2017-03-04 20:37:14 +09:00

184 lines
5.1 KiB

/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
// Test the webconsole output for various types of objects.
"use strict";
const TEST_URI = "" +
var inputTests = [
// 0 - native named function
input: "document.getElementById",
output: "function getElementById()",
printOutput: "function getElementById() {\n [native code]\n}",
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "getElementById()",
// 1 - anonymous function
input: "(function() { return 42; })",
output: "function ()",
printOutput: "function() { return 42; }",
suppressClick: true
// 2 - named function
input: "window.testfn1",
output: "function testfn1()",
printOutput: "function testfn1() { return 42; }",
suppressClick: true
// 3 - anonymous function, but gets name.
input: "testobj1.testfn2",
output: "function testfn2()",
printOutput: "function() { return 42; }",
suppressClick: true
// 4 - named function with custom display name
input: "window.testfn3",
output: "function testfn3DisplayName()",
printOutput: "function testfn3() { return 42; }",
suppressClick: true
// 5 - basic array
input: "window.array1",
output: 'Array [ 1, 2, 3, "a", "b", "c", "4", "5" ]',
printOutput: "1,2,3,a,b,c,4,5",
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "Array[8]",
// 6 - array with objects
input: "window.array2",
output: 'Array [ "a", HTMLDocument \u2192 test-console-output-02.html, ' +
"<body>, DOMStringMap[0], DOMTokenList[0] ]",
printOutput: '"a,[object HTMLDocument],[object HTMLBodyElement],' +
'[object DOMStringMap],"',
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "Array[5]",
// 7 - array with more than 10 elements
input: "window.array3",
output: "Array [ 1, Window \u2192 test-console-output-02.html, null, " +
'"a", "b", undefined, false, "", -Infinity, ' +
"testfn3DisplayName(), 3 more\u2026 ]",
printOutput: '"1,[object Window],,a,b,,false,,-Infinity,' +
'function testfn3() { return 42; },[object Object],foo,bar"',
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "Array[13]",
// 8 - array with holes and a cyclic reference
input: "window.array4",
output: 'Array [ <5 empty slots>, "test", Array[7] ]',
printOutput: '",,,,,test,"',
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "Array[7]",
// 9
input: "window.typedarray1",
output: "Int32Array [ 1, 287, 8651, 40983, 8754 ]",
printOutput: "1,287,8651,40983,8754",
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "Int32Array[5]",
// 10 - Set with cyclic reference
input: "window.set1",
output: 'Set [ 1, 2, null, Array[13], "a", "b", undefined, <head>, ' +
"Set[9] ]",
printOutput: "[object Set]",
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "Set[9]",
// 11 - Object with cyclic reference and a getter
input: "window.testobj2",
output: 'Object { a: "b", c: "d", e: 1, f: "2", foo: Object, ' +
"bar: Object, getterTest: Getter }",
printOutput: "[object Object]",
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "Object",
// 12 - Object with more than 10 properties
input: "window.testobj3",
output: 'Object { a: "b", c: "d", e: 1, f: "2", g: true, h: null, ' +
'i: undefined, j: "", k: StyleSheetList[0], l: NodeList[5], ' +
"2 more\u2026 }",
printOutput: "[object Object]",
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "Object",
// 13 - Object with a non-enumerable property that we do not show
input: "window.testobj4",
output: 'Object { a: "b", c: "d", 1 more\u2026 }',
printOutput: "[object Object]",
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "Object",
// 14 - Map with cyclic references
input: "window.map1",
output: 'Map { a: "b", HTMLCollection[2]: Object, Map[3]: Set[9] }',
printOutput: "[object Map]",
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "Map[3]",
// 15 - WeakSet
input: "window.weakset",
// Need a regexp because the order may vary.
output: new RegExp("WeakSet \\[ (String, <head>|<head>, String) \\]"),
printOutput: "[object WeakSet]",
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "WeakSet[2]",
// 16 - WeakMap
input: "window.weakmap",
// Need a regexp because the order may vary.
output: new RegExp("WeakMap { (String: 23, HTMLCollection\\[2\\]: Object|HTMLCollection\\[2\\]: Object, String: 23) }"),
printOutput: "[object WeakMap]",
inspectable: true,
variablesViewLabel: "WeakMap[2]",
function test() {
Task.spawn(function* () {
const {tab} = yield loadTab(TEST_URI);
const hud = yield openConsole(tab);
yield checkOutputForInputs(hud, inputTests);
inputTests = null;