gecko-dev/tools/release/MozBuild/ a2d036bdc0 Bug 372583: Make sure we don't clobber any other filehandles called "LOGFILE",
make sure the sigNum we return really is the signal number, Handle dumped core appropriately (stolen from the patch for bug 372582). r=rhelmer
2007-03-08 20:40:52 +00:00

394 lines
13 KiB

package MozBuild::Util;
use strict;
use File::Path;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::Select;
use IPC::Open3;
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
use Cwd;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(RunShellCommand MkdirWithPath HashFile DownloadFile Email);
my $EXEC_IO_READINCR = 1000;
# RunShellCommand is a safe, performant way that handles all the gotchas of
# spawning a simple shell command. It's meant to replace backticks and open()s,
# while providing flexibility to handle stdout and stderr differently, provide
# timeouts to stop runaway programs, and provide easy-to-obtain information
# about return values, signals, output, and the like.
# Arguments:
# command - string: the command to run
# args - optional array ref: list of arguments to an array
# logfile - optional string: logfile to copy output to
# timeout - optional int: timeout value, in seconds, to wait for a command;
# defaults to ten minutes; set to 0 for no timeout
# redirectStderr - bool, default true: redirect child's stderr onto stdout
# stream?
# appendLogfile - bool, default true: append to the logfile (as opposed to
# overwriting it?)
# printOutputImmedaitely - bool, default false: print the output here to
# whatever is currently defined as *STDOUT?
# background - bool, default false: spawn a command and return all the info
# the caller needs to handle the program; assumes the caller takes
# complete responsibility for waitpid(), handling of the stdout/stderr
# IO::Handles, etc.
sub RunShellCommand {
my %args = @_;
my $shellCommand = $args{'command'};
die('ASSERT: RunShellCommand(): Empty command.')
if (not(defined($shellCommand)) || $shellCommand =~ /^\s+$/);
my $commandArgs = $args{'args'};
die('ASSERT: RunShellCommand(): commandArgs not an array ref.')
if (defined($commandArgs) && ref($commandArgs) ne 'ARRAY');
my $logfile = $args{'logfile'};
# Optional
my $timeout = exists($args{'timeout'}) ?
int($args{'timeout'}) : $DEFAULT_EXEC_TIMEOUT;
my $redirectStderr = exists($args{'redirectStderr'}) ?
$args{'redirectStderr'} : 1;
my $appendLogfile = exists($args{'appendLog'}) ? $args{'appendLog'} : 1;
my $printOutputImmediately = exists($args{'output'}) ? $args{'output'} : 0;
my $background = exists($args{'bg'}) ? $args{'bg'} : 0;
my $changeToDir = exists($args{'dir'}) ? $args{'dir'} : undef;
# This is a compatibility check for the old calling convention;
if ($shellCommand =~ /\s/) {
$shellCommand =~ s/^\s+//;
$shellCommand =~ s/\s+$//;
die("ASSERT: old RunShellCommand() calling convention detected\n")
if ($shellCommand =~ /\s+/);
# Glob the command together to check for 2>&1 constructs...
my $entireCommand = $shellCommand .
(defined($commandArgs) ? join (' ', @{$commandArgs}) : '');
# If we see 2>&1 in the command, set redirectStderr (overriding the option
# itself, and remove the construct from the command and arguments.
if ($entireCommand =~ /2\>\&1/) {
$redirectStderr = 1;
$shellCommand =~ s/2\>\&1//g;
if (defined($commandArgs)) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$commandArgs}); $i++) {
$commandArgs->[$i] =~ s/2\>\&1//g;
local $_;
my $cwd = getcwd();
my $exitValue = undef;
my $signalNum = undef;
my $sigName = undef;
my $dumpedCore = undef;
my $childEndedTime = undef;
my $timedOut = 0;
my $output = '';
my $childPid = 0;
my $childStartedTime = 0;
local *LOGFILE;
if (defined($changeToDir)) {
chdir($changeToDir) or die("RunShellCommand(): failed to chdir() to "
. "$changeToDir\n");
eval {
local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die("alarm\n") };
local $SIG{'PIPE'} = sub { die("pipe\n") };
my @execCommand = ($shellCommand);
push(@execCommand, @{$commandArgs}) if (defined($commandArgs) &&
scalar(@{$commandArgs} > 0));
my $childIn = new IO::Handle();
my $childOut = new IO::Handle();
my $childErr = new IO::Handle();
$childStartedTime = localtime();
$childPid = open3($childIn, $childOut, $childErr, @execCommand);
if ($args{'background'}) {
chdir($cwd) if (defined($changeToDir));
return { startTime => $childStartedTime,
endTime => undef,
timedOut => $timedOut,
exitValue => $exitValue,
sigNum => $signalNum,
output => undef,
dumpedCore => $dumpedCore,
pid => $childPid,
stdout => $childOut,
stderr => $childErr };
if (defined($logfile)) {
my $openArg = $appendLogfile ? '>>' : '>';
open(LOGFILE, $openArg . $logfile) or
die('Could not ' . $appendLogfile ? 'append' : 'open' .
" logfile $logfile: $!");
my $childSelect = new IO::Select();
# Should be safe to call can_read() in blocking mode, since,
# IF NOTHING ELSE, the alarm() we set will catch a program that
# fails to finish executing within the timeout period.
my $childReaped = 0;
while (my @ready = $childSelect->can_read()) {
foreach my $fh (@ready) {
my $line = undef;
my $rv = $fh->sysread($line, $EXEC_IO_READINCR);
# Check for read()ing nothing, and getting errors...
if (not defined($rv)) {
warn "sysread() failed with: $!\n";
# If we didn't get anything from the read() and the child is
# dead, we've probably exhausted the buffer, and can stop
# trying...
if (0 == $rv) {
$childSelect->remove($fh) if ($childReaped);
# This check is down here instead of up above because if we're
# throwing away stderr, we want to empty out the buffer, so
# the pipe isn't constantly readable. So, sysread() stderr,
# alas, only to throw it away.
next if (not($redirectStderr) && ($fh == $childErr));
$output .= $line;
print STDOUT $line if ($printOutputImmediately);
print LOGFILE $line if (defined($logfile));
if (!$childReaped && (waitpid($childPid, WNOHANG) > 0)) {
$childEndedTime = localtime();
$exitValue = WEXITSTATUS($?);
$signalNum = WIFSIGNALED($?) && WTERMSIG($?);
$dumpedCore = WIFSIGNALED($?) && ($? & 128);
$childReaped = 1;
die('ASSERT: RunShellCommand(): stdout handle not empty')
if ($childOut->sysread(undef, $EXEC_IO_READINCR) != 0);
die('ASSERT: RunShellCommand(): stderr handle not empty')
if ($childErr->sysread(undef, $EXEC_IO_READINCR) != 0);
if (defined($logfile)) {
close(LOGFILE) or die("Could not close logfile $logfile: $!");
if ($@) {
if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
$timedOut = 1;
kill(9, $childPid) or die("Could not kill timed-out $childPid: $!");
warn "Shell command $shellCommand timed out, PID $childPid killed: $@\n";
} else {
warn "Error running $shellCommand: $@\n";
$output = $@;
chdir($cwd) if (defined($changeToDir));
return { startTime => $childStartedTime,
endTime => $childEndedTime,
timedOut => $timedOut,
exitValue => $exitValue,
sigNum => $signalNum,
output => $output,
dumpedCore => $dumpedCore
## This is a wrapper function to get easy true/false return values from a
## mkpath()-like function. mkpath() *actually* returns the list of directories
## it created in the pursuit of your request, and keeps its actual success
## status in $@.
sub MkdirWithPath {
my %args = @_;
my $dirToCreate = $args{'dir'};
my $printProgress = $args{'printProgress'};
my $dirMask = undef;
# Renamed this argument, since "mask" makes more sense; it takes
# precedence over the older argument name.
if (exists($args{'mask'})) {
$dirMask = $args{'mask'};
} elsif (exists($args{'dirMask'})) {
$dirMask = $args{'dirMask'};
die("ASSERT: MkdirWithPath() needs an arg") if not defined($dirToCreate);
## Defaults based on what mkpath does...
$printProgress = defined($printProgress) ? $printProgress : 0;
$dirMask = defined($dirMask) ? $dirMask : 0777;
eval { mkpath($dirToCreate, $printProgress, $dirMask) };
return defined($@);
sub HashFile {
my %args = @_;
die "ASSERT: HashFile(): null file\n" if (not defined($args{'file'}));
my $fileToHash = $args{'file'};
my $hashFunction = lc($args{'type'}) || 'md5';
my $dumpOutput = $args{'output'} || 0;
my $ignoreErrors = $args{'ignoreErrors'} || 0;
die 'ASSERT: HashFile(): invalid hashFunction; use md5/sha1: ' .
"$hashFunction\n" if
($hashFunction ne 'md5' && $hashFunction ne 'sha1');
if (not(-f $fileToHash) || not(-r $fileToHash)) {
if ($ignoreErrors) {
return '';
} else {
die "ASSERT: HashFile(): unusable/unreadable file to hash\n";
# We use openssl because that's pretty much guaranteed to be on all the
# platforms we want; md5sum and sha1sum aren't.
my $rv = RunShellCommand(command => 'openssl',
args => ['dgst', "-$hashFunction",
$fileToHash, ],
output => $dumpOutput);
if ($rv->{'timedOut'} || $rv->{'exitValue'} != 0) {
if ($ignoreErrors) {
return '';
} else {
die("MozUtil::HashFile(): hash call failed: $rv->{'exitValue'}\n");
my $hashValue = $rv->{'output'};
# Expects input like MD5(mozconfig)= d7433cc4204b4f3c65d836fe483fa575
# Removes everything up to and including the "= "
$hashValue =~ s/^.+\s+(\w+)$/$1/;
return $hashValue;
sub Email {
my %args = @_;
my $from = $args{'from'};
my $to = $args{'to'};
my $ccList = $args{'cc'} ? $args{'cc'} : undef;
my $subject = $args{'subject'};
my $message = $args{'message'};
my $sendmail = $args{'sendmail'};
my $blat = $args{'blat'};
if (not defined($from)) {
die("ASSERT: MozBuild::Utils::Email(): from is required");
} elsif (not defined($to)) {
die("ASSERT: MozBuild::Utils::Email(): to is required");
} elsif (not defined($subject)) {
die("ASSERT: MozBuild::Utils::Email(): subject is required");
} elsif (not defined($message)) {
die("ASSERT: MozBuild::Utils::Email(): subject is required");
if (defined($ccList) and ref($ccList) ne 'ARRAY') {
die("ASSERT: MozBuild::Utils::Email(): ccList is not an array ref\n");
if (-f $sendmail) {
open(SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail -oi -t")
or die("Can't fork for sendmail: $!\n");
print SENDMAIL "From: $from\n";
print SENDMAIL "To: $to\n";
foreach my $cc (@{$ccList}) {
print SENDMAIL "CC: $cc\n";
print SENDMAIL "Subject: $subject\n\n";
} elsif(-f $blat) {
my $toList = $to;
foreach my $cc (@{$ccList}) {
$toList .= ',';
$toList .= $cc;
open(SENDMAIL, "|$blat -to $toList -subject \"$subject\"")
or die("Can't fork for blat: $!\n");
} else {
die("ASSERT: cannot find $sendmail or $blat");
print SENDMAIL "$message";
close(SENDMAIL) or warn "sendmail didn't close nicely: $!";
sub DownloadFile {
my %args = @_;
my $sourceUrl = $args{'url'};
die("ASSERT: DownloadFile() Invalid Source URL: $sourceUrl\n")
if (not(defined($sourceUrl)) || $sourceUrl !~ m|^http://|);
my @wgetArgs = ();
if (defined($args{'dest'})) {
push(@wgetArgs, ('-O', $args{'dest'}));
if (defined($args{'user'})) {
push(@wgetArgs, ('--http-user', $args{'user'}));
if (defined($args{'password'})) {
push(@wgetArgs, ('--http-password', $args{'password'}));
push(@wgetArgs, ('--progress=dot:mega', $sourceUrl));
my $rv = RunShellCommand(command => 'wget',
args => \@wgetArgs);
if ($rv->{'timedOut'} || $rv->{'exitValue'} != 0) {
die("DownloadFile(): FAILED: $rv->{'exitValue'}," .
" output: $rv->{'output'}\n");