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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* The Persistent Partition has this layout:
* Bytes: 32 4 4 <DATA_LENGTH> 1
"use strict";
const DEBUG = false;
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "PersistentDataBlock" ];
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
// This is a marker that will be written after digest in the partition.
const PARTITION_MAGIC = 0x19901873;
// This is the limit in Android because of issues with Binder if blocks are > 100k
// We dont really have this issues because we don't use Binder, but let's stick
// to Android implementation.
const MAX_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 100;
const DATA_SIZE_BYTES = 4;
// The position of the Digest
const DIGEST_OFFSET = 0;
const XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_TOPIC = "xpcom-shutdown";
// This property will have the path to the persistent partition
const OEM_UNLOCK_PROPERTY = "sys.oem_unlock_allowed";
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "OS", "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Promise", "resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "libcutils", function () {
return libcutils;
var inParent = Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"]
.processType === Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT;
function log(str) {
dump("PersistentDataBlock.jsm: " + str + "\n");
function debug(str) {
DEBUG && log(str);
function toHexString(data) {
function toHexChar(charCode) {
return ("0" + charCode.toString(16).slice(-2));
let hexString = "";
if (typeof data === "string") {
hexString = [toHexChar(data.charCodeAt(i)) for (i in data)].join("");
} else if (typeof data === "array") {
hexString = [toHexChar(data[i]) for (i in data)].join("");
return hexString;
function arr2bstr(arr) {
let bstr = "";
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
bstr += String.fromCharCode(arr[i]);
return bstr;
this.PersistentDataBlock = {
* libc funcionality. Accessed via ctypes
_libc: {
handler: null,
open: function() {},
close: function() {},
ioctl: function() {}
* Component to access property_get/set functions
_libcutils: null,
* The size of a device block. This is assigned by querying the kernel.
_blockDeviceSize: -1,
* Data block file
_dataBlockFile: "",
* Change the behavior of the class for some methods to testing mode. This will fake the return value of some
* methods realted to native operations with block devices.
_testing: false,
* This component will interface between Gecko and a special secure partition with no formatting, a raw partition.
* This interaction requires a specific partition layout structure which emulators don't have so far. So for
* our unit tests to pass, we need a way for some methods to behave differently. This method will change this
* behavior at runtime so some low-level platform-specific operations will be faked:
* - Getting the size of a partition: We can use any partition to get the size, is up to the test to choose
* which partition to use. But, in testing mode we use files instead of partitions, so we need to fake the
* return value of this method in this case.
* - Wipping a partition: This will fully remove the partition as well as it filesystem type, so we cannot
* test it on any existing emulator partition. Testing mode will skip this operation.
* @param enabled {Bool} Set testing mode. See _testing property.
setTestingMode: function(enabled) {
this._testing = enabled || false;
* Initialize the class.
init: function(mode) {
if (libcutils) {
this._libcutils = libcutils;
if (!this.ctypes) {
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm", this);
if (this._libc.handler === null) {
try {
this._libc.handler = this.ctypes.open(this.ctypes.libraryName("c"));
this._libc.close = this._libc.handler.declare("close",
this._libc.open = this._libc.handler.declare("open",
this._libc.ioctl = this._libc.handler.declare("ioctl",
} catch(ex) {
log("Unable to open libc.so: ex = " + ex);
log("This component requires Gonk!");
this._dataBlockFile = this._libcutils.property_get(PERSISTENT_DATA_BLOCK_PROPERTY);
if (this._dataBlockFile === null) {
log("init: ERROR: property " + PERSISTENT_DATA_BLOCK_PROPERTY + " doesn't exist!");
Services.obs.addObserver(this, XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_TOPIC, false);
uninit: function() {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, XPCOM_SHUTDOWN_OBSERVER_TOPIC);
_checkLibcUtils: function() {
if (!this._libcutils) {
log("No proper libcutils binding, aborting.");
return true;
* Callback mehtod for addObserver
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
switch (aTopic) {
log("Wrong observer topic: " + aTopic);
* This method will format the persistent partition if it detects manipulation (digest calculation will fail)
* or if the OEM Unlock Enabled byte is set to true.
* We need to call this method on every boot.
start: function() {
return this._enforceChecksumValidity().then(() => {
return this._formatIfOemUnlockEnabled().then(() => {
return Promise.resolve(true);
}).catch(ex => {
return Promise.reject(ex);
* Computes the digest of the entire data block.
* The digest is saved in the first 32 bytes of the block.
* @param isStoredDigestReturned {Bool} Tells the function to return the stored digest as well as the calculated.
* True means to return stored digest and the calculated
* False means to return just the calculated one
* @return Promise<digest> {Object} The calculated digest into the "calculated" property, and the stored
* digest into the "stored" property.
_computeDigest: function (isStoredDigestReturned) {
let digest = {calculated: "", stored: ""};
let partition;
debug("_computeDigest: _dataBlockFile = " + this._dataBlockFile);
return OS.File.open(this._dataBlockFile, {existing:true, append:false, read:true}).then(_partition => {
partition = _partition;
return partition.read(DIGEST_SIZE_BYTES);
}).then(digestDataRead => {
// If storedDigest is passed as a parameter, the caller will likely compare the
// one is already stored in the partition with the one we are going to compute later.
if (isStoredDigestReturned === true) {
debug("_computeDigest: get stored digest from the partition");
digest.stored = arr2bstr(digestDataRead);
return partition.read();
}).then(data => {
// Calculate Digest with the data retrieved after the digest
let hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsICryptoHash);
hasher.update(data, data.byteLength);
digest.calculated = hasher.finish(false);
debug("_computeDigest(): Digest = " + toHexString(digest.calculated) +
"(" + digest.calculated.length + ")");
return partition.close();
}).then(() => {
return Promise.resolve(digest);
}).catch(ex => {
log("_computeDigest(): Failed to read partition: ex = " + ex);
return Promise.reject(ex);
* Returns the size of a block from the undelaying filesystem
* @return {Number} The size of the block
_getBlockDeviceSize: function() {
// See _testing property
if (this._testing === true) {
debug("_getBlockDeviceSize: No real block device size in testing mode!. Returning 1024.");
return 1024;
const O_READONLY = 0;
const O_NONBLOCK = 1 << 11;
/* Getting the correct values for ioctl() operations by reading the headers is not a trivial task, so
* the better way to get the values below is by writting a simple test aplication in C that will
* print the values to the output.
* 32bits and 64bits value for ioctl() BLKGETSIZE64 operation is different. So we will fallback in
* case ioctl() returns ENOTTY (22). */
const BLKGETSIZE64_32_BITS = 0x80041272;
const BLKGETSIZE64_64_BITS = 0x80081272;
const ENOTTY = 25;
debug("_getBlockDeviceSize: _dataBlockFile = " + this._dataBlockFile);
let fd = this._libc.open(this._dataBlockFile, O_READONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
if (fd < 0) {
log("_getBlockDeviceSize: couldn't open partition!: errno = " + this.ctypes.errno);
let size = new this.ctypes.unsigned_long();
let sizeAddress = size.address();
let ret = this._libc.ioctl(fd, BLKGETSIZE64_32_BITS, sizeAddress);
if (ret < 0) {
if (this.ctypes.errno === ENOTTY) {
log("_getBlockDeviceSize: errno is ENOTTY, falling back to 64 bit version of BLKGETSIZE64...");
ret = this._libc.ioctl(fd, BLKGETSIZE64_64_BITS, sizeAddress);
if (ret < 0) {
log("_getBlockDeviceSize: BLKGETSIZE64 failed again!. errno = " + this.ctypes.errno);
} else {
log("_getBlockDeviceSize: couldn't get block device size!: errno = " + this.ctypes.errno);
debug("_getBlockDeviceSize: size =" + size.value);
return size.value;
log("_getBlockDeviceSize: ERROR: This feature is only supported in Gonk!");
return -1;
* Sets the byte into the partition which represents the OEM Unlock Enabled feature.
* A value of "1" means that the user doesn't want to enable KillSwitch.
* The byte is the last one byte into the device block.
* @param isSetOemUnlockEnabled {bool} If true, sets the OEM Unlock Enabled byte to 1.
* Otherwise, sets it to 0.
_doSetOemUnlockEnabled: function(isSetOemUnlockEnabled) {
let partition;
return OS.File.open(this._dataBlockFile, {existing:true, append:false, write:true}).then(_partition => {
partition = _partition;
return partition.setPosition(this._getBlockDeviceSize() - OEM_UNLOCK_ENABLED_BYTES, OS.File.POS_START);
}).then(() => {
return partition.write(new Uint8Array([ isSetOemUnlockEnabled === true ? 1 : 0 ]));
}).then(bytesWrittenLength => {
if (bytesWrittenLength != 1) {
log("_doSetOemUnlockEnabled: Error writting OEM Unlock Enabled byte!");
return Promise.reject();
return partition.close();
}).then(() => {
let oemUnlockByte = (isSetOemUnlockEnabled === true ? "1" : "0");
debug("_doSetOemUnlockEnabled: OEM unlock enabled written to " + oemUnlockByte);
this._libcutils.property_set(OEM_UNLOCK_PROPERTY, oemUnlockByte);
return Promise.resolve();
}).catch(ex => {
return Promise.reject(ex);
* Computes the digest by reading the entire block of data and write it to the digest field
* @return true Promise<bool> Operation succeed
* @return false Promise<bool> Operation failed
_computeAndWriteDigest: function() {
let digest;
let partition;
return this._computeDigest().then(_digest => {
digest = _digest;
return OS.File.open(this._dataBlockFile, {write:true, existing:true, append:false});
}).then(_partition => {
partition = _partition;
return partition.setPosition(DIGEST_OFFSET, OS.File.POS_START);
}).then(() => {
return partition.write(new Uint8Array([digest.calculated.charCodeAt(i) for (i in digest.calculated)]));
}).then(bytesWrittenLength => {
if (bytesWrittenLength != DIGEST_SIZE_BYTES) {
log("_computeAndWriteDigest: Error writting digest to partition!. Expected: " + DIGEST_SIZE_BYTES + " Written: " + bytesWrittenLength);
return Promise.reject();
return partition.close();
}).then(() => {
debug("_computeAndWriteDigest: digest written to partition");
return Promise.resolve(true);
}).catch(ex => {
log("_computeAndWriteDigest: Couldn't write digest in the persistent partion. ex = " + ex );
return Promise.reject(ex);
* Formats the persistent partition if the OEM Unlock Enabled field is set to true, and
* write the Unlock Property accordingly.
* @return true Promise<bool> OEM Unlock was enabled, so the partition has been formated
* @return false Promise<bool> OEM Unlock was disabled, so the partition hasn't been formated
_formatIfOemUnlockEnabled: function () {
return this.getOemUnlockEnabled().then(enabled => {
this._libcutils.property_set(OEM_UNLOCK_PROPERTY,(enabled === true ? "1" : "0"));
if (enabled === true) {
return this._formatPartition(true);
return Promise.resolve(false);
}).then(result => {
if (result === false) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
} else {
return Promise.resolve(true);
}).catch(ex => {
log("_formatIfOemUnlockEnabled: An error ocurred!. ex = " + ex);
return Promise.reject(ex);
* Formats the persistent data partition with the proper structure.
* @param isSetOemUnlockEnabled {bool} If true, writes a "1" in the OEM Unlock Enabled field (last
* byte of the block). If false, writes a "0".
* @return Promise
_formatPartition: function(isSetOemUnlockEnabled) {
let partition;
return OS.File.open(this._dataBlockFile, {write:true, existing:true, append:false}).then(_partition => {
partition = _partition;
return partition.write(new Uint8Array(DIGEST_SIZE_BYTES));
}).then(bytesWrittenLength => {
if (bytesWrittenLength != DIGEST_SIZE_BYTES) {
log("_formatPartition Error writting zero-digest!. Expected: " + DIGEST_SIZE_BYTES + " Written: " + bytesWrittenLength);
return Promise.reject();
return partition.write(new Uint32Array([PARTITION_MAGIC]));
}).then(bytesWrittenLength => {
if (bytesWrittenLength != PARTITION_MAGIC_SIZE_BYTES) {
log("_formatPartition Error writting magic number!. Expected: " + PARTITION_MAGIC_SIZE_BYTES + " Written: " + bytesWrittenLength);
return Promise.reject();
return partition.write(new Uint8Array(DATA_SIZE_BYTES));
}).then(bytesWrittenLength => {
if (bytesWrittenLength != DATA_SIZE_BYTES) {
log("_formatPartition Error writting data size!. Expected: " + DATA_SIZE_BYTES + " Written: " + bytesWrittenLength);
return Promise.reject();
return partition.close();
}).then(() => {
return this._doSetOemUnlockEnabled(isSetOemUnlockEnabled);
}).then(() => {
return this._computeAndWriteDigest();
}).then(() => {
return Promise.resolve();
}).catch(ex => {
log("_formatPartition: Failed to format block device!: ex = " + ex);
return Promise.reject(ex);
* Check digest validity. If it's not valid, formats the persistent partition
* @return true Promise<bool> The checksum is valid so the promise is resolved to true
* @return false Promise<bool> The checksum is not valid, so the partition is going to be
* formatted and the OEM Unlock Enabled field written to 0 (false).
_enforceChecksumValidity: function() {
return this._computeDigest(true).then(digest => {
if (digest.stored != digest.calculated) {
log("_enforceChecksumValidity: Validation failed! Stored digest: " + toHexString(digest.stored) +
" is not the same as the calculated one: " + toHexString(digest.calculated));
return Promise.reject();
debug("_enforceChecksumValidity: Digest computation succeed.");
return Promise.resolve(true);
}).catch(ex => {
log("_enforceChecksumValidity: Digest computation failed: ex = " + ex);
log("_enforceChecksumValidity: Formatting FRP partition...");
return this._formatPartition(false).then(() => {
return Promise.resolve(false);
}).catch(ex => {
log("_enforceChecksumValidity: Error ocurred while formating the partition!: ex = " + ex);
return Promise.reject(ex);
* Reads the entire data field
* @return bytes Promise<Uint8Array> A promise resolved with the bytes read
read: function() {
let partition;
let bytes;
let dataSize;
return this.getDataFieldSize().then(_dataSize => {
dataSize = _dataSize;
return OS.File.open(this._dataBlockFile, {read:true, existing:true, append:false});
}).then(_partition => {
partition = _partition;
return partition.setPosition(DIGEST_SIZE_BYTES + HEADER_SIZE_BYTES, OS.File.POS_START);
}).then(() => {
return partition.read(dataSize);
}).then(_bytes => {
bytes = _bytes;
if (bytes.byteLength < dataSize) {
log("read: Failed to read entire data block. Bytes read: " + bytes.byteLength + "/" + dataSize);
return Promise.reject();
return partition.close();
}).then(() => {
return Promise.resolve(bytes);
}).catch(ex => {
log("read: Failed to read entire data block. Exception: " + ex);
return Promise.reject(ex);
* Writes an entire block to the persistent partition
* @param data {Uint8Array}
* @return Promise<Number> Promise resolved to the number of bytes written.
write: function(data) {
// Ensure that we don't overwrite digest/magic/data-length and the last byte
let maxBlockSize = this._getBlockDeviceSize() - (DIGEST_SIZE_BYTES + HEADER_SIZE_BYTES + 1);
if (data.byteLength > maxBlockSize) {
log("write: Couldn't write more than " + maxBlockSize + " bytes to the partition. " +
maxBlockSize + " bytes given.");
return Promise.reject();
let partition;
return OS.File.open(this._dataBlockFile, {write:true, existing:true, append:false}).then(_partition => {
let digest = new Uint8Array(DIGEST_SIZE_BYTES);
let magic = new Uint8Array((new Uint32Array([PARTITION_MAGIC])).buffer);
let dataLength = new Uint8Array((new Uint32Array([data.byteLength])).buffer);
let bufferToWrite = new Uint8Array(digest.byteLength + magic.byteLength + dataLength.byteLength + data.byteLength );
let offset = 0;
bufferToWrite.set(digest, offset);
offset += digest.byteLength;
bufferToWrite.set(magic, offset);
offset += magic.byteLength;
bufferToWrite.set(dataLength, offset);
offset += dataLength.byteLength;
bufferToWrite.set(data, offset);
partition = _partition;
return partition.write(bufferToWrite);
}).then(bytesWrittenLength => {
let expectedWrittenLength = DIGEST_SIZE_BYTES + HEADER_SIZE_BYTES + data.byteLength;
if (bytesWrittenLength != expectedWrittenLength) {
log("write: Error writting data to partition!: Expected: " + expectedWrittenLength + " Written: " + bytesWrittenLength);
return Promise.reject();
return partition.close();
}).then(() => {
return this._computeAndWriteDigest();
}).then(couldComputeAndWriteDigest => {
if (couldComputeAndWriteDigest === true) {
return Promise.resolve(data.byteLength);
} else {
log("write: Failed to compute and write the digest");
return Promise.reject();
}).catch(ex => {
log("write: Failed to write to the persistent partition: ex = " + ex);
return Promise.reject(ex);
* Wipes the persistent partition.
* @return Promise If no errors, the promise is resolved
wipe: function() {
if (this._testing === true) {
log("wipe: No wipe() funcionality in testing mode");
return Promise.resolve();
const O_READONLY = 0;
const O_RDWR = 2;
const O_NONBLOCK = 1 << 11;
// This constant value is the same under 32 and 64 bits arch.
const BLKSECDISCARD = 0x127D;
// This constant value is the same under 32 and 64 bits arch.
const BLKDISCARD = 0x1277;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let range = new this.ctypes.unsigned_long();
let rangeAddress = range.address();
let blockDeviceLength = this._getBlockDeviceSize();
range[0] = 0;
range[1] = blockDeviceLength;
if (range[1] === 0) {
log("wipe: Block device size is 0!");
return reject();
let fd = this._libc.open(this._dataBlockFile, O_RDWR);
if (fd < 0) {
log("wipe: ERROR couldn't open partition!: error = " + this.ctypes.errno);
return reject();
let ret = this._libc.ioctl(fd, BLKSECDISCARD, rangeAddress);
if (ret < 0) {
log("wipe: Something went wrong secure discarding block: errno: " + this.ctypes.errno + ": Falling back to non-secure discarding...");
ret = this._libc.ioctl(fd, BLKDISCARD, rangeAddress);
if (ret < 0) {
log("wipe: CRITICAL: non-secure discarding failed too!!: errno: " + this.ctypes.errno);
return reject();
} else {
log("wipe: non-secure discard used and succeed");
return resolve();
log("wipe: secure discard succeed");
return resolve();
log("wipe: ERROR: This feature is only supported in Gonk!");
return Promise.reject();
* Set the OEM Unlock Enabled field (one byte at the end of the partition), to 1 or 0 depending on
* the input parameter.
* @param enabled {bool} If enabled, we write a 1 in the last byte of the partition.
* @return Promise
setOemUnlockEnabled: function(enabled) {
return this._doSetOemUnlockEnabled(enabled).then(() => {
return this._computeAndWriteDigest();
}).then(() => {
return Promise.resolve();
}).catch(ex => {
return Promise.reject(ex);
* Gets the byte from the partition which represents the OEM Unlock Enabled state.
* @return true Promise<Bool> The user didn't activate KillSwitch.
* @return false Promise<Bool> The user did activate KillSwitch.
getOemUnlockEnabled: function() {
let ret = false;
let partition;
return OS.File.open(this._dataBlockFile, {existing:true, append:false, read:true}).then(_partition => {
partition = _partition;
return partition.setPosition(this._getBlockDeviceSize() - OEM_UNLOCK_ENABLED_BYTES, OS.File.POS_START);
}).then(() => {
return partition.read(OEM_UNLOCK_ENABLED_BYTES);
}).then(data => {
debug("getOemUnlockEnabled: OEM unlock enabled byte = '" + data[0] + "'");
ret = (data[0] === 1 ? true : false);
return partition.close();
}).then(() => {
return Promise.resolve(ret);
}).catch(ex => {
log("getOemUnlockEnabled: Error reading OEM unlock enabled byte from partition: ex = " + ex);
return Promise.reject(ex);
* Gets the size of the data block by reading the data-length field
* @return Promise<Number> A promise resolved to the number of bytes os the data field.
getDataFieldSize: function() {
let partition
let dataLength = 0;
return OS.File.open(this._dataBlockFile, {read:true, existing:true, append:false}).then(_partition => {
partition = _partition;
// Skip the digest field
return partition.setPosition(DIGEST_SIZE_BYTES, OS.File.POS_START);
}).then(() => {
// Read the Magic field
return partition.read(PARTITION_MAGIC_SIZE_BYTES);
}).then(_magic => {
let magic = new Uint32Array(_magic.buffer)[0];
if (magic === PARTITION_MAGIC) {
return partition.read(PARTITION_MAGIC_SIZE_BYTES);
} else {
log("getDataFieldSize: ERROR: Invalid Magic number!");
return Promise.reject();
}).then(_dataLength => {
if (_dataLength) {
dataLength = new Uint32Array(_dataLength.buffer)[0];
return partition.close();
}).then(() => {
if (dataLength && dataLength != 0) {
return Promise.resolve(dataLength);
} else {
return Promise.reject();
}).catch(ex => {
log("getDataFieldSize: Couldn't get data field size: ex = " + ex);
return Promise.reject(ex);
* Gets the maximum possible size of a data field
* @return Promise<Number> A Promise resolved to the maximum number of bytes allowed for the data field
getMaximumDataBlockSize: function() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let actualSize = this._getBlockDeviceSize() - HEADER_SIZE_BYTES - OEM_UNLOCK_ENABLED_BYTES;
resolve(actualSize <= MAX_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE ? actualSize : MAX_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE);
// This code should ALWAYS be living only on the parent side.
if (!inParent) {
log("PersistentDataBlock should only be living on parent side.");
} else {