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mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/init.d/README This file describes the mechanism for installing and executing initialization and termination scripts used to implement pluggable shell scripts to modify the behaviour of Mozilla/FireFox/ThunderBird/SunBird. File names in the mozilla/init.d/ and %user_profile%/init.d/ (for example ${HOME}/.mozilla/init.d/ for Mozilla) are of the form [SK]nn<filename> where 'S' means "run this script at application startup", 'K' means "run this script at application termination", and 'nn' is the sequence number for killing or starting the job. When the application (e.g. Mozilla) starts scripts prefixed with 'S' are executed (first those in Mozilla's installation directory, then those in user's profile directory), on termination those scripts prefixed with 'K' are being executed (first those in user's profile dir, finally those in mozilla's installation directory). ** Rules (for Mozilla Pluggable Init Script API Version 2): * When executing each script a single argument is passed to it - argument 'stop' for scripts prefixed with 'K' and the argument 'start' for scripts prefixed with 'S'. An exception of this rule are scripts with the suffix *.sh - they are called "inline" in the current shell process which starts/terminates Mozilla. These scripts have FULL ACCESS to all variables of the calling script (which means these scripts can set/modify/unset environment variables used by Mozilla). Since these scripts run in the same shell the author of such scripts should ensure that no namespace collisions occur (e.g. accidential modify variable names used by the parent script). * Any files which do not match the [SK][0-9][0-9]* pattern are FORBIDDEN in ${HOME}/.mozilla/init.d/ and %dist_bin%/init.d/. The only exception is this README file. * The following environment variables are defined if ${MOZ_PIS_API} is equal or greater than "2" (none of these variables is guranteed to exists before API version "2"): - "MOZ_PIS_API": Integer value describing the version of the "Mozilla Pluggable Init Script API". Current version is "2". - "MOZ_PIS_MOZBINDIR": Relative (!!) or absolute path to the location where the mozilla binary is located. - "MOZ_PIS_SESSION_PID": Process id of the initial mozilla launch script. In this case used as session identifier. The value identifies the current mozilla session. Note that one user may run multiple mozilla sessions (with differnt profiles) in parallel. "stop"-scripts must ensure that they only affect resources created by the "start"-script of the same session (identified via "MOZ_PIS_SESSION_PID") and same machine (use 'uname -n' on demand). - "MOZ_PIS_USER_DIR": Name of the user dir (e.g. ".mozilla" for Mozilla, ".phoenix" for Phoenix etc.) The full path to the users profile base directory can be constructed using "${HOME}/${MOZ_PIS_USER_DIR}/" - "HOME": Absolute path to users home directory. * Shell scripts must test the existence of any MOZ_PIS_*-variables before using them. It may happen that any of these variables may not exists in a future version of this API. If any of the requested MOZ_PIS_*-variables is not set the script should print an error message to stderr and exit with error code 1. * Mozilla pluggable init shell scripts MUST NOT rely on any other variable names than those starting with "MOZ_PIS_"; "HOME" is the only exception of this rule. * The namespace "MOZ_PIS"/"moz_pis" is reserved for the "Mozilla Pluggable Init Script API". Scripts MUST NOT use function names, file names or variable name which start with "MOZ_PIS"/"moz_pis". * Scripts ending with *.sh (=scripts called in the same shell process as the mozilla startup script) MUST use their own name space for function and variable names. The usage of single-letter variable names (Example: ${i}) is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN! This rule does not apply to scripts which operate in their own child process. * Scripts ending with *.sh (=scripts called in the same shell process as the mozilla startup script) restricted to the Bourne Shell syntax. Any extensions supported by ksh, ksh93, dtksh and bash are FORBIDDEN. This restriction does not apply to non-inline shell scripts; they may choose their interpreter freely (even #!/usr/bin/perl). * Pluggable shell scripts must have the "readable" and "executable" permission bit (e.g. chmod a+rx) set for "user", "group" and "others" when being placed in */init.d/ * The only allowed way to test whether a mozilla supports the Mozilla Pluggable Init Script API is to test for "$dist_bin/init.d/README". The following fragment of a XPI install.js script illustrates the test: -- snip -- /* Test whether this mozilla supports pluggable init shell scripts */ var fProgram = getFolder("Program"); var init_d_readme_path = getFolder(fProgram, "init.d/README"); logComment("# Checking whether '" + init_d_readme_path + "' exists."); if (!File.exists(init_d_readme_path)) { logComment("# init_d_readme_path missing"); alert("Your version of Mozilla does not support " + "pluggable init shell scripts.\n" + "You need at least Mozilla 1.7a (or later)."); cancelInstall(ACCESS_DENIED); return; } -- snip -- * Scripts must be able to handle that "start" and "stop" are being called multiple times (for example when one user works in different profiles). The PIS framework provides "MOZ_PIS_SESSION_PID" to identify the current running session. * There is no gurantee that "stop"-scripts are being called. The user, admin or a reboot may prevent the execution of the "stop" scripts; the "start" scripts should include a check to cleanup orphaned resources (orphaned resources can simply be identified via checking whether MOZ_PIS_SESSION_PID is still a valid PID). * Inline shell scripts are allowed to abort the start sequence with "exit". This will PREVENT mozilla from being launched. USE THIS FUNCTIONALITY ONLY in EMERGENCY cases or if the user has been asked (GUI etc.) to abort. It is STRONGLY recommended to call 'moz_pis_startstop_scripts "stop"' to ensure that the "stop"-scripts are being executed (please do not do that from "stop" scripts, that will end in an endless loop). Example: -- snip -- if [ ! -f "/usr/local/lib/libgtk.so" ] ; then echo "${0}: Fatal error: libgtk.so not found." 1>&2 moz_pis_startstop_scripts "stop" exit 1 fi -- snip -- ** Rules (for Mozilla Pluggable Init Script API Version 3): NOT DEFINED YET # EOF.