Benjamin Smedberg ca77995f5d Bug 1333826 - Remove SDK_FILES, SDK_LIBRARY, and related is_sdk support in the build goop, r=mshal
MozReview-Commit-ID: 52vPyDXdFte

extra : rebase_source : c3217730bb70eb7319152dd07536b12f49d6a597
2017-01-30 11:24:10 -05:00

This is a copy of the jemalloc source code. It is intended to be left pristine.
Modifications to this code without coordinating with upstream are unacceptable,
and will be reverted. Integration modifications should be made in memory/build
whenever possible.

The canonical repository for this source code is git://
The information about the upstream repository and revision lives in
In order to update the code, you can run the script located in
the same directory.