Daniel Varga 943f938b03 Backed out 5 changesets (bug 1523351) for causing build bustage at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/obj-firefox/dist/include/mozilla/StaticPrefList.h on a CLOSED TREE
Backed out changeset 607b23dcc62a (bug 1523351)
Backed out changeset b8169dcf0631 (bug 1523351)
Backed out changeset 982cd43dc8d9 (bug 1523351)
Backed out changeset 053540f0b00a (bug 1523351)
Backed out changeset cac2a77abd09 (bug 1523351)
2019-05-29 23:45:15 +03:00

113 lines
4.2 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_GamepadPlatformService_h_
#define mozilla_dom_GamepadPlatformService_h_
#include "mozilla/dom/GamepadBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class GamepadEventChannelParent;
// Platform Service for building and transmitting IPDL messages
// through the HAL sandbox. Used by platform specific
// Gamepad implementations
// This class can be accessed by the following 2 threads :
// 1. Background thread:
// This thread takes charge of IPDL communications
// between here and DOM side
// 2. Monitor Thread:
// This thread is populated in platform-dependent backends, which
// is in charge of processing gamepad hardware events from OS
class GamepadPlatformService final {
// Get the singleton service
static already_AddRefed<GamepadPlatformService> GetParentService();
// Add a gamepad to the list of known gamepads, and return its index.
uint32_t AddGamepad(const char* aID, GamepadMappingType aMapping,
GamepadHand aHand, uint32_t aNumButtons,
uint32_t aNumAxes, uint32_t aNumHaptics);
// Remove the gamepad at |aIndex| from the list of known gamepads.
void RemoveGamepad(uint32_t aIndex);
// Update the state of |aButton| for the gamepad at |aIndex| for all
// windows that are listening and visible, and fire one of
// a gamepadbutton{up,down} event at them as well.
// aPressed is used for digital buttons, aTouched is for detecting touched
// events, aValue is for analog buttons.
void NewButtonEvent(uint32_t aIndex, uint32_t aButton, bool aPressed,
bool aTouched, double aValue);
// When only a digital button is available the value will be synthesized.
void NewButtonEvent(uint32_t aIndex, uint32_t aButton, bool aPressed);
// When only a digital button are available the value will be synthesized.
void NewButtonEvent(uint32_t aIndex, uint32_t aButton, bool aPressed,
bool aTouched);
// Update the state of |aAxis| for the gamepad at |aIndex| for all
// windows that are listening and visible, and fire a gamepadaxismove
// event at them as well.
void NewAxisMoveEvent(uint32_t aIndex, uint32_t aAxis, double aValue);
// Update the state of |aState| for the gamepad at |aIndex| for all
// windows that are listening and visible.
void NewPoseEvent(uint32_t aIndex, const GamepadPoseState& aState);
// When shutting down the platform communications for gamepad, also reset the
// indexes.
void ResetGamepadIndexes();
// Add IPDL parent instance
void AddChannelParent(GamepadEventChannelParent* aParent);
// Remove IPDL parent instance
void RemoveChannelParent(GamepadEventChannelParent* aParent);
bool HasGamepadListeners();
void MaybeShutdown();
template <class T>
void NotifyGamepadChange(uint32_t aIndex, const T& aInfo);
// Flush all pending events buffered in mPendingEvents, must be called
// with mMutex held
void FlushPendingEvents();
void Cleanup();
// mGamepadIndex can only be accessed by monitor thread
uint32_t mGamepadIndex;
// mChannelParents stores all the GamepadEventChannelParent instances
// which may be accessed by both background thread and monitor thread
// simultaneously, so we have a mutex to prevent race condition
nsTArray<RefPtr<GamepadEventChannelParent>> mChannelParents;
// This mutex protects mChannelParents from race condition
// between background and monitor thread
Mutex mMutex;
// In mochitest, it is possible that the test Events is synthesized
// before GamepadEventChannel created, we need to buffer all events
// until the channel is created if that happens.
nsTArray<GamepadChangeEvent> mPendingEvents;
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla