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# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
# @(#)mpool.tcl 10.15 (Sleepycat) 6/1/98
# Options are:
# -cachesize <bytes>
# -nfiles <files>
# -iterations <iterations>
# -pagesize <page size in bytes>
# -dir <directory in which to store memp>
# -stat
proc memp_usage {} {
puts "memp -cachesize <bytes> -nfiles <files> -iterations <iterations>"
puts "\t-pagesize <page size in bytes> -dir <memp directory>"
puts "\t-shmem {anon named}"
proc mpool { args } {
source ./include.tcl
# Set defaults
set cachesize [expr 50 * 1024]
set nfiles 5
set iterations 500
set pagesize "512 1024 2048 4096 8192"
set npages 100
set procs 4
set seeds ""
set envopts ""
set dostat 0
for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $args] } {incr i} {
switch -regexp -- [lindex $args $i] {
-c.* { incr i; set cachesize [lindex $args $i] }
-d.* { incr i; set testdir [lindex $args $i] }
-i.* { incr i; set iterations [lindex $args $i] }
-nf.* { incr i; set nfiles [lindex $args $i] }
-np.* { incr i; set npages [lindex $args $i] }
-pa.* { incr i; set pagesize [lindex $args $i] }
-pr.* { incr i; set procs [lindex $args $i] }
-se.* { incr i; set seeds [lindex $args $i] }
-sh.* { incr i; set envopts "-shmem [lindex $args $i]" }
-st.* { set dostat 1 }
default {
if { [file exists $testdir] != 1 } {
exec $MKDIR $testdir
} elseif { [file isdirectory $testdir ] != 1 } {
error "$testdir is not a directory"
# Clean out old directory
cleanup $testdir
# Open the memp with regioninit specified
set cmd {memp "" 0644 $DB_CREATE -cachesize $cachesize}
set cmd [concat $cmd $envopts]
set ri_cmd [concat $cmd "-rinit 1"]
set mp [eval $ri_cmd]
if { [string compare $mp EINVAL] == 0 } {
puts "$envopts not supported; test skipped"
error_check_good memp_close [$mp close] 0
error_check_good memp_unlink:$testdir [memp_unlink $testdir 1] 0
# Now open without region init
set mp [ eval $cmd]
if { [string compare $mp EINVAL] == 0 } {
puts "$envopts not supported"
error_check_good memp_open [is_valid_widget $mp mp] TRUE
memp001 $mp $testdir $nfiles $iterations [lindex $pagesize 0] $dostat $envopts
error_check_good memp_close [$mp close] 0
error_check_good memp_unlink:$testdir [memp_unlink $testdir 1] 0
set mp [ eval $cmd]
error_check_good memp_open [is_valid_widget $mp mp] TRUE
error_check_good memp_close [$mp close] 0
memp002 $testdir \
$procs $pagesize $iterations $npages $seeds $dostat $envopts
error_check_good memp_unlink:$testdir [memp_unlink $testdir 1] 0
memp003 $envopts $iterations
error_check_good memp_unlink:$testdir [memp_unlink $testdir 1] 0
error_check_good lock_unlink:$testdir [lock_unlink $testdir 1] 0
proc memp001 {mp dir n iter psize dostat envopts} {
source ./include.tcl
puts "Memp001: {$envopts} random update $iter iterations on $n files."
# Open N memp files
for {set i 1} {$i <= $n} {incr i} {
set fname "data_file.$i"
file_create $dir/$fname 50 $psize
set files($i) [$mp open $fname $psize 0 0644]
srand 0xf0f0f0f0
# Now, loop, picking files at random
for {set i 0} {$i < $iter} {incr i} {
set f $files([random_int 1 $n])
set p1 [get_range $f 10]
set p2 [get_range $f 10]
set p3 [get_range $f 10]
replace $p1
replace $p3
set p4 [get_range $f 20]
replace $p4
set p5 [get_range $f 10]
set p6 [get_range $f 20]
set p7 [get_range $f 10]
set p8 [get_range $f 20]
replace $p5
replace $p6
set p9 [get_range $f 40]
replace $p2
set p10 [get_range $f 40]
replace $p7
replace $p8
replace $p9
replace $p10
if { $dostat == 1 } {
$mp stat
for {set i 1} {$i <= $n} {incr i} {
error_check_good mp_sync [$files($i) sync] 0
# error_check_good mp_close [$files($i) close] 0
# Close N memp files
for {set i 1} {$i <= $n} {incr i} {
error_check_good memp_close:$files($i) [$files($i) close] 0
exec $RM -rf $dir/data_file.$i
proc file_create { fname nblocks blocksize } {
set fid [open $fname w]
for {set i 0} {$i < $nblocks} {incr i} {
seek $fid [expr $i * $blocksize] start
puts -nonewline $fid $i
seek $fid [expr $nblocks * $blocksize - 1]
# We don't end the file with a newline, because some platforms (like
# Windows) emit CR/NL. There does not appear to be a BINARY open flag
# that prevents this.
puts -nonewline $fid "Z"
close $fid
# Make sure it worked
if { [file size $fname] != $nblocks * $blocksize } {
error "FAIL: file_create could not create correct file size"
proc get_range { file max } {
set pno [random_int 0 $max]
set p [$file get $pno 0 ]
set got [$p get]
if { $got != $pno } {
# if {[string compare $got $pno] != 0} \{
puts "Get_range: Page mismatch page |$pno| val |$got|"
$p init "Page is pinned by [pid]"
return $p
proc replace { p } {
$p init "Page is unpinned by [pid]"
proc memp002 { dir procs psizes iterations npages seeds dostat envopts } {
source ./include.tcl
puts "Memp002: {$envopts} Multiprocess mpool tester"
if { [string compare [lindex $envopts 1] anon] == 0 } {
puts "Multiple processes not supported for unnamed anonymous memory."
set iter [expr $iterations / $procs]
# Clean up old stuff and create new.
lock_unlink $dir 1
for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $psizes] } { incr i } {
exec $RM -rf $dir/file$i
set lp [lock_open "" $DB_CREATE 0644 $envopts]
if { [string compare $lp NULL] == 0 && [string length $envopts] != 0 } {
puts "Unable to initialize regions with $envopts"
error_check_good lock_open [is_valid_widget $lp lockmgr] TRUE
$lp close
set pidlist {}
for { set i 0 } { $i < $procs } {incr i} {
if { [llength $seeds] == $procs } {
set seed [lindex $seeds $i]
} else {
set seed -1
puts "./dbtest ../test/mpoolscript.tcl $dir $i $procs \
$iter \"$psizes\" $npages 3 $seed $envopts > \
$dir/$i.mpoolout &"
set p [exec ./dbtest ../test/mpoolscript.tcl $dir $i $procs \
$iter $psizes $npages 3 $seed $envopts > \
$dir/$i.mpoolout & ]
lappend pidlist $p
puts "Memp002: $procs independent processes now running"
watch_procs $pidlist
# Remove output logs
for { set i 0 } { $i < $procs } {incr i} {
exec $RM $dir/$i.mpoolout
lock_unlink $dir 1
# Test reader-only/writer process combinations; we use the access methods
# for testing.
proc memp003 { envopts {nentries 10000} } {
global alphabet
source ./include.tcl
puts "Memp003: {$envopts} Reader/Writer tests"
if { [string compare [lindex $envopts 1] anon] == 0 } {
puts "{$envopts} Multiple processes not supported for unnamed anonymous memory."
cleanup $testdir
set env_flags [expr $DB_CREATE | $DB_INIT_LOCK | $DB_INIT_MPOOL]
set psize 1024
set testfile mpool.db
set t1 $testdir/t1
# Create an environment that the two processes can share
set cmd {dbenv -dbflags $env_flags -dbhome $testdir -cachesize \
[expr $psize * 10]}
set cmd [concat $cmd $envopts]
set dbenv [eval $cmd]
# First open and create the file.
set db [dbopen $testfile [expr $DB_CREATE | $DB_TRUNCATE] \
0644 DB_BTREE -dbenv $dbenv -psize $psize]
error_check_good dbopen/RW [is_substr $db db] 1
set did [open $dict]
set flags 0
set txn 0
set count 0
puts "\tMemp003.a: create database"
set keys ""
# Here is the loop where we put and get each key/data pair
while { [gets $did str] != -1 && $count < $nentries } {
lappend keys $str
set ret [$db put $txn $str $str $flags]
error_check_good put $ret 0
set ret [$db get $txn $str $flags]
error_check_good get $ret $str
incr count
close $did
error_check_good close [$db close] 0
# Now open the file for read-only
set db [dbopen $testfile $DB_RDONLY 0 DB_UNKNOWN -dbenv $dbenv]
error_check_good dbopen/RO [is_substr $db db] 1
puts "\tMemp003.b: verify a few keys"
# Read and verify a couple of keys; saving them to check later
set testset ""
for { set i 0 } { $i < 10 } { incr i } {
set ndx [random_int 0 [expr $nentries - 1]]
set key [lindex $keys $ndx]
if { [lsearch $testset $key] != -1 } {
incr i -1
lappend testset $key
set ret [$db get $txn $key $flags]
error_check_good get/RO $ret $key
puts "\tMemp003.c: retrieve and modify keys in remote process"
# Now open remote process where we will open the file RW
set f1 [open |./dbtest r+]
puts $f1 "set dbenv \[dbenv -dbflags $env_flags -dbhome $testdir\
-cachesize [expr $psize * 10] $envopts \]"
puts $f1 "puts \$dbenv"
puts $f1 "flush stdout"
flush $f1
set r [gets $f1 result]
error_check_bad gets $r -1
error_check_good remote_dbenv [is_substr $result env] 1
puts $f1 "set db \[dbopen $testfile 0 0 DB_UNKNOWN -dbenv \$dbenv\]"
puts $f1 "puts \$db"
puts $f1 "flush stdout"
flush $f1
set r [gets $f1 result]
error_check_bad gets $r -1
error_check_good remote_dbopen [is_substr $result db] 1
foreach k $testset {
# Get the key
puts $f1 "set ret \[\$db get 0 $k 0\]"
puts $f1 "puts \$ret"
puts $f1 "flush stdout"
flush $f1
set r [gets $f1 result]
error_check_bad gets $r -1
error_check_good remote_get $result $k
# Now replace the key
puts $f1 "set ret \[\$db put 0 $k $k$k 0\]"
puts $f1 "puts \$ret"
puts $f1 "flush stdout"
flush $f1
set r [gets $f1 result]
error_check_bad gets $r -1
error_check_good remote_put $result 0
puts "\tMemp003.d: verify changes in local process"
foreach k $testset {
set ret [$db get $txn $key $flags]
error_check_good get_verify/RO $ret $key$key
puts "\tMemp003.e: Fill up the cache with dirty buffers"
foreach k $testset {
# Now rewrite the keys with BIG data
set data [replicate $alphabet 32]
puts $f1 "set ret \[\$db put 0 $k $data 0\]"
puts $f1 "puts \$ret"
puts $f1 "flush stdout"
flush $f1
set r [gets $f1 result]
error_check_bad gets $r -1
error_check_good remote_put $result 0
puts "\tMemp003.f: Get more pages for the read-only file"
dump_file $db $txn $t1 nop
puts "\tMemp003.g: Sync from the read-only file"
error_check_good db_sync [$db sync 0] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
puts $f1 "set ret \[\$db close\]"
puts $f1 "puts \$ret"
puts $f1 "flush stdout"
flush $f1
set r [gets $f1 result]
error_check_bad gets $r -1
error_check_good remote_get $result 0
# Close the environment both remotely and locally.
puts $f1 "set ret \[reset_env \$dbenv\]"
puts $f1 "puts \[string length \$ret\]"
puts $f1 "flush stdout"
flush $f1
set r [gets $f1 result]
error_check_bad gets$f1 $r -1
error_check_good remote_reset_env $result 0
close $f1
reset_env $dbenv