2013-07-30 23:32:35 -04:00

543 lines
16 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
let Util = {
* General purpose utilities
getWindowUtils: function getWindowUtils(aWindow) {
return aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
// Recursively find all documents, including root document.
getAllDocuments: function getAllDocuments(doc, resultSoFar) {
resultSoFar = resultSoFar || [doc];
if (!doc.defaultView)
return resultSoFar;
let frames = doc.defaultView.frames;
if (!frames)
return resultSoFar;
let i;
let currentDoc;
for (i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {
currentDoc = frames[i].document;
this.getAllDocuments(currentDoc, resultSoFar);
return resultSoFar;
// Put the Mozilla networking code into a state that will kick the
// auto-connection process.
forceOnline: function forceOnline() { = false;
// Pass several objects in and it will combine them all into the first object and return it.
// NOTE: Deep copy is not supported
extend: function extend() {
// copy reference to target object
let target = arguments[0] || {};
let length = arguments.length;
if (length === 1) {
return target;
// Handle case when target is a string or something
if (typeof target != "object" && typeof target != "function") {
target = {};
for (let i = 1; i < length; i++) {
// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
let options = arguments[i];
if (options != null) {
// Extend the base object
for (let name in options) {
let copy = options[name];
// Prevent never-ending loop
if (target === copy)
if (copy !== undefined)
target[name] = copy;
// Return the modified object
return target;
* Timing utilties
// Executes aFunc after other events have been processed.
executeSoon: function executeSoon(aFunc) {{
run: function() {
* Console printing utilities
dumpf: function dumpf(str) {
let args = arguments;
let i = 1;
dump(str.replace(/%s/g, function() {
if (i >= args.length) {
throw "dumps received too many placeholders and not enough arguments";
return args[i++].toString();
// Like dump, but each arg is handled and there's an automatic newline
dumpLn: function dumpLn() {
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
dump(arguments[i] + " ");
dumpElement: function dumpElement(aElement) {
dumpElementTree: function dumpElementTree(aElement) {
let node = aElement;
while (node) {
this.dumpLn("node:", node, "id:",, "class:", node.classList);
node = node.parentNode;
* Element utilities
highlightElement: function highlightElement(aElement) {
if (aElement == null) {
this.dumpLn("aElement is null");
} = "2px solid red";
transitionElementVisibility: function(aNodes, aVisible) {
// accept single node or a collection of nodes
aNodes = aNodes.length ? aNodes : [aNodes];
let defd = Promise.defer();
let pending = 0;
Array.forEach(aNodes, function(aNode) {
if (aVisible) {
aNode.hidden = false;
aNode.removeAttribute("fade"); // trigger transition to full opacity
} else {
aNode.setAttribute("fade", true); // trigger transition to 0 opacity
aNode.addEventListener("transitionend", function onTransitionEnd(aEvent){
aNode.removeEventListener("transitionend", onTransitionEnd);
if (!aVisible) {
aNode.hidden = true;
if (!pending){
}, false);
return defd.promise;
getHrefForElement: function getHrefForElement(target) {
let link = null;
while (target) {
if (target instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLAnchorElement ||
target instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLAreaElement ||
target instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLLinkElement) {
if (target.hasAttribute("href"))
link = target;
target = target.parentNode;
if (link && link.hasAttribute("href"))
return link.href;
return null;
isTextInput: function isTextInput(aElement) {
return ((aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement &&
aElement.mozIsTextField(false)) ||
aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement);
isEditableContent: function isEditableContent(aElement) {
if (!aElement)
return false;
if (aElement.isContentEditable || aElement.designMode == "on")
return true;
return false;
isEditable: function isEditable(aElement) {
if (!aElement)
return false;
if (this.isTextInput(aElement) || this.isEditableContent(aElement))
return true;
// If a body element is editable and the body is the child of an
// iframe or div we can assume this is an advanced HTML editor
if ((aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLIFrameElement ||
aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLDivElement) &&
aElement.contentDocument &&
this.isEditableContent(aElement.contentDocument.body)) {
return true;
return aElement.ownerDocument && aElement.ownerDocument.designMode == "on";
isMultilineInput: function isMultilineInput(aElement) {
return (aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement);
isLink: function isLink(aElement) {
return ((aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLAnchorElement && aElement.href) ||
(aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLAreaElement && aElement.href) ||
aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLLinkElement ||
aElement.getAttributeNS(kXLinkNamespace, "type") == "simple");
isText: function isText(aElement) {
return (aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLParagraphElement ||
aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLDivElement ||
aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLLIElement ||
aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLPreElement ||
aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLHeadingElement ||
aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLTableCellElement ||
aElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLBodyElement);
* Rect and nsIDOMRect utilities
getCleanRect: function getCleanRect() {
return {
left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0
pointWithinRect: function pointWithinRect(aX, aY, aRect) {
return (aRect.left < aX && < aY &&
aRect.right > aX && aRect.bottom > aY);
pointWithinDOMRect: function pointWithinDOMRect(aX, aY, aRect) {
if (!aRect.width || !aRect.height)
return false;
return this.pointWithinRect(aX, aY, aRect);
isEmptyDOMRect: function isEmptyDOMRect(aRect) {
if ((aRect.bottom - <= 0 &&
(aRect.right - aRect.left) <= 0)
return true;
return false;
// Dumps the details of a dom rect to the console
dumpDOMRect: function dumpDOMRect(aMsg, aRect) {
try {
"left:" + Math.round(aRect.left) + ",",
"top:" + Math.round( + ",",
"right:" + Math.round(aRect.right) + ",",
"bottom:" + Math.round(aRect.bottom) + ",",
"width:" + Math.round(aRect.right - aRect.left) + ",",
"height:" + Math.round(aRect.bottom - );
} catch (ex) {
Util.dumpLn("dumpDOMRect:", ex.message);
* DownloadUtils.convertByteUnits returns [size, localized-unit-string]
* so they are joined for a single download size string.
getDownloadSize: function dv__getDownloadSize (aSize) {
let [size, units] = DownloadUtils.convertByteUnits(aSize);
if (size > 0)
return size + units;
return Strings.browser.GetStringFromName("downloadsUnknownSize");
* URIs and schemes
makeURI: function makeURI(aURL, aOriginCharset, aBaseURI) {
return, aOriginCharset, aBaseURI);
makeURLAbsolute: function makeURLAbsolute(base, url) {
// Note: makeURI() will throw if url is not a valid URI
return this.makeURI(url, null, this.makeURI(base)).spec;
isLocalScheme: function isLocalScheme(aURL) {
return ((aURL.indexOf("about:") == 0 &&
aURL != "about:blank" &&
aURL != "about:empty" &&
aURL != "about:start") ||
aURL.indexOf("chrome:") == 0);
isOpenableScheme: function isShareableScheme(aProtocol) {
let dontOpen = /^(mailto|javascript|news|snews)$/;
return (aProtocol && !dontOpen.test(aProtocol));
isShareableScheme: function isShareableScheme(aProtocol) {
let dontShare = /^(chrome|about|file|javascript|resource)$/;
return (aProtocol && !dontShare.test(aProtocol));
// Don't display anything in the urlbar for these special URIs.
isURLEmpty: function isURLEmpty(aURL) {
return (!aURL ||
aURL == "about:blank" ||
aURL == "about:empty" ||
aURL == "about:home" ||
aURL == "about:start");
// Title to use for emptyURL tabs.
getEmptyURLTabTitle: function getEmptyURLTabTitle() {
let browserStrings = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://browser/locale/");
return browserStrings.GetStringFromName("tabs.emptyTabTitle");
// Don't remember these pages in the session store.
isURLMemorable: function isURLMemorable(aURL) {
return !(aURL == "about:blank" ||
aURL == "about:empty" ||
aURL == "about:start");
* Math utilities
clamp: function(num, min, max) {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, num));
* Screen and layout utilities
* translateToTopLevelWindow - Given an element potentially within
* a subframe, calculate the offsets up to the top level browser.
translateToTopLevelWindow: function translateToTopLevelWindow(aElement) {
let offsetX = 0;
let offsetY = 0;
let element = aElement;
while (element &&
element.ownerDocument &&
element.ownerDocument.defaultView != content) {
element = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement;
let rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
offsetX += rect.left;
offsetY +=;
let win = null;
if (element == aElement)
win = content;
win = element.contentDocument.defaultView;
return { targetWindow: win, offsetX: offsetX, offsetY: offsetY };
get displayDPI() {
delete this.displayDPI;
return this.displayDPI = this.getWindowUtils(window).displayDPI;
isPortrait: function isPortrait() {
return (window.innerWidth <= window.innerHeight);
get localeDir() {
// determine browser dir first to know which direction to snap to
let chromeReg = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULChromeRegistry);
return chromeReg.isLocaleRTL("global") ? this.LOCALE_DIR_RTL : this.LOCALE_DIR_LTR;
* Process utilities
isParentProcess: function isInParentProcess() {
let appInfo = Cc[";1"];
return (!appInfo || appInfo.getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime).processType == Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT);
* Event utilities
modifierMaskFromEvent: function modifierMaskFromEvent(aEvent) {
return (aEvent.altKey ? Ci.nsIDOMEvent.ALT_MASK : 0) |
(aEvent.ctrlKey ? Ci.nsIDOMEvent.CONTROL_MASK : 0) |
(aEvent.shiftKey ? Ci.nsIDOMEvent.SHIFT_MASK : 0) |
(aEvent.metaKey ? Ci.nsIDOMEvent.META_MASK : 0);
* Download utilities
insertDownload: function insertDownload(aSrcUri, aFile) {
let dm = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIDownloadManager);
let db = dm.DBConnection;
let stmt = db.createStatement(
"INSERT INTO moz_downloads (name, source, target, startTime, endTime, state, referrer) " +
"VALUES (:name, :source, :target, :startTime, :endTime, :state, :referrer)"
); = aFile.leafName;
stmt.params.source = aSrcUri.spec; = aFile.path;
stmt.params.startTime = * 1000;
stmt.params.endTime = * 1000;
stmt.params.state = Ci.nsIDownloadManager.DOWNLOAD_NOTSTARTED;
stmt.params.referrer = aSrcUri.spec;
let newItemId = db.lastInsertRowID;
let download = dm.getDownload(newItemId);
//Services.obs.notifyObservers(download, "dl-start", null);
* Local system utilities
copyImageToClipboard: function Util_copyImageToClipboard(aImageLoadingContent) {
let image = aImageLoadingContent.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIImageLoadingContent);
if (!image) {
Util.dumpLn("copyImageToClipboard error: image is not an nsIImageLoadingContent");
try {
let xferable = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable);
let imgRequest = aImageLoadingContent.getRequest(Ci.nsIImageLoadingContent.CURRENT_REQUEST);
let mimeType = imgRequest.mimeType;
let imgContainer = imgRequest.image;
let imgPtr = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsInterfacePointer); = imgContainer;
xferable.setTransferData(mimeType, imgPtr, null);
let clip = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIClipboard);
clip.setData(xferable, null, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard);
} catch (e) {
* Timeout
* Helper class to nsITimer that adds a little more pizazz. Callback can be an
* object with a notify method or a function.
Util.Timeout = function(aCallback) {
this._callback = aCallback;
this._timer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
this._type = null;
Util.Timeout.prototype = {
// Timer callback. Don't call this manually.
notify: function notify() {
if (this._type == this._timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT)
this._type = null;
if (this._callback.notify)
// Helper function for once and interval.
_start: function _start(aDelay, aType, aCallback) {
if (aCallback)
this._callback = aCallback;
this._timer.initWithCallback(this, aDelay, aType);
this._type = aType;
return this;
// Do the callback once. Cancels other timeouts on this object.
once: function once(aDelay, aCallback) {
return this._start(aDelay, this._timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT, aCallback);
// Do the callback every aDelay msecs. Cancels other timeouts on this object.
interval: function interval(aDelay, aCallback) {
return this._start(aDelay, this._timer.TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK, aCallback);
// Clear any pending timeouts.
clear: function clear() {
if (this.isPending()) {
this._type = null;
return this;
// If there is a pending timeout, call it and cancel the timeout.
flush: function flush() {
if (this.isPending()) {
return this;
// Return true if we are waiting for a callback.
isPending: function isPending() {
return this._type !== null;