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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_StoragePrincipalHelper_h
#define mozilla_StoragePrincipalHelper_h
* StoragePrincipal
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* StoragePrincipal is the nsIPrincipal to be used to open the cookie jar of a
* resource's origin. Normally, the StoragePrincipal corresponds to the
* resource's origin, but, in some scenarios, it can be different: it can have
* some extra origin attributes.
* Each storage component, should always use the StoragePrincipal instead of the
* 'real' one in order to implement the partitioning correctly.
* On the web, each resource has its own origin (see
* and each
* origin has its own cookie jar, containing cookies, storage data, cache and so
* on.
* In addition, gecko has a set of attributes to differentiate the same origin
* in different contexts (OriginAttributes). The main ones are:
* - privateBrowsingId, for private browsing navigation.
* - userContextId, for containers
* - firstPartyIsolation, for TOR.
* In gecko-world, the origin and its attributes are stored and managed by the
* nsIPrincipal interface. Both resource's Principal and resource's
* StoragePrincipal are nsIPrincipal interfaces and, normally, they are the same
* object.
* Here is the way you can obtain the two Principals:
* From a Document:
* - Document's principal: nsINode::NodePrincipal
* - Document's StoragePrincipal: Document::EffectiveStoragePrincipal
* From a Global object:
* - nsIScriptObjectPrincipal::getPrincipal
* - nsIScriptObjectPrincipal::getEffectiveStoragePrincipal
* From a Worker:
* - WorkerPrivate::GetPrincipal().
* - WorkerPrivate::GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal();
* For a nsIChannel, the final principals must be calculated and they can be
* obtained by calling:
* - nsIScriptSecurityManager::getChannelResultPrincipal() or
* - nsIScriptSecurityManager::getChannelResultStoragePrincipal().
* Principal VS StoragePrincipal
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* At the moment, we are experimenting the partitioning of cookie jars for 3rd
* party trackers: each 3rd party origin, detected as a tracker, will have a
* partitioned cookie jar, created by the tracker's origin, plus, the
* first-party domain.
* This means that, for those origins, StoragePrincipal will be equal to the
* main Principal but it will also have the 'first-party-domain' attribute set
* as the first-party URL's domain. Because of this, the tracker's cookie jar
* will be partitioned and it will be unique per first-party domain.
* The naminig is important. This is why Document has the StoragePrincipal
* stored in a member variable called mIntrinsicStoragePrincipal: this
* storagePrincipal is immutable even when Document::EffectiveStoragePrincipal
* returns the main principal.
* Storage access permission
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* A resource's origin and its attributes are immutable. StoragePrincipal can
* change: when a tracker has the storage permission granted, its
* StoragePrincipal becomes equal to its document's principal. In this way, the
* tracker will have access to its first-party cookie jar, escaping from the
* its partitioning.
* To know more about when the storage access permission is granted, see the
* anti-tracking project's documentation.
* See: and
* When the storage access permission is granted, any of the StoragePrincipal
* getter methods will return the main principal instead of the storage one, and
* each storage component should consider the new Principal only.
* There are several ways to receive storage-permission notifications:
* - Add some code in nsGlobalWindowInner::StorageAccessGranted().
* - WorkerScope::FirstPartyStorageAccessGranted for Workers.
* - observe the permission changes (not recommended)
* SharedWorkers and BroadcastChannels
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* SharedWorker and BroadcastChannel instances latch the effective storage
* principal at the moment of their creation. Existing bindings to the
* partitioned storage principal will continue to exist and operate even as it
* becomes possible to create bindings associated with the non-partitioned node
* principal. This makes it possible for such globals to bi-directionally
* bridge information between partitioned and non-partitioned principals.
* {Dedicated,Shared,Service}Workers
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* The storage access permission propagation happens with a ControlRunnable.
* This could impact the use of sync event-loops. Take a reference of the
* principal you want to use because it can change!
* ServiceWorkers are currently disabled for partitioned contexts.
* Client API uses the main principal always because there is not a direct
* connection between this API and the cookie jar. If we want to support
* ServiceWorkers in partitioned context, this part must be revisited.
class nsIChannel;
class nsIPrincipal;
namespace mozilla {
namespace ipc {
class PrincipalInfo;
class OriginAttributes;
class StoragePrincipalHelper final {
static nsresult Create(nsIChannel* aChannel, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
nsIPrincipal** aStoragePrincipal);
static nsresult PrepareOriginAttributes(nsIChannel* aChannel,
OriginAttributes& aOriginAttributes);
static bool VerifyValidStoragePrincipalInfoForPrincipalInfo(
const mozilla::ipc::PrincipalInfo& aStoragePrincipalInfo,
const mozilla::ipc::PrincipalInfo& aPrincipalInfo);
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // mozilla_StoragePrincipalHelper_h