2001-12-07 10:20:06 +00:00

100 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI::Request;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use strict;
my $req = new CGI::Request;
# incoming query string has the form: "?value=n&data=p:q:r...&tbox=foopy"
# where 'n' is the average recorded time, and p,q,r... are the raw numbers,
# and 'tbox' is a name of a tinderbox
use vars qw{$value $data $tbox $testname $ua $ip $time};
$value = $req->param('value');
$data = $req->param('data');
$tbox = $req->param('tbox'); $tbox =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$testname = $req->param('testname');
$ua = $req->cgi->var("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
$ip = $req->cgi->var("REMOTE_ADDR");
$time = strftime "%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S", localtime;
#$value = "1234"; # $req->param('value');
#$data = "1:2:3:4"; #$req->param('data');
#$tbox = "coffee"; #$tbox =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
#$testname = "startup"; #$req->param('testname');
#$ua = "ua"; #$req->cgi->var("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
#$ip = ""; #$req->cgi->var("REMOTE_ADDR");
#$time = "now"; #strftime "%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S", localtime;
print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
for (qw{value data tbox testname ua ip time}) {
no strict 'refs';
printf "%10s = %s\n", $_, $$_;
# close HTTP transaction, and then decide whether to record data
# XXXX I had to comment this out, not sure why. startup version
# of this cgi had this and worked. -mcafee
#my %nametable = read_config();
# punt fake inputs
#die "Yer a liar"
# unless $ip eq $nametable{$tbox} or $ip eq '';
#die "No 'real' browsers allowed: $ua"
# unless $ua =~ /^(libwww-perl|PERL_CGI_BASE)/;
die "No 'value' parameter supplied"
unless $value;
die "No 'testname' parameter supplied"
unless $testname;
die "No 'tbox' parameter supplied"
unless $tbox;
die "No 'data' parameter supplied"
unless $data;
# Test for dirs.
unless (-d "db") {
mkdir("db", 0755);
unless (-d "db/$testname") {
mkdir("db/$testname", 0755);
# If file doesn't exist, try creating empty file.
unless (-f "db/$testname/$tbox") {
open(FILE, "> db/$testname/$tbox") || die "Can't create new file db/$testname/$tbox: $!";
# record data
open(FILE, ">> db/$testname/$tbox") ||
die "Can't open db/$tbox: $!";
print FILE "$time\t$value\t$data\t$ip\t$tbox\t$ua\n";
exit 0;
#sub read_config() {
# my %nametable;
# open(CONFIG, "< db/config.txt") ||
# die "can't open config.txt: $!";
# while (<CONFIG>) {
# next if /^$/;
# next if /^#|^\s+#/;
# s/\s+#.*$//;
# my ($tinderbox, $assigned_ip) = split(/\s+/, $_);
# $nametable{$tinderbox} = $assigned_ip;
# }
# return %nametable;