Myk Melez 1b3f6d1faf Bug 1547877 - enable configuration of new XULStore implementation r=mossop
Differential Revision:

rename : toolkit/components/xulstore/XULStore.jsm => toolkit/components/xulstore/new/XULStore.jsm
extra : moz-landing-system : lando
2019-05-02 23:01:57 +00:00

127 lines
5.6 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* eslint mozilla/use-services:off */
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Services"];
const {AppConstants} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm");
const {XPCOMUtils} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm");
var Services = {};
* WARNING: If you add a getter that isn't in the initTable, please update the
* eslint rule in /tools/lint/eslint/eslint-plugin-mozilla/lib/rules/use-services.js
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(Services, "prefs", function() {
return Cc[";1"]
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(Services, "appinfo", function() {
let appinfo = Cc[";1"]
try {
} catch (ex) {
// Not all applications implement nsIXULAppInfo (e.g. xpcshell doesn't).
if (!(ex instanceof Components.Exception) || ex.result != Cr.NS_NOINTERFACE) {
throw ex;
return appinfo;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(Services, "dirsvc", function() {
return Cc[";1"]
if (AppConstants.MOZ_CRASHREPORTER) {
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(Services, "crashmanager", () => {
let ns = {};
ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/CrashManager.jsm", ns);
return ns.CrashManager.Singleton;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(Services, "io", () => {
return Cc[";1"]
var initTable = {
appShell: [";1", "nsIAppShellService"],
cache2: [";1", "nsICacheStorageService"],
catMan: [";1", "nsICategoryManager"],
clearData: [";1", "nsIClearDataService"],
cpmm: [";1", "nsIMessageSender"],
console: [";1", "nsIConsoleService"],
cookies: [";1", "nsICookieManager"],
droppedLinkHandler: [";1", "nsIDroppedLinkHandler"],
els: [";1", "nsIEventListenerService"],
eTLD: [";1", "nsIEffectiveTLDService"],
intl: [";1", "mozIMozIntl"],
locale: [";1", "mozILocaleService"],
logins: [";1", "nsILoginManager"],
mm: [";1", "nsISupports"],
obs: [";1", "nsIObserverService"],
perms: [";1", "nsIPermissionManager"],
ppmm: [";1", "nsISupports"],
prompt: [";1", "nsIPromptService"],
scriptloader: [";1", "mozIJSSubScriptLoader"],
scriptSecurityManager: [";1", "nsIScriptSecurityManager"],
storage: [";1", "mozIStorageService"],
domStorageManager: [";1", "nsIDOMStorageManager"],
lsm: [";1", "nsILocalStorageManager"],
search: [";1", "nsISearchService"],
strings: [";1", "nsIStringBundleService"],
telemetry: [";1", "nsITelemetry"],
textToSubURI: [";1", "nsITextToSubURI"],
tm: [";1", "nsIThreadManager"],
urlFormatter: [";1", "nsIURLFormatter"],
vc: [";1", "nsIVersionComparator"],
wm: [";1", "nsIWindowMediator"],
ww: [";1", "nsIWindowWatcher"],
startup: [";1", "nsIAppStartup"],
sysinfo: [";1", "nsIPropertyBag2"],
clipboard: [";1", "nsIClipboard"],
DOMRequest: [";1", "nsIDOMRequestService"],
focus: [";1", "nsIFocusManager"],
uriFixup: [";1", "nsIURIFixup"],
blocklist: [";1"],
netUtils: [";1", "nsINetUtil"],
loadContextInfo: [";1", "nsILoadContextInfoFactory"],
qms: [";1", "nsIQuotaManagerService"],
if (AppConstants.platform == "android") {
initTable.androidBridge = [";1", "nsIAndroidBridge"];
if (AppConstants.MOZ_GECKO_PROFILER) {
initTable.profiler = [";1", "nsIProfiler"];
if (";1" in Cc) {
initTable.policies = [";1", "nsIEnterprisePolicies"];
if (AppConstants.MOZ_NEW_XULSTORE) {
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(Services, "xulStore", () => {
const {XULStore} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm");
return XULStore;
} else {
initTable.xulStore = [";1", "nsIXULStore"];
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetters(Services, initTable);
initTable = undefined;