
242 lines
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/* Include the CSV library. It would be nice to make this OO sometime */
class ResultsController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Results';
* Model's this controller uses
* @var array
var $uses = array('Application','Collection','Choice','Result');
* Cake Helpers
* @var array
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Javascript', 'Export', 'Pagination','Time','Breadcrumb');
* Pagination helper variable array
* @access public
* @var array
var $pagination_parameters = array();
* Will hold a sanitize object
* @var object
var $Sanitize;
* Constructor - sets up the sanitizer and the pagination
function ResultsController()
$this->Sanitize = new Sanitize();
// Pagination Stuff
$this->pagination_parameters['show'] = empty($_GET['show'])? '10' : $this->Sanitize->paranoid($_GET['show']);
$this->pagination_parameters['sortBy'] = empty($_GET['sort'])? 'created' : $this->Sanitize->paranoid($_GET['sort']);
$this->pagination_parameters['direction'] = empty($_GET['direction'])? 'desc': $this->Sanitize->paranoid($_GET['direction']);
$this->pagination_parameters['page'] = empty($_GET['page'])? '1': $this->Sanitize->paranoid($_GET['page']);
$this->pagination_parameters['order'] = $this->modelClass.'.'.$this->pagination_parameters['sortBy'].' '.strtoupper($this->pagination_parameters['direction']);
* Add a new result. This also means we're going to be adding to several other
* tables (for the many to many relationships). First we'll show a form, then if
* there is a $_POST, we'll process.
function add()
// If these are set in $_POST, we'll use that for the query. If this is set
// in $_GET, then use that. If neither are set, make it blank, and we'll
// fail later on
$_input_name = $this->Sanitize->Sql(isset($this->data['application'][0]) ? $this->data['application'][0] : (isset($this->params['url']['application']) ? $this->params['url']['application'] : ''));
$_input_ua = $this->Sanitize->Sql(isset($this->data['ua'][0]) ? $this->data['ua'][0] : (isset($this->params['url']['ua']) ? $this->params['url']['ua'] : ''));
// The ua comes over $_GET in the form:
// x.x.x.x (aa-bb)
// Where x is the versions and a and b are locale information. We're not
// interested in the locale information,
$_conditions = "name LIKE '{$_input_name}' AND version LIKE '{$_input_ua}'";
$_application = $this->Application->findAll($_conditions);
if (empty($_application)) {
// The application they entered in the URL is not in the db. We'll have
// to put it in the db, but we don't want it to show up (in case they
// just typed something in manually) so we'll flag it as not visible.
$app = new Application();
$app->set('name', $_input_name);
$app->set('version', $_input_ua);
$app->set('visible', 0);
$app_id = $app->getLastInsertID();
// The database will handle any combination of questions
// (issues/intentions) and applications+versions. However, since we're
// adding stuff in that comes in over the URL, we kinda have to guess at
// what questions should be associated. So, I'm running a stristr() on
// the $_GET values to get a general set of questions to associate, and
// then manually adding those values to the table.
if (stristr($this->params['url']['application'], 'Firefox') !== false) {
// Intention Id's
$this->Application->query("INSERT INTO applications_collections VALUES ({$app_id}, ".DEFAULT_FIREFOX_INTENTION_SET_ID.")");
// Issue Id's
$this->Application->query("INSERT INTO applications_collections VALUES ({$app_id}, ".DEFAULT_FIREFOX_ISSUE_SET_ID.")");
} elseif (stristr($this->params['url']['application'], 'Thunderbird') !== false) {
// Intention Id's
$this->Application->query("INSERT INTO applications_collections VALUES ({$app_id}, ".DEFAULT_THUNDERBIRD_INTENTION_SET_ID.")");
// Issue Id's
$this->Application->query("INSERT INTO applications_collections VALUES ({$app_id}, ".DEFAULT_THUNDERBIRD_ISSUE_SET_ID.")");
} else {
// Whatever they entered doesn't have firefox or thunderbird in it.
// All they're going to see is a comment box on the other end.
// We could just get the last inserted id, but we need all the info
// below. Also, cake caches the query, and won't return
// anything if we don't alter it (add 1=1 to the end), since we already
// did the same query earlier
$_conditions = "name LIKE '{$_input_name}' AND version LIKE '{$_input_ua}' AND 1=1";
$_application = $this->Application->findAll($_conditions);
// Pull the information for our radio buttons (only the
// questions for their applications will be shown)
$this->set('intentions', $this->Application->getIntentions($this->Sanitize->sql($_application[0]['Application']['id'])));
// Checkboxes
$this->set('issues', $this->Application->getIssues($this->Sanitize->sql($_application[0]['Application']['id'])));
// We'll need the url parameters to put in hidden fields
$this->set('url_params', $this->Sanitize->html($this->params['url']));
// If there is no $_POST, show the form, otherwise, process the data and
// forward the user on.
if (empty($this->params['data'])) {
} else {
// Add the application id from the last cake query
$this->params['data'] = $this->params['data'] + $_application[0];
if ($this->Result->save($this->params['data'])) {
// Redirect
$this->flash('Thank you.', '/results');
} else {
// Saving failed. This probably means a required field wasn't set.
// Should we tell them it failed, or just redirect? Hmm...
$this->flash('Thank you.', '/results');
* Front page will show the graph
function index()
// Products dropdown
$this->set('products', $this->Application->findAll('visible=1', null, ' ASC,Application.version DESC'));
// Fill in all the data passed in $_GET
// Give us some breadcrumbs
$this->set('breadcrumbs', array('Home' => '', 'Uninstall Survey Results' => ''));
// We'll need to include the graphing libraries
$this->set('include_graph_libraries', true);
// Fill in our question sets
// Core data to show on page
* Display a table of user comments
function comments()
// Products dropdown
$this->set('products', $this->Application->findAll('visible=1', null, ' ASC,Application.version DESC'));
// Fill in all the data passed in $_GET
// Give us some breadcrumbs
$this->set('breadcrumbs', array('Home' => '', 'Uninstall Survey Results' => 'results/', 'Comments' => ''));
// Fill in our question sets
// Core data to show on page
$this->set('commentsData',$this->Result->getComments($this->params['url'], $this->pagination_parameters));
// Pagination settings
$paging['count'] = $this->Result->getCommentCount();
$paging['style'] = 'html';
$paging['link'] = "/results/comments/?collection=".urlencode($this->params['url']['collection'])."&product=".urlencode($this->params['url']['product'])."&start_date=".urlencode($this->params['url']['start_date'])."&end_date=".urlencode($this->params['url']['end_date'])."&show={$this->pagination_parameters['show']}&sort={$this->pagination_parameters['sortBy']}&direction={$this->pagination_parameters['direction']}&page=";
$paging['page'] = $this->pagination_parameters['page'];
$paging['limit'] = $this->pagination_parameters['show'];
$paging['show'] = array('10','25','50');
// No point in showing them an error if they click on "show 50" but they are
// already on the last page.
if ($paging['count'] < ($this->pagination_parameters['page'] * ($this->pagination_parameters['show']/2))) {
$this->pagination_parameters['page'] = $paging['page'] = 1;
// Set pagination array
* Display a csv
function csv()
// Get rid of the header/footer/etc.
$this->layout = null;
// Auto generated .csv's are turned off since they were taking too much
// cpu/ram. If you turn them back on, be sure to check the code - there was
// a substantial database change between the time they were disabled and now.
return false;
$csv = new csv();
$csv->loadDataFromArray($this->Result->getCsvExportData($this->params['url'], false));
// Our CSV library sends headers and everything. Keep the view empty!
// I'm not exiting here in case someone is going to use post callback stuff.
// In development, that means extra lines get added to our CSVs, but in
// production it should be clean.