gecko-dev/layout/doc/nav4-html.html 2db0e89f04 new
1999-03-31 17:42:54 +00:00

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<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Kipp E.B. HIckman">
<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.03 [en] (WinNT; I) [Netscape]">
<BASE HREF="file:///s|/ns/xena/htmlpars/testhtml/">
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#800080" ALINK="#0000FF">
This documents describes the complete handling of HTML in magellan. The
document covers the parsing process - how HTML is lexically analysized
and then interprted. After the parsing process is discussed we give a detailed
analysis of each HTML tag and the attributes that are supported, the values
for the attributes and how the tag is treated by magellan.
HTML is tokenized by an HTML scanner. The scanner is fed unicode data to
parse. Stream converters are used to translate from various encodings to
unicode. The scanner seperates the input stream into tokens which consist
conditional comments</LI>
The HTML parsing engine uses the HTML scanner for lexical anlaysis. The
parsing engine operates by attacking the input stream in a set of well
defined steps:
The parser processes the head portion of the document first, without emitting
any output. This is done to discover a few special features of html:</LI>
The parser processes META tags looking for META TARGET</LI>
The parser processes META tags looking for META tags which affect the character
set. Nav4 handles the very first character set defining meta tag (all others
are ingored) by reloading the document with the proper character conversion
module inserted into the stream pipeline.</LI>
After the head portion is processed the parser then proceeds to process
the body of the document</LI>
Tag Processing</H3>
Tags are processed by the parser by locating a <B>"tag handler"</B> for
the tag. The HTML parser serves as the tag handler for all of the builtin
tags documented below. Tag attribute handling is done during translation
of tags into content. This mapping translates the tag attributes into content
data and into style data. The translation to style data is documented below
by indicating the mapping from tag attributes to their CSS1 (plus extensions)
Special Hacks</H3>
The following list describes hacks added to the magellan parsing engine
to deal with navigator compatability. These are just the parser hacks,
not the layout or presentation hacks. Most hacks are intriduced for HTML
syntax error recovering. HTML doesn't specify much how to handle those
error conditions. Netscape has made big effort to render pages with non-prefect
HTML. For many reasons, new browsers need to keep compatible in thsi area.
Entities can be used as escape in quoted string. For value string in name-value
pair,&nbsp; see <A HREF="../testhtml/quote001.html">compatibility test
quote001.html</A>. Test line 70 shows that an entity quote at the begining
means the value is NOT quoted. Test line 90 shows that if the value is
started with a quote, then an entity quote does NOT terminate the value
Wrapping tags are special tags such as title, textarea, server, script,
style, and etc.. The comment in ns\lib\libparse\pa_parse.c says:</LI>
<BR>&nbsp; /*
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; * These tags are special in that, after opening one of
them, all other tags are ignored until the matching
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; * closing tag.
<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; */
<BR>During the searching of an end tag, comments and quoted strings are
observed. see <A HREF="../testhtml/title01.html">compatibility test title01.html</A>.
6.0 handles coments now, need to add quoeted string.
If a &lt;tr> or &lt;td> tag is seen outside any &lt;table> scope, it is
ignored. see <A HREF="../testhtml/table110.htm">compatibility test table110.htm</A>.</LI>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">In case of table in table but not in cell, table
tags before the last table tag are ignored. We found this problem in some
Netscape public pages, see bug #85118. For example, &lt;table> &lt;table
border> .....,or &lt;table> &lt;tr> &lt;table border>...,&nbsp; the table
will be displayed with border.&nbsp;</FONT> <A HREF="../testhtml/table201.html">compatibility
test table201.html</A>. There table and tr tags are buffered for this recovery.
When a TD or CAPTION tag is open, the buffer is flushed out, because we
cannot buffer contents of TD or CAPTION for performance and memory constrains.
They are subdoc's and can be very big. If we see a &lt;table> outside cell
after previous table is flushed out, the new &lt;table> tag is ignored.
Nav4.0 can discard previous table in such case. <A HREF="../testhtml/tableall.html">tableall.html
</A>is the index for table test cases.</LI>
Caption is not a commonly used feature. In Nav4.0, captions can be anywhere.
For Captions outside cells, the first one takes effect. For captions inside
cells, the last one takes effect, and they also close TD and TR. In 6.0,
caption is limited to the standard position: after &lt;table>. Captions
in other places are ignored, their contents are treated as text. See test
case table05a.html to table05o.html.</LI>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">For &lt;table> &lt;tr> &lt;tr>, the first &lt;tr>
takes effect.</FONT></LI>
The nav4 parser notices when it hits EOF and it's in the middle of scanning
in a comment. When this happens, the parser goes back and looks for an
improperly closed comment (e.g. a simple > instead of a -->). If it finds
one, it reparses the input after closing out the comment.</LI>
<FONT COLOR="#FF0000">XXX Brendan also pointed out that there is something
similar done for tags, but I don't recall what it is right now.</FONT></LI>
<FONT COLOR="#000000">When Nav4.0 sees the '&lt;' sign, it searchs for
'>', observing quoted values. If it cannot find one till EOF, the '&lt;'
sign is treated as text. In Xena 6.0, a limit is set for how far the '>'
is searched. the default limit is 4096 char, and there is a API HTMLScanner.setMaxTagLength()
to changed it. setting -1 means no limit, which is same as Nav4.0.</FONT></LI>
<UL><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Document the mapping of tag attributes into CSS1
style, including any new "css1" attributes</FONT>
<B>List of 6.0 features incompatible with 4.0</B>
Navigator 4.0 value string is truncated at 82 characters. XENA60 limit
<HR WIDTH="100%">
Tags (Categorically sorted)</H2>
All line breaks are conditional. If the x coordinate is at the current
left margin then a soft line break does nothing. Hard line breaks are ignored
if the last tag did a hard line break.
<P><B>divalign</B> = left | right | center | justify
<BR><B>alignparam</B> = abscenter | left | right | texttop | absbottom
| baseline | center | bottom | top | middle | absmiddle
<BR><B>colorspec</B> = named-color | #xyz | #xxyyzz | #xxxyyyzzz | #xxxxyyyyzzzz
<BR><B>clip</B> = [auto | value-or-pct-xy](1..4) (pct of width for even
coordinates; pct of height for odd coordinates)
<BR><B>value-or-pct = </B>an integer with an optional %; ifthe percent
is present any following characters are ignored!
<BR><B>coord-list</B> = <FONT COLOR="#DD0000">XXX</FONT>
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><B>whitespace-strip</B> = remove leading and
trailing and any embedded whitespace that is not an actual space (e.g.
Head objects:</H1>
<UL>The TITLE tag is a container tag whose contents are not HTML. The contents
are pure text and are processed by the parser until the closing tag is
found. There are no attributes on the tag and any whitespace present in
the tag is compressed down with leading and trailing whitespace eliminated.
The first TITLE tag found by the parser is used as the document's title
(subsequent tags are ignored).</UL>
<UL>Sets the base element in the head portion of the document. Defines
the base URL for <FONT COLOR="#DD0000">all</FONT>? links in the document.
<UL><B>HREF</B>=url [This is an absolute URL]
<BR><B>TARGET</B>=string [must start with XP_ALPHA|XP_DIGIT|underscore
otherwise nav4 ignores it]</UL>
<UL>Can define several header fields (content-encoding, author, etc.)
<B>HTTP-EQUIV</B>="header: value"
HTTP-EQUIV values (from libnet/mkutils.c NET_ParseMimeHeader):
<BR>CONTENT-TYPE [ defines character set only ]
Style sheets and HTML w3c spec adds this:
<UL>CONTENT-STYLE-TYPE [ last one wins; overrides header from server if
any ]</UL>
<UL>List related resources. Used by extensions mechanism to find tag handlers.
<B>REL</B>=STYLESHEET [ If MEDIA param is defined it must ==nc screen ]
<BR><B>TYPE</B>="text/javascript" | "text/css"
Note: HREF takes precedence over SRC in nav4.</UL>
<UL>/HEAD clears the "in_head" flag (but leaves the "in_body" flag alone.
<BR>Text in head clears in_head, and set in_body true, just as if the author
forgot the /HEAD tag.
<BR>Attributes: none</UL>
<BR>Attributes: none</UL>
<UL>Allowed anywhere in the document. Note that entities are not parsed
in the style tag's content.
<BR><B>TYPE</B>="text/javascript" | "text/css"
<UL>Frameset with rows=1 and cols=1 is ignored.
<UL><B>FRAMEBORDER</B>= no | 0 (zero) [default is no_edges=false]
<BR><B>BORDER</B>= int [clamped: >= 0 &amp;&amp; &lt;= 100]
<BR><B>ROWS</B>= pct-list
<BR><B>COLS</B>= pct-list</UL>
<UL>Border width of zero disables edges.
<UL><B>FRAMEBORDER</B>= no | 0 (zero) [default is framesets value]
<BR><B>BORDER</B>= int [clamped; >= 0 &amp;&amp; &lt;= 100]
<BR><B>NORESIZE</B>= true [default is false]
<BR><B>SCROLLING</B>= yes | scroll | on | no | noscroll | off
<BR><B>SRC</B>= url [clamped: prevent recursion by eliminating any anscestor
<BR><B>NAME</B>= string
<BR><B>MARGINWIDTH</B>= int (clamped: >= 1)
<BR><B>MARGINHEIGHT</B>= int (clamped: >= 1)</UL>
<UL>Used when frames are disabled or for backrev browsers. Has no stylistic
<HR WIDTH="100%">Body objects:</H1>
<UL>The tag is only processed on open tags and it is always processed.
See ns\lib\layout\laytags.c, searching for "case P_BODY". During tag processing
the in_head flag is set to false and the in_body flag is set to true. An
attribute is ignored if the document already has that attribute set. Attributes
can be set by style sheets, or by previous BODY tags. see <A HREF="../testhtml/head02.html">test
<UL><B>MARGINWIDTH</B>=int [clamped: >= 0 &amp;&amp; &lt; (windowWidth/2
- 1)]
<BR><B>MARGINHEIGHT</B>=int [clamped: >= 0 &amp;&amp; &lt; (windowHeight/2
- 1)]
<UL>Open layer/ilayer tag automaticly close out an open form if one is
open. It does something to the soft linebreak state too.
<UL><B>LEFT</B>=value-or-pct (pct of <TT>right-left</TT> margin)
<BR><B>PAGEX</B>=x (if no LEFT)
<BR><B>PAGEY</B>=y (if no TOP)
<BR><B>WIDTH</B>=value-or-pct (pct of <TT>right-left</TT> margin)
<BR><B>ZINDEX</B>=int [any value]
<UL>Container for content which is used when layers are disabled or unsupported.
The content has no style consequences (though it could if somebody stuck
in some CSS1 style rules for it).</UL>
<UL>Closes the paragraph. If the attribute is present then an alignment
gets pushed on the alignment stack. All values are supported by nav4.
<UL>There are no attributes. ADDRESS closes out the open paragraph. The
open tag does a conditional soft line break and then pushes a merge of
the current style with italics enabled onto the style stack. The close
always pop the style stack and also does a conditional soft line break.</UL>
<UL>PLAINTEXT causes the remaining content to no longer be parsed. XMP
causes the content to not parse entities or other tags. The XMP can be
closed by it's own tag (on any boundary); PLAINTEXT is not closed (html3.2
allows it to be closed). Both tags change the style to a fixed font of
<UL>Closes the paragraph. Does a hard line break on open and close. Open
pushes a fixed width font style of a particular font size on the style
stack. The close tag pops the top of the style stack.
<BR>Attributes: none</UL>
<UL>Closes the paragraph. The open tag does a hard line break. A fixed
font style (unless VARIABLE is present) is pushed on the style stack. The
close tag pops the top of the style stack. It also does a hard line break.
<BR><B>COLS</B>=int [clamped: >= 0]
<BR><B>TABSTOP</B>=int [clamped: >= 0; clamped value is replaced with default
<UL>This tag doesn't nest. Instead it just sets or clears a flag in the
state machine. It has no effect on any other state.</UL>
<UL>Closes the paragraph. Always does a conditional soft line break. The
open tag pushes an alignment on the aligment stack. The close tag pops
the top alighment off.
<BR>Attributes: none</UL>
<UL>Closes the paragraph. Always does a conditional soft line break. COLS
defines the number of columns to layout in (like MULTICOL). The open tag
pushes an alignment on the alignment stack (if COLS > 1 then it pretends
to be a MULTICOL tag). The close tag pops an aligment from the alignment
<BR><B>COLS</B>=int [if cols > 1 then DIV acts like a MULTICOL tag else
DIV is just a container]
<UL><B>GUTTER</B>= int (clamped: >= 1)
<BR><B>WIDTH</B>= value-or-pct [pct of right-left margin; clamped >= 1/0
(strange code)]</UL>
<UL>Closes the paragraph. The open tag does a hard line break and pushes
a style item which enables bold and disables fixed and italic. The close
tag always pops the top item from the style stack. It also does a hard
line break. If the <B>ALIGN</B> attribute is present then the open tag
pushes an alignment on the alignment stack. The close tag will look at
the top of the alignment stack and if its a header of any kind (H1 through
H6) then the alignment is popped. In either case the close tag also does
a conditional soft line break (this happens before the hard line break).
A note regarding closing paragraphs: Any time a close paragraph is done
(for any tag) if the top of the alignment stack has a tag named "P" then
a conditional soft line break is done and the alignment is popped.
<UL>Close the paragraph.
<BR><B>BORDER</B>=int [clamped: if null then -1, if &lt; 1 then 1 ]
<BR><B>BORDERCOLOR</B>=string [if not supplied then set to the text color
<BR><B>VSPACE</B>=int [ clamped: >= 0 ]
<BR><B>HSPACE</B>=int [ clamped: >= 0 ]
<BR><B>WIDTH</B>=value-or-pct [ % of win.width minus margins; clamped:
>= 0 ]
<BR><B>HEIGHT</B>=value-or-pct [ % of win.height minus margins; clamped:
>= 0 ]
<BR><B>CELLPADDING</B>=int [clamped: >= 0; seperate pads take precedence
<BR><B>TOPPADDING</B>= int [clamped: >= 0 ]
<BR><B>BOTTOMPADDING</B>= int [clamped: >= 0 ]
<BR><B>LEFTPADDING</B>= int [clamped: >= 0 ]
<BR><B>RIGHTPADDING</B>= int [clamped: >= 0 ]
<BR><B>CELLSPACING</B>= int [clamped: >= 0 ]
<BR><B>COLS</B>=int [clamped: >= 0]</UL>
The code supports more attributes in the Table attribute handler than it
does in the code that gets the attributes from the tag! They are border_top,
border_left, border_right, border_bottom, border_style (defaults to outset;
allows for outset/dotted/none/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset).</UL>
<UL>Open TR automatically closes an open table row (and an open table cell
if one is open). It also automatically closes a CAPTION tag.
<BR><B>VALIGN</B>=top|bottom|middle|center(==middle)|baseline; default
is top
<BR><B>ALIGN</B>=left|right|middle|center(==middle); default is left</UL>
<B>TH, TD</B>
<UL>If no table then the tag is ignored (open or close). If no row is currently
opened or the current row is current done (because of a &lt;/TR> tag) then
a new row is begun. Oddly enough the tag parameters for the row come from
the TH/TD tag in this case. An open of either of these tags will automatically
close the previous cell.
<UL><B>COLSPAN</B>=int [clamped: >= 1 &amp;&amp; &lt;= 1000 ]
<BR><B>ROWSPAN</B>=int [clamped: >= 1 &amp;&amp; &lt;= 10000 ]
<BR><B>NOWRAP</B> [boolean: disables wrapping ]
<BR><B>BGCOLOR</B>=color [default: inherit from the row; if not row then
table; if not table then inherit from an outer table cell; this works because
the style is flattened so the outer table cell will have a color]
<BR><B>BACKGROUND</B>=url [same rules as bgcolor for inheritance; tile
mode is inherited too and not settable by TH/TD attributes (have to use
style sheets for that)]
<BR><B>VALIGN</B>=top|bottom|middle|center(==middle)|baseline; default
is top
<BR><B>ALIGN</B>=left|right|middle|center(==middle); default is left
<BR><B>WIDTH</B>=value-or-pct [ clamped: >= 0 ]
<BR><B>HEIGHT</B>=value-or-pct [ clamped: >= 0 ]</UL>
<UL>An open caption tag will automatically close an open table row (and
an open cell).
The code sets the vertical alignment to top w/o providing a mechanism for
the user to set it (there is no VALIGN attribute).</UL>
<UL>The open tag does a hard line break. The close tag checks to see if
the state machine has an open multicol and if it does then it does a conditional
soft line break and then continues to break until both margins are cleared
of floating elements. It recomputes the margins based on the list indenting
level (?). After the synthetic table is output the close tag does a hard
line break.
<P>This tag will treat the input as source for a table with one row and
COLS columns. The data is laid out using the width divided by the number
of columns. After the total height is known, the content is partitioned
as evenly as possible between the columns in the table.
<UL><B>COLS</B>=int [clamped: values less than 2 cause the tag to be ignored]
<BR><B>GUTTER</B>=int [clamped: >= 1]
<BR><B>WIDTH</B>=value-or-pct [pct of right-left margin; clamped: >= 1/0
(strange code)]</UL>
<UL>Closes the paragraph. The open tag does a hard line break. A list with
the empty-bullet style is pushed on the list stack (unless TYPE=cite/jwz
then a styled list is pushed). The close tag pops any list and does a hard
line break.
<UL><B>TYPE</B>=cite | jwz</UL>
<UL>For top-level lists (lists not in lists) a hard break is done on the
open tag, otherwise a conditional-soft-break is done. Tag always does a
close paragrah. The close tag does a conditional soft line break when nested;
when not nested the close tag does a hard line break (even if no list is
open). The open tag pushes the list on the list stack. The close tag pops
any list off the list stack.
<UL><B>TYPE</B>= none | disc | circle | round | square | decimal | lower-roman
| upper-roman | lower-alpha | upper-alpha | A | a | I | i [clamped: if
none of the above is picked and OL then the bullet type is "number" otherwise
the bullet type is "basic"]
<BR><B>START</B>=int [clamped: >= 1]
<UL>Closes the paragraph. For the open tag, if the list is nested then
a conditional soft line break is done otherwise a hard line break is done.
The open tag pushes a list on the list stack. The close tag pops any list
from the list stack. Closing the list acts like other lists closes.
<UL>Closes the paragraph. The open tag does a conditional soft line break.
Close tags are ignored (except for closing the paragraph).
<UL><B>TYPE</B>= A | a | I | i (if the containing list is an <B>OL</B>)
<BR><B>TYPE</B>= round | circle | square (if the containing list is not
<B>OL</B> and not <B>DL</B>)
<BR><B>VALUE</B>=int [clamped: >= 1]</UL>
The magellan html parser allows the full set of list item styles from the
OL/DL tag instead of just the limited set that nav4 allows.</UL>
<UL>Closes the paragraph. Close tags are ignored (except for closing the
paragraph). DD outside a DL just advances the X coordinate of layout by
a small constant. DD inside a DL does a conditional soft line break and
other margin crud.
<BR>Attributes: none.</UL>
<UL>Closes the paragraph (open or close). Close tags are otherwise ignored.
Does a conditional soft line break. Moves the X layout coordinate to the
left margin.
<BR>Attributes: none</UL>
<UL>Open anchors push a style on the style stack if the anchor has an <B>HREF</B>.
Close anchors pop as many styles off the top of the style stack that are
anchor tags (anchor tags don't nest in other words). In addition, any styles
on the stack that have the ANCHOR bit set have it cleared and fiddle with
the foreground and background colors.
<UL>The open tag pushes onto the style stack. The close tag always pops
the top item from the style stack.
<BR>Attributes: none</UL>
<UL>The open tag pushes a font size descrease on the style stack. The close
tag always pops the top of the style stack. The open and close tag impacts
the baselineThe only difference between SUP and SUB is how they impact
the baseline. Note that the baseline information is forgotten after a line
break; therefore a close SUP/SUB on the next line will do strange things.
<BR>Attributes: none</UL>
<UL>Ignored by the navigator.
<BR>Attributes: none</UL>
<UL>The open font tag with no attributes resets the font size to the base
font size. The open tag always pushes a style stack entry. The close tag
always pops the top item off the style stack.
<UL><B>SIZE</B>=[+ int | - int | int ]&nbsp; [clamped: >=1 &amp;&amp; &lt;=
<BR><B>POINT-SIZE=</B>[+ int | - int | int ] [clamped: >= 1 &amp;&amp;
&lt;= 1600]
<BR><B>FONT-WEIGHT</B>=[+ int | - int | int ] [clamped: >= 100 &amp;&amp;
&lt;= 900]
A note regarding the style stack: The pop of the stack checks to see if
the top of the stack is an ANCHOR tag. If it is not an anchor then the
top item is unconditionally popped. If the top of the style stack is an
anchor tag then the code searches for either the bottom of the stack or
the first style stack entry not created by an anchor tag. If the entry
is followed by another entry then the entry is removed from the stack (an
out-of-order pop in other words). In this case the anchor style stack entry
is left untouched.
<B>text, entities</B>
<UL>These are basic content objects that get fed directly to the output.
In navigator the text is processed by doing line-breaking (entities have
been converted to text already by the parser). The line-breaking is controlled
by the margin settings and the list depth, the floating elements, the style
attributes (font size, etc.), the preformatted flag, the no-break flag
and so on.</UL>
<UL>Close tag is ignored.
<BR><B>SRC</B>=url [ whitespace is stripped ]
<BR><B>WIDTH</B>=value-or-pct (pct of <TT>right-left</TT> width)
<BR><B>HEIGHT</B>=value-or-pct (pct of window height)
<BR><B>BORDER</B>=int [clamped: >= 0]
<BR><B>VSPACE</B>=int [clamped: >= 0]
<BR><B>HSPACE</B>=int [clamped: >= 0]
<BR><B>SUPPRESS</B>=true | false (only in blocked image layout???)</UL>
<UL>Closes the paragraph. If an open tag then does a conditional soft line
break. The rule inherits alignment from the parent container unless there
is no container (then it's centered) or if the tag defines it's own alignment.
After the object is inserted into the layout stream a soft line break is
inserted as well.
<UL><B>ALIGN</B>=divalign (sort of; in laytags.c it's divalign; in layhrule.c
it's left or right only)
<BR><B>SIZE</B>=int (1 to 100 inclusive)
<BR><B>WIDTH</B>=val-or-pct (pct of <TT>right-left</TT> width)
<UL>Does an unconditional soft break. If clear is set then it will also
soft break until either the left or right or both margins are clear of
floating elements. Note that<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"> /BR == BR!</FONT>
<UL><B>CLEAR</B>=left | right | all | both</UL>
<UL>Soft word break.
<BR>Attributes: none</UL>
<UL>Close tag does nothing. Embed's operate inline just like images (they
don't close the paragraph).
<UL><B>HIDDEN</B>=no | false | off
<BR><B>WIDTH</B>=val-or-pct (pct of <TT>right-left</TT> width)
<BR><B>HEIGHT</B>=val-of-pct; if val is &lt; 1 (sometimes) the element
gets HIDDEN automatically
<BR><B>BORDER</B>=int (unsupported by navigator)
<BR><B>VSPACE</B>=int [clamped: >= 0]
<BR><B>HSPACE</B>=int [clamped: >= 0]</UL>
<UL>Used when EMBED's are disabled. It is a container for regular content
that has no stylistic consequences (no line breaking, no style stack effect,
<UL>Applet tags don't nest (there is a notion of current_applet). The open
tag automatically closes an open applet tag.
<BR><B>NAME</B>=string [clamped: white space is stripped out]
<BR><B>WIDTH</B>=value-or-pct [pct of right-left width; clamped: >= 1]
<BR><B>HEIGHT</B>=value-or-pct [pct of window height; clamped >= 1]
<BR><B>BORDER</B>=int [clamped: >= 0]
<BR><B>HSPACE</B>=int [clamped: >= 0]
<BR><B>VSPACE</B>=int [clamped: >= 0]</UL>
If no width is provided:
<UL>if a height was provided, use the height. Otherwise, use 90% of the
window width if percentage widths are allowed, otherwise use a value of
If no height is provided:
<UL>if a width was provided, use the width. Otherwise, use 50% of the window
height if percentage widths are allowed, otherwise use a value of 400.</UL>
If the applet is hidden, then the widht/height get forced to zero.</UL>
<UL>The param tag is supported when contained by the APPLET tag or the
OBJECT tag. It has no stylistic consequences. The attribute values from
the tag are passed to the containing APPLET or OBJECT. Note that <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">/PARAM
<UL><B>NAME</B>=string [clamped: white space is stripped out]
<BR><B>VALUE</B>=string [clamped: white space is stripped out]</UL>
White space being stripped is done as follows: leading and trailing whitespace
is removed. Any embedded whitespace is left alone except if it's a non-space
whitespace in which case it is removed.</UL>
<UL>The open tag pushes an object onto the object stack. The close tag
pops from the object stack. I don't understand how the data stuff works.
<UL><B>CLASSID</B>=string (clsid:, java:, javaprogram:, javabean: are the
supported prefixes; maybe it's a url if no prefix shown?)
<BR><B>TYPE</B>=string (a mime type)
<BR><B>DATA</B>=string (data: prefix mentions a url)</UL>
There are more attributes that depend on the type of object being embedded
in the page. If the object is a java bean (?) then the applet parameters
are supported:
<BR>CLASSID (instead of CODE)
<BR>ID (applets use NAME)
<UL>The open tag automatically closes an open map (maps don't nest). There
is no stylistic consequence of the map nor does it provide any visible
presentation in the normal layout case (an editor would do something different).
The map can be declared anywhere in the document.
<UL><B>NAME</B>=string [clamped: white space is stripped out]</UL>
<UL>Does nothing if there is no current map or the tag is a close tag.
<UL><B>SHAPE</B>=default | rect | circle | poly | polygon
<BR><B>ALT</B>=string [clamped: newlines are stripped]
<UL><B>TARGET</B>=target (only if HREF is specified)</UL>
<UL>A container for server-side javascript. Not evaluated by the client
(parsed and ignored). Note: The navigator parser doesn't expand entities
in a <B>SERVER </B>tag.</UL>
<UL>Close tag is ignored. Open tag provides whitespace during layout: <B>TYPE</B>=line/vert/vertical
causes a conditional soft line break and then adds <B>SIZE </B>to the Y
layout coordinate. <B>TYPE</B>=word causes a conditional soft word break
and then adds <B>SIZE </B>to the X layout coordinate. <B>TYPE</B>=block
causes <FONT COLOR="#DD0000">blockish </FONT>layout stuff to happen.
<UL><B>TYPE</B>=line | vert | vertical | block (default: word)
<UL><B>ALIGN</B>=alignparam (these 3 params are only for <B>TYPE</B>=block)
<B>SIZE</B>=int [clampled: >= 0]</UL>
<UL>Note: The navigator parser doesn't expand entities in a SCRIPT tag.
<UL><B>LANGUAGE</B>=LiveScript | Mocha | JavaScript1.1 | JavaScript1.2
<BR><B>TYPE</B>="text/javascript" | "text/css"
<UL>Used when scripting is off or by backrev browsers. It is a container
that has no stylistic consequences.</UL>
<BR><B>METHOD</B>=get | post</UL>
<UL>This tag is a shortcut for creating a form element with a submit button
and a single text field. If the PROMPT attribute is not present in the
tag then the value used is <B>"This is a searchable index. Enter search
<BR><B>METHOD</B>=get | post</UL>
<UL>Attributes vary according to type:
<UL><B>TYPE</B>= text | radio | checkbox | hidden | submit | reset | password
| button | image | file | jot | readonly | object
<BR><B>NAME</B>= string
<UL>attributes are from the IMG tag (!)</UL>
<B>TYPE</B>= text | password | file
<UL>font style is forced to fixed
<BR><B>VALUE</B>= string
<BR><B>SIZE</B>= int (clamped; >= 1)
<BR><B>MAXLENGTH</B>= int (not clamped!)</UL>
<B>TYPE</B>= submit | reset | button | hidden | readonly
<UL><B>VALUE</B>=string; default if no value to the attribute varies according
to the type:
<UL><B>submit</B> -> "Submit Query"
<BR><B>reset</B> -> "Reset"
<BR>others -> "&nbsp; " (2 spaces)
<BR>Note also that the value has newlines stripped from it</UL>
<B>WIDTH</B>=int (clamped >=0 &amp;&amp; &lt;= 1000) (only for submit,
reset or button)
<BR><B>HEIGHT</B>=int (clamped >=0 &amp;&amp; &lt;= 1000) (only for submit,
reset or button)</UL>
<B>TYPE</B>=radio | checkbox
<UL><B>CHECKED</B> (flag - if present then set to true)
<BR><B>VALUE</B>= string (the default value is "on")</UL>
<UL><B>MULTIPLE</B> (boolean)
<BR><B>SIZE</B>= int (clamped >= 1)
<BR><B>NAME=</B> string
<BR><B>WIDTH</B>= int (clampled >= 0 &amp;&amp; &lt;= 1000)
<BR><B>HEIGHT</B>= int (clamped >= 0 &amp;&amp; &lt;= 1000; only examined
for single entry lists (!multiple || size==1))</UL>
<UL>Lives inside the SELECT tag (ignored otherwise).
<BR><B>SELECTED</B> boolean</UL>
<BR><B>ROWS</B>=int (clamped; >= 1)
<BR><B>COLS</B>=int (clamped; >= 1)
<BR><B>WRAP</B>= off | hard | soft (default is off; any value which is
not known turns into soft)</UL>
<UL>Sets the base font value which +/- size values in FONT tags are relative
<UL>SIZE=+ int | - int | int (just like FONT)</UL>
<HR WIDTH="100%">Unsupported</H2>
<UL>These tags are unsupported because they are used internally by netscape
and are never seen in real content. If somebody does use them between 4.0
and magellan, tough beans. We never documented them so they lose.</UL>