gecko-dev/layout/base/nsLayoutAtomList.h a9e2dece76 Bug 38370.
Allow color of an HR element to be changed.
Make HR be a block element in quirks mode instead of the hacky inline we were previously using (standards mode already had it as a block).
Patch by Ian Hickson <> with minor modifications by me.
2003-07-30 08:13:07 +00:00

236 lines
9.6 KiB

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This file contains the list of all layout nsIAtoms and their values
It is designed to be used as inline input to nsLayoutAtoms.cpp *only*
through the magic of C preprocessing.
All entires must be enclosed in the macro LAYOUT_ATOM which will have cruel
and unusual things done to it
It is recommended (but not strictly necessary) to keep all entries
in alphabetical order
The first argument to LAYOUT_ATOM is the C++ identifier of the atom
The second argument is the string value of the atom
// OUTPUT_CLASS=nsLayoutAtoms
// Alphabetical list of media type atoms
LAYOUT_ATOM(all, "all") // Media atoms must be lower case
LAYOUT_ATOM(aural, "aural")
LAYOUT_ATOM(braille, "braille")
LAYOUT_ATOM(embossed, "embossed")
LAYOUT_ATOM(handheld, "handheld")
LAYOUT_ATOM(print, "print")
LAYOUT_ATOM(projection, "projection")
LAYOUT_ATOM(screen, "screen")
LAYOUT_ATOM(tty, "tty")
LAYOUT_ATOM(tv, "tv")
// Alphabetical list of standard name space prefixes
LAYOUT_ATOM(htmlNameSpace, "html")
LAYOUT_ATOM(xmlNameSpace, "xml")
LAYOUT_ATOM(xmlnsNameSpace, "xmlns")
// Alphabetical list of frame additional child list names
LAYOUT_ATOM(absoluteList, "Absolute-list")
LAYOUT_ATOM(bulletList, "Bullet-list")
LAYOUT_ATOM(captionList, "Caption-list")
LAYOUT_ATOM(colGroupList, "ColGroup-list")
LAYOUT_ATOM(editorDisplayList, "EditorDisplay-List")
LAYOUT_ATOM(fixedList, "Fixed-list")
LAYOUT_ATOM(floaterList, "Floater-list")
LAYOUT_ATOM(overflowList, "Overflow-list")
LAYOUT_ATOM(popupList, "Popup-list")
LAYOUT_ATOM(commentTagName, "__moz_comment")
LAYOUT_ATOM(textTagName, "__moz_text")
LAYOUT_ATOM(processingInstructionTagName, "__moz_pi")
// Alphabetical list of frame types
LAYOUT_ATOM(areaFrame, "AreaFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(bcTableCellFrame, "BCTableCellFrame") // table cell in border collapsing model
LAYOUT_ATOM(blockFrame, "BlockFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(boxFrame, "BoxFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(brFrame, "BRFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(bulletFrame, "BulletFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(fieldSetFrame, "FieldSetFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(gfxButtonControlFrame, "gfxButtonControlFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(htmlFrameInnerFrame, "htmlFrameInnerFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(htmlFrameOuterFrame, "htmlFrameOuterFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(imageFrame, "ImageFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(imageControlFrame, "ImageControlFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(inlineFrame, "InlineFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(legendFrame, "LegendFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(letterFrame, "LetterFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(lineFrame, "LineFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(objectFrame, "ObjectFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(pageFrame, "PageFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(pageBreakFrame, "PageBreakFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(pageContentFrame, "PageContentFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(placeholderFrame, "PlaceholderFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(positionedInlineFrame, "PositionedInlineFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(canvasFrame, "CanvasFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(rootFrame, "RootFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(scrollFrame, "ScrollFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(sequenceFrame, "SequenceFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(tableCaptionFrame, "TableCaptionFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(tableCellFrame, "TableCellFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(tableColFrame, "TableColFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(tableColGroupFrame, "TableColGroupFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(tableFrame, "TableFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(tableOuterFrame, "TableOuterFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(tableRowGroupFrame, "TableRowGroupFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(tableRowFrame, "TableRowFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(textFrame, "TextFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(viewportFrame, "ViewportFrame")
// Alphabetical list of frame property names
LAYOUT_ATOM(changeListProperty, "ChangeListProperty") // void*
LAYOUT_ATOM(collapseOffsetProperty, "CollapseOffsetProperty") // nsPoint*
LAYOUT_ATOM(IBSplitSpecialPrevSibling, "IBSplitSpecialPrevSibling")// nsIFrame*
LAYOUT_ATOM(IBSplitSpecialSibling, "IBSplitSpecialSibling") // nsIFrame*
LAYOUT_ATOM(maxElementWidthProperty, "MaxElementWidthProperty") // nscoord*
LAYOUT_ATOM(overflowAreaProperty, "OverflowArea") // nsRect*
LAYOUT_ATOM(overflowProperty, "OverflowProperty") // list of nsIFrame*
LAYOUT_ATOM(overflowLinesProperty, "OverflowLinesProperty") // list of nsLineBox*
LAYOUT_ATOM(overflowPlaceholdersProperty, "OverflowPlaceholdersProperty") // nsPlaceholder*
LAYOUT_ATOM(rowUnpaginatedHeightProperty, "RowUnpaginatedHeightProperty") // nscoord*
LAYOUT_ATOM(spaceManagerProperty, "SpaceManagerProperty") // the space manager for a block
LAYOUT_ATOM(tableBCProperty, "TableBCProperty") // table border collapsing info (e.g. damage area, table border widths)
LAYOUT_ATOM(viewProperty, "ViewProperty")
// Alphabetical list of event handler names
LAYOUT_ATOM(onabort, "onabort")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onblur, "onblur")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onbroadcast, "onbroadcast")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onchange, "onchange")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onclick, "onclick")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onclose, "onclose")
LAYOUT_ATOM(oncommand, "oncommand")
LAYOUT_ATOM(oncommandupdate, "oncommandupdate")
LAYOUT_ATOM(oncontextmenu, "oncontextmenu")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onpopupshowing, "onpopupshowing")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onpopupshown, "onpopupshown")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onpopuphiding, "onpopuphiding")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onpopuphidden, "onpopuphidden")
LAYOUT_ATOM(ondblclick, "ondblclick")
LAYOUT_ATOM(ondragdrop, "ondragdrop")
LAYOUT_ATOM(ondragenter, "ondragenter")
LAYOUT_ATOM(ondragexit, "ondragexit")
LAYOUT_ATOM(ondraggesture, "ondraggesture")
LAYOUT_ATOM(ondragover, "ondragover")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onerror, "onerror")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onfocus, "onfocus")
LAYOUT_ATOM(oninput, "oninput")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onkeydown, "onkeydown")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onkeypress, "onkeypress")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onkeyup, "onkeyup")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onload, "onload")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onmousedown, "onmousedown")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onmousemove, "onmousemove")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onmouseover, "onmouseover")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onmouseout, "onmouseout")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onmouseup, "onmouseup")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onpaint, "onpaint")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onreset, "onreset")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onresize, "onresize")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onscroll, "onscroll")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onselect, "onselect")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onsubmit, "onsubmit")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onunload, "onunload")
// scrolling
LAYOUT_ATOM(onoverflow, "onoverflow")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onunderflow, "onunderflow")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onoverflowchanged, "onoverflowchanged")
// mutation events
LAYOUT_ATOM(onDOMSubtreeModified, "onDOMSubtreeModified")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onDOMNodeInserted, "onDOMNodeInserted")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onDOMNodeRemoved, "onDOMNodeRemoved")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onDOMNodeRemovedFromDocument, "onDOMNodeRemovedFromDocument")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onDOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument, "onDOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onDOMAttrModified, "onDOMAttrModified")
LAYOUT_ATOM(onDOMCharacterDataModified, "onDOMCharacterDataModified")
// Alphabetical list of languages for lang-specific transforms
LAYOUT_ATOM(Japanese, "ja")
LAYOUT_ATOM(Korean, "ko")
// other
LAYOUT_ATOM(wildcard, "*")
LAYOUT_ATOM(mozdirty, "_moz_dirty")
LAYOUT_ATOM(stylesheet, "stylesheet")
LAYOUT_ATOM(transform, "transform")
LAYOUT_ATOM(show, "show")
LAYOUT_ATOM(actuate, "actuate")
LAYOUT_ATOM(directionalFrame, "DirectionalFrame")
LAYOUT_ATOM(baseLevel, "BaseLevel") // PRUint8
LAYOUT_ATOM(embeddingLevel, "EmbeddingLevel") // PRUint8
LAYOUT_ATOM(endsInDiacritic, "EndsInDiacritic") // PRUint32
LAYOUT_ATOM(nextBidi, "NextBidi") // nsIFrame*
LAYOUT_ATOM(charType, "charType") // PRUint8
#ifdef DEBUG
// Alphabetical list of atoms used by debugging code
LAYOUT_ATOM(cellMap, "TableCellMap")
LAYOUT_ATOM(imageMap, "ImageMap")
LAYOUT_ATOM(lineBoxBig, "LineBox:inline,big")
LAYOUT_ATOM(lineBoxBlockBig, "LineBox:block,big")
LAYOUT_ATOM(lineBoxBlockSmall, "LineBox:block,small")
LAYOUT_ATOM(lineBoxFloaters, "LineBoxFloaters")
LAYOUT_ATOM(lineBoxSmall, "LineBox:inline,small")
LAYOUT_ATOM(spaceManager, "SpaceManager")
LAYOUT_ATOM(tableColCache, "TableColumnCache")
LAYOUT_ATOM(tableStrategy, "TableLayoutStrategy")
LAYOUT_ATOM(textRun, "TextRun")
LAYOUT_ATOM(xml_document_entities, "XMLDocumentEntities")
LAYOUT_ATOM(xml_document_notations, "XMLDocumentNotations")