Boris Zbarsky 21609d47ce servo: Merge #17528 - Fix stylo support for first-letter (from bzbarsky:first-letter-better); r=emilio
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Source-Revision: 4e8cf678bf12c1fa3400454905ae33dabff45bb5

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extra : subtree_revision : 72798e32830abd622d4032170904788e3d6d007a
2017-06-26 23:46:13 -07:00

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//! Selector matching.
use {Atom, LocalName, Namespace};
use applicable_declarations::{ApplicableDeclarationBlock, ApplicableDeclarationList};
use bit_vec::BitVec;
use context::QuirksMode;
use dom::TElement;
use element_state::ElementState;
use error_reporting::create_error_reporter;
use font_metrics::FontMetricsProvider;
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
use gecko_bindings::structs::{nsIAtom, StyleRuleInclusion};
use invalidation::element::invalidation_map::InvalidationMap;
use invalidation::media_queries::EffectiveMediaQueryResults;
use media_queries::Device;
use properties::{self, CascadeFlags, ComputedValues};
use properties::{AnimationRules, PropertyDeclarationBlock};
#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
use properties::INHERIT_ALL;
use rule_tree::{CascadeLevel, RuleTree, StrongRuleNode, StyleSource};
use selector_map::{SelectorMap, SelectorMapEntry};
use selector_parser::{SelectorImpl, PseudoElement};
use selectors::attr::NamespaceConstraint;
use selectors::bloom::BloomFilter;
use selectors::matching::{ElementSelectorFlags, matches_selector, MatchingContext, MatchingMode};
use selectors::matching::AFFECTED_BY_PRESENTATIONAL_HINTS;
use selectors::parser::{AncestorHashes, Combinator, Component, Selector, SelectorAndHashes};
use selectors::parser::{SelectorIter, SelectorMethods};
use selectors::sink::Push;
use selectors::visitor::SelectorVisitor;
use shared_lock::{Locked, SharedRwLockReadGuard, StylesheetGuards};
use smallvec::VecLike;
use std::fmt::Debug;
#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use style_traits::viewport::ViewportConstraints;
use stylearc::Arc;
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
use stylesheets::{CounterStyleRule, FontFaceRule};
use stylesheets::{CssRule, StyleRule};
use stylesheets::{Stylesheet, Origin, UserAgentStylesheets};
use stylesheets::keyframes_rule::KeyframesAnimation;
use stylesheets::viewport_rule::{self, MaybeNew, ViewportRule};
use thread_state;
pub use ::fnv::FnvHashMap;
/// This structure holds all the selectors and device characteristics
/// for a given document. The selectors are converted into `Rule`s
/// (defined in rust-selectors), and introduced in a `SelectorMap`
/// depending on the pseudo-element (see `PerPseudoElementSelectorMap`),
/// and stylesheet origin (see the fields of `PerPseudoElementSelectorMap`).
/// This structure is effectively created once per pipeline, in the
/// LayoutThread corresponding to that pipeline.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", derive(HeapSizeOf))]
pub struct Stylist {
/// Device that the stylist is currently evaluating against.
/// This field deserves a bigger comment due to the different use that Gecko
/// and Servo give to it (that we should eventually unify).
/// With Gecko, the device is never changed. Gecko manually tracks whether
/// the device data should be reconstructed, and "resets" the state of the
/// device.
/// On Servo, on the other hand, the device is a really cheap representation
/// that is recreated each time some constraint changes and calling
/// `set_device`.
device: Device,
/// Viewport constraints based on the current device.
viewport_constraints: Option<ViewportConstraints>,
/// Effective media query results cached from the last rebuild.
effective_media_query_results: EffectiveMediaQueryResults,
/// If true, the quirks-mode stylesheet is applied.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", ignore_heap_size_of = "defined in selectors")]
quirks_mode: QuirksMode,
/// If true, the device has changed, and the stylist needs to be updated.
is_device_dirty: bool,
/// If true, the stylist is in a cleared state (e.g. just-constructed, or
/// had clear() called on it with no following rebuild()).
is_cleared: bool,
/// The current selector maps, after evaluating media
/// rules against the current device.
element_map: PerPseudoElementSelectorMap,
/// The rule tree, that stores the results of selector matching.
rule_tree: RuleTree,
/// The selector maps corresponding to a given pseudo-element
/// (depending on the implementation)
pseudos_map: FnvHashMap<PseudoElement, PerPseudoElementSelectorMap>,
/// A map with all the animations indexed by name.
animations: FnvHashMap<Atom, KeyframesAnimation>,
/// Applicable declarations for a given non-eagerly cascaded pseudo-element.
/// These are eagerly computed once, and then used to resolve the new
/// computed values on the fly on layout.
/// FIXME(emilio): Use the rule tree!
precomputed_pseudo_element_decls: FnvHashMap<PseudoElement, Vec<ApplicableDeclarationBlock>>,
/// A monotonically increasing counter to represent the order on which a
/// style rule appears in a stylesheet, needed to sort them by source order.
rules_source_order: u32,
/// The invalidation map for this document.
invalidation_map: InvalidationMap,
/// The attribute local names that appear in attribute selectors. Used
/// to avoid taking element snapshots when an irrelevant attribute changes.
/// (We don't bother storing the namespace, since namespaced attributes
/// are rare.)
/// FIXME(heycam): This doesn't really need to be a counting Bloom filter.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", ignore_heap_size_of = "just an array")]
attribute_dependencies: BloomFilter,
/// Whether `"style"` appears in an attribute selector. This is not common,
/// and by tracking this explicitly, we can avoid taking an element snapshot
/// in the common case of style=""` changing due to modifying
/// ``. (We could track this in `attribute_dependencies`, like
/// all other attributes, but we should probably not risk incorrectly
/// returning `true` for `"style"` just due to a hash collision.)
style_attribute_dependency: bool,
/// The element state bits that are relied on by selectors. Like
/// `attribute_dependencies`, this is used to avoid taking element snapshots
/// when an irrelevant element state bit changes.
state_dependencies: ElementState,
/// The ids that appear in the rightmost complex selector of selectors (and
/// hence in our selector maps). Used to determine when sharing styles is
/// safe: we disallow style sharing for elements whose id matches this
/// filter, and hence might be in one of our selector maps.
/// FIXME(bz): This doesn't really need to be a counting Blooom filter.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", ignore_heap_size_of = "just an array")]
mapped_ids: BloomFilter,
/// Selectors that require explicit cache revalidation (i.e. which depend
/// on state that is not otherwise visible to the cache, like attributes or
/// tree-structural state like child index and pseudos).
#[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", ignore_heap_size_of = "Arc")]
selectors_for_cache_revalidation: SelectorMap<RevalidationSelectorAndHashes>,
/// The total number of selectors.
num_selectors: usize,
/// The total number of declarations.
num_declarations: usize,
/// The total number of times the stylist has been rebuilt.
num_rebuilds: usize,
/// This struct holds data which user of Stylist may want to extract
/// from stylesheets which can be done at the same time as updating.
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
pub struct ExtraStyleData<'a> {
/// A list of effective font-face rules and their origin.
pub font_faces: &'a mut Vec<(Arc<Locked<FontFaceRule>>, Origin)>,
/// A map of effective counter-style rules.
pub counter_styles: &'a mut FnvHashMap<Atom, Arc<Locked<CounterStyleRule>>>,
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
impl<'a> ExtraStyleData<'a> {
/// Clear the internal data.
fn clear(&mut self) {
/// Add the given @font-face rule.
fn add_font_face(&mut self, rule: &Arc<Locked<FontFaceRule>>, origin: Origin) {
self.font_faces.push((rule.clone(), origin));
/// Add the given @counter-style rule.
fn add_counter_style(&mut self, guard: &SharedRwLockReadGuard,
rule: &Arc<Locked<CounterStyleRule>>) {
let name = rule.read_with(guard).mName.raw::<nsIAtom>().into();
self.counter_styles.insert(name, rule.clone());
#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
pub struct ExtraStyleData<'a> {
pub marker: PhantomData<&'a usize>,
#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
impl<'a> ExtraStyleData<'a> {
fn clear(&mut self) {}
/// What cascade levels to include when styling elements.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum RuleInclusion {
/// Include rules for style sheets at all cascade levels. This is the
/// normal rule inclusion mode.
/// Only include rules from UA and user level sheets. Used to implement
/// `getDefaultComputedStyle`.
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
impl From<StyleRuleInclusion> for RuleInclusion {
fn from(value: StyleRuleInclusion) -> Self {
match value {
StyleRuleInclusion::All => RuleInclusion::All,
StyleRuleInclusion::DefaultOnly => RuleInclusion::DefaultOnly,
impl Stylist {
/// Construct a new `Stylist`, using given `Device` and `QuirksMode`.
/// If more members are added here, think about whether they should
/// be reset in clear().
pub fn new(device: Device, quirks_mode: QuirksMode) -> Self {
let mut stylist = Stylist {
viewport_constraints: None,
device: device,
is_device_dirty: true,
is_cleared: true,
quirks_mode: quirks_mode,
effective_media_query_results: EffectiveMediaQueryResults::new(),
element_map: PerPseudoElementSelectorMap::new(),
pseudos_map: Default::default(),
animations: Default::default(),
precomputed_pseudo_element_decls: Default::default(),
rules_source_order: 0,
rule_tree: RuleTree::new(),
invalidation_map: InvalidationMap::new(),
attribute_dependencies: BloomFilter::new(),
style_attribute_dependency: false,
state_dependencies: ElementState::empty(),
mapped_ids: BloomFilter::new(),
selectors_for_cache_revalidation: SelectorMap::new(),
num_selectors: 0,
num_declarations: 0,
num_rebuilds: 0,
SelectorImpl::each_eagerly_cascaded_pseudo_element(|pseudo| {
stylist.pseudos_map.insert(pseudo, PerPseudoElementSelectorMap::new());
// FIXME: Add iso-8859-9.css when the documents encoding is ISO-8859-8.
/// Returns the number of selectors.
pub fn num_selectors(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the number of declarations.
pub fn num_declarations(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the number of times the stylist has been rebuilt.
pub fn num_rebuilds(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the number of revalidation_selectors.
pub fn num_revalidation_selectors(&self) -> usize {
/// Gets a reference to the invalidation map.
pub fn invalidation_map(&self) -> &InvalidationMap {
/// Clear the stylist's state, effectively resetting it to more or less
/// the state Stylist::new creates.
/// We preserve the state of the following members:
/// device: Someone might have set this on us.
/// quirks_mode: Again, someone might have set this on us.
/// num_rebuilds: clear() followed by rebuild() should just increment this
/// We don't just use struct update syntax with Stylist::new(self.device)
/// beause for some of our members we can clear them instead of creating new
/// objects. This does cause unfortunate code duplication with
/// Stylist::new.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
if self.is_cleared {
self.is_cleared = true;
self.viewport_constraints = None;
// preserve current device
self.is_device_dirty = true;
// preserve current quirks_mode value
self.element_map = PerPseudoElementSelectorMap::new();
self.pseudos_map = Default::default();
self.animations.clear(); // Or set to Default::default()?
self.precomputed_pseudo_element_decls = Default::default();
self.rules_source_order = 0;
// We want to keep rule_tree around across stylist rebuilds.
self.style_attribute_dependency = false;
self.state_dependencies = ElementState::empty();
self.selectors_for_cache_revalidation = SelectorMap::new();
self.num_selectors = 0;
self.num_declarations = 0;
// preserve num_rebuilds value, since it should stay across
// clear()/rebuild() cycles.
/// rebuild the stylist for the given document stylesheets, and optionally
/// with a set of user agent stylesheets.
/// This method resets all the style data each time the stylesheets change
/// (which is indicated by the `stylesheets_changed` parameter), or the
/// device is dirty, which means we need to re-evaluate media queries.
pub fn rebuild<'a, 'b, I>(&mut self,
doc_stylesheets: I,
guards: &StylesheetGuards,
ua_stylesheets: Option<&UserAgentStylesheets>,
stylesheets_changed: bool,
author_style_disabled: bool,
extra_data: &mut ExtraStyleData<'a>) -> bool
where I: Iterator<Item = &'b Arc<Stylesheet>> + Clone,
debug_assert!(!self.is_cleared || self.is_device_dirty);
self.is_cleared = false;
if !(self.is_device_dirty || stylesheets_changed) {
return false;
self.num_rebuilds += 1;
self.viewport_constraints = None;
if viewport_rule::enabled() {
// TODO(emilio): This doesn't look so efficient.
// Presumably when we properly implement this we can at least have a
// bit on the stylesheet that says whether it contains viewport
// rules to skip it entirely?
// Processing it with the rest of rules seems tricky since it
// overrides the viewport size which may change the evaluation of
// media queries (or may not? how are viewport units in media
// queries defined?)
let cascaded_rule = ViewportRule {
declarations: viewport_rule::Cascade::from_stylesheets(
doc_stylesheets.clone(),, &self.device
self.viewport_constraints =
if let Some(ref constraints) = self.viewport_constraints {
SelectorImpl::each_eagerly_cascaded_pseudo_element(|pseudo| {
self.pseudos_map.insert(pseudo, PerPseudoElementSelectorMap::new());
if let Some(ua_stylesheets) = ua_stylesheets {
for stylesheet in &ua_stylesheets.user_or_user_agent_stylesheets {
self.add_stylesheet(&stylesheet, guards.ua_or_user, extra_data);
if self.quirks_mode != QuirksMode::NoQuirks {
guards.ua_or_user, extra_data);
// Only use author stylesheets if author styles are enabled.
let sheets_to_add = doc_stylesheets.filter(|s| {
!author_style_disabled || s.origin != Origin::Author
for ref stylesheet in sheets_to_add {
self.add_stylesheet(stylesheet,, extra_data);
SelectorImpl::each_precomputed_pseudo_element(|pseudo| {
if let Some(map) = self.pseudos_map.remove(&pseudo) {
let declarations = map.user_agent.get_universal_rules(CascadeLevel::UANormal);
self.precomputed_pseudo_element_decls.insert(pseudo, declarations);
self.is_device_dirty = false;
/// clear the stylist and then rebuild it. Chances are, you want to use
/// either clear() or rebuild(), with the latter done lazily, instead.
pub fn update<'a, 'b, I>(&mut self,
doc_stylesheets: I,
guards: &StylesheetGuards,
ua_stylesheets: Option<&UserAgentStylesheets>,
stylesheets_changed: bool,
author_style_disabled: bool,
extra_data: &mut ExtraStyleData<'a>) -> bool
where I: Iterator<Item = &'b Arc<Stylesheet>> + Clone,
debug_assert!(!self.is_cleared || self.is_device_dirty);
// We have to do a dirtiness check before clearing, because if
// we're not actually dirty we need to no-op here.
if !(self.is_device_dirty || stylesheets_changed) {
return false;
self.rebuild(doc_stylesheets, guards, ua_stylesheets, stylesheets_changed,
author_style_disabled, extra_data)
fn add_stylesheet<'a>(&mut self,
stylesheet: &Stylesheet,
guard: &SharedRwLockReadGuard,
_extra_data: &mut ExtraStyleData<'a>) {
if stylesheet.disabled() || !stylesheet.is_effective_for_device(&self.device, guard) {
for rule in stylesheet.effective_rules(&self.device, guard) {
match *rule {
CssRule::Style(ref locked) => {
let style_rule = locked.read_with(&guard);
self.num_declarations += style_rule.block.read_with(&guard).len();
for selector_and_hashes in &style_rule.selectors.0 {
self.num_selectors += 1;
let map = if let Some(pseudo) = selector_and_hashes.selector.pseudo_element() {
} else {
self.invalidation_map.note_selector(selector_and_hashes, self.quirks_mode);
if needs_revalidation(&selector_and_hashes.selector) {
selector_and_hashes.selector.visit(&mut AttributeAndStateDependencyVisitor {
attribute_dependencies: &mut self.attribute_dependencies,
style_attribute_dependency: &mut self.style_attribute_dependency,
state_dependencies: &mut self.state_dependencies,
selector_and_hashes.selector.visit(&mut MappedIdVisitor {
mapped_ids: &mut self.mapped_ids,
self.rules_source_order += 1;
CssRule::Import(ref lock) => {
let import_rule = lock.read_with(guard);
// NOTE: effective_rules visits the inner stylesheet if
// appropriate.
CssRule::Media(ref lock) => {
let media_rule = lock.read_with(guard);
CssRule::Keyframes(ref keyframes_rule) => {
let keyframes_rule = keyframes_rule.read_with(guard);
debug!("Found valid keyframes rule: {:?}", *keyframes_rule);
// Don't let a prefixed keyframes animation override a non-prefixed one.
let needs_insertion = keyframes_rule.vendor_prefix.is_none() ||
self.animations.get(, |rule|
if needs_insertion {
let animation = KeyframesAnimation::from_keyframes(
&keyframes_rule.keyframes, keyframes_rule.vendor_prefix.clone(), guard);
debug!("Found valid keyframe animation: {:?}", animation);
self.animations.insert(, animation);
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
CssRule::FontFace(ref rule) => {
_extra_data.add_font_face(&rule, stylesheet.origin);
#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
CssRule::CounterStyle(ref rule) => {
_extra_data.add_counter_style(guard, &rule);
// We don't care about any other rule.
_ => {}
/// Returns whether the given attribute might appear in an attribute
/// selector of some rule in the stylist.
pub fn might_have_attribute_dependency(&self,
local_name: &LocalName)
-> bool {
if self.is_cleared || self.is_device_dirty {
// We can't tell what attributes are in our style rules until
// we rebuild.
} else if *local_name == local_name!("style") {
} else {
/// Returns whether the given ElementState bit might be relied upon by a
/// selector of some rule in the stylist.
pub fn might_have_state_dependency(&self, state: ElementState) -> bool {
if self.is_cleared || self.is_device_dirty {
// If self.is_cleared is true, we can't tell what states our style
// rules rely on until we rebuild.
} else {
/// Returns whether the given ElementState bit is relied upon by a selector
/// of some rule in the stylist.
pub fn has_state_dependency(&self, state: ElementState) -> bool {
/// Computes the style for a given "precomputed" pseudo-element, taking the
/// universal rules and applying them.
/// If `inherit_all` is true, then all properties are inherited from the
/// parent; otherwise, non-inherited properties are reset to their initial
/// values. The flow constructor uses this flag when constructing anonymous
/// flows.
pub fn precomputed_values_for_pseudo(&self,
guards: &StylesheetGuards,
pseudo: &PseudoElement,
parent: Option<&Arc<ComputedValues>>,
cascade_flags: CascadeFlags,
font_metrics: &FontMetricsProvider)
-> Arc<ComputedValues> {
let rule_node = match self.precomputed_pseudo_element_decls.get(pseudo) {
Some(declarations) => {
// FIXME(emilio): When we've taken rid of the cascade we can just
// use into_iter.
declarations.into_iter().map(|a| (a.source.clone(), a.level())),
None => self.rule_tree.root(),
// NOTE(emilio): We skip calculating the proper layout parent style
// here.
// It'd be fine to assert that this isn't called with a parent style
// where display contents is in effect, but in practice this is hard to
// do for stuff like :-moz-fieldset-content with a
// <fieldset style="display: contents">. That is, the computed value of
// display for the fieldset is "contents", even though it's not the used
// value, so we don't need to adjust in a different way anyway.
// In practice, I don't think any anonymous content can be a direct
// descendant of a display: contents element where display: contents is
// the actual used value, and the computed value of it would need
// blockification.
let computed =
guards,|p| &**p),|p| &**p),
/// Returns the style for an anonymous box of the given type.
#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
pub fn style_for_anonymous(&self,
guards: &StylesheetGuards,
pseudo: &PseudoElement,
parent_style: &Arc<ComputedValues>)
-> Arc<ComputedValues> {
use font_metrics::ServoMetricsProvider;
// For most (but not all) pseudo-elements, we inherit all values from the parent.
let inherit_all = match *pseudo {
PseudoElement::ServoText |
PseudoElement::ServoInputText => false,
PseudoElement::ServoAnonymousBlock |
PseudoElement::ServoAnonymousTable |
PseudoElement::ServoAnonymousTableCell |
PseudoElement::ServoAnonymousTableRow |
PseudoElement::ServoAnonymousTableWrapper |
PseudoElement::ServoTableWrapper |
PseudoElement::ServoInlineBlockWrapper |
PseudoElement::ServoInlineAbsolute => true,
PseudoElement::Before |
PseudoElement::After |
PseudoElement::Selection |
PseudoElement::DetailsSummary |
PseudoElement::DetailsContent => {
unreachable!("That pseudo doesn't represent an anonymous box!")
let mut cascade_flags = CascadeFlags::empty();
if inherit_all {
self.precomputed_values_for_pseudo(guards, &pseudo, Some(parent_style), cascade_flags,
/// Computes a pseudo-element style lazily during layout.
/// This can only be done for a certain set of pseudo-elements, like
/// :selection.
/// Check the documentation on lazy pseudo-elements in
/// docs/components/
pub fn lazily_compute_pseudo_element_style<E>(&self,
guards: &StylesheetGuards,
element: &E,
pseudo: &PseudoElement,
rule_inclusion: RuleInclusion,
parent_style: &ComputedValues,
font_metrics: &FontMetricsProvider)
-> Option<Arc<ComputedValues>>
where E: TElement,
let rule_node =
self.lazy_pseudo_rules(guards, element, pseudo, rule_inclusion);
/// Computes a pseudo-element style lazily using the given rulenode. This
/// can be used for truly lazy pseudo-elements or to avoid redoing selector
/// matching for eager pseudo-elements when we need to recompute their style
/// with a new parent style.
pub fn compute_pseudo_element_style_with_rulenode(&self,
rule_node: Option<&StrongRuleNode>,
guards: &StylesheetGuards,
parent_style: &ComputedValues,
font_metrics: &FontMetricsProvider)
-> Option<Arc<ComputedValues>>
let rule_node = match rule_node {
Some(rule_node) => rule_node,
None => return None
// Read the comment on `precomputed_values_for_pseudo` to see why it's
// difficult to assert that display: contents nodes never arrive here
// (tl;dr: It doesn't apply for replaced elements and such, but the
// computed value is still "contents").
// Bug 1364242: We need to add visited support for lazy pseudos
let computed =
/// Computes the rule node for a lazily-cascaded pseudo-element.
/// See the documentation on lazy pseudo-elements in
/// docs/components/
pub fn lazy_pseudo_rules<E>(&self,
guards: &StylesheetGuards,
element: &E,
pseudo: &PseudoElement,
rule_inclusion: RuleInclusion)
-> Option<StrongRuleNode>
where E: TElement
let pseudo = pseudo.canonical();
if self.pseudos_map.get(&pseudo).is_none() {
return None
// Apply the selector flags. We should be in sequential mode
// already, so we can directly apply the parent flags.
let mut set_selector_flags = |element: &E, flags: ElementSelectorFlags| {
if cfg!(feature = "servo") {
// Servo calls this function from the worker, but only for internal
// pseudos, so we should never generate selector flags here.
unreachable!("internal pseudo generated slow selector flags?");
// No need to bother setting the selector flags when we're computing
// default styles.
if rule_inclusion == RuleInclusion::DefaultOnly {
// Gecko calls this from sequential mode, so we can directly apply
// the flags.
debug_assert!(thread_state::get() == thread_state::LAYOUT);
let self_flags = flags.for_self();
if !self_flags.is_empty() {
unsafe { element.set_selector_flags(self_flags); }
let parent_flags = flags.for_parent();
if !parent_flags.is_empty() {
if let Some(p) = element.parent_element() {
unsafe { p.set_selector_flags(parent_flags); }
// Bug 1364242: We need to add visited support for lazy pseudos
let mut declarations = ApplicableDeclarationList::new();
let mut matching_context =
AnimationRules(None, None),
&mut declarations,
&mut matching_context,
&mut set_selector_flags);
if declarations.is_empty() {
return None
let rule_node =
declarations.into_iter().map(|a| a.order_and_level()),
if rule_node == self.rule_tree.root() {
} else {
/// Set a given device, which may change the styles that apply to the
/// document.
/// This means that we may need to rebuild style data even if the
/// stylesheets haven't changed.
/// Also, the device that arrives here may need to take the viewport rules
/// into account.
/// TODO(emilio): Probably should be unified with `update`, right now I
/// don't think we take into account dynamic updates to viewport rules.
/// Probably worth to make the stylist own a single `Device`, and have a
/// `update_device` function?
/// feature = "servo" because gecko only has one device, and manually tracks
/// when the device is dirty.
/// FIXME(emilio): The semantics of the device for Servo and Gecko are
/// different enough we may want to unify them.
#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
pub fn set_device(&mut self,
mut device: Device,
guard: &SharedRwLockReadGuard,
stylesheets: &[Arc<Stylesheet>]) {
let cascaded_rule = ViewportRule {
declarations: viewport_rule::Cascade::from_stylesheets(stylesheets.iter(), guard, &device).finish(),
self.viewport_constraints =
ViewportConstraints::maybe_new(&device, &cascaded_rule, self.quirks_mode);
if let Some(ref constraints) = self.viewport_constraints {
self.device = device;
let features_changed = self.media_features_change_changed_style(
self.is_device_dirty |= features_changed;
/// Returns whether, given a media feature change, any previously-applicable
/// style has become non-applicable, or vice-versa.
pub fn media_features_change_changed_style<'a, I>(
stylesheets: I,
guard: &SharedRwLockReadGuard,
) -> bool
where I: Iterator<Item = &'a Arc<Stylesheet>>
use invalidation::media_queries::PotentiallyEffectiveMediaRules;
for stylesheet in stylesheets {
let effective_now =
.evaluate(&self.device, self.quirks_mode);
let effective_then =
if effective_now != effective_then {
debug!(" > Stylesheet changed -> {}, {}",
effective_then, effective_now);
return true
if !effective_now {
let mut iter =
while let Some(rule) = {
match *rule {
CssRule::Style(..) |
CssRule::Namespace(..) |
CssRule::FontFace(..) |
CssRule::CounterStyle(..) |
CssRule::Supports(..) |
CssRule::Keyframes(..) |
CssRule::Page(..) |
CssRule::Viewport(..) |
CssRule::Document(..) => {
// Not affected by device changes.
CssRule::Import(ref lock) => {
let import_rule = lock.read_with(guard);
let mq =;
let effective_now =
mq.evaluate(&self.device, self.quirks_mode);
let effective_then =
if effective_now != effective_then {
debug!(" > @import rule changed {} -> {}",
effective_then, effective_now);
return true;
if !effective_now {
CssRule::Media(ref lock) => {
let media_rule = lock.read_with(guard);
let mq = media_rule.media_queries.read_with(guard);
let effective_now =
mq.evaluate(&self.device, self.quirks_mode);
let effective_then =
if effective_now != effective_then {
debug!(" > @media rule changed {} -> {}",
effective_then, effective_now);
return true;
if !effective_now {
return false;
/// Returns the viewport constraints that apply to this document because of
/// a @viewport rule.
pub fn viewport_constraints(&self) -> Option<&ViewportConstraints> {
/// Returns the Quirks Mode of the document.
pub fn quirks_mode(&self) -> QuirksMode {
/// Sets the quirks mode of the document.
pub fn set_quirks_mode(&mut self, quirks_mode: QuirksMode) {
// FIXME(emilio): We don't seem to change the quirks mode dynamically
// during multiple layout passes, but this is totally bogus, in the
// sense that it's updated asynchronously.
// This should probably be an argument to `update`, and use the quirks
// mode info in the `SharedLayoutContext`.
self.quirks_mode = quirks_mode;
/// Returns the correspond PerPseudoElementSelectorMap given PseudoElement.
fn get_map(&self,
pseudo_element: Option<&PseudoElement>) -> Option<&PerPseudoElementSelectorMap>
match pseudo_element {
Some(pseudo) => self.pseudos_map.get(pseudo),
None => Some(&self.element_map),
/// Returns the applicable CSS declarations for the given element by
/// treating us as an XBL stylesheet-only stylist.
pub fn push_applicable_declarations_as_xbl_only_stylist<E, V>(&self,
element: &E,
pseudo_element: Option<&PseudoElement>,
applicable_declarations: &mut V)
where E: TElement,
V: Push<ApplicableDeclarationBlock> + VecLike<ApplicableDeclarationBlock>,
let mut matching_context =
MatchingContext::new(MatchingMode::Normal, None, self.quirks_mode);
let mut dummy_flag_setter = |_: &E, _: ElementSelectorFlags| {};
let map = match self.get_map(pseudo_element) {
Some(map) => map,
None => return,
let rule_hash_target = element.rule_hash_target();
// nsXBLPrototypeResources::ComputeServoStyleSet() added XBL stylesheets under author
// (doc) level.,
&mut matching_context,
&mut dummy_flag_setter,
/// Returns the applicable CSS declarations for the given element.
/// This corresponds to `ElementRuleCollector` in WebKit.
/// The `StyleRelations` recorded in `MatchingContext` indicate hints about
/// which kind of rules have matched.
pub fn push_applicable_declarations<E, V, F>(
element: &E,
pseudo_element: Option<&PseudoElement>,
style_attribute: Option<&Arc<Locked<PropertyDeclarationBlock>>>,
smil_override: Option<&Arc<Locked<PropertyDeclarationBlock>>>,
animation_rules: AnimationRules,
rule_inclusion: RuleInclusion,
applicable_declarations: &mut V,
context: &mut MatchingContext,
flags_setter: &mut F)
where E: TElement,
V: Push<ApplicableDeclarationBlock> + VecLike<ApplicableDeclarationBlock> + Debug,
F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
// Gecko definitely has pseudo-elements with style attributes, like
// ::-moz-color-swatch.
debug_assert!(cfg!(feature = "gecko") ||
style_attribute.is_none() || pseudo_element.is_none(),
"Style attributes do not apply to pseudo-elements");
debug_assert!(pseudo_element.map_or(true, |p| !p.is_precomputed()));
let map = match self.get_map(pseudo_element) {
Some(map) => map,
None => return,
let rule_hash_target = element.rule_hash_target();
debug!("Determining if style is shareable: pseudo: {}",
let only_default_rules = rule_inclusion == RuleInclusion::DefaultOnly;
// Step 1: Normal user-agent rules.
debug!("UA normal: {:?}", context.relations);
if pseudo_element.is_none() && !only_default_rules {
// Step 2: Presentational hints.
let length_before_preshints = applicable_declarations.len();
if applicable_declarations.len() != length_before_preshints {
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
for declaration in &applicable_declarations[length_before_preshints..] {
assert_eq!(declaration.level(), CascadeLevel::PresHints);
// Note the existence of presentational attributes so that the
// style sharing cache can avoid re-querying them if they don't
// exist.
debug!("preshints: {:?}", context.relations);
// NB: the following condition, although it may look somewhat
// inaccurate, would be equivalent to something like:
// element.matches_user_and_author_rules() ||
// (is_implemented_pseudo &&
// rule_hash_target.matches_user_and_author_rules())
// Which may be more what you would probably expect.
if rule_hash_target.matches_user_and_author_rules() {
// Step 3a: User normal rules.
debug!("user normal: {:?}", context.relations);
} else {
debug!("skipping user rules");
// Step 3b: XBL rules.
let cut_off_inheritance =
debug!("XBL: {:?}", context.relations);
if rule_hash_target.matches_user_and_author_rules() && !only_default_rules {
// Gecko skips author normal rules if cutting off inheritance.
// See nsStyleSet::FileRules().
if !cut_off_inheritance {
// Step 3c: Author normal rules.,
debug!("author normal: {:?}", context.relations);
} else {
debug!("skipping author normal rules due to cut off inheritance");
} else {
debug!("skipping author normal rules");
if !only_default_rules {
// Step 4: Normal style attributes.
if let Some(sa) = style_attribute {
debug!("style attr: {:?}", context.relations);
// Step 5: SMIL override.
// Declarations from SVG SMIL animation elements.
if let Some(so) = smil_override {
debug!("SMIL: {:?}", context.relations);
// Step 6: Animations.
// The animations sheet (CSS animations, script-generated animations,
// and CSS transitions that are no longer tied to CSS markup)
if let Some(anim) = animation_rules.0 {
debug!("animation: {:?}", context.relations);
} else {
debug!("skipping style attr and SMIL & animation rules");
// Steps 7-10 correspond to !important rules, and are handled during
// rule tree insertion.
if !only_default_rules {
// Step 11: Transitions.
// The transitions sheet (CSS transitions that are tied to CSS markup)
if let Some(anim) = animation_rules.1 {
debug!("transition: {:?}", context.relations);
} else {
debug!("skipping transition rules");
debug!("push_applicable_declarations: shareable: {:?}", context.relations);
/// Given an id, returns whether there might be any rules for that id in any
/// of our rule maps.
pub fn may_have_rules_for_id(&self, id: &Atom) -> bool {
/// Return whether the device is dirty, that is, whether the screen size or
/// media type have changed (for now).
pub fn is_device_dirty(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the map of registered `@keyframes` animations.
pub fn animations(&self) -> &FnvHashMap<Atom, KeyframesAnimation> {
/// Returns the rule root node.
pub fn rule_tree_root(&self) -> StrongRuleNode {
/// Computes the match results of a given element against the set of
/// revalidation selectors.
pub fn match_revalidation_selectors<E, F>(&self,
element: &E,
bloom: Option<&BloomFilter>,
flags_setter: &mut F)
-> BitVec
where E: TElement,
F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
// NB: `MatchingMode` doesn't really matter, given we don't share style
// between pseudos.
let mut matching_context =
MatchingContext::new(MatchingMode::Normal, bloom, self.quirks_mode);
// Note that, by the time we're revalidating, we're guaranteed that the
// candidate and the entry have the same id, classes, and local name.
// This means we're guaranteed to get the same rulehash buckets for all
// the lookups, which means that the bitvecs are comparable. We verify
// this in the caller by asserting that the bitvecs are same-length.
let mut results = BitVec::new();
*element, self.quirks_mode, &mut |selector_and_hashes| {
&mut matching_context,
/// Computes styles for a given declaration with parent_style.
pub fn compute_for_declarations(&self,
guards: &StylesheetGuards,
parent_style: &Arc<ComputedValues>,
declarations: Arc<Locked<PropertyDeclarationBlock>>)
-> Arc<ComputedValues> {
use font_metrics::get_metrics_provider_for_product;
let v = vec![
let rule_node =
self.rule_tree.insert_ordered_rules(v.into_iter().map(|a| a.order_and_level()));
// This currently ignores visited styles. It appears to be used for
// font styles in <canvas> via Servo_StyleSet_ResolveForDeclarations.
// It is unclear if visited styles are meaningful for this case.
let metrics = get_metrics_provider_for_product();
/// Accessor for a shared reference to the device.
pub fn device(&self) -> &Device {
/// Accessor for a mutable reference to the device.
pub fn device_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Device {
&mut self.device
/// Accessor for a shared reference to the rule tree.
pub fn rule_tree(&self) -> &RuleTree {
impl Drop for Stylist {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// This is the last chance to GC the rule tree. If we have dropped all
// strong rule node references before the Stylist is dropped, then this
// will cause the rule tree to be destroyed correctly. If we haven't
// dropped all strong rule node references before now, then we will
// leak them, since there will be no way to call gc() on the rule tree
// after this point.
unsafe { self.rule_tree.gc(); }
// Assert against leaks.
/// Visitor to collect names that appear in attribute selectors and any
/// dependencies on ElementState bits.
struct AttributeAndStateDependencyVisitor<'a> {
attribute_dependencies: &'a mut BloomFilter,
style_attribute_dependency: &'a mut bool,
state_dependencies: &'a mut ElementState,
impl<'a> SelectorVisitor for AttributeAndStateDependencyVisitor<'a> {
type Impl = SelectorImpl;
fn visit_attribute_selector(&mut self, _ns: &NamespaceConstraint<&Namespace>,
name: &LocalName, lower_name: &LocalName)
-> bool {
if *lower_name == local_name!("style") {
*self.style_attribute_dependency = true;
} else {
fn visit_simple_selector(&mut self, s: &Component<SelectorImpl>) -> bool {
if let Component::NonTSPseudoClass(ref p) = *s {
/// Visitor to collect ids that appear in the rightmost portion of selectors.
struct MappedIdVisitor<'a> {
mapped_ids: &'a mut BloomFilter,
impl<'a> SelectorVisitor for MappedIdVisitor<'a> {
type Impl = SelectorImpl;
/// We just want to insert all the ids we find into mapped_ids.
fn visit_simple_selector(&mut self, s: &Component<SelectorImpl>) -> bool {
if let Component::ID(ref id) = *s {
/// We want to stop as soon as we've moved off the rightmost ComplexSelector
/// that is not a psedo-element. That can be detected by a
/// visit_complex_selector call with a combinator other than None and
/// PseudoElement. Importantly, this call happens before we visit any of
/// the simple selectors in that ComplexSelector.
fn visit_complex_selector(&mut self,
_: SelectorIter<SelectorImpl>,
combinator: Option<Combinator>) -> bool {
match combinator {
None | Some(Combinator::PseudoElement) => true,
_ => false,
/// SelectorMapEntry implementation for use in our revalidation selector map.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct RevalidationSelectorAndHashes {
selector: Selector<SelectorImpl>,
selector_offset: usize,
hashes: AncestorHashes,
impl RevalidationSelectorAndHashes {
fn new(selector_and_hashes: &SelectorAndHashes<SelectorImpl>) -> Self {
// We basically want to check whether the first combinator is a
// pseudo-element combinator. If it is, we want to use the offset one
// past it. Otherwise, our offset is 0.
let mut index = 0;
let mut iter = selector_and_hashes.selector.iter();
// First skip over the first ComplexSelector. We can't check what sort
// of combinator we have until we do that.
for _ in &mut iter {
index += 1; // Simple selector
let offset = match iter.next_sequence() {
Some(Combinator::PseudoElement) => index + 1, // +1 for the combinator
_ => 0
RevalidationSelectorAndHashes {
selector: selector_and_hashes.selector.clone(),
selector_offset: offset,
hashes: selector_and_hashes.hashes.clone(),
impl SelectorMapEntry for RevalidationSelectorAndHashes {
fn selector(&self) -> SelectorIter<SelectorImpl> {
fn hashes(&self) -> &AncestorHashes {
/// Visitor to determine whether a selector requires cache revalidation.
/// Note that we just check simple selectors and eagerly return when the first
/// need for revalidation is found, so we don't need to store state on the
/// visitor.
/// Also, note that it's important to check the whole selector, due to cousins
/// sharing arbitrarily deep in the DOM, not just the rightmost part of it
/// (unfortunately, though).
/// With cousin sharing, we not only need to care about selectors in stuff like
/// foo:first-child, but also about selectors like p:first-child foo, since the
/// two parents may have shared style, and in that case we can test cousins
/// whose matching depends on the selector up in the chain.
/// TODO(emilio): We can optimize when matching only siblings to only match the
/// rightmost selector until a descendant combinator is found, I guess, and in
/// general when we're sharing at depth `n`, to the `n + 1` sequences of
/// descendant combinators.
/// I don't think that in presence of the bloom filter it's worth it, though.
struct RevalidationVisitor;
impl SelectorVisitor for RevalidationVisitor {
type Impl = SelectorImpl;
fn visit_complex_selector(&mut self,
_: SelectorIter<SelectorImpl>,
combinator: Option<Combinator>) -> bool {
let is_sibling_combinator =
combinator.map_or(false, |c| c.is_sibling());
/// Check whether sequence of simple selectors containing this simple
/// selector to be explicitly matched against both the style sharing cache
/// entry and the candidate.
/// We use this for selectors that can have different matching behavior
/// between siblings that are otherwise identical as far as the cache is
/// concerned.
fn visit_simple_selector(&mut self, s: &Component<SelectorImpl>) -> bool {
match *s {
Component::AttributeInNoNamespaceExists { .. } |
Component::AttributeInNoNamespace { .. } |
Component::AttributeOther(_) |
Component::Empty |
// FIXME(bz) We really only want to do this for some cases of id
// selectors. See
Component::ID(_) |
Component::FirstChild |
Component::LastChild |
Component::OnlyChild |
Component::NthChild(..) |
Component::NthLastChild(..) |
Component::NthOfType(..) |
Component::NthLastOfType(..) |
Component::FirstOfType |
Component::LastOfType |
Component::OnlyOfType => {
Component::NonTSPseudoClass(ref p) => {
_ => {
/// Returns true if the given selector needs cache revalidation.
pub fn needs_revalidation(selector: &Selector<SelectorImpl>) -> bool {
let mut visitor = RevalidationVisitor;
!selector.visit(&mut visitor)
/// Map that contains the CSS rules for a specific PseudoElement
/// (or lack of PseudoElement).
#[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", derive(HeapSizeOf))]
struct PerPseudoElementSelectorMap {
/// Rules from user agent stylesheets
user_agent: SelectorMap<Rule>,
/// Rules from author stylesheets
author: SelectorMap<Rule>,
/// Rules from user stylesheets
user: SelectorMap<Rule>,
impl PerPseudoElementSelectorMap {
fn new() -> Self {
PerPseudoElementSelectorMap {
user_agent: SelectorMap::new(),
author: SelectorMap::new(),
user: SelectorMap::new(),
fn borrow_for_origin(&mut self, origin: &Origin) -> &mut SelectorMap<Rule> {
match *origin {
Origin::UserAgent => &mut self.user_agent,
Origin::Author => &mut,
Origin::User => &mut self.user,
/// A rule, that wraps a style rule, but represents a single selector of the
/// rule.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", derive(HeapSizeOf))]
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Rule {
/// The selector this struct represents. We store this and the
/// any_{important,normal} booleans inline in the Rule to avoid
/// pointer-chasing when gathering applicable declarations, which
/// can ruin performance when there are a lot of rules.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", ignore_heap_size_of = "Arc")]
pub selector: Selector<SelectorImpl>,
/// The ancestor hashes associated with the selector.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", ignore_heap_size_of = "No heap data")]
pub hashes: AncestorHashes,
/// The source order this style rule appears in. Note that we only use
/// three bytes to store this value in ApplicableDeclarationsBlock, so
/// we could repurpose that storage here if we needed to.
pub source_order: u32,
/// The actual style rule.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "servo", ignore_heap_size_of = "Arc")]
pub style_rule: Arc<Locked<StyleRule>>,
impl SelectorMapEntry for Rule {
fn selector(&self) -> SelectorIter<SelectorImpl> {
fn hashes(&self) -> &AncestorHashes {
impl Rule {
/// Returns the specificity of the rule.
pub fn specificity(&self) -> u32 {
/// Turns this rule into an `ApplicableDeclarationBlock` for the given
/// cascade level.
pub fn to_applicable_declaration_block(&self,
level: CascadeLevel)
-> ApplicableDeclarationBlock {
let source = StyleSource::Style(self.style_rule.clone());
/// Creates a new Rule.
pub fn new(selector: Selector<SelectorImpl>,
hashes: AncestorHashes,
style_rule: Arc<Locked<StyleRule>>,
source_order: u32)
-> Self
Rule {
selector: selector,
hashes: hashes,
style_rule: style_rule,
source_order: source_order,