mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 23:30:46 +00:00

This accounts for a specific situation where our check for Bug 1691347 was not
quite identical to the code in CUPS.
In httpGetHostname, there are some cases where the result is "localhost" rather
than `http->hostname`:
2201569857/cups/http-addr.c (L794-L818)
We will now assume that if the result is "localhost" then this could have
occurred. This change might block some printers that would otherwise work
properly, but eventually this fix can be placed behind a CUPS version check.
Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D137903
478 lines
18 KiB
478 lines
18 KiB
/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "nsPrinterCUPS.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h"
#include "mozilla/GkRustUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_print.h"
#include "nsTHashtable.h"
#include "nsPaper.h"
#include "nsPrinterBase.h"
#include "nsPrintSettingsImpl.h"
#include "plstr.h"
using namespace mozilla;
using MarginDouble = mozilla::gfx::MarginDouble;
// Requested attributes for IPP requests, just the CUPS version now.
static constexpr Array<const char* const, 1> requestedAttributes{
static constexpr double kPointsPerHundredthMillimeter = 72.0 / 2540.0;
static PaperInfo MakePaperInfo(const nsAString& aName,
const cups_size_t& aMedia) {
// XXX Do we actually have the guarantee that this is utf-8?
NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 paperId(aMedia.media); // internal paper name/ID
return PaperInfo(
paperId, aName,
{aMedia.width * kPointsPerHundredthMillimeter,
aMedia.length * kPointsPerHundredthMillimeter},
Some(gfx::MarginDouble{aMedia.top * kPointsPerHundredthMillimeter,
aMedia.right * kPointsPerHundredthMillimeter,
aMedia.bottom * kPointsPerHundredthMillimeter,
aMedia.left * kPointsPerHundredthMillimeter}));
// Fetches the CUPS version for the print server controlling the printer. This
// will only modify the output arguments if the fetch succeeds.
static void FetchCUPSVersionForPrinter(const nsCUPSShim& aShim,
const cups_dest_t* const aDest,
uint64_t& aOutMajor, uint64_t& aOutMinor,
uint64_t& aOutPatch) {
// Make an IPP request to the server for the printer.
const char* const uri = aShim.cupsGetOption(
"printer-uri-supported", aDest->num_options, aDest->options);
if (!uri) {
ipp_t* const ippRequest = aShim.ippNewRequest(IPP_OP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES);
// Set the URI we want to use.
aShim.ippAddString(ippRequest, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri",
nullptr, uri);
// Set the attributes to request.
aShim.ippAddStrings(ippRequest, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD,
"requested-attributes", requestedAttributes.Length,
nullptr, &(requestedAttributes[0]));
// Use the default HTTP connection to query the CUPS server itself to get
// the CUPS version.
// Note that cupsDoRequest will delete the request whether it succeeds or
// fails, so we should not use ippDelete on it.
if (ipp_t* const ippResponse =
aShim.cupsDoRequest(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, ippRequest, "/")) {
ipp_attribute_t* const versionAttrib =
aShim.ippFindAttribute(ippResponse, "cups-version", IPP_TAG_TEXT);
if (versionAttrib && aShim.ippGetCount(versionAttrib) == 1) {
const char* versionString = aShim.ippGetString(versionAttrib, 0, nullptr);
// On error, GkRustUtils::ParseSemVer will not modify its arguments.
nsDependentCSubstring{MakeStringSpan(versionString)}, aOutMajor,
aOutMinor, aOutPatch);
nsPrinterCUPS::~nsPrinterCUPS() {
auto printerInfoLock = mPrinterInfoMutex.Lock();
if (printerInfoLock->mPrinterInfo) {
if (mPrinter) {
mShim.cupsFreeDests(1, mPrinter);
mPrinter = nullptr;
nsPrinterCUPS::GetName(nsAString& aName) {
return NS_OK;
nsPrinterCUPS::GetSystemName(nsAString& aName) {
CopyUTF8toUTF16(MakeStringSpan(mPrinter->name), aName);
return NS_OK;
void nsPrinterCUPS::GetPrinterName(nsAString& aName) const {
if (mDisplayName.IsEmpty()) {
CopyUTF8toUTF16(MakeStringSpan(mPrinter->name), aName);
} else {
aName = mDisplayName;
const char* nsPrinterCUPS::LocalizeMediaName(http_t& aConnection,
cups_size_t& aMedia) const {
// The returned string is owned by mPrinterInfo.
// https://www.cups.org/doc/cupspm.html#cupsLocalizeDestMedia
if (!mShim.cupsLocalizeDestMedia) {
return aMedia.media;
auto printerInfoLock = TryEnsurePrinterInfo();
cups_dinfo_t* const printerInfo = printerInfoLock->mPrinterInfo;
return mShim.cupsLocalizeDestMedia(&aConnection, mPrinter, printerInfo,
bool nsPrinterCUPS::SupportsDuplex() const {
bool nsPrinterCUPS::SupportsMonochrome() const {
if (!SupportsColor()) {
return true;
return StaticPrefs::print_cups_monochrome_enabled();
bool nsPrinterCUPS::SupportsColor() const {
// CUPS 2.1 (particularly as used in Ubuntu 16) is known to have inaccurate
// results for CUPS_PRINT_COLOR_MODE.
// See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1660658#c15
if (!IsCUPSVersionAtLeast(2, 2, 0)) {
return true; // See comment for PrintSettingsInitializer.mPrintInColor
bool nsPrinterCUPS::SupportsCollation() const {
// We can't depend on cupsGetIntegerOption existing.
const char* const value = FindCUPSOption("printer-type");
if (!value) {
return false;
// If the value is non-numeric, then atoi will return 0, which will still
// cause this function to return false.
const int type = atoi(value);
nsPrinterBase::PrinterInfo nsPrinterCUPS::CreatePrinterInfo() const {
Connection connection{mShim};
return PrinterInfo{PaperList(connection), DefaultSettings(connection)};
bool nsPrinterCUPS::Supports(const char* aOption, const char* aValue) const {
auto printerInfoLock = TryEnsurePrinterInfo();
cups_dinfo_t* const printerInfo = printerInfoLock->mPrinterInfo;
return mShim.cupsCheckDestSupported(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, mPrinter, printerInfo,
aOption, aValue);
bool nsPrinterCUPS::IsCUPSVersionAtLeast(uint64_t aCUPSMajor,
uint64_t aCUPSMinor,
uint64_t aCUPSPatch) const {
auto printerInfoLock = TryEnsurePrinterInfo();
// Compare major version.
if (printerInfoLock->mCUPSMajor > aCUPSMajor) {
return true;
if (printerInfoLock->mCUPSMajor < aCUPSMajor) {
return false;
// Compare minor version.
if (printerInfoLock->mCUPSMinor > aCUPSMinor) {
return true;
if (printerInfoLock->mCUPSMinor < aCUPSMinor) {
return false;
// Compare patch.
return aCUPSPatch <= printerInfoLock->mCUPSPatch;
http_t* nsPrinterCUPS::Connection::GetConnection(cups_dest_t* aDest) {
if (mWasInited) {
return mConnection;
mWasInited = true;
// blocking call
http_t* const connection = mShim.cupsConnectDest(aDest, CUPS_DEST_FLAGS_NONE,
/* timeout(ms) */ 5000,
/* cancel */ nullptr,
/* resource */ nullptr,
/* resourcesize */ 0,
/* callback */ nullptr,
/* user_data */ nullptr);
if (connection) {
mConnection = connection;
return mConnection;
nsPrinterCUPS::Connection::~Connection() {
if (mWasInited && mConnection) {
PrintSettingsInitializer nsPrinterCUPS::DefaultSettings(
Connection& aConnection) const {
nsString printerName;
auto printerInfoLock = TryEnsurePrinterInfo();
cups_dinfo_t* const printerInfo = printerInfoLock->mPrinterInfo;
cups_size_t media;
bool hasDefaultMedia = false;
// cupsGetDestMediaDefault appears to return more accurate defaults on macOS,
// and the IPP attribute appears to return more accurate defaults on Linux.
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
hasDefaultMedia =
mShim.cupsGetDestMediaDefault(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, mPrinter, printerInfo,
ipp_attribute_t* defaultMediaIPP =
? mShim.cupsFindDestDefault(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, mPrinter,
printerInfo, "media")
: nullptr;
const char* defaultMediaName =
defaultMediaIPP ? mShim.ippGetString(defaultMediaIPP, 0, nullptr)
: nullptr;
hasDefaultMedia = defaultMediaName &&
CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, mPrinter, printerInfo,
defaultMediaName, CUPS_MEDIA_FLAGS_DEFAULT, &media);
if (!hasDefaultMedia) {
return PrintSettingsInitializer{
// Check if this is a localized fallback paper size, in which case we can
// avoid using the CUPS localization methods.
const gfx::SizeDouble sizeDouble{
media.width * kPointsPerHundredthMillimeter,
media.length * kPointsPerHundredthMillimeter};
if (const PaperInfo* const paperInfo = FindCommonPaperSize(sizeDouble)) {
return PrintSettingsInitializer{
MakePaperInfo(paperInfo->mName, media),
http_t* const connection = aConnection.GetConnection(mPrinter);
// XXX Do we actually have the guarantee that this is utf-8?
NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 localizedName{
connection ? LocalizeMediaName(*connection, media) : ""};
return PrintSettingsInitializer{
MakePaperInfo(localizedName, media),
nsTArray<mozilla::PaperInfo> nsPrinterCUPS::PaperList(
Connection& aConnection) const {
http_t* const connection = aConnection.GetConnection(mPrinter);
auto printerInfoLock = TryEnsurePrinterInfo(connection);
cups_dinfo_t* const printerInfo = printerInfoLock->mPrinterInfo;
if (!printerInfo) {
return {};
const int paperCount =
? mShim.cupsGetDestMediaCount(connection, mPrinter, printerInfo,
: 0;
nsTArray<PaperInfo> paperList;
nsTHashtable<nsCharPtrHashKey> paperSet(std::max(paperCount, 0));
for (int i = 0; i < paperCount; ++i) {
cups_size_t media;
const int getInfoSucceeded = mShim.cupsGetDestMediaByIndex(
connection, mPrinter, printerInfo, i, CUPS_MEDIA_FLAGS_DEFAULT, &media);
if (!getInfoSucceeded || !paperSet.EnsureInserted(media.media)) {
// Check if this is a PWG paper size, in which case we can avoid using the
// CUPS localization methods.
const gfx::SizeDouble sizeDouble{
media.width * kPointsPerHundredthMillimeter,
media.length * kPointsPerHundredthMillimeter};
if (const PaperInfo* const paperInfo = FindCommonPaperSize(sizeDouble)) {
paperList.AppendElement(MakePaperInfo(paperInfo->mName, media));
} else {
const char* const mediaName =
connection ? LocalizeMediaName(*connection, media) : media.media;
MakePaperInfo(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(mediaName), media));
return paperList;
nsPrinterCUPS::PrinterInfoLock nsPrinterCUPS::TryEnsurePrinterInfo(
http_t* const aConnection) const {
PrinterInfoLock lock = mPrinterInfoMutex.Lock();
if (lock->mPrinterInfo ||
(aConnection == CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT ? lock->mTriedInitWithDefault
: lock->mTriedInitWithConnection)) {
return lock;
if (aConnection == CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT) {
lock->mTriedInitWithDefault = true;
} else {
lock->mTriedInitWithConnection = true;
// httpGetAddress was only added in CUPS 2.0, and some systems still use
// CUPS 1.7.
if (aConnection && MOZ_LIKELY(mShim.httpGetAddress && mShim.httpAddrPort)) {
// This is a workaround for the CUPS Bug seen in bug 1691347.
// This is to avoid a null string being passed to strstr in CUPS. The path
// in CUPS that leads to this is as follows:
// In cupsCopyDestInfo, CUPS_DEST_FLAG_DEVICE is set when the connection is
// not null (same as CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT), the print server is not the same
// as our hostname and is not path-based (starts with a '/'), or the IPP
// port is different than the global server IPP port.
// https://github.com/apple/cups/blob/c9da6f63b263faef5d50592fe8cf8056e0a58aa2/cups/dest-options.c#L718-L722
// In _cupsGetDestResource, CUPS fetches the IPP options "device-uri" and
// "printer-uri-supported". Note that IPP options are returned as null when
// missing.
// https://github.com/apple/cups/blob/23c45db76a8520fd6c3b1d9164dbe312f1ab1481/cups/dest.c#L1138-L1141
// If the CUPS_DEST_FLAG_DEVICE is set or the "printer-uri-supported"
// option is not set, CUPS checks for "._tcp" in the "device-uri" option
// without doing a NULL-check first.
// https://github.com/apple/cups/blob/23c45db76a8520fd6c3b1d9164dbe312f1ab1481/cups/dest.c#L1144
// If we find that those branches will be taken, don't actually fetch the
// CUPS data and instead just return an empty printer info.
const char* const serverNameBytes = mShim.cupsServer();
if (MOZ_LIKELY(serverNameBytes)) {
const nsDependentCString serverName{serverNameBytes};
// We only need enough characters to determine equality with serverName.
// + 2 because we need one byte for the null-character, and we also want
// to get more characters of the host name than the server name if
// possible. Otherwise, if the hostname starts with the same text as the
// entire server name, it would compare equal when it's not.
const size_t hostnameMemLength = serverName.Length() + 2;
auto hostnameMem = MakeUnique<char[]>(hostnameMemLength);
// We don't expect httpGetHostname to return null when a connection is
// passed, but it's better not to make assumptions.
const char* const hostnameBytes = mShim.httpGetHostname(
aConnection, hostnameMem.get(), hostnameMemLength);
if (MOZ_LIKELY(hostnameBytes)) {
const nsDependentCString hostname{hostnameBytes};
// Attempt to match the condional at
// https://github.com/apple/cups/blob/c9da6f63b263faef5d50592fe8cf8056e0a58aa2/cups/dest-options.c#L718
// To find the result of the comparison CUPS performs of
// `strcmp(http->hostname, cg->server)`, we use httpGetHostname to try
// to get the value of `http->hostname`, but this isn't quite the same.
// For local addresses, httpGetHostName will normalize the result to be
// localhost", rather than the actual value of `http->hostname`.
// https://github.com/apple/cups/blob/2201569857f225c9874bfae19713ffb2f4bdfdeb/cups/http-addr.c#L794-L818
// Because of this, if both serverName and hostname equal "localhost",
// then the actual hostname might be a different local address that CUPS
// normalized in httpGetHostName, and `http->hostname` won't be equal to
// `cg->server` in CUPS.
const bool namesMightNotMatch =
hostname != serverName || hostname == "localhost";
const bool portsDiffer =
mShim.httpAddrPort(mShim.httpGetAddress(aConnection)) !=
const bool cupsDestDeviceFlag =
(namesMightNotMatch && serverName[0] != '/') || portsDiffer;
// Match the conditional at
// https://github.com/apple/cups/blob/23c45db76a8520fd6c3b1d9164dbe312f1ab1481/cups/dest.c#L1144
// but if device-uri is null do not call into CUPS.
if ((cupsDestDeviceFlag || !FindCUPSOption("printer-uri-supported")) &&
!FindCUPSOption("device-uri")) {
return lock;
// All CUPS calls that take the printer info do null-checks internally, so we
// can fetch this info and only worry about the result of the later CUPS
// functions.
lock->mPrinterInfo = mShim.cupsCopyDestInfo(aConnection, mPrinter);
// Even if we failed to fetch printer info, it is still possible we can talk
// to the print server and get its CUPS version.
FetchCUPSVersionForPrinter(mShim, mPrinter, lock->mCUPSMajor,
lock->mCUPSMinor, lock->mCUPSPatch);
return lock;
void nsPrinterCUPS::ForEachExtraMonochromeSetting(
FunctionRef<void(const nsACString&, const nsACString&)> aCallback) {
nsAutoCString pref;
Preferences::GetCString("print.cups.monochrome.extra_settings", pref);
if (pref.IsEmpty()) {
for (const auto& pair : pref.Split(',')) {
auto splitter = pair.Split(':');
auto end = splitter.end();
auto key = splitter.begin();
if (key == end) {
auto value = ++splitter.begin();
if (value == end) {
aCallback(*key, *value);