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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#ifndef mozilla_a11y_ProxyAccessible_h
#define mozilla_a11y_ProxyAccessible_h
#include "mozilla/a11y/Role.h"
#include "nsIAccessibleText.h"
#include "Accessible.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsRect.h"
#include "Accessible.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace a11y {
class Attribute;
class DocAccessibleParent;
enum class RelationType;
class ProxyAccessible
ProxyAccessible(uint64_t aID, ProxyAccessible* aParent,
DocAccessibleParent* aDoc, role aRole) :
mParent(aParent), mDoc(aDoc), mWrapper(0), mID(aID), mRole(aRole),
void AddChildAt(uint32_t aIdx, ProxyAccessible* aChild)
{ mChildren.InsertElementAt(aIdx, aChild); }
uint32_t ChildrenCount() const { return mChildren.Length(); }
ProxyAccessible* ChildAt(uint32_t aIdx) const { return mChildren[aIdx]; }
// XXX evaluate if this is fast enough.
size_t IndexInParent() const { return mParent->mChildren.IndexOf(this); }
bool MustPruneChildren() const;
void Shutdown();
void SetChildDoc(DocAccessibleParent*);
* Remove The given child.
void RemoveChild(ProxyAccessible* aChild)
{ mChildren.RemoveElement(aChild); }
* Return the proxy for the parent of the wrapped accessible.
ProxyAccessible* Parent() const { return mParent; }
* Get the role of the accessible we're proxying.
role Role() const { return mRole; }
* Return the states for the proxied accessible.
uint64_t State() const;
* Set aName to the name of the proxied accessible.
void Name(nsString& aName) const;
* Set aValue to the value of the proxied accessible.
void Value(nsString& aValue) const;
* Set aDesc to the description of the proxied accessible.
void Description(nsString& aDesc) const;
* Get the set of attributes on the proxied accessible.
void Attributes(nsTArray<Attribute> *aAttrs) const;
* Return set of targets of given relation type.
nsTArray<ProxyAccessible*> RelationByType(RelationType aType) const;
* Get all relations for this accessible.
void Relations(nsTArray<RelationType>* aTypes,
nsTArray<nsTArray<ProxyAccessible*>>* aTargetSets) const;
int32_t CaretOffset();
bool SetCaretOffset(int32_t aOffset);
int32_t CharacterCount();
int32_t SelectionCount();
* Get the text between the given offsets.
void TextSubstring(int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOfset,
nsString& aText) const;
void GetTextAfterOffset(int32_t aOffset, AccessibleTextBoundary aBoundaryType,
nsString& aText, int32_t* aStartOffset,
int32_t* aEndOffset);
void GetTextAtOffset(int32_t aOffset, AccessibleTextBoundary aBoundaryType,
nsString& aText, int32_t* aStartOffset,
int32_t* aEndOffset);
void GetTextBeforeOffset(int32_t aOffset, AccessibleTextBoundary aBoundaryType,
nsString& aText, int32_t* aStartOffset,
int32_t* aEndOffset);
char16_t CharAt(int32_t aOffset);
void TextAttributes(bool aIncludeDefAttrs,
const int32_t aOffset,
nsTArray<Attribute>* aAttributes,
int32_t* aStartOffset,
int32_t* aEndOffset);
void DefaultTextAttributes(nsTArray<Attribute>* aAttrs);
nsIntRect TextBounds(int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aCoordType);
nsIntRect CharBounds(int32_t aOffset, uint32_t aCoordType);
int32_t OffsetAtPoint(int32_t aX, int32_t aY, uint32_t aCoordType);
bool SelectionBoundsAt(int32_t aSelectionNum,
nsString& aData,
int32_t* aStartOffset,
int32_t* aEndOffset);
bool SetSelectionBoundsAt(int32_t aSelectionNum,
int32_t aStartOffset,
int32_t aEndOffset);
bool AddToSelection(int32_t aStartOffset,
int32_t aEndOffset);
bool RemoveFromSelection(int32_t aSelectionNum);
void ScrollSubstringTo(int32_t aStartOffset, int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aScrollType);
void ScrollSubstringToPoint(int32_t aStartOffset,
int32_t aEndOffset,
uint32_t aCoordinateType,
int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
void ReplaceText(const nsString& aText);
void InsertText(const nsString& aText, int32_t aPosition);
void CopyText(int32_t aStartPos, int32_t aEndPos);
void CutText(int32_t aStartPos, int32_t aEndPos);
void DeleteText(int32_t aStartPos, int32_t aEndPos);
void PasteText(int32_t aPosition);
nsIntPoint ImagePosition(uint32_t aCoordType);
nsIntSize ImageSize();
uint32_t StartOffset(bool* aOk);
uint32_t EndOffset(bool* aOk);
bool IsLinkValid();
uint32_t AnchorCount(bool* aOk);
void AnchorURIAt(uint32_t aIndex, nsCString& aURI, bool* aOk);
ProxyAccessible* AnchorAt(uint32_t aIndex);
uint32_t LinkCount();
ProxyAccessible* LinkAt(const uint32_t& aIndex);
int32_t LinkIndexOf(ProxyAccessible* aLink);
int32_t LinkIndexAtOffset(uint32_t aOffset);
ProxyAccessible* TableOfACell();
uint32_t ColIdx();
uint32_t RowIdx();
uint32_t ColExtent();
uint32_t RowExtent();
void ColHeaderCells(nsTArray<uint64_t>* aCells);
void RowHeaderCells(nsTArray<uint64_t>* aCells);
bool IsCellSelected();
ProxyAccessible* TableCaption();
void TableSummary(nsString& aSummary);
uint32_t TableColumnCount();
uint32_t TableRowCount();
ProxyAccessible* TableCellAt(uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol);
int32_t TableCellIndexAt(uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol);
int32_t TableColumnIndexAt(uint32_t aCellIndex);
int32_t TableRowIndexAt(uint32_t aCellIndex);
void TableRowAndColumnIndicesAt(uint32_t aCellIndex,
int32_t* aRow, int32_t* aCol);
uint32_t TableColumnExtentAt(uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol);
uint32_t TableRowExtentAt(uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol);
void TableColumnDescription(uint32_t aCol, nsString& aDescription);
void TableRowDescription(uint32_t aRow, nsString& aDescription);
bool TableColumnSelected(uint32_t aCol);
bool TableRowSelected(uint32_t aRow);
bool TableCellSelected(uint32_t aRow, uint32_t aCol);
uint32_t TableSelectedCellCount();
uint32_t TableSelectedColumnCount();
uint32_t TableSelectedRowCount();
void TableSelectedCells(nsTArray<ProxyAccessible*>* aCellIDs);
void TableSelectedCellIndices(nsTArray<uint32_t>* aCellIndices);
void TableSelectedColumnIndices(nsTArray<uint32_t>* aColumnIndices);
void TableSelectedRowIndices(nsTArray<uint32_t>* aRowIndices);
void TableSelectColumn(uint32_t aCol);
void TableSelectRow(uint32_t aRow);
void TableUnselectColumn(uint32_t aCol);
void TableUnselectRow(uint32_t aRow);
bool TableIsProbablyForLayout();
void SelectedItems(nsTArray<ProxyAccessible*>* aSelectedItems);
uint32_t SelectedItemCount();
ProxyAccessible* GetSelectedItem(uint32_t aIndex);
bool IsItemSelected(uint32_t aIndex);
bool AddItemToSelection(uint32_t aIndex);
bool RemoveItemFromSelection(uint32_t aIndex);
bool SelectAll();
bool UnselectAll();
bool DoAction(uint8_t aIndex);
uint8_t ActionCount();
void ActionDescriptionAt(uint8_t aIndex, nsString& aDescription);
void ActionNameAt(uint8_t aIndex, nsString& aName);
KeyBinding AccessKey();
KeyBinding KeyboardShortcut();
double CurValue();
bool SetCurValue(double aValue);
double MinValue();
double MaxValue();
double Step();
void TakeFocus();
ProxyAccessible* ChildAtPoint(int32_t aX, int32_t aY,
Accessible::EWhichChildAtPoint aWhichChild);
nsIntRect Bounds();
void Language(nsString& aLocale);
void DocType(nsString& aType);
void URL(nsString& aURL);
void MimeType(nsString aMime);
void URLDocTypeMimeType(nsString& aURL, nsString& aDocType,
nsString& aMimeType);
* Allow the platform to store a pointers worth of data on us.
uintptr_t GetWrapper() const { return mWrapper; }
void SetWrapper(uintptr_t aWrapper) { mWrapper = aWrapper; }
* Return the ID of the accessible being proxied.
uint64_t ID() const { return mID; }
explicit ProxyAccessible(DocAccessibleParent* aThisAsDoc) :
mParent(nullptr), mDoc(aThisAsDoc), mWrapper(0), mID(0),
{ MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(ProxyAccessible); }
ProxyAccessible* mParent;
nsTArray<ProxyAccessible*> mChildren;
DocAccessibleParent* mDoc;
uintptr_t mWrapper;
uint64_t mID;
role mRole : 31;
bool mOuterDoc : 1;
enum Interfaces