Ralph Giles fc8803bb33 Bug 1321292 - mozboot: Don't suggest non-existent .cargo.env. r=gps
On Windows, the rustup installer doesn't create ~/.cargo/env
but instead pokes .cargo/bin into the path in the Windows
registry. This doesn't necessarily propagate to the msys
evironment however, so some PATH manipulation may still
be necessary.

Split our path advice to be clear in both the new install
and unconfigured path cases, and amend our path update
advice to not mention .cargo/env if it isn't present.

MozReview-Commit-ID: 9IHhS6UYCqq

extra : rebase_source : 898615106078882f335385ac0b50eff1612377f0
2016-12-05 20:53:00 -08:00

mozboot - Bootstrap your system to build Mozilla projects

This package contains code used for bootstrapping a system to build

This code is not part of the build system per se. Instead, it is related
to everything up to invoking the actual build system.

If you have a copy of the source tree, you run:

    python bin/bootstrap.py

If you don't have a copy of the source tree, you can run:

    curl https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/raw-file/default/python/mozboot/bin/bootstrap.py | python -

The bootstrap script will download everything it needs from hg.mozilla.org