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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
loader.lazyGetter(this, "NetworkHelper", () => require("devtools/toolkit/webconsole/network-helper"));
loader.lazyImporter(this, "Services", "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
loader.lazyImporter(this, "DevToolsUtils", "resource://gre/modules/devtools/DevToolsUtils.jsm");
loader.lazyImporter(this, "NetUtil", "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm");
loader.lazyImporter(this, "PrivateBrowsingUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm");
loader.lazyServiceGetter(this, "gActivityDistributor",
// Network logging
// The maximum uint32 value.
const PR_UINT32_MAX = 4294967295;
// HTTP status codes.
const HTTP_FOUND = 302;
const HTTP_SEE_OTHER = 303;
// The maximum number of bytes a NetworkResponseListener can hold.
const RESPONSE_BODY_LIMIT = 1048576; // 1 MB
* The network response listener implements the nsIStreamListener and
* nsIRequestObserver interfaces. This is used within the NetworkMonitor feature
* to get the response body of the request.
* The code is mostly based on code listings from:
* http://www.softwareishard.com/blog/firebug/
* nsitraceablechannel-intercept-http-traffic/
* @constructor
* @param object aOwner
* The response listener owner. This object needs to hold the
* |openResponses| object.
* @param object aHttpActivity
* HttpActivity object associated with this request. See NetworkMonitor
* for more information.
function NetworkResponseListener(aOwner, aHttpActivity)
this.owner = aOwner;
this.receivedData = "";
this.httpActivity = aHttpActivity;
this.bodySize = 0;
exports.NetworkResponseListener = NetworkResponseListener;
NetworkResponseListener.prototype = {
XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIStreamListener, Ci.nsIInputStreamCallback,
Ci.nsIRequestObserver, Ci.nsISupports]),
* This NetworkResponseListener tracks the NetworkMonitor.openResponses object
* to find the associated uncached headers.
* @private
_foundOpenResponse: false,
* The response listener owner.
owner: null,
* The response will be written into the outputStream of this nsIPipe.
* Both ends of the pipe must be blocking.
sink: null,
* The HttpActivity object associated with this response.
httpActivity: null,
* Stores the received data as a string.
receivedData: null,
* The network response body size.
bodySize: null,
* The nsIRequest we are started for.
request: null,
* Set the async listener for the given nsIAsyncInputStream. This allows us to
* wait asynchronously for any data coming from the stream.
* @param nsIAsyncInputStream aStream
* The input stream from where we are waiting for data to come in.
* @param nsIInputStreamCallback aListener
* The input stream callback you want. This is an object that must have
* the onInputStreamReady() method. If the argument is null, then the
* current callback is removed.
* @return void
setAsyncListener: function NRL_setAsyncListener(aStream, aListener)
// Asynchronously wait for the stream to be readable or closed.
aStream.asyncWait(aListener, 0, 0, Services.tm.mainThread);
* Stores the received data, if request/response body logging is enabled. It
* also does limit the number of stored bytes, based on the
* Learn more about nsIStreamListener at:
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPCOM_Interface_Reference/nsIStreamListener
* @param nsIRequest aRequest
* @param nsISupports aContext
* @param nsIInputStream aInputStream
* @param unsigned long aOffset
* @param unsigned long aCount
function NRL_onDataAvailable(aRequest, aContext, aInputStream, aOffset, aCount)
let data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(aInputStream, aCount);
this.bodySize += aCount;
if (!this.httpActivity.discardResponseBody &&
this.receivedData.length < RESPONSE_BODY_LIMIT) {
this.receivedData += NetworkHelper.
convertToUnicode(data, aRequest.contentCharset);
* See documentation at
* https://developer.mozilla.org/En/NsIRequestObserver
* @param nsIRequest aRequest
* @param nsISupports aContext
onStartRequest: function NRL_onStartRequest(aRequest)
this.request = aRequest;
// Asynchronously wait for the data coming from the request.
this.setAsyncListener(this.sink.inputStream, this);
* Handle the onStopRequest by closing the sink output stream.
* For more documentation about nsIRequestObserver go to:
* https://developer.mozilla.org/En/NsIRequestObserver
onStopRequest: function NRL_onStopRequest()
* Find the open response object associated to the current request. The
* NetworkMonitor._httpResponseExaminer() method saves the response headers in
* NetworkMonitor.openResponses. This method takes the data from the open
* response object and puts it into the HTTP activity object, then sends it to
* the remote Web Console instance.
* @private
_findOpenResponse: function NRL__findOpenResponse()
if (!this.owner || this._foundOpenResponse) {
let openResponse = null;
for each (let item in this.owner.openResponses) {
if (item.channel === this.httpActivity.channel) {
openResponse = item;
if (!openResponse) {
this._foundOpenResponse = true;
delete this.owner.openResponses[openResponse.id];
* Clean up the response listener once the response input stream is closed.
* This is called from onStopRequest() or from onInputStreamReady() when the
* stream is closed.
* @return void
onStreamClose: function NRL_onStreamClose()
if (!this.httpActivity) {
// Remove our listener from the request input stream.
this.setAsyncListener(this.sink.inputStream, null);
if (!this.httpActivity.discardResponseBody && this.receivedData.length) {
else if (!this.httpActivity.discardResponseBody &&
this.httpActivity.responseStatus == 304) {
// Response is cached, so we load it from cache.
let charset = this.request.contentCharset || this.httpActivity.charset;
NetworkHelper.loadFromCache(this.httpActivity.url, charset,
else {
* Handler for when the response completes. This function cleans up the
* response listener.
* @param string [aData]
* Optional, the received data coming from the response listener or
* from the cache.
_onComplete: function NRL__onComplete(aData)
let response = {
mimeType: "",
text: aData || "",
response.size = response.text.length;
try {
response.mimeType = this.request.contentType;
catch (ex) { }
if (!response.mimeType || !NetworkHelper.isTextMimeType(response.mimeType)) {
response.encoding = "base64";
response.text = btoa(response.text);
if (response.mimeType && this.request.contentCharset) {
response.mimeType += "; charset=" + this.request.contentCharset;
this.receivedData = "";
addResponseContent(response, this.httpActivity.discardResponseBody);
this.httpActivity.channel = null;
this.httpActivity.owner = null;
this.httpActivity = null;
this.sink = null;
this.inputStream = null;
this.request = null;
this.owner = null;
* The nsIInputStreamCallback for when the request input stream is ready -
* either it has more data or it is closed.
* @param nsIAsyncInputStream aStream
* The sink input stream from which data is coming.
* @returns void
onInputStreamReady: function NRL_onInputStreamReady(aStream)
if (!(aStream instanceof Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream) || !this.httpActivity) {
let available = -1;
try {
// This may throw if the stream is closed normally or due to an error.
available = aStream.available();
catch (ex) { }
if (available != -1) {
if (available != 0) {
// Note that passing 0 as the offset here is wrong, but the
// onDataAvailable() method does not use the offset, so it does not
// matter.
this.onDataAvailable(this.request, null, aStream, 0, available);
this.setAsyncListener(aStream, this);
else {
}; // NetworkResponseListener.prototype
* The network monitor uses the nsIHttpActivityDistributor to monitor network
* requests. The nsIObserverService is also used for monitoring
* http-on-examine-response notifications. All network request information is
* routed to the remote Web Console.
* @constructor
* @param object aFilters
* Object with the filters to use for network requests:
* - window (nsIDOMWindow): filter network requests by the associated
* window object.
* - appId (number): filter requests by the appId.
* - topFrame (nsIDOMElement): filter requests by their topFrameElement.
* Filters are optional. If any of these filters match the request is
* logged (OR is applied). If no filter is provided then all requests are
* logged.
* @param object aOwner
* The network monitor owner. This object needs to hold:
* - onNetworkEvent(aRequestInfo, aChannel, aNetworkMonitor).
* This method is invoked once for every new network request and it is
* given the following arguments: the initial network request
* information, and the channel. The third argument is the NetworkMonitor
* instance.
* onNetworkEvent() must return an object which holds several add*()
* methods which are used to add further network request/response
* information.
function NetworkMonitor(aFilters, aOwner)
if (aFilters) {
this.window = aFilters.window;
this.appId = aFilters.appId;
this.topFrame = aFilters.topFrame;
if (!this.window && !this.appId && !this.topFrame) {
this._logEverything = true;
this.owner = aOwner;
this.openRequests = {};
this.openResponses = {};
this._httpResponseExaminer =
exports.NetworkMonitor = NetworkMonitor;
NetworkMonitor.prototype = {
_logEverything: false,
window: null,
appId: null,
topFrame: null,
httpTransactionCodes: {
0x804b0003: "STATUS_RESOLVING",
0x804b000b: "STATUS_RESOLVED",
0x804b0004: "STATUS_CONNECTED_TO",
0x804b0005: "STATUS_SENDING_TO",
0x804b000a: "STATUS_WAITING_FOR",
// Network response bodies are piped through a buffer of the given size (in
// bytes).
responsePipeSegmentSize: null,
owner: null,
* Whether to save the bodies of network requests and responses. Disabled by
* default to save memory.
* @type boolean
saveRequestAndResponseBodies: false,
* Object that holds the HTTP activity objects for ongoing requests.
openRequests: null,
* Object that holds response headers coming from this._httpResponseExaminer.
openResponses: null,
* The network monitor initializer.
init: function NM_init()
this.responsePipeSegmentSize = Services.prefs
if (Services.appinfo.processType != Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT) {
"http-on-examine-response", false);
* Observe notifications for the http-on-examine-response topic, coming from
* the nsIObserverService.
* @private
* @param nsIHttpChannel aSubject
* @param string aTopic
* @returns void
_httpResponseExaminer: function NM__httpResponseExaminer(aSubject, aTopic)
// The httpResponseExaminer is used to retrieve the uncached response
// headers. The data retrieved is stored in openResponses. The
// NetworkResponseListener is responsible with updating the httpActivity
// object with the data from the new object in openResponses.
if (!this.owner || aTopic != "http-on-examine-response" ||
!(aSubject instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel)) {
let channel = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
if (!this._matchRequest(channel)) {
let response = {
id: gSequenceId(),
channel: channel,
headers: [],
cookies: [],
let setCookieHeader = null;
visitHeader: function NM__visitHeader(aName, aValue) {
let lowerName = aName.toLowerCase();
if (lowerName == "set-cookie") {
setCookieHeader = aValue;
response.headers.push({ name: aName, value: aValue });
if (!response.headers.length) {
return; // No need to continue.
if (setCookieHeader) {
response.cookies = NetworkHelper.parseSetCookieHeader(setCookieHeader);
// Determine the HTTP version.
let httpVersionMaj = {};
let httpVersionMin = {};
channel.getResponseVersion(httpVersionMaj, httpVersionMin);
response.status = channel.responseStatus;
response.statusText = channel.responseStatusText;
response.httpVersion = "HTTP/" + httpVersionMaj.value + "." +
this.openResponses[response.id] = response;
* Begin observing HTTP traffic that originates inside the current tab.
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XPCOM_Interface_Reference/nsIHttpActivityObserver
* @param nsIHttpChannel aChannel
* @param number aActivityType
* @param number aActivitySubtype
* @param number aTimestamp
* @param number aExtraSizeData
* @param string aExtraStringData
observeActivity: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function NM_observeActivity(aChannel, aActivityType, aActivitySubtype, aTimestamp, aExtraSizeData, aExtraStringData)
if (!this.owner ||
aActivityType != gActivityDistributor.ACTIVITY_TYPE_HTTP_TRANSACTION &&
aActivityType != gActivityDistributor.ACTIVITY_TYPE_SOCKET_TRANSPORT) {
if (!(aChannel instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel)) {
aChannel = aChannel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
if (aActivitySubtype ==
this._onRequestHeader(aChannel, aTimestamp, aExtraStringData);
// Iterate over all currently ongoing requests. If aChannel can't
// be found within them, then exit this function.
let httpActivity = null;
for each (let item in this.openRequests) {
if (item.channel === aChannel) {
httpActivity = item;
if (!httpActivity) {
let transCodes = this.httpTransactionCodes;
// Store the time information for this activity subtype.
if (aActivitySubtype in transCodes) {
let stage = transCodes[aActivitySubtype];
if (stage in httpActivity.timings) {
httpActivity.timings[stage].last = aTimestamp;
else {
httpActivity.timings[stage] = {
first: aTimestamp,
last: aTimestamp,
switch (aActivitySubtype) {
this._onResponseHeader(httpActivity, aExtraStringData);
* Check if a given network request should be logged by this network monitor
* instance based on the current filters.
* @private
* @param nsIHttpChannel aChannel
* Request to check.
* @return boolean
* True if the network request should be logged, false otherwise.
_matchRequest: function NM__matchRequest(aChannel)
if (this._logEverything) {
return true;
if (this.window) {
let win = NetworkHelper.getWindowForRequest(aChannel);
if (win && win.top === this.window) {
return true;
if (this.topFrame) {
let topFrame = NetworkHelper.getTopFrameForRequest(aChannel);
if (topFrame && topFrame === this.topFrame) {
return true;
if (this.appId) {
let appId = NetworkHelper.getAppIdForRequest(aChannel);
if (appId && appId == this.appId) {
return true;
return false;
* Handler for ACTIVITY_SUBTYPE_REQUEST_HEADER. When a request starts the
* headers are sent to the server. This method creates the |httpActivity|
* object where we store the request and response information that is
* collected through its lifetime.
* @private
* @param nsIHttpChannel aChannel
* @param number aTimestamp
* @param string aExtraStringData
* @return void
function NM__onRequestHeader(aChannel, aTimestamp, aExtraStringData)
if (!this._matchRequest(aChannel)) {
let win = NetworkHelper.getWindowForRequest(aChannel);
let httpActivity = this.createActivityObject(aChannel);
// see NM__onRequestBodySent()
httpActivity.charset = win ? win.document.characterSet : null;
httpActivity.private = win ? PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(win) : false;
httpActivity.timings.REQUEST_HEADER = {
first: aTimestamp,
last: aTimestamp
let httpVersionMaj = {};
let httpVersionMin = {};
let event = {};
event.startedDateTime = new Date(Math.round(aTimestamp / 1000)).toISOString();
event.headersSize = aExtraStringData.length;
event.method = aChannel.requestMethod;
event.url = aChannel.URI.spec;
event.private = httpActivity.private;
// Determine if this is an XHR request.
try {
let callbacks = aChannel.notificationCallbacks;
let xhrRequest = callbacks ? callbacks.getInterface(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest) : null;
httpActivity.isXHR = event.isXHR = !!xhrRequest;
} catch (e) {
httpActivity.isXHR = event.isXHR = false;
// Determine the HTTP version.
aChannel.getRequestVersion(httpVersionMaj, httpVersionMin);
event.httpVersion = "HTTP/" + httpVersionMaj.value + "." +
event.discardRequestBody = !this.saveRequestAndResponseBodies;
event.discardResponseBody = !this.saveRequestAndResponseBodies;
let headers = [];
let cookies = [];
let cookieHeader = null;
// Copy the request header data.
visitHeader: function NM__visitHeader(aName, aValue)
if (aName == "Cookie") {
cookieHeader = aValue;
headers.push({ name: aName, value: aValue });
if (cookieHeader) {
cookies = NetworkHelper.parseCookieHeader(cookieHeader);
httpActivity.owner = this.owner.onNetworkEvent(event, aChannel, this);
this.openRequests[httpActivity.id] = httpActivity;
* Create the empty HTTP activity object. This object is used for storing all
* the request and response information.
* This is a HAR-like object. Conformance to the spec is not guaranteed at
* this point.
* TODO: Bug 708717 - Add support for network log export to HAR
* @see http://www.softwareishard.com/blog/har-12-spec
* @param nsIHttpChannel aChannel
* The HTTP channel for which the HTTP activity object is created.
* @return object
* The new HTTP activity object.
createActivityObject: function NM_createActivityObject(aChannel)
return {
id: gSequenceId(),
channel: aChannel,
charset: null, // see NM__onRequestHeader()
url: aChannel.URI.spec,
discardRequestBody: !this.saveRequestAndResponseBodies,
discardResponseBody: !this.saveRequestAndResponseBodies,
timings: {}, // internal timing information, see NM_observeActivity()
responseStatus: null, // see NM__onResponseHeader()
owner: null, // the activity owner which is notified when changes happen
* Setup the network response listener for the given HTTP activity. The
* NetworkResponseListener is responsible for storing the response body.
* @private
* @param object aHttpActivity
* The HTTP activity object we are tracking.
_setupResponseListener: function NM__setupResponseListener(aHttpActivity)
let channel = aHttpActivity.channel;
// The response will be written into the outputStream of this pipe.
// This allows us to buffer the data we are receiving and read it
// asynchronously.
// Both ends of the pipe must be blocking.
let sink = Cc["@mozilla.org/pipe;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIPipe);
// The streams need to be blocking because this is required by the
// stream tee.
sink.init(false, false, this.responsePipeSegmentSize, PR_UINT32_MAX, null);
// Add listener for the response body.
let newListener = new NetworkResponseListener(this, aHttpActivity);
// Remember the input stream, so it isn't released by GC.
newListener.inputStream = sink.inputStream;
newListener.sink = sink;
let tee = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/stream-listener-tee;1"].
let originalListener = channel.setNewListener(tee);
tee.init(originalListener, sink.outputStream, newListener);
* Handler for ACTIVITY_SUBTYPE_REQUEST_BODY_SENT. The request body is logged
* here.
* @private
* @param object aHttpActivity
* The HTTP activity object we are working with.
_onRequestBodySent: function NM__onRequestBodySent(aHttpActivity)
if (aHttpActivity.discardRequestBody) {
let sentBody = NetworkHelper.
if (!sentBody && this.window &&
aHttpActivity.url == this.window.location.href) {
// If the request URL is the same as the current page URL, then
// we can try to get the posted text from the page directly.
// This check is necessary as otherwise the
// NetworkHelper.readPostTextFromPageViaWebNav()
// function is called for image requests as well but these
// are not web pages and as such don't store the posted text
// in the cache of the webpage.
let webNav = this.window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
sentBody = NetworkHelper.
readPostTextFromPageViaWebNav(webNav, aHttpActivity.charset);
if (sentBody) {
aHttpActivity.owner.addRequestPostData({ text: sentBody });
* Handler for ACTIVITY_SUBTYPE_RESPONSE_HEADER. This method stores
* information about the response headers.
* @private
* @param object aHttpActivity
* The HTTP activity object we are working with.
* @param string aExtraStringData
* The uncached response headers.
function NM__onResponseHeader(aHttpActivity, aExtraStringData)
// aExtraStringData contains the uncached response headers. The first line
// contains the response status (e.g. HTTP/1.1 200 OK).
// Note: The response header is not saved here. Calling the
// channel.visitResponseHeaders() methood at this point sometimes causes an
// We could parse aExtraStringData to get the headers and their values, but
// that is not trivial to do in an accurate manner. Hence, we save the
// response headers in this._httpResponseExaminer().
let headers = aExtraStringData.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/);
let statusLine = headers.shift();
let statusLineArray = statusLine.split(" ");
let response = {};
response.httpVersion = statusLineArray.shift();
response.status = statusLineArray.shift();
response.statusText = statusLineArray.join(" ");
response.headersSize = aExtraStringData.length;
aHttpActivity.responseStatus = response.status;
// Discard the response body for known response statuses.
switch (parseInt(response.status)) {
aHttpActivity.discardResponseBody = true;
response.discardResponseBody = aHttpActivity.discardResponseBody;
* Handler for ACTIVITY_SUBTYPE_TRANSACTION_CLOSE. This method updates the HAR
* timing information on the HTTP activity object and clears the request
* from the list of known open requests.
* @private
* @param object aHttpActivity
* The HTTP activity object we work with.
_onTransactionClose: function NM__onTransactionClose(aHttpActivity)
let result = this._setupHarTimings(aHttpActivity);
aHttpActivity.owner.addEventTimings(result.total, result.timings);
delete this.openRequests[aHttpActivity.id];
* Update the HTTP activity object to include timing information as in the HAR
* spec. The HTTP activity object holds the raw timing information in
* |timings| - these are timings stored for each activity notification. The
* HAR timing information is constructed based on these lower level data.
* @param object aHttpActivity
* The HTTP activity object we are working with.
* @return object
* This object holds two properties:
* - total - the total time for all of the request and response.
* - timings - the HAR timings object.
_setupHarTimings: function NM__setupHarTimings(aHttpActivity)
let timings = aHttpActivity.timings;
let harTimings = {};
// Not clear how we can determine "blocked" time.
harTimings.blocked = -1;
// DNS timing information is available only in when the DNS record is not
// cached.
harTimings.dns = timings.STATUS_RESOLVING && timings.STATUS_RESOLVED ?
timings.STATUS_RESOLVED.last -
timings.STATUS_RESOLVING.first : -1;
harTimings.connect = timings.STATUS_CONNECTED_TO.last -
else if (timings.STATUS_SENDING_TO) {
harTimings.connect = timings.STATUS_SENDING_TO.first -
else {
harTimings.connect = -1;
harTimings.send = (timings.STATUS_WAITING_FOR ||
timings.STATUS_RECEIVING_FROM).first -
else {
harTimings.send = -1;
if (timings.RESPONSE_START) {
harTimings.wait = timings.RESPONSE_START.first -
else {
harTimings.wait = -1;
if (timings.RESPONSE_START && timings.RESPONSE_COMPLETE) {
harTimings.receive = timings.RESPONSE_COMPLETE.last -
else {
harTimings.receive = -1;
let totalTime = 0;
for (let timing in harTimings) {
let time = Math.max(Math.round(harTimings[timing] / 1000), -1);
harTimings[timing] = time;
if (time > -1) {
totalTime += time;
return {
total: totalTime,
timings: harTimings,
* Suspend Web Console activity. This is called when all Web Consoles are
* closed.
destroy: function NM_destroy()
if (Services.appinfo.processType != Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT) {
this.openRequests = {};
this.openResponses = {};
this.owner = null;
this.window = null;
this.topFrame = null;
}; // NetworkMonitor.prototype
* The NetworkMonitorChild is used to proxy all of the network activity of the
* child app process from the main process. The child WebConsoleActor creates an
* instance of this object.
* Network requests for apps happen in the main process. As such,
* a NetworkMonitor instance is used by the WebappsActor in the main process to
* log the network requests for this child process.
* The main process creates NetworkEventActorProxy instances per request. These
* send the data to this object using the nsIMessageManager. Here we proxy the
* data to the WebConsoleActor or to a NetworkEventActor.
* @constructor
* @param number appId
* The web appId of the child process.
* @param nsIMessageManager messageManager
* The nsIMessageManager to use to communicate with the parent process.
* @param object owner
* The WebConsoleActor that is listening for the network requests.
function NetworkMonitorChild(appId, messageManager, owner) {
this.appId = appId;
this.owner = owner;
this._messageManager = messageManager;
this._onNewEvent = this._onNewEvent.bind(this);
this._onUpdateEvent = this._onUpdateEvent.bind(this);
this._netEvents = new Map();
exports.NetworkMonitorChild = NetworkMonitorChild;
NetworkMonitorChild.prototype = {
appId: null,
owner: null,
_netEvents: null,
_saveRequestAndResponseBodies: false,
get saveRequestAndResponseBodies() {
return this._saveRequestAndResponseBodies;
set saveRequestAndResponseBodies(val) {
this._saveRequestAndResponseBodies = val;
this._messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("debug:netmonitor", {
appId: this.appId,
action: "setPreferences",
preferences: {
saveRequestAndResponseBodies: this._saveRequestAndResponseBodies,
init: function() {
this._messageManager.addMessageListener("debug:netmonitor:newEvent", this._onNewEvent);
this._messageManager.addMessageListener("debug:netmonitor:updateEvent", this._onUpdateEvent);
this._messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("debug:netmonitor", {
appId: this.appId,
action: "start",
_onNewEvent: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function _onNewEvent(msg) {
let {id, event} = msg.data;
let actor = this.owner.onNetworkEvent(event);
this._netEvents.set(id, Cu.getWeakReference(actor));
_onUpdateEvent: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function _onUpdateEvent(msg) {
let {id, method, args} = msg.data;
let weakActor = this._netEvents.get(id);
let actor = weakActor ? weakActor.get() : null;
if (!actor) {
Cu.reportError("Received debug:netmonitor:updateEvent for unknown event ID: " + id);
if (!(method in actor)) {
Cu.reportError("Received debug:netmonitor:updateEvent unsupported method: " + method);
actor[method].apply(actor, args);
destroy: function() {
this._messageManager.removeMessageListener("debug:netmonitor:newEvent", this._onNewEvent);
this._messageManager.removeMessageListener("debug:netmonitor:updateEvent", this._onUpdateEvent);
this._messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("debug:netmonitor", { action: "disconnect" });
this._messageManager = null;
this.owner = null;
}; // NetworkMonitorChild.prototype
* The NetworkEventActorProxy is used to send network request information from
* the main process to the child app process. One proxy is used per request.
* Similarly, one NetworkEventActor in the child app process is used per
* request. The client receives all network logs from the child actors.
* The child process has a NetworkMonitorChild instance that is listening for
* all network logging from the main process. The net monitor shim is used to
* proxy the data to the WebConsoleActor instance of the child process.
* @constructor
* @param nsIMessageManager messageManager
* The message manager for the child app process. This is used for
* communication with the NetworkMonitorChild instance of the process.
function NetworkEventActorProxy(messageManager) {
this.id = gSequenceId();
this.messageManager = messageManager;
exports.NetworkEventActorProxy = NetworkEventActorProxy;
NetworkEventActorProxy.methodFactory = function(method) {
return DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function() {
let args = Array.slice(arguments);
this.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("debug:netmonitor:updateEvent", {
id: this.id,
method: method,
args: args,
}, "NetworkEventActorProxy." + method);
NetworkEventActorProxy.prototype = {
* Initialize the network event. This method sends the network request event
* to the content process.
* @param object event
* Object describing the network request.
* @return object
* This object.
init: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function(event)
this.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("debug:netmonitor:newEvent", {
id: this.id,
event: event,
return this;
(function() {
// Listeners for new network event data coming from the NetworkMonitor.
let methods = ["addRequestHeaders", "addRequestCookies", "addRequestPostData",
"addResponseStart", "addResponseHeaders", "addResponseCookies",
"addResponseContent", "addEventTimings"];
let factory = NetworkEventActorProxy.methodFactory;
for (let method of methods) {
NetworkEventActorProxy.prototype[method] = factory(method);
* The NetworkMonitor manager used by the Webapps actor in the main process.
* This object uses the message manager to listen for requests from the child
* process to start/stop the network monitor.
* @constructor
* @param nsIDOMElement frame
* The browser frame to work with (mozbrowser).
function NetworkMonitorManager(frame)
let mm = frame.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoaderOwner).frameLoader.messageManager;
this.messageManager = mm;
this.frame = frame;
this.onNetMonitorMessage = this.onNetMonitorMessage.bind(this);
this.onNetworkEvent = this.onNetworkEvent.bind(this);
mm.addMessageListener("debug:netmonitor", this.onNetMonitorMessage);
exports.NetworkMonitorManager = NetworkMonitorManager;
NetworkMonitorManager.prototype = {
netMonitor: null,
frame: null,
messageManager: null,
* Handler for "debug:monitor" messages received through the message manager
* from the content process.
* @param object msg
* Message from the content.
onNetMonitorMessage: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function _onNetMonitorMessage(msg) {
let { action, appId } = msg.json;
// Pipe network monitor data from parent to child via the message manager.
switch (action) {
case "start":
if (!this.netMonitor) {
this.netMonitor = new NetworkMonitor({
topFrame: this.frame,
appId: appId,
}, this);
case "setPreferences": {
let {preferences} = msg.json;
for (let key of Object.keys(preferences)) {
if (key == "saveRequestAndResponseBodies" && this.netMonitor) {
this.netMonitor.saveRequestAndResponseBodies = preferences[key];
case "stop":
if (this.netMonitor) {
this.netMonitor = null;
case "disconnect":
* Handler for new network requests. This method is invoked by the current
* NetworkMonitor instance.
* @param object event
* Object describing the network request.
* @return object
* A NetworkEventActorProxy instance which is notified when further
* data about the request is available.
onNetworkEvent: DevToolsUtils.makeInfallible(function _onNetworkEvent(event) {
return new NetworkEventActorProxy(this.messageManager).init(event);
destroy: function()
this.messageManager = null;
this.filters = null;
if (this.netMonitor) {
this.netMonitor = null;
}; // NetworkMonitorManager.prototype
* A WebProgressListener that listens for location changes.
* This progress listener is used to track file loads and other kinds of
* location changes.
* @constructor
* @param object aWindow
* The window for which we need to track location changes.
* @param object aOwner
* The listener owner which needs to implement two methods:
* - onFileActivity(aFileURI)
* - onLocationChange(aState, aTabURI, aPageTitle)
function ConsoleProgressListener(aWindow, aOwner)
this.window = aWindow;
this.owner = aOwner;
exports.ConsoleProgressListener = ConsoleProgressListener;
ConsoleProgressListener.prototype = {
* Constant used for startMonitor()/stopMonitor() that tells you want to
* monitor file loads.
* Constant used for startMonitor()/stopMonitor() that tells you want to
* monitor page location changes.
* Tells if you want to monitor file activity.
* @private
* @type boolean
_fileActivity: false,
* Tells if you want to monitor location changes.
* @private
* @type boolean
_locationChange: false,
* Tells if the console progress listener is initialized or not.
* @private
* @type boolean
_initialized: false,
_webProgress: null,
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIWebProgressListener,
* Initialize the ConsoleProgressListener.
* @private
_init: function CPL__init()
if (this._initialized) {
this._webProgress = this.window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
this._initialized = true;
* Start a monitor/tracker related to the current nsIWebProgressListener
* instance.
* @param number aMonitor
* Tells what you want to track. Available constants:
* Track file loads.
* Track location changes for the top window.
startMonitor: function CPL_startMonitor(aMonitor)
switch (aMonitor) {
this._fileActivity = true;
this._locationChange = true;
throw new Error("ConsoleProgressListener: unknown monitor type " +
aMonitor + "!");
* Stop a monitor.
* @param number aMonitor
* Tells what you want to stop tracking. See this.startMonitor() for
* the list of constants.
stopMonitor: function CPL_stopMonitor(aMonitor)
switch (aMonitor) {
this._fileActivity = false;
this._locationChange = false;
throw new Error("ConsoleProgressListener: unknown monitor type " +
aMonitor + "!");
if (!this._fileActivity && !this._locationChange) {
function CPL_onStateChange(aProgress, aRequest, aState, aStatus)
if (!this.owner) {
if (this._fileActivity) {
this._checkFileActivity(aProgress, aRequest, aState, aStatus);
if (this._locationChange) {
this._checkLocationChange(aProgress, aRequest, aState, aStatus);
* Check if there is any file load, given the arguments of
* nsIWebProgressListener.onStateChange. If the state change tells that a file
* URI has been loaded, then the remote Web Console instance is notified.
* @private
function CPL__checkFileActivity(aProgress, aRequest, aState, aStatus)
if (!(aState & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START)) {
let uri = null;
if (aRequest instanceof Ci.imgIRequest) {
let imgIRequest = aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.imgIRequest);
uri = imgIRequest.URI;
else if (aRequest instanceof Ci.nsIChannel) {
let nsIChannel = aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel);
uri = nsIChannel.URI;
if (!uri || !uri.schemeIs("file") && !uri.schemeIs("ftp")) {
* Check if the current window.top location is changing, given the arguments
* of nsIWebProgressListener.onStateChange. If that is the case, the remote
* Web Console instance is notified.
* @private
function CPL__checkLocationChange(aProgress, aRequest, aState, aStatus)
let isStart = aState & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START;
let isStop = aState & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP;
let isNetwork = aState & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK;
let isWindow = aState & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_WINDOW;
// Skip non-interesting states.
if (!isNetwork || !isWindow || aProgress.DOMWindow != this.window) {
if (isStart && aRequest instanceof Ci.nsIChannel) {
this.owner.onLocationChange("start", aRequest.URI.spec, "");
else if (isStop) {
this.owner.onLocationChange("stop", this.window.location.href,
onLocationChange: function() {},
onStatusChange: function() {},
onProgressChange: function() {},
onSecurityChange: function() {},
* Destroy the ConsoleProgressListener.
destroy: function CPL_destroy()
if (!this._initialized) {
this._initialized = false;
this._fileActivity = false;
this._locationChange = false;
try {
catch (ex) {
// This can throw during browser shutdown.
this._webProgress = null;
this.window = null;
this.owner = null;
}; // ConsoleProgressListener.prototype
function gSequenceId() { return gSequenceId.n++; }
gSequenceId.n = 1;