2017-11-08 00:25:33 -05:00

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/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
* A collection of static utility methods that are only exposed to system code.
* This is exposed in all the system globals where we can expose stuff by
* default, so should only include methods that are **thread-safe**.
[ChromeOnly, Exposed=(Window,System,Worker)]
namespace ChromeUtils {
* Serialize a snapshot of the heap graph, as seen by |JS::ubi::Node| and
* restricted by |boundaries|, and write it to the provided file path.
* @param boundaries The portion of the heap graph to write.
* @returns The path to the file the heap snapshot was written
* to. This is guaranteed to be within the temp
* directory and its file name will match the regexp
* `\d+(\-\d+)?\.fxsnapshot`.
DOMString saveHeapSnapshot(optional HeapSnapshotBoundaries boundaries);
* This is the same as saveHeapSnapshot, but with a different return value.
* @returns The snapshot ID of the file. This is the file name
* without the temp directory or the trailing
* `.fxsnapshot`.
DOMString saveHeapSnapshotGetId(optional HeapSnapshotBoundaries boundaries);
* Deserialize a core dump into a HeapSnapshot.
* @param filePath The file path to read the heap snapshot from.
[Throws, NewObject]
HeapSnapshot readHeapSnapshot(DOMString filePath);
* Return the keys in a weak map. This operation is
* non-deterministic because it is affected by the scheduling of the
* garbage collector and the cycle collector.
* @param aMap weak map or other JavaScript value
* @returns If aMap is a weak map object, return the keys of the weak
* map as an array. Otherwise, return undefined.
[Throws, NewObject]
any nondeterministicGetWeakMapKeys(any map);
* Return the keys in a weak set. This operation is
* non-deterministic because it is affected by the scheduling of the
* garbage collector and the cycle collector.
* @param aSet weak set or other JavaScript value
* @returns If aSet is a weak set object, return the keys of the weak
* set as an array. Otherwise, return undefined.
[Throws, NewObject]
any nondeterministicGetWeakSetKeys(any aSet);
* Converts a buffer to a Base64 URL-encoded string per RFC 4648.
* @param source The buffer to encode.
* @param options Additional encoding options.
* @returns The encoded string.
ByteString base64URLEncode(BufferSource source,
Base64URLEncodeOptions options);
* Decodes a Base64 URL-encoded string per RFC 4648.
* @param string The string to decode.
* @param options Additional decoding options.
* @returns The decoded buffer.
[Throws, NewObject]
ArrayBuffer base64URLDecode(ByteString string,
Base64URLDecodeOptions options);
* Additional ChromeUtils methods that are _not_ thread-safe, and hence not
* exposed in workers.
partial namespace ChromeUtils {
* A helper that converts OriginAttributesDictionary to a opaque suffix string.
* @param originAttrs The originAttributes from the caller.
originAttributesToSuffix(optional OriginAttributesDictionary originAttrs);
* Returns true if the members of |originAttrs| match the provided members
* of |pattern|.
* @param originAttrs The originAttributes under consideration.
* @param pattern The pattern to use for matching.
originAttributesMatchPattern(optional OriginAttributesDictionary originAttrs,
optional OriginAttributesPatternDictionary pattern);
* Returns an OriginAttributesDictionary with values from the |origin| suffix
* and unspecified attributes added and assigned default values.
* @param origin The origin URI to create from.
* @returns An OriginAttributesDictionary with values from
* the origin suffix and unspecified attributes
* added and assigned default values.
createOriginAttributesFromOrigin(DOMString origin);
* Returns an OriginAttributesDictionary that is a copy of |originAttrs| with
* unspecified attributes added and assigned default values.
* @param originAttrs The origin attributes to copy.
* @returns An OriginAttributesDictionary copy of |originAttrs|
* with unspecified attributes added and assigned
* default values.
fillNonDefaultOriginAttributes(optional OriginAttributesDictionary originAttrs);
* Returns true if the 2 OriginAttributes are equal.
isOriginAttributesEqual(optional OriginAttributesDictionary aA,
optional OriginAttributesDictionary aB);
* Loads and compiles the script at the given URL and returns an object
* which may be used to execute it repeatedly, in different globals, without
* re-parsing.
compileScript(DOMString url, optional CompileScriptOptionsDictionary options);
* Waive Xray on a given value. Identity op for primitives.
any waiveXrays(any val);
* Strip off Xray waivers on a given value. Identity op for primitives.
any unwaiveXrays(any val);
* Gets the name of the JSClass of the object.
* if |unwrap| is true, all wrappers are unwrapped first. Unless you're
* specifically trying to detect whether the object is a proxy, this is
* probably what you want.
DOMString getClassName(object obj, optional boolean unwrap = true);
* Clones the properties of the given object into a new object in the given
* target compartment (or the caller compartment if no target is provided).
* Property values themeselves are not cloned.
* Ignores non-enumerable properties, properties on prototypes, and properties
* with getters or setters.
object shallowClone(object obj, optional object? target = null);
* Dispatches the given callback to the main thread when it would be
* otherwise idle. Similar to Window.requestIdleCallback, but not bound to a
* particular DOM windw.
void idleDispatch(IdleRequestCallback callback,
optional IdleRequestOptions options);
* Used by principals and the script security manager to represent origin
* attributes. The first dictionary is designed to contain the full set of
* OriginAttributes, the second is used for pattern-matching (i.e. does this
* OriginAttributesDictionary match the non-empty attributes in this pattern).
* IMPORTANT: If you add any members here, you need to do the following:
* (1) Add them to both dictionaries.
* (2) Update the methods on mozilla::OriginAttributes, including equality,
* serialization, deserialization, and inheritance.
* (3) Update the methods on mozilla::OriginAttributesPattern, including matching.
dictionary OriginAttributesDictionary {
unsigned long appId = 0;
unsigned long userContextId = 0;
boolean inIsolatedMozBrowser = false;
unsigned long privateBrowsingId = 0;
DOMString firstPartyDomain = "";
dictionary OriginAttributesPatternDictionary {
unsigned long appId;
unsigned long userContextId;
boolean inIsolatedMozBrowser;
unsigned long privateBrowsingId;
DOMString firstPartyDomain;
dictionary CompileScriptOptionsDictionary {
* The character set from which to decode the script.
DOMString charset = "utf-8";
* If true, certain parts of the script may be parsed lazily, the first time
* they are used, rather than eagerly parsed at load time.
boolean lazilyParse = false;
* If true, the script will be compiled so that its last expression will be
* returned as the value of its execution. This makes certain types of
* optimization impossible, and disables the JIT in many circumstances, so
* should not be used when not absolutely necessary.
boolean hasReturnValue = false;
* A JS object whose properties specify what portion of the heap graph to
* write. The recognized properties are:
* * globals: [ global, ... ]
* Dump only nodes that either:
* - belong in the compartment of one of the given globals;
* - belong to no compartment, but do belong to a Zone that contains one of
* the given globals;
* - are referred to directly by one of the last two kinds of nodes; or
* - is the fictional root node, described below.
* * debugger: Debugger object
* Like "globals", but use the Debugger's debuggees as the globals.
* * runtime: true
* Dump the entire heap graph, starting with the JSRuntime's roots.
* One, and only one, of these properties must exist on the boundaries object.
* The root of the dumped graph is a fictional node whose ubi::Node type name is
* "CoreDumpRoot". If we are dumping the entire ubi::Node graph, this root node
* has an edge for each of the JSRuntime's roots. If we are dumping a selected
* set of globals, the root has an edge to each global, and an edge for each
* incoming JS reference to the selected Zones.
dictionary HeapSnapshotBoundaries {
sequence<object> globals;
object debugger;
boolean runtime;
dictionary Base64URLEncodeOptions {
/** Specifies whether the output should be padded with "=" characters. */
required boolean pad;
enum Base64URLDecodePadding {
* Fails decoding if the input is unpadded. RFC 4648, section 3.2 requires
* padding, unless the referring specification prohibits it.
/** Tolerates padded and unpadded input. */
* Fails decoding if the input is padded. This follows the strict base64url
* variant used in JWS (RFC 7515, Appendix C) and HTTP Encrypted
* Content-Encoding (draft-ietf-httpbis-encryption-encoding-01).
dictionary Base64URLDecodeOptions {
/** Specifies the padding mode for decoding the input. */
required Base64URLDecodePadding padding;