;
while (begin != end) {
char16 ch = *begin++;
CharInfo ci(ch);
if (char16Value(ch) < 0x20 || isLineBreak(ci) || isFormat(ci) || ch == '\\' || ch == quote) {
if (begin-1 != chunk)
printString(f, chunk, begin-1);
chunk = begin;
f << '\\';
switch (ch) {
case 0x0008:
case 0x0009:
case 0x000A:
case 0x000B:
case 0x000C:
case 0x000D:
f << controlCharNames[ch - 0x0008];
case '\'':
case '"':
case '\\':
f << ch;
case 0x0000:
if (begin == end || char16Value(*begin) < '0' || char16Value(*begin) > '9') {
f << '0';
if (char16Value(ch) <= 0xFF) {
f << 'x';
printHex(f, static_cast<uint32>(char16Value(ch)), 2);
} else {
f << 'u';
printHex(f, static_cast<uint32>(char16Value(ch)), 4);
if (begin != chunk)
printString(f, chunk, begin);
// Print s as a quoted string using the given quotes (which should be either '\'' or '"').
void JS::quoteString(Formatter &f, const String &s, char16 quote)
f << quote;
const char16 *begin =;
escapeString(f, begin, begin + s.size(), quote);
f << quote;
const char *const JS::Token::kindNames[kindsEnd] = {
// Special
"end of input", // end
"number", // number
"string", // string
"unit", // unit
"regular expression",// regExp
// Punctuators
"(", // openParenthesis
")", // closeParenthesis
"[", // openBracket
"]", // closeBracket
"{", // openBrace
"}", // closeBrace
",", // comma
";", // semicolon
".", // dot
"..", // doubleDot
"...", // tripleDot
"->", // arrow
":", // colon
"::", // doubleColon
"#", // pound
"@", // at
"++", // increment
"--", // decrement
"~", // complement
"!", // logicalNot
"*", // times
"/", // divide
"%", // modulo
"+", // plus
"-", // minus
"<<", // leftShift
">>", // rightShift
">>>", // logicalRightShift
"&&", // logicalAnd
"^^", // logicalXor
"||", // logicalOr
"&", // bitwiseAnd
"^", // bitwiseXor
"|", // bitwiseOr
"=", // assignment
"*=", // timesEquals
"/=", // divideEquals
"%=", // moduloEquals
"+=", // plusEquals
"-=", // minusEquals
"<<=", // leftShiftEquals
">>=", // rightShiftEquals
">>>=", // logicalRightShiftEquals
"&&=", // logicalAndEquals
"^^=", // logicalXorEquals
"||=", // logicalOrEquals
"&=", // bitwiseAndEquals
"^=", // bitwiseXorEquals
"|=", // bitwiseOrEquals
"==", // equal
"!=", // notEqual
"<", // lessThan
"<=", // lessThanOrEqual
">", // greaterThan
">=", // greaterThanOrEqual
"===", // identical
"!==", // notIdentical
"?", // question
// Reserved words
"abstract", // Abstract
"break", // Break
"case", // Case
"catch", // Catch
"class", // Class
"const", // Const
"continue", // Continue
"debugger", // Debugger
"default", // Default
"delete", // Delete
"do", // Do
"else", // Else
"enum", // Enum
"eval", // Eval
"export", // Export
"extends", // Extends
"false", // False
"final", // Final
"finally", // Finally
"for", // For
"function", // Function
"goto", // Goto
"if", // If
"implements", // Implements
"import", // Import
"in", // In
"instanceof", // Instanceof
"native", // Native
"new", // New
"null", // Null
"package", // Package
"private", // Private
"protected", // Protected
"public", // Public
"return", // Return
"static", // Static
"super", // Super
"switch", // Switch
"synchronized", // Synchronized
"this", // This
"throw", // Throw
"throws", // Throws
"transient", // Transient
"true", // True
"try", // Try
"typeof", // Typeof
"var", // Var
"volatile", // Volatile
"while", // While
"with", // With
// Non-reserved words
"attribute", // Attribute
"constructor", // Constructor
"get", // Get
"language", // Language
"local", // Local
"namespace", // Namespace
"override", // Override
"set", // Set
"use", // Use
"identifier" // identifier
// Initialize the keywords in the given world.
void JS::Token::initKeywords(World &world)
const char *const*keywordName = kindNames + keywordsBegin;
for (Kind kind = keywordsBegin; kind != keywordsEnd; kind = Kind(kind+1))
world.identifiers[widenCString(*keywordName++)].tokenKind = kind;
// Print a description of the token to f.
void JS::Token::print(Formatter &f, bool debug) const
switch (getKind()) {
case end:
f << "[end]";
case number:
if (debug)
f << "[number " << getValue() << ']';
f << getChars();
case unit:
if (debug)
f << "[unit]";
case string:
quoteString(f, getChars(), '"');
case regExp:
f << '/' << getIdentifier() << '/' << getChars();
case identifier:
if (debug)
f << "[identifier]";
f << getIdentifier();
f << getKind();
// Create a new Lexer for lexing the provided source code. The Lexer will intern identifiers, keywords, and regular
// expressions in the designated world.
JS::Lexer::Lexer(World &world, const String &source, const String &sourceLocation, uint32 initialLineNum):
world(world), reader(source, sourceLocation, initialLineNum)
nextToken = tokens;
nTokensFwd = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
nTokensBack = 0;
lexingUnit = false;
// Get and return the next token. The token remains valid until the next call to this Lexer.
// If the Reader reached the end of file, return a Token whose Kind is end.
// The caller may alter the value of this Token (in particular, take control over the
// auto_ptr's data), but if it does so, the caller is not allowed to unget this Token.
// If preferRegExp is true, a / will be preferentially interpreted as starting a regular
// expression; otherwise, a / will be preferentially interpreted as division or /=.
const JS::Token &JS::Lexer::get(bool preferRegExp)
const Token &t = peek(preferRegExp);
if (++nextToken == tokens + tokenBufferSize)
nextToken = tokens;
return t;
// Peek at the next token using the given preferRegExp setting. If that token's kind matches
// the given kind, consume that token and return it. Otherwise, do not consume that token and
// return nil.
const JS::Token *JS::Lexer::eat(bool preferRegExp, Token::Kind kind)
const Token &t = peek(preferRegExp);
if (t.kind != kind)
return 0;
if (++nextToken == tokens + tokenBufferSize)
nextToken = tokens;
return &t;
// Return the next token without consuming it.
// If preferRegExp is true, a / will be preferentially interpreted as starting a regular
// expression; otherwise, a / will be preferentially interpreted as division or /=.
// A subsequent call to peek or get will return the same token; that call must be presented
// with the same value for preferRegExp.
const JS::Token &JS::Lexer::peek(bool preferRegExp)
// Use an already looked-up token if there is one.
if (nTokensFwd) {
ASSERT(savedPreferRegExp[nextToken - tokens] == preferRegExp);
} else {
nTokensFwd = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
savedPreferRegExp[nextToken - tokens] = preferRegExp;
if (nTokensBack == tokenLookahead) {
nTokensBack = tokenLookahead-1;
if (tokenGuard)
(nextToken >= tokens+tokenLookahead ? nextToken-tokenLookahead : nextToken+tokenBufferSize-tokenLookahead)->valid = false;
return *nextToken;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Change the setting of preferRegExp for an already peeked token. The token must not be one
// for which that setting mattered.
void JS::Lexer::redesignate(bool preferRegExp)
ASSERT(nTokensFwd && !(nextToken->hasKind(Token::regExp) || nextToken->hasKind(Token::divide) ||
savedPreferRegExp[nextToken - tokens] = preferRegExp;
// Unread the last token. This call may be called to unread at most tokenBufferSize tokens
// at a time (where a peek also counts as temporarily reading and unreading one token).
// When a token that has been unread is peeked or read again, the same value must be passed
// in preferRegExp as for the first time that token was read or peeked.
void JS::Lexer::unget()
if (nextToken == tokens)
nextToken = tokens + tokenBufferSize;
// Report a syntax error at the backUp-th last character read by the Reader.
// In other words, if backUp is 0, the error is at the next character to be read by the Reader;
// if backUp is 1, the error is at the last character read by the Reader, and so forth.
void JS::Lexer::syntaxError(const char *message, uint backUp)
reader.error(Exception::syntaxError, widenCString(message), reader.getPos());
// Get the next character from the reader, skipping any Unicode format-control (Cf) characters.
inline char16 JS::Lexer::getChar()
char16 ch = reader.get();
if (char16Value(ch) >= firstFormatChar)
ch = internalGetChar(ch);
return ch;
// Helper for getChar()
char16 JS::Lexer::internalGetChar(char16 ch)
while (isFormat(ch))
ch = reader.get();
return ch;
// Peek the next character from the reader, skipping any Unicode format-control (Cf) characters,
// which are read and discarded.
inline char16 JS::Lexer::peekChar()
char16 ch = reader.peek();
if (char16Value(ch) >= firstFormatChar)
ch = internalPeekChar(ch);
return ch;
// Helper for peekChar()
char16 JS::Lexer::internalPeekChar(char16 ch)
while (isFormat(ch)) {
ch = reader.peek();
return ch;
// Peek the next character from the reader, skipping any Unicode format-control (Cf) characters,
// which are read and discarded. If the peeked character matches ch, read that character and return true;
// otherwise return false. ch must not be null.
bool JS::Lexer::testChar(char16 ch)
ASSERT(ch); // If ch were null, it could match the eof null.
char16 ch2 = peekChar();
if (ch == ch2) {
return true;
return false;
// A backslash has been read. Read the rest of the escape code.
// Return the interpreted escaped character. Throw an exception if the escape is not valid.
// If unicodeOnly is true, allow only \uxxxx escapes.
char16 JS::Lexer::lexEscape(bool unicodeOnly)
char16 ch = getChar();
int nDigits;
if (!unicodeOnly || ch == 'u')
switch (ch) {
case '0':
// Make sure that the next character isn't a digit.
ch = peekChar();
if (!isASCIIDecimalDigit(ch))
return 0x00;
getChar(); // Point to the next character in the error message
case 'b':
return 0x08;
case 'f':
return 0x0C;
case 'n':
return 0x0A;
case 'r':
return 0x0D;
case 't':
return 0x09;
case 'v':
return 0x0B;
case 'x':
nDigits = 2;
goto lexHex;
case 'u':
nDigits = 4;
uint32 n = 0;
while (nDigits--) {
ch = getChar();
uint digit;
if (!isASCIIHexDigit(ch, digit))
goto error;
n = (n << 4) | digit;
return static_cast<char16>(n);
if (!reader.getEof(ch)) {
CharInfo chi(ch);
if (!isAlphanumeric(chi) && !isLineBreak(chi))
return ch;
syntaxError("Bad escape code");
return 0;
// Read an identifier into s. The initial value of s is ignored and cleared.
// Return true if an escape code has been encountered.
// If allowLeadingDigit is true, allow the first character of s to be a digit, just like any
// continuing identifier character.
bool JS::Lexer::lexIdentifier(String &s, bool allowLeadingDigit)
bool hasEscape = false;
while (true) {
char16 ch = getChar();
char16 ch2 = ch;
if (ch == '\\') {
ch2 = lexEscape(true);
hasEscape = true;
CharInfo chi2(ch2);
if (!(allowLeadingDigit ? isIdContinuing(chi2) : isIdLeading(chi2))) {
if (ch == '\\')
syntaxError("Identifier escape expands into non-identifier character");
allowLeadingDigit = true;
return hasEscape;
// Read a numeric literal into nextToken->chars and nextToken->value.
// Return true if the numeric literal is followed by a unit, but don't read the unit yet.
bool JS::Lexer::lexNumeral()
int hasDecimalPoint = 0;
String &s = nextToken->chars;
uint digit;
char16 ch = getChar();
if (ch == '0') {
ch = getChar();
if ((ch&~0x20) == 'X') {
uint32 pos = reader.getPos();
char16 ch2 = getChar();
if (isASCIIHexDigit(ch2, digit)) {
do {
ch2 = getChar();
} while (isASCIIHexDigit(ch2, digit));
ch = ch2;
} else
goto done;
} else if (isASCIIDecimalDigit(ch)) {
syntaxError("Numeric constant syntax error");
while (isASCIIDecimalDigit(ch) || ch == '.' && !hasDecimalPoint++) {
ch = getChar();
if ((ch&~0x20) == 'E') {
uint32 pos = reader.getPos();
char16 ch2 = getChar();
char16 sign = 0;
if (ch2 == '+' || ch2 == '-') {
sign = ch2;
ch2 = getChar();
if (isASCIIDecimalDigit(ch2)) {
if (sign)
do {
ch2 = getChar();
} while (isASCIIDecimalDigit(ch2));
ch = ch2;
} else
// At this point the reader is just past the character ch, which is the first non-formatting character
// that is not part of the number.
const char16 *sBegin =;
const char16 *sEnd = sBegin + s.size();
const char16 *numEnd;
nextToken->value = stringToDouble(sBegin, sEnd, numEnd);
ASSERT(numEnd == sEnd);
ASSERT(ch == reader.peek());
return isIdContinuing(ch) || ch == '\\';
// Read a string literal into s. The initial value of s is ignored and cleared.
// The opening quote has already been read into separator.
void JS::Lexer::lexString(String &s, char16 separator)
char16 ch;
while ((ch = reader.get()) != separator) {
CharInfo chi(ch);
if (!isFormat(chi)) {
if (ch == '\\')
ch = lexEscape(false);
else if (reader.getEof(ch) || isLineBreak(chi))
syntaxError("Unterminated string literal");
// Read a regular expression literal. Store the regular expression in nextToken->id
// and the flags in nextToken->chars.
// The opening slash has already been read.
void JS::Lexer::lexRegExp()
String s;
char16 prevCh = 0;
while (true) {
char16 ch = getChar();
CharInfo chi(ch);
if (reader.getEof(ch) || isLineBreak(chi))
syntaxError("Unterminated regular expression literal");
if (prevCh == '\\') {
prevCh = 0; // Ignore slashes and backslashes immediately after a backslash
} else if (ch != '/') {
prevCh = ch;
} else
nextToken->id = &world.identifiers[s];
lexIdentifier(nextToken->chars, true);
// Read a token from the Reader and store it at *nextToken.
// If the Reader reached the end of file, store a Token whose Kind is end.
void JS::Lexer::lexToken(bool preferRegExp)
Token &t = *nextToken;
t.lineBreak = false; = 0;
//clear(t.chars); // Don't really need to waste time clearing this string here
Token::Kind kind;
if (lexingUnit) {
lexIdentifier(t.chars, false);
kind = Token::unit; // unit
lexingUnit = false;
} else {
char16 ch = reader.get();
if (reader.getEof(ch)) {
t.pos = reader.getPos() - 1;
kind = Token::end;
} else {
char16 ch2;
CharInfo chi(ch);
switch (cGroup(chi)) {
case CharInfo::FormatGroup:
case CharInfo::WhiteGroup:
goto next;
case CharInfo::IdGroup:
t.pos = reader.getPos() - 1;
String s;
bool hasEscape = lexIdentifier(s, false); = &world.identifiers[s];
kind = hasEscape ? Token::identifier :>tokenKind;
case CharInfo::NonIdGroup:
case CharInfo::IdContinueGroup:
t.pos = reader.getPos() - 1;
switch (ch) {
case '(':
kind = Token::openParenthesis; // (
case ')':
kind = Token::closeParenthesis; // )
case '[':
kind = Token::openBracket; // [
case ']':
kind = Token::closeBracket; // ]
case '{':
kind = Token::openBrace; // {
case '}':
kind = Token::closeBrace; // }
case ',':
kind = Token::comma; // ,
case ';':
kind = Token::semicolon; // ;
case '.':
kind = Token::dot; // .
ch2 = getChar();
if (isASCIIDecimalDigit(ch2)) {
goto number; // decimal point
} else if (ch2 == '.') {
kind = Token::doubleDot; // ..
if (testChar('.'))
kind = Token::tripleDot; // ...
} else
case ':':
kind = Token::colon; // :
if (testChar(':'))
kind = Token::doubleColon; // ::
case '#':
kind = Token::pound; // #
case '@':
kind = Token::at; // @
case '?':
kind = Token::question; // ?
case '~':
kind = Token::complement; // ~
case '!':
kind = Token::logicalNot; // !
if (testChar('=')) {
kind = Token::notEqual; // !=
if (testChar('='))
kind = Token::notIdentical; // !==
case '*':
kind = Token::times; // * *=
if (testChar('='))
kind = Token::Kind(kind + Token::timesEquals - Token::times);
case '/':
kind = Token::divide; // /
ch = getChar();
if (ch == '/') { // // comment
do {
ch = reader.get();
if (reader.getEof(ch))
goto endOfInput;
} while (!isLineBreak(ch));
goto endOfLine;
} else if (ch == '*') { // /* comment */
ch = 0;
do {
ch2 = ch;
ch = getChar();
if (isLineBreak(ch)) {
t.lineBreak = true;
} else if (reader.getEof(ch))
syntaxError("Unterminated /* comment");
} while (ch != '/' || ch2 != '*');
goto next;
} else {
if (preferRegExp) { // Regular expression
kind = Token::regExp;
} else
goto tryAssignment; // /=
case '%':
kind = Token::modulo; // %
goto tryAssignment; // %=
case '+':
kind = Token::plus; // +
if (testChar('+'))
kind = Token::increment; // ++
goto tryAssignment; // +=
case '-':
kind = Token::minus; // -
ch = getChar();
if (ch == '-')
kind = Token::decrement; // --
else if (ch == '>')
kind = Token::arrow; // ->
else {
goto tryAssignment; // -=
case '&':
kind = Token::bitwiseAnd; // & && &= &&=
if (testChar(ch))
kind = Token::Kind(kind - Token::bitwiseAnd + Token::logicalAnd);
goto tryAssignment;
case '^':
kind = Token::bitwiseXor; // ^ ^^ ^= ^^=
goto logical;
case '|':
kind = Token::bitwiseOr; // | || |= ||=
goto logical;
case '=':
kind = Token::assignment; // =
if (testChar('=')) {
kind = Token::equal; // ==
if (testChar('='))
kind = Token::identical; // ===
case '<':
kind = Token::lessThan; // <
if (testChar('<')) {
kind = Token::leftShift; // <<
goto tryAssignment; // <<=
if (testChar('=')) // <= >=
kind = Token::Kind(kind + Token::lessThanOrEqual - Token::lessThan);
case '>':
kind = Token::greaterThan; // >
if (testChar('>')) {
kind = Token::rightShift; // >>
if (testChar('>'))
kind = Token::logicalRightShift; // >>>
goto tryAssignment; // >>= >>>=
goto comparison;
case '\\':
goto readIdentifier; // An identifier that starts with an escape
case '\'':
case '"':
kind = Token::string; // 'string' "string"
lexString(t.chars, ch);
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
reader.unget(); // Number
kind = Token::number;
lexingUnit = lexNumeral();
syntaxError("Bad character");
case CharInfo::LineBreakGroup:
t.lineBreak = true;
goto next;
t.kind = kind;
#ifdef DEBUG
t.valid = true;
// Parser
const char *const JS::ExprNode::kindNames[kindsEnd] = {
"NIL", // none
0, // identifier
0, // number
0, // string
0, // regExp
"null", // Null
"true", // True
"false", // False
"this", // This
"super", // Super
"public", // Public
"package", // Package
"private", // Private
0, // parentheses
0, // numUnit
0, // exprUnit
"::", // qualify
0, // objectLiteral
0, // arrayLiteral
0, // functionLiteral
0, // call
0, // New
0, // index
".", // dot
".(", // dotParen
"@", // at
"delete ", // Delete
"typeof ", // Typeof
"eval ", // Eval
"++ ", // preIncrement
"-- ", // preDecrement
" ++", // postIncrement
" --", // postDecrement
"+ ", // plus
"- ", // minus
"~ ", // complement
"! ", // logicalNot
"+", // add
"-", // subtract
"*", // multiply
"/", // divide
"%", // modulo
"<<", // leftShift
">>", // rightShift
">>>", // logicalRightShift
"&", // bitwiseAnd
"^", // bitwiseXor
"|", // bitwiseOr
"&&", // logicalAnd
"^^", // logicalXor
"||", // logicalOr
"==", // equal
"!=", // notEqual
"<", // lessThan
"<=", // lessThanOrEqual
">", // greaterThan
">=", // greaterThanOrEqual
"===", // identical
"!==", // notIdentical
"in", // In
"instanceof", // Instanceof
"=", // assignment
"+=", // addEquals
"-=", // subtractEquals
"*=", // multiplyEquals
"/=", // divideEquals
"%=", // moduloEquals
"<<=", // leftShiftEquals
">>=", // rightShiftEquals
">>>=", // logicalRightShiftEquals
"&=", // bitwiseAndEquals
"^=", // bitwiseXorEquals
"|=", // bitwiseOrEquals
"&&=", // logicalAndEquals
"^^=", // logicalXorEquals
"||=", // logicalOrEquals
"?", // conditional
"," // comma
const bool debugExprNodePrint = true;
// Print this onto f.
void JS::ExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &f) const
f << kindName(kind);
void JS::IdentifierExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &f) const
f << name;
void JS::NumberExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &f) const
f << value;
void JS::StringExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &f) const
quoteString(f, str, '"');
void JS::RegExpExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &f) const
f << '/' << regExp << '/' << flags;
void JS::NumUnitExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &f) const
f << numStr;
void JS::ExprUnitExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &f) const
f << op;
void JS::FunctionExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &) const
NOT_REACHED("***** functions not implemented yet *****");
void JS::PairListExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &f) const
char beginBracket;
char endBracket;
switch (getKind()) {
case objectLiteral:
beginBracket = '{';
endBracket = '}';
case arrayLiteral:
case index:
beginBracket = '[';
endBracket = ']';
case call:
case New:
beginBracket = '(';
endBracket = ')';
NOT_REACHED("Bad kind");
f << beginBracket;
PrettyPrinter::Block b(f);
const ExprPairList *p = pairs;
if (p)
while (true) {
const ExprNode *field = p->field;
if (field) {
f << field << ':';
const ExprNode *value = p->value;
if (value)
f << value;
p = p->next;
if (!p)
f << ',';
f.linearBreak(static_cast<uint32>(field || value));
f << endBracket;
void JS::InvokeExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &f) const
PrettyPrinter::Block b(f);
if (hasKind(New))
f << "new ";
f << op;
PrettyPrinter::Indent i(f, 4);
void JS::UnaryExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &f) const
if (hasKind(parentheses)) {
f << '(';
f << op;
f << ')';
} else {
if (debugExprNodePrint)
f << '(';
const char *name = kindName(getKind());
if (hasKind(postIncrement) || hasKind(postDecrement)) {
f << op;
f << name;
} else {
f << name;
f << op;
if (debugExprNodePrint)
f << ')';
void JS::BinaryExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &f) const
if (debugExprNodePrint)
f << '(';
PrettyPrinter::Block b(f);
f << op1;
uint32 nSpaces = hasKind(dot) || hasKind(dotParen) || hasKind(at) || hasKind(qualify) ? (uint32)0 : (uint32)1;
f << kindName(getKind());
f << op2;
if (hasKind(dotParen))
f << ')';
if (debugExprNodePrint)
f << ')';
void JS::TernaryExprNode::print(PrettyPrinter &f) const
if (debugExprNodePrint)
f << '(';
PrettyPrinter::Block b(f);
f << op1;
f << '?';
f << op2;
f << ':';
f << op3;
if (debugExprNodePrint)
f << ')';
// Create a new Parser for parsing the provided source code, interning identifiers, keywords, and regular
// expressions in the designated world, and allocating the parse tree in the designated arena.
JS::Parser::Parser(World &world, Arena &arena, const String &source, const String &sourceLocation, uint32 initialLineNum):
lexer(world, source, sourceLocation, initialLineNum), arena(arena)
// Report a syntax error at the backUp-th last token read by the Lexer.
// In other words, if backUp is 0, the error is at the next token to be read by the Lexer (which
// must have been peeked already); if backUp is 1, the error is at the last token read by the Lexer,
// and so forth.
void JS::Parser::syntaxError(const char *message, uint backUp)
syntaxError(widenCString(message), backUp);
// Same as above, but the error message is already a String.
void JS::Parser::syntaxError(const String &message, uint backUp)
while (backUp--)
getReader().error(Exception::syntaxError, message, lexer.getPos());
// Get the next token using the given preferRegExp setting. If that token's kind matches
// the given kind, consume that token and return it. Otherwise throw a syntax error.
const JS::Token &JS::Parser::require(bool preferRegExp, Token::Kind kind)
const Token &t = lexer.get(preferRegExp);
if (!t.hasKind(kind)) {
String message;
bool special = Token::isSpecialKind(kind);
if (special)
message += '\'';
message += Token::kindName(kind);
if (special)
message += '\'';
message += " expected";
return t;
// Copy the Token's chars into the current arena and return the resulting copy.
inline JS::String &JS::Parser::copyTokenChars(const Token &t)
return newArenaString(arena, t.getChars());
// An identifier or parenthesized expression has just been parsed into e.
// If it is followed by one or more ::'s followed by identifiers, construct the appropriate
// qualify parse node and return it and set foundQualifiers to true. If no ::
// is found, return e and set foundQualifiers to false.
JS::ExprNode *JS::Parser::parseIdentifierQualifiers(ExprNode *e, bool &foundQualifiers)
const Token *tDoubleColon =, Token::doubleColon);
if (!tDoubleColon) {
foundQualifiers = false;
return e;
foundQualifiers = true;
return new(arena) BinaryExprNode(tDoubleColon->getPos(), ExprNode::qualify, e, parseQualifiedIdentifier(lexer.get(true)));
// An opening parenthesis has just been parsed into tParen. Finish parsing a ParenthesizedExpression.
// If it is followed by one or more ::'s followed by identifiers, construct the appropriate
// qualify parse node and return it and set foundQualifiers to true. If no ::
// is found, return the ParenthesizedExpression and set foundQualifiers to false.
JS::ExprNode *JS::Parser::parseParenthesesAndIdentifierQualifiers(const Token &tParen, bool &foundQualifiers)
uint32 pos = tParen.getPos();
ExprNode *e = new(arena) UnaryExprNode(pos, ExprNode::parentheses, parseExpression(false));
require(false, Token::closeParenthesis);
return parseIdentifierQualifiers(e, foundQualifiers);
// Parse and return a qualifiedIdentifier. The first token has already been parsed and is in t.
// If the second token was peeked, it should be have been done with preferRegExp set to false.
JS::ExprNode *JS::Parser::parseQualifiedIdentifier(const Token &t)
bool foundQualifiers;
ExprNode::Kind eKind;
ExprNode *e;
if (Token::isIdentifierKind(t.getKind())) {
IdentifierExprNode *id = new(arena) IdentifierExprNode(t.getPos(), ExprNode::identifier, t.getIdentifier());
return parseIdentifierQualifiers(id, foundQualifiers);
if (t.hasKind(Token::openParenthesis)) {
e = parseParenthesesAndIdentifierQualifiers(t, foundQualifiers);
goto checkQualifiers;
if (t.hasKind(Token::Super)) {
eKind = ExprNode::Super;
goto keywordQualifier;
if (t.hasKind(Token::Public)) {
eKind = ExprNode::Public;
goto keywordQualifier;
if (t.hasKind(Token::Package)) {
eKind = ExprNode::Package;
goto keywordQualifier;
if (t.hasKind(Token::Private)) {
eKind = ExprNode::Private;
e = parseIdentifierQualifiers(new(arena) ExprNode(t.getPos(), eKind), foundQualifiers);
if (!foundQualifiers)
syntaxError(":: expected", 0);
return e;
syntaxError("Identifier or '(' expected");
return 0; // Unreachable code here just to shut up compiler warnings
// Parse and return an arrayLiteral. The opening bracket has already been read into initialToken.
JS::PairListExprNode *JS::Parser::parseArrayLiteral(const Token &initialToken)
uint32 initialPos = initialToken.getPos();
NodeQueue<ExprPairList> elements;
while (true) {
ExprNode *element = 0;
const Token &t = lexer.peek(true);
if (t.hasKind(Token::comma) || t.hasKind(Token::closeBracket))
element = parseAssignmentExpression(false);
elements += new(arena) ExprPairList(0, element);
const Token &tSeparator = lexer.get(false);
if (tSeparator.hasKind(Token::closeBracket))
if (!tSeparator.hasKind(Token::comma))
syntaxError("',' expected");
return new(arena) PairListExprNode(initialPos, ExprNode::arrayLiteral, elements.first);
// Parse and return an objectLiteral. The opening brace has already been read into initialToken.
JS::PairListExprNode *JS::Parser::parseObjectLiteral(const Token &initialToken)
uint32 initialPos = initialToken.getPos();
NodeQueue<ExprPairList> elements;
if (!, Token::closeBrace))
while (true) {
const Token &t = lexer.get(true);
ExprNode *field;
if (Token::isIdentifierKind(t.getKind()) || t.hasKind(Token::openParenthesis) || t.hasKind(Token::Super) ||
t.hasKind(Token::Public) || t.hasKind(Token::Package) || t.hasKind(Token::Private))
field = parseQualifiedIdentifier(t);
else if (t.hasKind(Token::string))
field = new(arena) StringExprNode(t.getPos(), ExprNode::string, copyTokenChars(t));
else if (t.hasKind(Token::number))
field = new(arena) NumberExprNode(t.getPos(), t.getValue());
else {
syntaxError("Field name expected");
field = 0; // Unreachable code here just to shut up compiler warnings
require(false, Token::colon);
elements += new(arena) ExprPairList(field, parseAssignmentExpression(false));
const Token &tSeparator = lexer.get(false);
if (tSeparator.hasKind(Token::closeBrace))
if (!tSeparator.hasKind(Token::comma))
syntaxError("',' expected");
return new(arena) PairListExprNode(initialPos, ExprNode::objectLiteral, elements.first);
// Parse and return a PrimaryExpression.
// If the first token was peeked, it should be have been done with preferRegExp set to true.
JS::ExprNode *JS::Parser::parsePrimaryExpression()
ExprNode *e;
ExprNode::Kind eKind;
const Token &t = lexer.get(true);
switch (t.getKind()) {
case Token::Null:
eKind = ExprNode::Null;
goto makeExprNode;
case Token::True:
eKind = ExprNode::True;
goto makeExprNode;
case Token::False:
eKind = ExprNode::False;
goto makeExprNode;
case Token::This:
eKind = ExprNode::This;
goto makeExprNode;
case Token::Super:
eKind = ExprNode::Super;
goto makeExprOrQualifierNode;
case Token::Public:
eKind = ExprNode::Public;
if (lexer.peek(false).hasKind(Token::doubleColon))
goto makeQualifiedIdentifierNode;
e = new(arena) ExprNode(t.getPos(), eKind);
case Token::number:
const Token &tUnit = lexer.peek(false);
if (!tUnit.getLineBreak() && (tUnit.hasKind(Token::unit) || tUnit.hasKind(Token::string))) {
e = new(arena) NumUnitExprNode(t.getPos(), ExprNode::numUnit, copyTokenChars(t), t.getValue(), copyTokenChars(tUnit));
} else
e = new(arena) NumberExprNode(t.getPos(), t.getValue());
case Token::string:
e = new(arena) StringExprNode(t.getPos(), ExprNode::string, copyTokenChars(t));
case Token::regExp:
e = new(arena) RegExpExprNode(t.getPos(), ExprNode::regExp, t.getIdentifier(), copyTokenChars(t));
case Token::Package:
case Token::Private:
e = parseQualifiedIdentifier(t);
case Token::openParenthesis:
bool foundQualifiers;
e = parseParenthesesAndIdentifierQualifiers(t, foundQualifiers);
if (!foundQualifiers) {
const Token &tUnit = lexer.peek(false);
if (!tUnit.getLineBreak() && tUnit.hasKind(Token::string)) {
e = new(arena) ExprUnitExprNode(t.getPos(), ExprNode::exprUnit, e, copyTokenChars(tUnit));
case Token::openBracket:
e = parseArrayLiteral(t);
case Token::openBrace:
e = parseObjectLiteral(t);
case Token::Function:
syntaxError("***** functions not implemented yet *****");
e = 0; // Unreachable code here just to shut up compiler warnings
syntaxError("Expression expected");
e = 0; // Unreachable code here just to shut up compiler warnings
return e;
// Parse a . or @ followed by a QualifiedIdentifier or ParenthesizedExpression and return
// the resulting BinaryExprNode. Use kind if a QualifiedIdentifier was found or parenKind
// if a ParenthesizedExpression was found.
// tOperator is the . or @ token. target is the first operand.
JS::BinaryExprNode *JS::Parser::parseMember(ExprNode *target, const Token &tOperator, ExprNode::Kind kind, ExprNode::Kind parenKind)
uint32 pos = tOperator.getPos();
ExprNode *member;
const Token &t2 = lexer.get(true);
if (t2.hasKind(Token::openParenthesis)) {
bool foundQualifiers;
member = parseParenthesesAndIdentifierQualifiers(t2, foundQualifiers);
if (!foundQualifiers)
kind = parenKind;
} else
member = parseQualifiedIdentifier(t2);
return new(arena) BinaryExprNode(pos, kind, target, member);
// Parse an ArgumentsList followed by a closing parenthesis or bracket and return
// the resulting InvokeExprNode. The target function, indexed object, or created class
// is supplied. The opening parenthesis or bracket has already been read.
// pos is the position to use for the InvokeExprNode.
JS::InvokeExprNode *JS::Parser::parseInvoke(ExprNode *target, uint32 pos, Token::Kind closingTokenKind, ExprNode::Kind invokeKind)
NodeQueue<ExprPairList> arguments;
bool hasNamedArgument = false;
if (!, closingTokenKind))
while (true) {
ExprNode *field = 0;
ExprNode *value = parseAssignmentExpression(false);
if (, Token::colon)) {
field = value;
if (!ExprNode::isFieldKind(field->getKind()))
syntaxError("Argument name must be an identifier, string, or number");
hasNamedArgument = true;
value = parseAssignmentExpression(false);
} else if (hasNamedArgument)
syntaxError("Unnamed argument cannot follow named argument", 0);
arguments += new(arena) ExprPairList(field, value);
const Token &tSeparator = lexer.get(false);
if (tSeparator.hasKind(closingTokenKind))
if (!tSeparator.hasKind(Token::comma))
syntaxError("',' expected");
return new(arena) InvokeExprNode(pos, invokeKind, target, arguments.first);
// Parse and return a PostfixExpression.
// If the first token was peeked, it should be have been done with preferRegExp set to true.
// If newExpression is true, this expression is immediately preceded by 'new', so don't allow
// call, postincrement, or postdecrement operators on it.
JS::ExprNode *JS::Parser::parsePostfixExpression(bool newExpression)
ExprNode *e;
const Token *tNew =, Token::New);
if (tNew) {
uint32 posNew = tNew->getPos();
e = parsePostfixExpression(true);
if (, Token::openParenthesis))
e = parseInvoke(e, posNew, Token::closeParenthesis, ExprNode::New);
e = new(arena) InvokeExprNode(posNew, ExprNode::New, e, 0);
} else
e = parsePrimaryExpression();
while (true) {
ExprNode::Kind eKind;
const Token &t = lexer.get(false);
switch (t.getKind()) {
case Token::openParenthesis:
if (newExpression)
goto other;
e = parseInvoke(e, t.getPos(), Token::closeParenthesis, ExprNode::call);
case Token::openBracket:
e = parseInvoke(e, t.getPos(), Token::closeBracket, ExprNode::index);
case Token::dot:
e = parseMember(e, t, ExprNode::dot, ExprNode::dotParen);
case Token::at:
e = parseMember(e, t, ExprNode::at, ExprNode::at);
case Token::increment:
eKind = ExprNode::postIncrement;
if (newExpression)
goto other;
e = new(arena) UnaryExprNode(t.getPos(), eKind, e);
case Token::decrement:
eKind = ExprNode::postDecrement;
goto incDec;
return e;
// Parse and return a UnaryExpression.
// If the first token was peeked, it should be have been done with preferRegExp
// set to true.
JS::ExprNode *JS::Parser::parseUnaryExpression()
ExprNode::Kind eKind;
ExprNode *e;
const Token &t = lexer.peek(true);
uint32 pos = t.getPos();
switch (t.getKind()) {
case Token::Delete:
eKind = ExprNode::Delete;
goto getPostfixExpression;
case Token::increment:
eKind = ExprNode::preIncrement;
goto getPostfixExpression;
case Token::decrement:
eKind = ExprNode::preDecrement;
e = parsePostfixExpression();
case Token::Typeof:
eKind = ExprNode::Typeof;
goto getUnaryExpression;
case Token::Eval:
eKind = ExprNode::Eval;
goto getUnaryExpression;
case Token::plus:
eKind = ExprNode::plus;
goto getUnaryExpression;
case Token::minus:
eKind = ExprNode::minus;
goto getUnaryExpression;
case Token::complement:
eKind = ExprNode::complement;
goto getUnaryExpression;
case Token::logicalNot:
eKind = ExprNode::logicalNot;
e = parseUnaryExpression();
return parsePostfixExpression();
return new(arena) UnaryExprNode(pos, eKind, e);
const JS::Parser::BinaryOperatorInfo JS::Parser::tokenBinaryOperatorInfos[Token::kindsEnd] = {
// Special
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::end
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::number
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::string
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::unit
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::regExp
// Punctuators
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::openParenthesis
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::closeParenthesis
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::openBracket
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::closeBracket
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::openBrace
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::closeBrace
{ExprNode::comma, pExpression, pExpression}, // Token::comma
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::semicolon
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::dot
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::doubleDot
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::tripleDot
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::arrow
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::colon
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::doubleColon
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::pound
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::at
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::increment
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::decrement
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::complement
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::logicalNot
{ExprNode::multiply, pMultiplicative, pMultiplicative}, // Token::times
{ExprNode::divide, pMultiplicative, pMultiplicative}, // Token::divide
{ExprNode::modulo, pMultiplicative, pMultiplicative}, // Token::modulo
{ExprNode::add, pAdditive, pAdditive}, // Token::plus
{ExprNode::subtract, pAdditive, pAdditive}, // Token::minus
{ExprNode::leftShift, pShift, pShift}, // Token::leftShift
{ExprNode::rightShift, pShift, pShift}, // Token::rightShift
{ExprNode::logicalRightShift, pShift, pShift}, // Token::logicalRightShift
{ExprNode::logicalAnd, pBitwiseOr, pLogicalAnd}, // Token::logicalAnd (right-associative for efficiency)
{ExprNode::logicalXor, pLogicalAnd, pLogicalXor}, // Token::logicalXor (right-associative for efficiency)
{ExprNode::logicalOr, pLogicalXor, pLogicalOr}, // Token::logicalOr (right-associative for efficiency)
{ExprNode::bitwiseAnd, pBitwiseAnd, pBitwiseAnd}, // Token::bitwiseAnd
{ExprNode::bitwiseXor, pBitwiseXor, pBitwiseXor}, // Token::bitwiseXor
{ExprNode::bitwiseOr, pBitwiseOr, pBitwiseOr}, // Token::bitwiseOr
{ExprNode::assignment, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::assignment
{ExprNode::multiplyEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::timesEquals
{ExprNode::divideEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::divideEquals
{ExprNode::moduloEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::moduloEquals
{ExprNode::addEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::plusEquals
{ExprNode::subtractEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::minusEquals
{ExprNode::leftShiftEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::leftShiftEquals
{ExprNode::rightShiftEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::rightShiftEquals
{ExprNode::logicalRightShiftEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::logicalRightShiftEquals
{ExprNode::logicalAndEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::logicalAndEquals
{ExprNode::logicalXorEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::logicalXorEquals
{ExprNode::logicalOrEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::logicalOrEquals
{ExprNode::bitwiseAndEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::bitwiseAndEquals
{ExprNode::bitwiseXorEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::bitwiseXorEquals
{ExprNode::bitwiseOrEquals, pPostfix, pAssignment}, // Token::bitwiseOrEquals
{ExprNode::equal, pEquality, pEquality}, // Token::equal
{ExprNode::notEqual, pEquality, pEquality}, // Token::notEqual
{ExprNode::lessThan, pRelational, pRelational}, // Token::lessThan
{ExprNode::lessThanOrEqual, pRelational, pRelational}, // Token::lessThanOrEqual
{ExprNode::greaterThan, pRelational, pRelational}, // Token::greaterThan
{ExprNode::greaterThanOrEqual, pRelational, pRelational}, // Token::greaterThanOrEqual
{ExprNode::identical, pEquality, pEquality}, // Token::identical
{ExprNode::notIdentical, pEquality, pEquality}, // Token::notIdentical
{ExprNode::conditional, pLogicalOr, pConditional}, // Token::question
// Reserved words
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Abstract
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Break
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Case
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Catch
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Class
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Const
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Continue
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Debugger
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Default
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Delete
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Do
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Else
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Enum
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Eval
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Export
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Extends
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::False
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Final
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Finally
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::For
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Function
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Goto
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::If
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Implements
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Import
{ExprNode::In, pRelational, pRelational}, // Token::In
{ExprNode::Instanceof, pRelational, pRelational}, // Token::Instanceof
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Native
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::New
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Null
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Package
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Private
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Protected
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Public
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Return
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Static
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Super
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Switch
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Synchronized
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::This
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Throw
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Throws
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Transient
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::True
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Try
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Typeof
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Var
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Volatile
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::While
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::With
// Non-reserved words
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Attribute
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Constructor
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Get
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Language
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Local
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Namespace
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Override
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Set
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone}, // Token::Use
{ExprNode::none, pExpression, pNone} // Token::identifier
struct JS::Parser::StackedSubexpression {
ExprNode::Kind kind; // The kind of BinaryExprNode the subexpression should generate
uchar precedence; // Precedence of an operator with respect to operators on its right
uint32 pos; // The operator token's position
ExprNode *op1; // First operand of the operator
ExprNode *op2; // Second operand of the operator (used for ?: only)
// Parse and return an Expression. If noIn is false, allow the in operator. If noAssignment is
// false, allow the = and op= operators. If noComma is false, allow the comma operator.
// If the first token was peeked, it should be have been done with preferRegExp
// set to true.
JS::ExprNode *JS::Parser::parseExpression(bool noIn, bool noAssignment, bool noComma)
ArrayBuffer<StackedSubexpression, 10> subexpressionStack;
// Push a limiter onto subexpressionStack.
subexpressionStack.reserve_advance_back()->precedence = pNone;
while (true) {
ExprNode *e = parseUnaryExpression();
const Token &t = lexer.peek(false);
const BinaryOperatorInfo &binOpInfo = tokenBinaryOperatorInfos[t.getKind()];
Precedence precedence = binOpInfo.precedenceLeft;
ExprNode::Kind kind = binOpInfo.kind;
ASSERT(precedence > pNone);
// Disqualify assignments, 'in', and comma if the flags indicate that these should end the expression.
if (precedence == pPostfix && noAssignment || kind == ExprNode::In && noIn || kind == ExprNode::comma && noComma) {
kind = ExprNode::none;
precedence = pExpression;
if (precedence == pPostfix) {
// Ensure that the target of an assignment is a postfix subexpression.
if (ExprNode::isUnaryKind(e->getKind()))
syntaxError("Cannot assign to the result of this unary expression", 0);
} else
// Reduce already stacked operators with precedenceLeft or higher precedence
while (subexpressionStack.back().precedence >= precedence) {
StackedSubexpression &s = subexpressionStack.pop_back();
if (s.kind == ExprNode::conditional) {
if (s.op2)
e = new(arena) TernaryExprNode(s.pos, s.kind, s.op1, s.op2, e);
else {
if (!t.hasKind(Token::colon))
syntaxError("':' expected", 0);
s.op2 = e;
goto foundColon;
} else
e = new(arena) BinaryExprNode(s.pos, s.kind, s.op1, e);
if (kind == ExprNode::none) {
ASSERT(subexpressionStack.size() == 1);
return e;
// Push the current operator onto the subexpressionStack.
StackedSubexpression &s = *subexpressionStack.reserve_advance_back();
s.kind = kind;
s.precedence = binOpInfo.precedenceRight;
s.pos = t.getPos();
s.op1 = e;
s.op2 = 0;