427 lines
16 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package-name.txt.in \
ifneq (,$(findstring -march=armv7,$(OS_CFLAGS)))
MOZ_APP_BUILDID=$(shell cat $(DEPTH)/config/buildid)
ifeq ($(CPU_ARCH),arm)
ifeq ($(MIN_CPU_VERSION),7)
ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(shell cat $(DEPTH)/config/buildid | cut -c1-10)
# decrement the version code by 1 for armv6 builds so armv7 builds will win any compatability ties
ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(shell echo $$((`cat $(DEPTH)/config/buildid | cut -c1-10` - 1)))
else #not arm, so x86
# increment the version code by 1 for x86 builds so they are offered to x86 phones that have arm emulators
ANDROID_VERSION_CODE=$(shell echo $$((`cat $(DEPTH)/config/buildid | cut -c1-10` + 1)))
UA_BUILDID=$(shell echo $(ANDROID_VERSION_CODE) | cut -c1-8)
MOZ_BUILD_TIMESTAMP=$(shell echo `$(PYTHON) $(topsrcdir)/toolkit/xre/make-platformini.py --print-timestamp`)
AndroidManifest.xml \
WebappManifestFragment.xml.frag \
classes.dex \
gecko.ap_ \
res/values/strings.xml \
res/raw/browsersearch.json \
res/raw/suggestedsites.json \
.aapt.deps \
fennec_ids.txt \
javah.out \
jni-stubs.inc \
GeneratedJNIWrappers.cpp \
GeneratedJNIWrappers.h \
GARBAGE_DIRS += classes db jars res sync services generated
$(ANDROID_SDK)/android.jar \
# If native devices are enabled, add Google Play Services and some of the v7 compat libraries
JAVA_CLASSPATH := $(subst $(NULL) ,:,$(strip $(JAVA_CLASSPATH)))
gecko-R.jar \
gecko-browser.jar \
gecko-mozglue.jar \
gecko-thirdparty.jar \
gecko-util.jar \
sync-thirdparty.jar \
ALL_JARS += webrtc.jar
ALL_JARS += search-activity.jar
extra_packages += org.mozilla.mozstumbler
ALL_JARS += ../stumbler/stumbler.jar
generated/org/mozilla/mozstumbler/R.java: .aapt.deps ;
include $(topsrcdir)/config/config.mk
# Note that we're going to set up a dependency directly between embed_android.dex and the java files
# Instead of on the .class files, since more than one .class file might be produced per .java file
# Sync dependencies are provided in a single jar. Sync classes themselves are delivered as source,
# because Android resource classes must be compiled together in order to avoid overlapping resource
# indices.
library_jars = \
library_jars := $(subst $(NULL) ,:,$(strip $(library_jars)))
classes.dex: .proguard.deps
$(DX) --dex --output=classes.dex jars-proguarded $(subst :, ,$(ANDROID_COMPAT_LIB):$(JAVA_CLASSPATH))
# We touch the target file before invoking Proguard so that Proguard's
# outputs are fresher than the target, preventing a subsequent
# invocation from thinking Proguard's outputs are stale. This is safe
# because Make removes the target file if any recipe command fails.
.proguard.deps: $(ALL_JARS)
@$(TOUCH) $@
java \
-Xmx512m -Xms128m \
-jar $(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)/tools/proguard/lib/proguard.jar \
@$(topsrcdir)/mobile/android/config/proguard.cfg \
-optimizationpasses $(PROGUARD_PASSES) \
-injars $(subst ::,:,$(subst $(NULL) ,:,$(strip $(ALL_JARS)))) \
-outjars jars-proguarded \
-libraryjars $(library_jars)
org.mozilla.gecko.ANRReporter \
org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoAppShell \
org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoJavaSampler \
org.mozilla.gecko.gfx.NativePanZoomController \
org.mozilla.gecko.util.NativeJSContainer \
org.mozilla.gecko.util.NativeJSObject \
# Note: if you are building with MOZ_WEBSMS_BACKEND turned on, then
# you will get a build error because the generated jni-stubs.inc will
# be different than the one checked in (i.e. it will have the sms-related
# JNI stubs as well). Just copy the generated file to mozglue/android/
# like the error message says and rebuild. All should be well after that.
CLASSES_WITH_JNI += org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoSmsManager
jni-stubs.inc: gecko-browser.jar gecko-mozglue.jar gecko-util.jar sync-thirdparty.jar
$(JAVAH) -o javah.out -bootclasspath $(JAVA_BOOTCLASSPATH) -classpath $(subst $(NULL) $(NULL),:,$^) $(CLASSES_WITH_JNI)
$(PYTHON) $(topsrcdir)/mobile/android/base/jni-generator.py javah.out $@
ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_JAR_FILES := $(DEPTH)/build/annotationProcessors/annotationProcessors.jar
GeneratedJNIWrappers.cpp: $(ALL_JARS)
$(JAVA) -classpath gecko-mozglue.jar:$(JAVA_BOOTCLASSPATH):$(JAVA_CLASSPATH):$(ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_JAR_FILES) org.mozilla.gecko.annotationProcessors.AnnotationProcessor $(ALL_JARS)
# Like generated/org/mozilla/fennec_$USERID.
android_package_dir = $(addprefix generated/,$(subst .,/,$(ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME)))
# These _PP_JAVAFILES are specified in moz.build and defined in
# backend.mk, which is included by config.mk. Therefore this needs to
# be defined after config.mk is included.
PP_JAVAFILES := $(filter-out generated/org/mozilla/gecko/R.java,$(gecko-mozglue_PP_JAVAFILES) $(gecko-browser_PP_JAVAFILES))
manifest := \
AndroidManifest.xml.in \
WebappManifestFragment.xml.frag.in \
PP_TARGETS += manifest
# Certain source files need to be preprocessed. This special rule
# generates these files into generated/org/mozilla/gecko for
# consumption by the build system and IDEs.
preprocessed := $(addsuffix .in,$(subst generated/org/mozilla/gecko/,,$(filter generated/org/mozilla/gecko/%,$(PP_JAVAFILES))))
preprocessed_PATH := generated/org/mozilla/gecko
preprocessed_KEEP_PATH := 1
preprocessed_FLAGS := --marker='//\\\#'
PP_TARGETS += preprocessed
# Certain source files have Java package name @ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.
# We hate these files but they are necessary for backwards
# compatibility. These special rules generate these files into
# generated/org/mozilla/{firefox,firefox_beta,fennec,fennec_$USER} for
# consumption by the build system and IDEs.
preprocessed_package := $(addsuffix .in,$(subst $(android_package_dir)/,,$(filter $(android_package_dir)/%,$(PP_JAVAFILES))))
preprocessed_package_PATH := $(android_package_dir)
preprocessed_package_KEEP_PATH := 1
preprocessed_package_FLAGS := --marker='//\\\#'
PP_TARGETS += preprocessed_package
include $(topsrcdir)/config/rules.mk
not_android_res_files := \
*.mkdir.done* \
*.DS_Store* \
*\#* \
*.rej \
*.orig \
# This uses the fact that Android resource directories list all
# resource files one subdirectory below the parent resource directory.
android_res_files := $(filter-out $(not_android_res_files),$(wildcard $(addsuffix /*,$(wildcard $(addsuffix /*,$(ANDROID_RES_DIRS))))))
# [Comment 1/3] We don't have correct dependencies for strings.xml at
# this point, so we always recursively invoke the submake to check the
# dependencies. Sigh. And, with multilocale builds, there will be
# multiple strings.xml files, and we need to rebuild gecko.ap_ if any
# of them change. But! mobile/android/base/locales does not have
# enough information to actually build res/values/strings.xml during a
# language repack. So rather than adding rules into the main
# makefile, and trying to work around the lack of information, we
# force a rebuild of gecko.ap_ during packaging. See below.
# Since the sub-Make is forced, it doesn't matter that we touch the
# target file before the command. If in the future we stop forcing
# the sub-Make, touching the target file first is better, because the
# sub-Make outputs will be fresher than the target, and not require
# rebuilding. This is all safe because Make removes the target file
# if any recipe command fails. It is crucial that the sub-Make touch
# the target files (those depending on .locales.deps) only when there
# contents have changed; otherwise, this will force rebuild them as
# part of every build.
.locales.deps: FORCE
$(TOUCH) $@
$(MAKE) -C locales
# This .deps pattern saves an invocation of the sub-Make: the single
# invocation generates strings.xml, browsersearch.json, and
# suggestedsites.json. The trailing semi-colon defines an empty
# recipe: defining no recipe at all causes Make to treat the target
# differently, in a way that defeats our dependencies.
res/values/strings.xml: .locales.deps ;
res/raw/browsersearch.json: .locales.deps ;
res/raw/suggestedsites.json: .locales.deps ;
all_resources = \
$(CURDIR)/AndroidManifest.xml \
$(CURDIR)/WebappManifestFragment.xml.frag \
$(android_res_files) \
# For GeckoView, we want a zip of an Android res/ directory that
# merges the contents of all the ANDROID_RES_DIRS. The inner res/
# directory must have the Android resource two-layer hierarchy.
# The following helper zips files in a directory into a zip file while
# maintaining the directory structure rooted below the directory.
# (adding or creating said file as appropriate). For example, if the
# dir contains dir/subdir/file, calling with directory dir would
# create a zip containing subdir/file. Note: the trailing newline is
# necessary.
# $(1): zip file to add to (or create).
# $(2): directory to zip contents of.
define zip_directory_with_relative_paths
cd $(2) && zip -q $(1) -r * -x $(subst *,\\*,$(not_android_res_files))
# We delete the archive before updating so that resources removed from
# the filesystem are removed from the archive.
geckoview_resources.zip: $(all_resources) $(GLOBAL_DEPS)
$(RM) -rf $@
$(foreach dir,$(ANDROID_RES_DIRS),$(call zip_directory_with_relative_paths,$(CURDIR)/$@,$(dir)))
# All of generated/org/mozilla/gecko/R.java, gecko.ap_, and R.txt are
# produced by aapt; this saves aapt invocations. The trailing
# semi-colon defines an empty recipe; defining no recipe at all causes
# Make to treat the target differently, in a way that defeats our
# dependencies.
generated/org/mozilla/gecko/R.java: .aapt.deps ;
# If native devices are enabled, add Google Play Services, build their resources
generated/android/support/v7/appcompat/R.java: .aapt.deps ;
generated/android/support/v7/mediarouter/R.java: .aapt.deps ;
generated/com/google/android/gms/R.java: .aapt.deps ;
extra_packages += android.support.v7.appcompat
extra_res_dirs += $(ANDROID_APPCOMPAT_RES)
extra_packages += android.support.v7.mediarouter
extra_res_dirs += $(ANDROID_MEDIAROUTER_RES)
extra_packages += com.google.android.gms
extra_res_dirs += $(GOOGLE_PLAY_SERVICES_RES)
gecko.ap_: .aapt.deps ;
R.txt: .aapt.deps ;
# [Comment 2/3] This tom-foolery provides a target that forces a
# rebuild of gecko.ap_. This is used during packaging to ensure that
# resources are fresh. The alternative would be complicated; see
# [Comment 1/3].
gecko-nodeps/R.java: .aapt.nodeps ;
gecko-nodeps.ap_: .aapt.nodeps ;
gecko-nodeps/R.txt: .aapt.nodeps ;
# This ignores the default set of resources ignored by aapt, plus
# files starting with '#'. (Emacs produces temp files named #temp#.)
# This doesn't actually set the environment variable; it's used as a
# parameter in the aapt invocation below. Consider updating
# not_android_res_files as well.
ANDROID_AAPT_IGNORE := !.svn:!.git:.*:<dir>_*:!CVS:!thumbs.db:!picasa.ini:!*.scc:*~:\#*:*.rej:*.orig
extra_packages := $(subst $(NULL) ,:,$(strip $(extra_packages)))
# 1: target file.
# 2: dependencies.
# 3: name of ap_ file to write.
# 4: directory to write R.java into.
# 5: directory to write R.txt into.
# We touch the target file before invoking aapt so that aapt's outputs
# are fresher than the target, preventing a subsequent invocation from
# thinking aapt's outputs are stale. This is safe because Make
# removes the target file if any recipe command fails.
define aapt_command
$(1): $$(call mkdir_deps,$(filter-out ./,$(dir $(3) $(4) $(5)))) $(2)
@$$(TOUCH) $$@
$$(AAPT) package -f -m \
-M AndroidManifest.xml \
-I $(ANDROID_SDK)/android.jar \
--auto-add-overlay \
$$(addprefix -S ,$$(ANDROID_RES_DIRS)) \
$(if $(extra_res_dirs),$$(addprefix -S ,$$(extra_res_dirs)),) \
$(if $(extra_packages),--extra-packages $$(extra_packages),) \
--custom-package org.mozilla.gecko \
--non-constant-id \
-F $(3) \
-J $(4) \
--output-text-symbols $(5) \
--ignore-assets "$$(ANDROID_AAPT_IGNORE)"
# [Comment 3/3] The first of these rules is used during regular
# builds. The second writes an ap_ file that is only used during
# packaging. It doesn't write the normal ap_, or R.java, since we
# don't want the packaging step to write anything that would make a
# further no-op build do work. See also
# toolkit/mozapps/installer/packager.mk.
# .aapt.deps: $(all_resources)
$(eval $(call aapt_command,.aapt.deps,$(all_resources),gecko.ap_,generated/,./))
# .aapt.nodeps: $(CURDIR)/AndroidManifest.xml FORCE
$(eval $(call aapt_command,.aapt.nodeps,$(CURDIR)/AndroidManifest.xml FORCE,gecko-nodeps.ap_,gecko-nodeps/,gecko-nodeps/))
fennec_ids.txt: generated/org/mozilla/gecko/R.java fennec-ids-generator.py
$(PYTHON) $(topsrcdir)/mobile/android/base/fennec-ids-generator.py -i $< -o $@
# Override the Java settings with some specific android settings
include $(topsrcdir)/config/android-common.mk
# This target is only used by the Eclipse integration. It rebuilds
# resources that end up in omni.ja, does most of the packaging step,
# and then updates omni.ja in place. If you're not using Eclipse, you
# should be using |mach build mobile/android && mach package|.
$(abspath $(DIST)/fennec/$(OMNIJAR_NAME)): FORCE
$(MAKE) -C ../locales
$(MAKE) -C ../chrome
$(MAKE) -C ../components
$(MAKE) -C ../modules
$(MAKE) -C ../app
$(MAKE) -C ../themes/core
$(MAKE) -C ../installer stage-package
rsync --update $(DIST)/fennec/$(notdir $(OMNIJAR_NAME)) $@
$(RM) $(DIST)/fennec/$(notdir $(OMNIJAR_NAME))
libs:: geckoview_resources.zip classes.dex jni-stubs.inc GeneratedJNIWrappers.cpp fennec_ids.txt
$(INSTALL) geckoview_resources.zip $(FINAL_TARGET)
$(INSTALL) classes.dex $(FINAL_TARGET)
@(diff jni-stubs.inc $(topsrcdir)/mozglue/android/jni-stubs.inc >/dev/null && diff GeneratedJNIWrappers.cpp $(topsrcdir)/widget/android/GeneratedJNIWrappers.cpp >/dev/null) || \
(echo '*****************************************************' && \
echo '*** Error: The generated JNI code has changed ***' && \
echo '* To update generated code in the tree, please run *' && \
echo && \
echo ' cp $(CURDIR)/jni-stubs.inc $(topsrcdir)/mozglue/android && cp $(CURDIR)/GeneratedJNIWrappers.* $(topsrcdir)/widget/android' && \
echo && \
echo '* Repeat the build, and check in any changes. *' && \
echo '*****************************************************' && \
exit 1)