Birunthan Mohanathas b09d89b288 Bug 1058101 - Flatten dom/apps/src/ into parent directory. r=mccr8
rename : dom/apps/src/AppDownloadManager.jsm => dom/apps/AppDownloadManager.jsm
rename : dom/apps/src/AppsService.js => dom/apps/AppsService.js
rename : dom/apps/src/AppsService.manifest => dom/apps/AppsService.manifest
rename : dom/apps/src/AppsServiceChild.jsm => dom/apps/AppsServiceChild.jsm
rename : dom/apps/src/AppsUtils.jsm => dom/apps/AppsUtils.jsm
rename : dom/apps/src/FreeSpaceWatcher.jsm => dom/apps/FreeSpaceWatcher.jsm
rename : dom/apps/src/InterAppComm.cpp => dom/apps/InterAppComm.cpp
rename : dom/apps/src/InterAppComm.h => dom/apps/InterAppComm.h
rename : dom/apps/src/InterAppComm.manifest => dom/apps/InterAppComm.manifest
rename : dom/apps/src/InterAppCommService.js => dom/apps/InterAppCommService.js
rename : dom/apps/src/InterAppCommService.jsm => dom/apps/InterAppCommService.jsm
rename : dom/apps/src/InterAppConnection.js => dom/apps/InterAppConnection.js
rename : dom/apps/src/InterAppMessagePort.js => dom/apps/InterAppMessagePort.js
rename : dom/apps/src/OfflineCacheInstaller.jsm => dom/apps/OfflineCacheInstaller.jsm
rename : dom/apps/src/OperatorApps.jsm => dom/apps/OperatorApps.jsm
rename : dom/apps/src/PermissionsInstaller.jsm => dom/apps/PermissionsInstaller.jsm
rename : dom/apps/src/PermissionsTable.jsm => dom/apps/PermissionsTable.jsm
rename : dom/apps/src/ScriptPreloader.jsm => dom/apps/ScriptPreloader.jsm
rename : dom/apps/src/StoreTrustAnchor.jsm => dom/apps/StoreTrustAnchor.jsm
rename : dom/apps/src/Webapps.js => dom/apps/Webapps.js
rename : dom/apps/src/Webapps.jsm => dom/apps/Webapps.jsm
rename : dom/apps/src/Webapps.manifest => dom/apps/Webapps.manifest
2014-08-27 10:12:06 -07:00

129 lines
4.3 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
"use strict"
function debug(s) {
//dump("-*- AppsService.js: " + s + "\n");
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cu = Components.utils;
const APPS_SERVICE_CID = Components.ID("{05072afa-92fe-45bf-ae22-39b69c117058}");
function AppsService()
debug("AppsService Constructor");
this.inParent = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime)
.processType == Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT;
debug("inParent: " + this.inParent);
Cu.import(this.inParent ? "resource://gre/modules/Webapps.jsm" :
AppsService.prototype = {
getCSPByLocalId: function getCSPByLocalId(localId) {
debug("GetCSPByLocalId( " + localId + " )");
return DOMApplicationRegistry.getCSPByLocalId(localId);
getAppByManifestURL: function getAppByManifestURL(aManifestURL) {
debug("GetAppByManifestURL( " + aManifestURL + " )");
return DOMApplicationRegistry.getAppByManifestURL(aManifestURL);
getManifestFor: function getManifestFor(aManifestURL) {
debug("getManifestFor(" + aManifestURL + ")");
if (this.inParent) {
return DOMApplicationRegistry.getManifestFor(aManifestURL);
} else {
return Promise.reject(
new Error("Calling getManifestFor() from child is not supported"));
getAppLocalIdByManifestURL: function getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(aManifestURL) {
debug("getAppLocalIdByManifestURL( " + aManifestURL + " )");
return DOMApplicationRegistry.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(aManifestURL);
getAppLocalIdByStoreId: function getAppLocalIdByStoreId(aStoreId) {
debug("getAppLocalIdByStoreId( " + aStoreId + " )");
return DOMApplicationRegistry.getAppLocalIdByStoreId(aStoreId);
getAppByLocalId: function getAppByLocalId(aLocalId) {
debug("getAppByLocalId( " + aLocalId + " )");
return DOMApplicationRegistry.getAppByLocalId(aLocalId);
getManifestURLByLocalId: function getManifestURLByLocalId(aLocalId) {
debug("getManifestURLByLocalId( " + aLocalId + " )");
return DOMApplicationRegistry.getManifestURLByLocalId(aLocalId);
getCoreAppsBasePath: function getCoreAppsBasePath() {
return DOMApplicationRegistry.getCoreAppsBasePath();
getWebAppsBasePath: function getWebAppsBasePath() {
return DOMApplicationRegistry.getWebAppsBasePath();
getAppInfo: function getAppInfo(aAppId) {
return DOMApplicationRegistry.getAppInfo(aAppId);
getRedirect: function getRedirect(aLocalId, aURI) {
debug("getRedirect for " + aLocalId + " " + aURI.spec);
if (aLocalId == Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.NO_APP_ID ||
aLocalId == Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.UNKNOWN_APP_ID) {
return null;
let app = DOMApplicationRegistry.getAppByLocalId(aLocalId);
if (app && app.redirects) {
let spec = aURI.spec;
for (let i = 0; i < app.redirects.length; i++) {
let redirect = app.redirects[i];
if (spec.startsWith(redirect.from)) {
// Prepend the app origin to the redirection. We need that since
// the origin of packaged apps is a uuid created at install time.
let to = app.origin +;
// If we have a ? or a # in the current URL, add this part to the
// redirection.
let index = -1;
index = spec.indexOf('?');
if (index == -1) {
index = spec.indexOf('#');
if (index != -1) {
to += spec.substring(index);
debug('App specific redirection from ' + spec + ' to ' + to);
return, null, null);
// No matching redirect.
return null;
QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAppsService])
this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([AppsService])