1998-10-15 03:56:37 +00:00

343 lines
10 KiB

# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
# Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998
# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
# @(#)bug001.tcl 10.3 (Sleepycat) 4/10/98
# Bug Test001:
# This series of tests are designed to test for known problems or trouble
# areas in the distribution.
# This test checks for cursor maintenance in the presence of deletes.
# There are N different scenarios to tests:
# 1. No duplicates. Cursor A deletes a key, do a GET for the key.
# 2. No duplicates. Cursor is positioned right before key K, Delete K,
# do a next on the cursor.
# 3. No duplicates. Cursor is positioned on key K, do a regular delete of K.
# do a current get on K.
# 4. Repeat 3 but do a next instead of current.
# 5. Duplicates. Cursor A is on the first item of a duplicate set, A
# does a delete. Then we do a non-cursor get.
# 6. Duplicates. Cursor A is in a duplicate set and deletes the item.
# do a delete of the entire Key. Test cursor current.
# 7. Continue last test and try cursor next.
# 8. Duplicates. Cursor A is in a duplicate set and deletes the item.
# Cursor B is in the same duplicate set and deletes a different item.
# Verify that the cursor is in the right place.
# 9. Cursors A and B are in the place in the same duplicate set. A deletes
# its item. Do current on B.
# 10. Continue 8 and do a next on B.
proc bug001 { method args } {
set method [convert_method $method]
puts "Bug001: $method interspersed cursor and normal operations"
if { $method == "DB_RECNO" } {
puts "Bug001 skipping for method RECNO"
# Get global declarations since tcl doesn't support
# any useful equivalent to #defines!
source ./include.tcl
# Create the database and open the dictionary
set testfile bug001.db
cleanup $testdir
set flags 0
set txn 0
puts "\tBug001.a: No Duplicate Tests"
set db [eval [concat dbopen \
$testfile [expr $DB_CREATE | $DB_TRUNCATE] 0644 $method $args]]
error_check_good db_open:nodup [is_substr $db db] 1
set curs [$db cursor $txn]
error_check_good curs_open:nodup [is_substr $curs $db] 1
# Put three keys in the database
for { set key 1 } { $key <= 3 } {incr key} {
set r [$db put $txn $key datum$key $flags]
error_check_good put $r 0
# Retrieve keys sequentially so we can figure out their order
set i 1
for {set d [$curs get 0 $DB_FIRST] } { [string length $d] != 0 } {
set d [$curs get 0 $DB_NEXT] } {
set key_set($i) [lindex $d 0]
incr i
puts "\tBug001.a1: Delete w/cursor, regular get"
# Now set the cursor on the middle on.
set r [$curs get $key_set(2) $DB_SET]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_SET [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_SET:key $k $key_set(2)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_SET:data $d datum$key_set(2)
# Now do the delete
set r [$curs del 0]
error_check_good curs_del $r 0
# Now do the get
set r [$db get $txn $key_set(2) 0]
error_check_good get_after_del [is_substr $r "not found"] 1
# Free up the cursor.
error_check_good cursor_close [$curs close] 0
puts "\tBug001.a2: Cursor before K, delete K, cursor next"
# Replace key 2
set r [$db put $txn $key_set(2) datum$key_set(2) 0]
error_check_good put $r 0
# Open and position cursor on first item.
set curs [$db cursor $txn]
error_check_good curs_open:nodup [is_substr $curs $db] 1
# Retrieve keys sequentially so we can figure out their order
set i 1
for {set d [$curs get 0 $DB_FIRST] } { [string length $d] != 0 } {
set d [$curs get 0 $DB_NEXT] } {
set key_set($i) [lindex $d 0]
incr i
set r [$curs get $key_set(1) $DB_SET]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_SET [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_SET:key $k $key_set(1)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_SET:data $d datum$key_set(1)
# Now delete (next item) $key_set(2)
error_check_good db_del:$key_set(2) [$db del $txn $key_set(2) 0] 0
# Now do next on cursor
set r [$curs get 0 $DB_NEXT]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_NEXT [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_NEXT:key $k $key_set(3)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_NEXT:data $d datum$key_set(3)
puts "\tBug001.a3: Cursor on K, delete K, cursor current"
# delete item 3
error_check_good db_del:$key_set(3) [$db del $txn $key_set(3) 0] 0
set r [$curs get 0 $DB_CURRENT]
error_check_good current_after_del [llength $r] 0
error_check_good cursor_close [$curs close] 0
puts "\tBug001.a4: Cursor on K, delete K, cursor next"
# Restore keys 2 and 3
set r [$db put $txn $key_set(2) datum$key_set(2) 0]
error_check_good put $r 0
set r [$db put $txn $key_set(3) datum$key_set(3) 0]
error_check_good put $r 0
# Create the new cursor and put it on 1
set curs [$db cursor $txn]
error_check_good curs_open:nodup [is_substr $curs $db] 1
set r [$curs get $key_set(1) $DB_SET]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_SET [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_SET:key $k $key_set(1)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_SET:data $d datum$key_set(1)
# Delete 2
error_check_good db_del:$key_set(2) [$db del $txn $key_set(2) 0] 0
# Now do next on cursor
set r [$curs get 0 $DB_NEXT]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_NEXT [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_NEXT:key $k $key_set(3)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_NEXT:data $d datum$key_set(3)
# Close cursor
error_check_good curs_close [$curs close] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0
# Now get ready for duplicate tests
puts "\tBug001.b: Duplicate Tests"
set db [eval [concat dbopen \
$testfile [expr $DB_CREATE | $DB_TRUNCATE] 0644 $method \
-flags $DB_DUP $args]]
error_check_good db_open:dup [is_substr $db db] 1
set curs [$db cursor $txn]
error_check_good curs_open:dup [is_substr $curs $db] 1
# Put three keys in the database
for { set key 1 } { $key <= 3 } {incr key} {
set r [$db put $txn $key datum$key $flags]
error_check_good put $r 0
# Retrieve keys sequentially so we can figure out their order
set i 1
for {set d [$curs get 0 $DB_FIRST] } { [string length $d] != 0 } {
set d [$curs get 0 $DB_NEXT] } {
set key_set($i) [lindex $d 0]
incr i
# Now put in a bunch of duplicates for key 2
for { set d 1 } { $d <= 5 } {incr d} {
set r [$db put $txn $key_set(2) dup_$d $flags]
error_check_good dup:put $r 0
puts "\tBug001.b1: Delete dup w/cursor on first item. Get on key."
# Now set the cursor on the first of the duplicate set.
set r [$curs get $key_set(2) $DB_SET]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_SET [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_SET:key $k $key_set(2)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_SET:data $d datum$key_set(2)
# Now do the delete
set r [$curs del 0]
error_check_good curs_del $r 0
# Now do the get
set r [$db get $txn $key_set(2) 0]
error_check_good get_after_del $r dup_1
puts "\tBug001.b2: Now get the next duplicate from the cursor."
# Now do next on cursor
set r [$curs get 0 $DB_NEXT]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_NEXT [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_NEXT:key $k $key_set(2)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_NEXT:data $d dup_1
puts "\tBug001.b3: Two cursors in set; each delete different items"
# Open a new cursor.
set curs2 [$db cursor $txn]
error_check_good curs_open [is_substr $curs2 $db] 1
# Set on last of duplicate set.
set r [$curs2 get $key_set(3) $DB_SET]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_SET [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_SET:key $k $key_set(3)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_SET:data $d datum$key_set(3)
set r [$curs2 get 0 $DB_PREV]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_PREV [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_PREV:key $k $key_set(2)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_PREV:data $d dup_5
# Delete the item at cursor 1 (dup_1)
error_check_good curs1_del [$curs del 0] 0
# Verify curs1 and curs2
set r [$curs get 0 $DB_CURRENT]
error_check_good curs1_get_after_del [llength $r] 0
set r [$curs2 get 0 $DB_CURRENT]
error_check_bad curs2_get [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_CURRENT:key $k $key_set(2)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_CURRENT:data $d dup_5
# Now delete the item at cursor 2 (dup_5)
error_check_good curs2_del [$curs2 del 0] 0
# Verify curs1 and curs2
set r [$curs get 0 $DB_CURRENT]
error_check_good curs1_get_after_del2 [llength $r] 0
set r [$curs2 get 0 $DB_CURRENT]
error_check_good curs2_get_after_del2 [llength $r] 0
# Now verify that next and prev work.
set r [$curs2 get 0 $DB_PREV]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_PREV [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_PREV:key $k $key_set(2)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_PREV:data $d dup_4
set r [$curs get 0 $DB_NEXT]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_NEXT [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_NEXT:key $k $key_set(2)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_NEXT:data $d dup_2
puts "\tBug001.b4: Two cursors same item, one delete, one get"
# Move curs2 onto dup_2
set r [$curs2 get 0 $DB_PREV]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_PREV [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_PREV:key $k $key_set(2)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_PREV:data $d dup_3
set r [$curs2 get 0 $DB_PREV]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_PREV [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_PREV:key $k $key_set(2)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_PREV:data $d dup_2
# delete on curs 1
error_check_good curs1_del [$curs del 0] 0
# Verify gets on both 1 and 2
set r [$curs get 0 $DB_CURRENT]
error_check_good curs1_get_after_del [llength $r] 0
set r [$curs2 get 0 $DB_CURRENT]
error_check_good curs2_get_after_del [llength $r] 0
puts "\tBug001.b5: Now do a next on both cursors"
set r [$curs get 0 $DB_NEXT]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_NEXT [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_NEXT:key $k $key_set(2)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_NEXT:data $d dup_3
set r [$curs2 get 0 $DB_NEXT]
error_check_bad cursor_get:DB_NEXT [llength $r] 0
set k [lindex $r 0]
set d [lindex $r 1]
error_check_good curs_get:DB_NEXT:key $k $key_set(2)
error_check_good curs_get:DB_NEXT:data $d dup_3
# Close cursor
error_check_good curs_close [$curs close] 0
error_check_good curs2_close [$curs2 close] 0
error_check_good db_close [$db close] 0