Francesco Lodolo (:flod) e0d471ca93 Bug 1587728 - Add documentation for Fluent to Fluent migrations r=Pike
Differential Revision:

extra : moz-landing-system : lando
2019-10-11 13:18:37 +00:00

The content of this directory is partially sourced from the fluent.js project.

The following files are affected:
 - Fluent.jsm
 - Localization.jsm

At the moment, the tool used to produce those files in fluent.js repository, doesn't
fully align with how the code is structured here, so we perform a manual adjustments
mostly around header and footer.

The result difference is stored in `./fluent.js.patch` file which can be used to
approximate the changes needed to be applied on the output of the 
fluent.js/fluent-gecko's make.

In b.m.o. bug 1434434 we will try to reduce this difference to zero.