David Keeler 1443993537 bug 1218515 - flip pinning-test.badssl.com into production mode r=jcj DONTBUILD NPOTB
pinning-test.badssl.com is a test domain for preloaded HPKP (HTTP Public Key
Pinning - see RFC 7469). By specifying a pinset corresponding to no known keys,
this domain should fail with a key pinning error by default. Also, the
includeSubdomains option is set, so any subdomains should fail as well.
Since Gecko incorporates preloaded pinsets from Chromium, this pinset is already
defined. This patch merely switches it from test mode to production mode (well,
to be more accurate, this patch sets up the input for the automated script that
will make the code change that will put the pinset into production mode).
2015-10-26 14:39:25 -07:00