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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const FRAME_SCRIPT = "chrome://marionette/content/marionette-listener.js";
// import logger
let logger = Log.repository.getLogger("Marionette");
logger.info('marionette-server.js loaded');
let loader = Cc["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"]
let utils = {};
loader.loadSubScript("chrome://marionette/content/EventUtils.js", utils);
loader.loadSubScript("chrome://marionette/content/ChromeUtils.js", utils);
loader.loadSubScript("chrome://marionette/content/atoms.js", utils);
// SpecialPowers requires insecure automation-only features that we put behind a pref.
let specialpowers = {};
specialpowers.specialPowersObserver = new specialpowers.SpecialPowersObserver();
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("marionette.contentListener", false);
let appName = Services.appinfo.name;
let { devtools } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Loader.jsm", {});
let DevToolsUtils = devtools.require("devtools/toolkit/DevToolsUtils.js");
this.DevToolsUtils = DevToolsUtils;
let bypassOffline = false;
let qemu = "0";
let device = null;
try {
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "libcutils", function () {
return libcutils;
if (libcutils) {
qemu = libcutils.property_get("ro.kernel.qemu");
logger.info("B2G emulator: " + (qemu == "1" ? "yes" : "no"));
device = libcutils.property_get("ro.product.device");
logger.info("Device detected is " + device);
bypassOffline = (qemu == "1" || device == "panda");
catch(e) {}
if (bypassOffline) {
logger.info("Bypassing offline status.");
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.gonk.manage-offline-status", false);
Services.io.manageOfflineStatus = false;
Services.io.offline = false;
// This is used to prevent newSession from returning before the telephony
// API's are ready; see bug 792647. This assumes that marionette-server.js
// will be loaded before the 'system-message-listener-ready' message
// is fired. If this stops being true, this approach will have to change.
let systemMessageListenerReady = false;
Services.obs.addObserver(function() {
systemMessageListenerReady = true;
}, "system-message-listener-ready", false);
* Custom exceptions
function FrameSendNotInitializedError(frame) {
this.code = 54;
this.frame = frame;
this.message = "Error sending message to frame (NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED)";
this.toString = function() {
return this.message + " " + this.frame + "; frame has closed.";
function FrameSendFailureError(frame) {
this.code = 55;
this.frame = frame;
this.message = "Error sending message to frame (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)";
this.toString = function() {
return this.message + " " + this.frame + "; frame not responding.";
* The server connection is responsible for all marionette API calls. It gets created
* for each connection and manages all chrome and browser based calls. It
* mediates content calls by issuing appropriate messages to the content process.
function MarionetteServerConnection(aPrefix, aTransport, aServer)
this.uuidGen = Cc["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"]
this.prefix = aPrefix;
this.server = aServer;
this.conn = aTransport;
this.conn.hooks = this;
// marionette uses a protocol based on the debugger server, which requires
// passing back "actor ids" with responses. unlike the debugger server,
// we don't have multiple actors, so just use a dummy value of "0" here
this.actorID = "0";
this.globalMessageManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/globalmessagemanager;1"]
this.messageManager = this.globalMessageManager;
this.browsers = {}; //holds list of BrowserObjs
this.curBrowser = null; // points to current browser
this.context = "content";
this.scriptTimeout = null;
this.searchTimeout = null;
this.pageTimeout = null;
this.timer = null;
this.inactivityTimer = null;
this.heartbeatCallback = function () {}; // called by simpletest methods
this.marionetteLog = new MarionetteLogObj();
this.command_id = null;
this.mainFrame = null; //topmost chrome frame
this.curFrame = null; // chrome iframe that currently has focus
this.mainContentFrameId = null;
this.importedScripts = FileUtils.getFile('TmpD', ['marionetteChromeScripts']);
this.importedScriptHashes = {"chrome" : [], "content": []};
this.currentFrameElement = null;
this.testName = null;
this.mozBrowserClose = null;
MarionetteServerConnection.prototype = {
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIMessageListener,
* Debugger transport callbacks:
onPacket: function MSC_onPacket(aPacket) {
// Dispatch the request
if (this.requestTypes && this.requestTypes[aPacket.name]) {
try {
} catch(e) {
this.conn.send({ error: ("error occurred while processing '" +
message: e.message });
} else {
this.conn.send({ error: "unrecognizedPacketType",
message: ('Marionette does not ' +
'recognize the packet type "' +
aPacket.name + '"') });
onClosed: function MSC_onClosed(aStatus) {
* Helper methods:
* Switches to the global ChromeMessageBroadcaster, potentially replacing a frame-specific
* ChromeMessageSender. Has no effect if the global ChromeMessageBroadcaster is already
* in use. If this replaces a frame-specific ChromeMessageSender, it removes the message
* listeners from that sender, and then puts the corresponding frame script "to sleep",
* which removes most of the message listeners from it as well.
switchToGlobalMessageManager: function MDA_switchToGlobalMM() {
if (this.curBrowser && this.curBrowser.frameManager.currentRemoteFrame !== null) {
this.sendAsync("sleepSession", null, null, true);
this.curBrowser.frameManager.currentRemoteFrame = null;
this.messageManager = this.globalMessageManager;
* Helper method to send async messages to the content listener
* @param string name
* Suffix of the targetted message listener (Marionette:<suffix>)
* @param object values
* Object to send to the listener
sendAsync: function MDA_sendAsync(name, values, commandId, ignoreFailure) {
let success = true;
if (commandId) {
values.command_id = commandId;
if (this.curBrowser.frameManager.currentRemoteFrame !== null) {
try {
"Marionette:" + name + this.curBrowser.frameManager.currentRemoteFrame.targetFrameId, values);
catch(e) {
if (!ignoreFailure) {
success = false;
let error = e;
switch(e.result) {
case Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE:
error = new FrameSendFailureError(this.curBrowser.frameManager.currentRemoteFrame);
case Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED:
error = new FrameSendNotInitializedError(this.curBrowser.frameManager.currentRemoteFrame);
let code = error.hasOwnProperty('code') ? e.code : 500;
this.sendError(error.toString(), code, error.stack, commandId);
else {
"Marionette:" + name + this.curBrowser.curFrameId, values);
return success;
logRequest: function MDA_logRequest(type, data) {
logger.debug("Got request: " + type + ", data: " + JSON.stringify(data) + ", id: " + this.command_id);
* Generic method to pass a response to the client
* @param object msg
* Response to send back to client
* @param string command_id
* Unique identifier assigned to the client's request.
* Used to distinguish the asynchronous responses.
sendToClient: function MDA_sendToClient(msg, command_id) {
logger.info("sendToClient: " + JSON.stringify(msg) + ", " + command_id +
", " + this.command_id);
if (!command_id) {
logger.warn("got a response with no command_id");
else if (command_id != -1) {
// A command_id of -1 is used for emulator callbacks, and those
// don't use this.command_id.
if (!this.command_id) {
// A null value for this.command_id means we've already processed
// a message for the previous value, and so the current message is a
// duplicate.
logger.warn("ignoring duplicate response for command_id " + command_id);
else if (this.command_id != command_id) {
logger.warn("ignoring out-of-sync response");
if (command_id != -1) {
// Don't unset this.command_id if this message is to process an
// emulator callback, since another response for this command_id is
// expected, after the containing call to execute_async_script finishes.
this.command_id = null;
* Send a value to client
* @param object value
* Value to send back to client
* @param string command_id
* Unique identifier assigned to the client's request.
* Used to distinguish the asynchronous responses.
sendResponse: function MDA_sendResponse(value, command_id) {
if (typeof(value) == 'undefined')
value = null;
this.sendToClient({from:this.actorID, value: value}, command_id);
sayHello: function MDA_sayHello() {
this.conn.send({ from: "root",
applicationType: "gecko",
traits: [] });
getMarionetteID: function MDA_getMarionette() {
this.conn.send({ "from": "root", "id": this.actorID });
* Send ack to client
* @param string command_id
* Unique identifier assigned to the client's request.
* Used to distinguish the asynchronous responses.
sendOk: function MDA_sendOk(command_id) {
this.sendToClient({from:this.actorID, ok: true}, command_id);
* Send error message to client
* @param string message
* Error message
* @param number status
* Status number
* @param string trace
* Stack trace
* @param string command_id
* Unique identifier assigned to the client's request.
* Used to distinguish the asynchronous responses.
sendError: function MDA_sendError(message, status, trace, command_id) {
let error_msg = {message: message, status: status, stacktrace: trace};
this.sendToClient({from:this.actorID, error: error_msg}, command_id);
* Gets the current active window
* @return nsIDOMWindow
getCurrentWindow: function MDA_getCurrentWindow() {
let type = null;
if (this.curFrame == null) {
if (this.curBrowser == null) {
if (this.context == "content") {
type = 'navigator:browser';
return Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(type);
else {
return this.curBrowser.window;
else {
return this.curFrame;
* Gets the the window enumerator
* @return nsISimpleEnumerator
getWinEnumerator: function MDA_getWinEnumerator() {
let type = null;
if (appName != "B2G" && this.context == "content") {
type = 'navigator:browser';
return Services.wm.getEnumerator(type);
* Create a new BrowserObj for window and add to known browsers
* @param nsIDOMWindow win
* Window for which we will create a BrowserObj
* @return string
* Returns the unique server-assigned ID of the window
addBrowser: function MDA_addBrowser(win) {
let browser = new BrowserObj(win, this);
let winId = win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
winId = winId + ((appName == "B2G") ? '-b2g' : '');
this.browsers[winId] = browser;
this.curBrowser = this.browsers[winId];
if (this.curBrowser.elementManager.seenItems[winId] == undefined) {
//add this to seenItems so we can guarantee the user will get winId as this window's id
this.curBrowser.elementManager.seenItems[winId] = Cu.getWeakReference(win);
* Start a new session in a new browser.
* If newSession is true, we will switch focus to the start frame
* when it registers. Also, if it is in desktop, then a new tab
* with the start page uri (about:blank) will be opened.
* @param nsIDOMWindow win
* Window whose browser we need to access
* @param boolean newSession
* True if this is the first time we're talking to this browser
startBrowser: function MDA_startBrowser(win, newSession) {
this.mainFrame = win;
this.curFrame = null;
this.curBrowser.newSession = newSession;
this.curBrowser.startSession(newSession, win, this.whenBrowserStarted.bind(this));
* Callback invoked after a new session has been started in a browser.
* Loads the Marionette frame script into the browser if needed.
* @param nsIDOMWindow win
* Window whose browser we need to access
* @param boolean newSession
* True if this is the first time we're talking to this browser
whenBrowserStarted: function MDA_whenBrowserStarted(win, newSession) {
try {
if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("marionette.contentListener") || !newSession) {
this.curBrowser.loadFrameScript(FRAME_SCRIPT, win);
catch (e) {
//there may not always be a content process
logger.info("could not load listener into content for page: " + win.location.href);
utils.window = win;
* Recursively get all labeled text
* @param nsIDOMElement el
* The parent element
* @param array lines
* Array that holds the text lines
getVisibleText: function MDA_getVisibleText(el, lines) {
let nodeName = el.nodeName;
try {
if (utils.isElementDisplayed(el)) {
if (el.value) {
for (var child in el.childNodes) {
this.getVisibleText(el.childNodes[child], lines);
catch (e) {
if (nodeName == "#text") {
getCommandId: function MDA_getCommandId() {
return this.uuidGen.generateUUID().toString();
* Given a file name, this will delete the file from the temp directory if it exists
deleteFile: function(filename) {
let file = FileUtils.getFile('TmpD', [filename.toString()]);
if (file.exists()) {
* Marionette API:
* All methods implementing a command from the client should create a
* command_id, and then use this command_id in all messages exchanged with
* the frame scripts and with responses sent to the client. This prevents
* commands and responses from getting out-of-sync, which can happen in
* the case of execute_async calls that timeout and then later send a
* response, and other situations. See bug 779011. See setScriptTimeout()
* for a basic example.
* Create a new session. This creates a new BrowserObj.
* In a desktop environment, this opens a new browser with
* "about:blank" which subsequent commands will be sent to.
* This will send a hash map of supported capabilities to the client
* as part of the Marionette:register IPC command in the
* receiveMessage callback when a new browser is created.
newSession: function MDA_newSession() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.newSessionCommandId = this.command_id;
this.scriptTimeout = 10000;
function waitForWindow() {
let win = this.getCurrentWindow();
if (!win) {
// If the window isn't even created, just poll wait for it
let checkTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
checkTimer.initWithCallback(waitForWindow.bind(this), 100,
else if (win.document.readyState != "complete") {
// Otherwise, wait for it to be fully loaded before proceeding
let listener = (evt) => {
// ensure that we proceed, on the top level document load event
// (not an iframe one...)
if (evt.target != win.document) {
win.removeEventListener("load", listener);
win.addEventListener("load", listener, true);
else {
this.startBrowser(win, true);
if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("marionette.contentListener")) {
else if ((appName != "Firefox") && (this.curBrowser == null)) {
// If there is a content listener, then we just wake it up
this.curBrowser.startSession(false, this.getCurrentWindow(),
this.messageManager.broadcastAsyncMessage("Marionette:restart", {});
else {
this.sendError("Session already running", 500, null,
* Send the current session's capabilities to the client.
* Capabilities informs the client of which WebDriver features are
* supported by Firefox and Marionette. They are immutable for the
* length of the session.
* The return value is an immutable map of string keys
* ("capabilities") to values, which may be of types boolean,
* numerical or string.
getSessionCapabilities: function MDA_getSessionCapabilities() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
let isB2G = appName == "B2G";
let platformName = Services.appinfo.OS.toUpperCase();
let caps = {
// Mandated capabilities
"browserName": appName,
"browserVersion": Services.appinfo.version,
"platformName": platformName,
"platformVersion": Services.appinfo.platformVersion,
// Supported features
"handlesAlerts": false,
"nativeEvents": false,
"rotatable": isB2G,
"secureSsl": false,
"takesElementScreenshot": true,
"takesScreenshot": true,
// Selenium 2 compat
"platform": platformName,
// Proprietary extensions
"XULappId" : Services.appinfo.ID,
"appBuildId" : Services.appinfo.appBuildID,
"device": qemu == "1" ? "qemu" : (!device ? "desktop" : device),
"version": Services.appinfo.version
// eideticker (bug 965297) and mochitest (bug 965304)
// compatibility. They only check for the presence of this
// property and should so not be in caps if not on a B2G device.
if (isB2G)
caps.b2g = true;
this.sendResponse(caps, this.command_id);
* Log message. Accepts user defined log-level.
* @param object aRequest
* 'value' member holds log message
* 'level' member hold log level
log: function MDA_log(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.marionetteLog.log(aRequest.parameters.value, aRequest.parameters.level);
* Return all logged messages.
getLogs: function MDA_getLogs() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.sendResponse(this.marionetteLog.getLogs(), this.command_id);
* Sets the context of the subsequent commands to be either 'chrome' or 'content'
* @param object aRequest
* 'value' member holds the name of the context to be switched to
setContext: function MDA_setContext(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.logRequest("setContext", aRequest);
let context = aRequest.parameters.value;
if (context != "content" && context != "chrome") {
this.sendError("invalid context", 500, null, this.command_id);
else {
this.context = context;
* Returns a chrome sandbox that can be used by the execute_foo functions.
* @param nsIDOMWindow aWindow
* Window in which we will execute code
* @param Marionette marionette
* Marionette test instance
* @param object args
* Client given args
* @return Sandbox
* Returns the sandbox
createExecuteSandbox: function MDA_createExecuteSandbox(aWindow, marionette, args, specialPowers, command_id) {
try {
args = this.curBrowser.elementManager.convertWrappedArguments(args, aWindow);
catch(e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
let _chromeSandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(aWindow,
{ sandboxPrototype: aWindow, wantXrays: false, sandboxName: ''});
_chromeSandbox.__namedArgs = this.curBrowser.elementManager.applyNamedArgs(args);
_chromeSandbox.__marionetteParams = args;
_chromeSandbox.testUtils = utils;
marionette.exports.forEach(function(fn) {
try {
_chromeSandbox[fn] = marionette[fn].bind(marionette);
catch(e) {
_chromeSandbox[fn] = marionette[fn];
_chromeSandbox.isSystemMessageListenerReady =
function() { return systemMessageListenerReady; }
if (specialPowers == true) {
return _chromeSandbox;
* Executes a script in the given sandbox.
* @param Sandbox sandbox
* Sandbox in which the script will run
* @param string script
* The script to run
* @param boolean directInject
* If true, then the script will be run as is,
* and not as a function body (as you would
* do using the WebDriver spec)
* @param boolean async
* True if the script is asynchronous
executeScriptInSandbox: function MDA_executeScriptInSandbox(sandbox, script,
directInject, async, command_id, timeout) {
if (directInject && async &&
(timeout == null || timeout == 0)) {
this.sendError("Please set a timeout", 21, null, command_id);
if (this.importedScripts.exists()) {
let stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].
stream.init(this.importedScripts, -1, 0, 0);
let data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(stream, stream.available());
script = data + script;
let res = Cu.evalInSandbox(script, sandbox, "1.8", "dummy file", 0);
if (directInject && !async &&
(res == undefined || res.passed == undefined)) {
this.sendError("finish() not called", 500, null, command_id);
if (!async) {
* Execute the given script either as a function body (executeScript)
* or directly (for 'mochitest' like JS Marionette tests)
* @param object aRequest
* 'script' member is the script to run
* 'args' member holds the arguments to the script
* @param boolean directInject
* if true, it will be run directly and not as a
* function body
execute: function MDA_execute(aRequest, directInject) {
let inactivityTimeout = aRequest.parameters.inactivityTimeout;
let timeout = aRequest.parameters.scriptTimeout ? aRequest.parameters.scriptTimeout : this.scriptTimeout;
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
let script;
this.logRequest("execute", aRequest);
if (aRequest.parameters.newSandbox == undefined) {
//if client does not send a value in newSandbox,
//then they expect the same behaviour as webdriver
aRequest.parameters.newSandbox = true;
if (this.context == "content") {
script: aRequest.parameters.script,
args: aRequest.parameters.args,
newSandbox: aRequest.parameters.newSandbox,
timeout: timeout,
specialPowers: aRequest.parameters.specialPowers,
filename: aRequest.parameters.filename,
line: aRequest.parameters.line
// handle the inactivity timeout
let that = this;
if (inactivityTimeout) {
let inactivityTimeoutHandler = function(message, status) {
let error_msg = {message: value, status: status};
that.sendToClient({from: that.actorID, error: error_msg},
let setTimer = function() {
that.inactivityTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
if (that.inactivityTimer != null) {
that.inactivityTimer.initWithCallback(function() {
inactivityTimeoutHandler("timed out due to inactivity", 28);
}, inactivityTimeout, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONESHOT);
this.heartbeatCallback = function resetInactivityTimer() {
let curWindow = this.getCurrentWindow();
let marionette = new Marionette(this, curWindow, "chrome",
timeout, this.heartbeatCallback, this.testName);
let _chromeSandbox = this.createExecuteSandbox(curWindow,
if (!_chromeSandbox)
try {
_chromeSandbox.finish = function chromeSandbox_finish() {
if (that.inactivityTimer != null) {
return marionette.generate_results();
if (directInject) {
script = aRequest.parameters.script;
else {
script = "let func = function() {" +
aRequest.parameters.script +
"};" +
"func.apply(null, __marionetteParams);";
this.executeScriptInSandbox(_chromeSandbox, script, directInject,
false, command_id, timeout);
catch (e) {
let error = createStackMessage(e,
this.sendError(error[0], 17, error[1], command_id);
* Set the timeout for asynchronous script execution
* @param object aRequest
* 'ms' member is time in milliseconds to set timeout
setScriptTimeout: function MDA_setScriptTimeout(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
let timeout = parseInt(aRequest.parameters.ms);
this.sendError("Not a Number", 500, null, this.command_id);
else {
this.scriptTimeout = timeout;
* execute pure JS script. Used to execute 'mochitest'-style Marionette tests.
* @param object aRequest
* 'script' member holds the script to execute
* 'args' member holds the arguments to the script
* 'timeout' member will be used as the script timeout if it is given
executeJSScript: function MDA_executeJSScript(aRequest) {
let timeout = aRequest.parameters.scriptTimeout ? aRequest.parameters.scriptTimeout : this.scriptTimeout;
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
//all pure JS scripts will need to call Marionette.finish() to complete the test.
if (aRequest.newSandbox == undefined) {
//if client does not send a value in newSandbox,
//then they expect the same behaviour as webdriver
aRequest.newSandbox = true;
if (this.context == "chrome") {
if (aRequest.parameters.async) {
this.executeWithCallback(aRequest, aRequest.parameters.async);
else {
this.execute(aRequest, true);
else {
script: aRequest.parameters.script,
args: aRequest.parameters.args,
newSandbox: aRequest.parameters.newSandbox,
async: aRequest.parameters.async,
timeout: timeout,
inactivityTimeout: aRequest.parameters.inactivityTimeout,
specialPowers: aRequest.parameters.specialPowers,
filename: aRequest.parameters.filename,
line: aRequest.parameters.line,
* This function is used by executeAsync and executeJSScript to execute a script
* in a sandbox.
* For executeJSScript, it will return a message only when the finish() method is called.
* For executeAsync, it will return a response when marionetteScriptFinished/arguments[arguments.length-1]
* method is called, or if it times out.
* @param object aRequest
* 'script' member holds the script to execute
* 'args' member holds the arguments for the script
* @param boolean directInject
* if true, it will be run directly and not as a
* function body
executeWithCallback: function MDA_executeWithCallback(aRequest, directInject) {
let inactivityTimeout = aRequest.parameters.inactivityTimeout;
let timeout = aRequest.parameters.scriptTimeout ? aRequest.parameters.scriptTimeout : this.scriptTimeout;
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
let script;
this.logRequest("executeWithCallback", aRequest);
if (aRequest.parameters.newSandbox == undefined) {
//if client does not send a value in newSandbox,
//then they expect the same behaviour as webdriver
aRequest.parameters.newSandbox = true;
if (this.context == "content") {
script: aRequest.parameters.script,
args: aRequest.parameters.args,
id: this.command_id,
newSandbox: aRequest.parameters.newSandbox,
timeout: timeout,
inactivityTimeout: inactivityTimeout,
specialPowers: aRequest.parameters.specialPowers,
filename: aRequest.parameters.filename,
line: aRequest.parameters.line
// handle the inactivity timeout
let that = this;
if (inactivityTimeout) {
this.inactivityTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
if (this.inactivityTimer != null) {
this.inactivityTimer.initWithCallback(function() {
chromeAsyncReturnFunc("timed out due to inactivity", 28);
}, inactivityTimeout, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONESHOT);
this.heartbeatCallback = function resetInactivityTimer() {
that.inactivityTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
if (that.inactivityTimer != null) {
that.inactivityTimer.initWithCallback(function() {
chromeAsyncReturnFunc("timed out due to inactivity", 28);
}, inactivityTimeout, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONESHOT);
let curWindow = this.getCurrentWindow();
let original_onerror = curWindow.onerror;
let that = this;
that.timeout = timeout;
let marionette = new Marionette(this, curWindow, "chrome",
timeout, this.heartbeatCallback, this.testName);
marionette.command_id = this.command_id;
function chromeAsyncReturnFunc(value, status, stacktrace) {
if (that._emu_cbs && Object.keys(that._emu_cbs).length) {
value = "Emulator callback still pending when finish() called";
status = 500;
that._emu_cbs = null;
if (value == undefined)
value = null;
if (that.command_id == marionette.command_id) {
if (that.timer != null) {
that.timer = null;
curWindow.onerror = original_onerror;
if (status == 0 || status == undefined) {
that.sendToClient({from: that.actorID, value: that.curBrowser.elementManager.wrapValue(value), status: status},
else {
let error_msg = {message: value, status: status, stacktrace: stacktrace};
that.sendToClient({from: that.actorID, error: error_msg},
if (that.inactivityTimer != null) {
curWindow.onerror = function (errorMsg, url, lineNumber) {
chromeAsyncReturnFunc(errorMsg + " at: " + url + " line: " + lineNumber, 17);
return true;
function chromeAsyncFinish() {
chromeAsyncReturnFunc(marionette.generate_results(), 0);
let _chromeSandbox = this.createExecuteSandbox(curWindow,
if (!_chromeSandbox)
try {
this.timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
if (this.timer != null) {
this.timer.initWithCallback(function() {
chromeAsyncReturnFunc("timed out", 28);
}, that.timeout, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONESHOT);
_chromeSandbox.returnFunc = chromeAsyncReturnFunc;
_chromeSandbox.finish = chromeAsyncFinish;
if (directInject) {
script = aRequest.parameters.script;
else {
script = '__marionetteParams.push(returnFunc);'
+ 'let marionetteScriptFinished = returnFunc;'
+ 'let __marionetteFunc = function() {' + aRequest.parameters.script + '};'
+ '__marionetteFunc.apply(null, __marionetteParams);';
this.executeScriptInSandbox(_chromeSandbox, script, directInject,
true, command_id, timeout);
} catch (e) {
let error = createStackMessage(e,
chromeAsyncReturnFunc(error[0], 17, error[1]);
* Navigate to to given URL.
* This will follow redirects issued by the server. When the method
* returns is based on the page load strategy that the user has
* selected.
* Documents that contain a META tag with the "http-equiv" attribute
* set to "refresh" will return if the timeout is greater than 1
* second and the other criteria for determining whether a page is
* loaded are met. When the refresh period is 1 second or less and
* the page load strategy is "normal" or "conservative", it will
* wait for the page to complete loading before returning.
* If any modal dialog box, such as those opened on
* window.onbeforeunload or window.alert, is opened at any point in
* the page load, it will return immediately.
* If a 401 response is seen by the browser, it will return
* immediately. That is, if BASIC, DIGEST, NTLM or similar
* authentication is required, the page load is assumed to be
* complete. This does not include FORM-based authentication.
* @param object aRequest where <code>url</code> property holds the
* URL to navigate to
get: function MDA_get(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context != "chrome") {
aRequest.command_id = command_id;
aRequest.parameters.pageTimeout = this.pageTimeout;
this.sendAsync("get", aRequest.parameters, command_id);
this.getCurrentWindow().location.href = aRequest.parameters.url;
let checkTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
let start = new Date().getTime();
let end = null;
function checkLoad() {
end = new Date().getTime();
let elapse = end - start;
if (this.pageTimeout == null || elapse <= this.pageTimeout){
if (curWindow.document.readyState == "complete") {
checkTimer.initWithCallback(checkLoad, 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
sendError("Error loading page", 13, null, command_id);
checkTimer.initWithCallback(checkLoad, 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
* Get a string representing the current URL.
* On Desktop this returns a string representation of the URL of the
* current top level browsing context. This is equivalent to
* document.location.href.
* When in the context of the chrome, this returns the canonical URL
* of the current resource.
getCurrentUrl: function MDA_getCurrentUrl() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
this.sendResponse(this.getCurrentWindow().location.href, this.command_id);
else {
this.sendAsync("getCurrentUrl", {}, this.command_id);
* Gets the current title of the window
getTitle: function MDA_getTitle() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome"){
var curWindow = this.getCurrentWindow();
var title = curWindow.document.documentElement.getAttribute('title');
this.sendResponse(title, this.command_id);
else {
this.sendAsync("getTitle", {}, this.command_id);
* Gets the current type of the window
getWindowType: function MDA_getWindowType() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
var curWindow = this.getCurrentWindow();
var type = curWindow.document.documentElement.getAttribute('windowtype');
this.sendResponse(type, this.command_id);
* Gets the page source of the content document
getPageSource: function MDA_getPageSource(){
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome"){
let curWindow = this.getCurrentWindow();
let XMLSerializer = curWindow.XMLSerializer;
let pageSource = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(curWindow.document);
this.sendResponse(pageSource, this.command_id);
else {
this.sendAsync("getPageSource", {}, this.command_id);
* Go back in history
goBack: function MDA_goBack() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.sendAsync("goBack", {}, this.command_id);
* Go forward in history
goForward: function MDA_goForward() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.sendAsync("goForward", {}, this.command_id);
* Refresh the page
refresh: function MDA_refresh() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.sendAsync("refresh", {}, this.command_id);
* Get the current window's handle.
* Return an opaque server-assigned identifier to this window that
* uniquely identifies it within this Marionette instance. This can
* be used to switch to this window at a later point.
* @return unique window handle (string)
getWindowHandle: function MDA_getWindowHandle() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
for (let i in this.browsers) {
if (this.curBrowser == this.browsers[i]) {
this.sendResponse(i, this.command_id);
* Get list of windows in the current context.
* If called in the content context it will return a list of
* references to all available browser windows. Called in the
* chrome context, it will list all available windows, not just
* browser windows (e.g. not just navigator.browser).
* Each window handle is assigned by the server, and the array of
* strings returned does not have a guaranteed ordering.
* @return unordered array of unique window handles as strings
getWindowHandles: function MDA_getWindowHandles() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
let res = [];
let winEn = this.getWinEnumerator();
while (winEn.hasMoreElements()) {
let foundWin = winEn.getNext();
let winId = foundWin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
winId = winId + ((appName == "B2G") ? "-b2g" : "");
this.sendResponse(res, this.command_id);
* Switch to a window based on name or server-assigned id.
* Searches based on name, then id.
* @param object aRequest
* 'name' member holds the name or id of the window to switch to
switchToWindow: function MDA_switchToWindow(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
let winEn = this.getWinEnumerator();
while(winEn.hasMoreElements()) {
let foundWin = winEn.getNext();
let winId = foundWin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
winId = winId + ((appName == "B2G") ? '-b2g' : '');
if (aRequest.parameters.name == foundWin.name || aRequest.parameters.name == winId) {
if (this.browsers[winId] == undefined) {
//enable Marionette in that browser window
this.startBrowser(foundWin, false);
else {
utils.window = foundWin;
this.curBrowser = this.browsers[winId];
this.sendError("Unable to locate window " + aRequest.parameters.name, 23, null,
getActiveFrame: function MDA_getActiveFrame() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
if (this.curFrame) {
let frameUid = this.curBrowser.elementManager.addToKnownElements(this.curFrame.frameElement);
this.sendResponse(frameUid, this.command_id);
} else {
// no current frame, we're at toplevel
this.sendResponse(null, this.command_id);
} else {
// not chrome
this.sendResponse(this.currentFrameElement, this.command_id);
* Switch to a given frame within the current window
* @param object aRequest
* 'element' is the element to switch to
* 'id' if element is not set, then this
* holds either the id, name or index
* of the frame to switch to
switchToFrame: function MDA_switchToFrame(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.logRequest("switchToFrame", aRequest);
let checkTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
let curWindow = this.getCurrentWindow();
let checkLoad = function() {
let errorRegex = /about:.+(error)|(blocked)\?/;
let curWindow = this.getCurrentWindow();
if (curWindow.document.readyState == "complete") {
else if (curWindow.document.readyState == "interactive" && errorRegex.exec(curWindow.document.baseURI)) {
this.sendError("Error loading page", 13, null, command_id);
checkTimer.initWithCallback(checkLoad.bind(this), 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
if (this.context == "chrome") {
let foundFrame = null;
if ((aRequest.parameters.id == null) && (aRequest.parameters.element == null)) {
this.curFrame = null;
if (aRequest.parameters.focus) {
checkTimer.initWithCallback(checkLoad.bind(this), 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
if (aRequest.parameters.element != undefined) {
if (this.curBrowser.elementManager.seenItems[aRequest.parameters.element]) {
let wantedFrame = this.curBrowser.elementManager.getKnownElement(aRequest.parameters.element, curWindow); //HTMLIFrameElement
// Deal with an embedded xul:browser case
if (wantedFrame.tagName == "xul:browser") {
curWindow = wantedFrame.contentWindow;
this.curFrame = curWindow;
if (aRequest.parameters.focus) {
checkTimer.initWithCallback(checkLoad.bind(this), 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
// else, assume iframe
let frames = curWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
let numFrames = frames.length;
for (let i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) {
if (XPCNativeWrapper(frames[i]) == XPCNativeWrapper(wantedFrame)) {
curWindow = frames[i].contentWindow;
this.curFrame = curWindow;
if (aRequest.parameters.focus) {
checkTimer.initWithCallback(checkLoad.bind(this), 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
switch(typeof(aRequest.parameters.id)) {
case "string" :
let foundById = null;
let frames = curWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
let numFrames = frames.length;
for (let i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) {
//give precedence to name
let frame = frames[i];
if (frame.getAttribute("name") == aRequest.parameters.id) {
foundFrame = i;
curWindow = frame.contentWindow;
} else if ((foundById == null) && (frame.id == aRequest.parameters.id)) {
foundById = i;
if ((foundFrame == null) && (foundById != null)) {
foundFrame = foundById;
curWindow = frames[foundById].contentWindow;
case "number":
if (curWindow.frames[aRequest.parameters.id] != undefined) {
foundFrame = aRequest.parameters.id;
curWindow = curWindow.frames[foundFrame].frameElement.contentWindow;
if (foundFrame != null) {
this.curFrame = curWindow;
if (aRequest.parameters.focus) {
checkTimer.initWithCallback(checkLoad.bind(this), 100, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
} else {
this.sendError("Unable to locate frame: " + aRequest.parameters.id, 8, null,
else {
if ((!aRequest.parameters.id) && (!aRequest.parameters.element) &&
(this.curBrowser.frameManager.currentRemoteFrame !== null)) {
// We're currently using a ChromeMessageSender for a remote frame, so this
// request indicates we need to switch back to the top-level (parent) frame.
// We'll first switch to the parent's (global) ChromeMessageBroadcaster, so
// we send the message to the right listener.
aRequest.command_id = command_id;
this.sendAsync("switchToFrame", aRequest.parameters, command_id);
* Set timeout for searching for elements
* @param object aRequest
* 'ms' holds the search timeout in milliseconds
setSearchTimeout: function MDA_setSearchTimeout(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
let timeout = parseInt(aRequest.parameters.ms);
if (isNaN(timeout)) {
this.sendError("Not a Number", 500, null, this.command_id);
else {
this.searchTimeout = timeout;
* Set timeout for page loading, searching and scripts
* @param object aRequest
* 'type' hold the type of timeout
* 'ms' holds the timeout in milliseconds
timeouts: function MDA_timeouts(aRequest){
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
let timeout_type = aRequest.parameters.type;
let timeout = parseInt(aRequest.parameters.ms);
if (isNaN(timeout)) {
this.sendError("Not a Number", 500, null, this.command_id);
else {
if (timeout_type == "implicit") {
else if (timeout_type == "script") {
else {
this.pageTimeout = timeout;
* Single Tap
* @param object aRequest
'element' represents the ID of the element to single tap on
singleTap: function MDA_singleTap(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
let serId = aRequest.parameters.id;
let x = aRequest.parameters.x;
let y = aRequest.parameters.y;
if (this.context == "chrome") {
this.sendError("Command 'singleTap' is not available in chrome context", 500, null, this.command_id);
else {
id: serId,
corx: x,
cory: y
* actionChain
* @param object aRequest
* 'value' represents a nested array: inner array represents each event; outer array represents collection of events
actionChain: function MDA_actionChain(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
this.sendError("Command 'actionChain' is not available in chrome context", 500, null, this.command_id);
else {
chain: aRequest.parameters.chain,
nextId: aRequest.parameters.nextId
* multiAction
* @param object aRequest
* 'value' represents a nested array: inner array represents each event;
* middle array represents collection of events for each finger
* outer array represents all the fingers
multiAction: function MDA_multiAction(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
this.sendError("Command 'multiAction' is not available in chrome context", 500, null, this.command_id);
else {
value: aRequest.parameters.value,
maxlen: aRequest.parameters.max_length
* Find an element using the indicated search strategy.
* @param object aRequest
* 'using' member indicates which search method to use
* 'value' member is the value the client is looking for
findElement: function MDA_findElement(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
let id;
try {
let on_success = this.sendResponse.bind(this);
let on_error = this.sendError.bind(this);
id = this.curBrowser.elementManager.find(
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
value: aRequest.parameters.value,
using: aRequest.parameters.using,
element: aRequest.parameters.element,
searchTimeout: this.searchTimeout
* Find elements using the indicated search strategy.
* @param object aRequest
* 'using' member indicates which search method to use
* 'value' member is the value the client is looking for
findElements: function MDA_findElements(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
let id;
try {
let on_success = this.sendResponse.bind(this);
let on_error = this.sendError.bind(this);
id = this.curBrowser.elementManager.find(this.getCurrentWindow(),
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
value: aRequest.parameters.value,
using: aRequest.parameters.using,
element: aRequest.parameters.element,
searchTimeout: this.searchTimeout
* Return the active element on the page
getActiveElement: function MDA_getActiveElement(){
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.sendAsync("getActiveElement", {}, command_id);
* Send click event to element
* @param object aRequest
* 'id' member holds the reference id to
* the element that will be clicked
clickElement: function MDA_clickElementent(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
try {
//NOTE: click atom fails, fall back to click() action
let el = this.curBrowser.elementManager.getKnownElement(
aRequest.parameters.id, this.getCurrentWindow());
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
// We need to protect against the click causing an OOP frame to close.
// This fires the mozbrowserclose event when it closes so we need to
// listen for it and then just send an error back. The person making the
// call should be aware something isnt right and handle accordingly
let curWindow = this.getCurrentWindow();
let self = this;
this.mozBrowserClose = function() {
curWindow.removeEventListener('mozbrowserclose', self.mozBrowserClose, true);
self.sendError("The frame closed during the click, recovering to allow further communications", 500, null, command_id);
curWindow.addEventListener('mozbrowserclose', this.mozBrowserClose, true);
{ id: aRequest.parameters.id },
* Get a given attribute of an element
* @param object aRequest
* 'id' member holds the reference id to
* the element that will be inspected
* 'name' member holds the name of the attribute to retrieve
getElementAttribute: function MDA_getElementAttribute(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
try {
let el = this.curBrowser.elementManager.getKnownElement(
aRequest.parameters.id, this.getCurrentWindow());
this.sendResponse(utils.getElementAttribute(el, aRequest.parameters.name),
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
id: aRequest.parameters.id,
name: aRequest.parameters.name
* Get the text of an element, if any. Includes the text of all child elements.
* @param object aRequest
* 'id' member holds the reference id to
* the element that will be inspected
getElementText: function MDA_getElementText(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
//Note: for chrome, we look at text nodes, and any node with a "label" field
try {
let el = this.curBrowser.elementManager.getKnownElement(
aRequest.parameters.id, this.getCurrentWindow());
let lines = [];
this.getVisibleText(el, lines);
lines = lines.join("\n");
this.sendResponse(lines, command_id);
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
{ id: aRequest.parameters.id },
* Get the tag name of the element.
* @param object aRequest
* 'id' member holds the reference id to
* the element that will be inspected
getElementTagName: function MDA_getElementTagName(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
try {
let el = this.curBrowser.elementManager.getKnownElement(
aRequest.parameters.id, this.getCurrentWindow());
this.sendResponse(el.tagName.toLowerCase(), command_id);
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
{ id: aRequest.parameters.id },
* Check if element is displayed
* @param object aRequest
* 'id' member holds the reference id to
* the element that will be checked
isElementDisplayed: function MDA_isElementDisplayed(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
try {
let el = this.curBrowser.elementManager.getKnownElement(
aRequest.parameters.id, this.getCurrentWindow());
this.sendResponse(utils.isElementDisplayed(el), command_id);
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
{ id:aRequest.parameters.id },
* Return the property of the computed style of an element
* @param object aRequest
* 'id' member holds the reference id to
* the element that will be checked
* 'propertyName' is the CSS rule that is being requested
getElementValueOfCssProperty: function MDA_getElementValueOfCssProperty(aRequest){
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
{id: aRequest.parameters.id, propertyName: aRequest.parameters.propertyName},
* Submit a form on a content page by either using form or element in a form
* @param object aRequest
* 'id' member holds the reference id to
* the element that will be checked
submitElement: function MDA_submitElement(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
this.sendError("Command 'submitElement' is not available in chrome context", 500, null, this.command_id);
else {
this.sendAsync("submitElement", {id: aRequest.parameters.id}, command_id);
* Check if element is enabled
* @param object aRequest
* 'id' member holds the reference id to
* the element that will be checked
isElementEnabled: function MDA_isElementEnabled(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
try {
//Selenium atom doesn't quite work here
let el = this.curBrowser.elementManager.getKnownElement(
aRequest.parameters.id, this.getCurrentWindow());
if (el.disabled != undefined) {
this.sendResponse(!!!el.disabled, command_id);
else {
this.sendResponse(true, command_id);
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
{ id:aRequest.parameters.id },
* Check if element is selected
* @param object aRequest
* 'id' member holds the reference id to
* the element that will be checked
isElementSelected: function MDA_isElementSelected(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
try {
//Selenium atom doesn't quite work here
let el = this.curBrowser.elementManager.getKnownElement(
aRequest.parameters.id, this.getCurrentWindow());
if (el.checked != undefined) {
this.sendResponse(!!el.checked, command_id);
else if (el.selected != undefined) {
this.sendResponse(!!el.selected, command_id);
else {
this.sendResponse(true, command_id);
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
{ id:aRequest.parameters.id },
getElementSize: function MDA_getElementSize(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
try {
let el = this.curBrowser.elementManager.getKnownElement(
aRequest.parameters.id, this.getCurrentWindow());
let clientRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
this.sendResponse({width: clientRect.width, height: clientRect.height},
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
{ id:aRequest.parameters.id },
getElementRect: function MDA_getElementRect(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
try {
let el = this.curBrowser.elementManager.getKnownElement(
aRequest.parameters.id, this.getCurrentWindow());
let clientRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
this.sendResponse({x: clientRect.x + this.getCurrentWindow().pageXOffset,
y: clientRect.y + this.getCurrentWindow().pageYOffset,
width: clientRect.width, height: clientRect.height},
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
{ id:aRequest.parameters.id },
* Send key presses to element after focusing on it
* @param object aRequest
* 'id' member holds the reference id to
* the element that will be checked
* 'value' member holds the value to send to the element
sendKeysToElement: function MDA_sendKeysToElement(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
try {
let el = this.curBrowser.elementManager.getKnownElement(
aRequest.parameters.id, this.getCurrentWindow());
utils.sendString(aRequest.parameters.value.join(""), utils.window);
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
value: aRequest.parameters.value
* Sets the test name
* The test name is used in logging messages.
setTestName: function MDA_setTestName(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.logRequest("setTestName", aRequest);
this.testName = aRequest.parameters.value;
{ value: aRequest.parameters.value },
* Clear the text of an element
* @param object aRequest
* 'id' member holds the reference id to
* the element that will be cleared
clearElement: function MDA_clearElement(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (this.context == "chrome") {
//the selenium atom doesn't work here
try {
let el = this.curBrowser.elementManager.getKnownElement(
aRequest.parameters.id, this.getCurrentWindow());
if (el.nodeName == "textbox") {
el.value = "";
else if (el.nodeName == "checkbox") {
el.checked = false;
catch (e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, command_id);
else {
{ id:aRequest.parameters.id },
* Get an element's location on the page.
* The returned point will contain the x and y coordinates of the
* top left-hand corner of the given element. The point (0,0)
* refers to the upper-left corner of the document.
* @return a point containing x and y coordinates as properties
getElementLocation: function MDA_getElementLocation(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.sendAsync("getElementLocation", {id: aRequest.parameters.id},
* Add a cookie to the document.
addCookie: function MDA_addCookie(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
{ cookie:aRequest.parameters.cookie },
* Get all the cookies for the current domain.
* This is the equivalent of calling "document.cookie" and parsing
* the result.
getCookies: function MDA_getCookies() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.sendAsync("getCookies", {}, this.command_id);
* Delete all cookies that are visible to a document
deleteAllCookies: function MDA_deleteAllCookies() {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.sendAsync("deleteAllCookies", {}, this.command_id);
* Delete a cookie by name
deleteCookie: function MDA_deleteCookie(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
{ name:aRequest.parameters.name },
* Close the current window, ending the session if it's the last
* window currently open.
* On B2G this method is a noop and will return immediately.
close: function MDA_close() {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
if (appName == "B2G") {
// We can't close windows so just return
else {
// Get the total number of windows
let numOpenWindows = 0;
let winEnum = this.getWinEnumerator();
while (winEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
numOpenWindows += 1;
// if there is only 1 window left, delete the session
if (numOpenWindows === 1) {
try {
catch (e) {
this.sendError("Could not clear session", 500,
e.name + ": " + e.message, command_id);
try {
catch (e) {
this.sendError("Could not close window: " + e.message, 13, e.stack,
* Deletes the session.
* If it is a desktop environment, it will close the session's tab and close all listeners
* If it is a B2G environment, it will make the main content listener sleep, and close
* all other listeners. The main content listener persists after disconnect (it's the homescreen),
* and can safely be reused.
sessionTearDown: function MDA_sessionTearDown() {
if (this.curBrowser != null) {
if (appName == "B2G") {
"Marionette:sleepSession" + this.curBrowser.mainContentId, {});
this.curBrowser.knownFrames.indexOf(this.curBrowser.mainContentId), 1);
else {
//don't set this pref for B2G since the framescript can be safely reused
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("marionette.contentListener", false);
//delete session in each frame in each browser
for (let win in this.browsers) {
for (let i in this.browsers[win].knownFrames) {
this.globalMessageManager.broadcastAsyncMessage("Marionette:deleteSession" + this.browsers[win].knownFrames[i], {});
let winEnum = this.getWinEnumerator();
while (winEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
// reset frame to the top-most frame
this.curFrame = null;
if (this.mainFrame) {
* Processes the 'deleteSession' request from the client by tearing down
* the session and responding 'ok'.
deleteSession: function MDA_deleteSession() {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
try {
catch (e) {
this.sendError("Could not delete session", 500, e.name + ": " + e.message, command_id);
* Returns the current status of the Application Cache
getAppCacheStatus: function MDA_getAppCacheStatus(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
this.sendAsync("getAppCacheStatus", {}, this.command_id);
_emu_cb_id: 0,
_emu_cbs: null,
runEmulatorCmd: function runEmulatorCmd(cmd, callback) {
if (callback) {
if (!this._emu_cbs) {
this._emu_cbs = {};
this._emu_cbs[this._emu_cb_id] = callback;
this.sendToClient({emulator_cmd: cmd, id: this._emu_cb_id}, -1);
this._emu_cb_id += 1;
runEmulatorShell: function runEmulatorShell(args, callback) {
if (callback) {
if (!this._emu_cbs) {
this._emu_cbs = {};
this._emu_cbs[this._emu_cb_id] = callback;
this.sendToClient({emulator_shell: args, id: this._emu_cb_id}, -1);
this._emu_cb_id += 1;
emulatorCmdResult: function emulatorCmdResult(message) {
if (this.context != "chrome") {
this.sendAsync("emulatorCmdResult", message, -1);
if (!this._emu_cbs) {
let cb = this._emu_cbs[message.id];
delete this._emu_cbs[message.id];
if (!cb) {
try {
catch(e) {
this.sendError(e.message, e.code, e.stack, -1);
importScript: function MDA_importScript(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
let converter =
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
let result = {};
let data = converter.convertToByteArray(aRequest.parameters.script, result);
let ch = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"]
ch.update(data, data.length);
let hash = ch.finish(true);
if (this.importedScriptHashes[this.context].indexOf(hash) > -1) {
//we have already imported this script
if (this.context == "chrome") {
let file;
if (this.importedScripts.exists()) {
file = FileUtils.openFileOutputStream(this.importedScripts,
else {
//Note: The permission bits here don't actually get set (bug 804563)
Components.interfaces.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, parseInt("0666", 8));
file = FileUtils.openFileOutputStream(this.importedScripts,
this.importedScripts.permissions = parseInt("0666", 8); //actually set permissions
file.write(aRequest.parameters.script, aRequest.parameters.script.length);
else {
{ script: aRequest.parameters.script },
clearImportedScripts: function MDA_clearImportedScripts(aRequest) {
let command_id = this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
try {
if (this.context == "chrome") {
else {
catch (e) {
this.sendError("Could not clear imported scripts", 500, e.name + ": " + e.message, command_id);
* Takes a screenshot of a web element or the current frame.
* The screen capture is returned as a lossless PNG image encoded as
* a base 64 string. If the <code>id</code> argument is not null
* and refers to a present and visible web element's ID, the capture
* area will be limited to the bounding box of that element.
* Otherwise, the capture area will be the bounding box of the
* current frame.
* @param id an optional reference to a web element
* @param highlights an optional list of web elements to draw a red
* box around in the returned capture
* @return PNG image encoded as base 64 string
takeScreenshot: function MDA_takeScreenshot(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
{id: aRequest.parameters.id,
highlights: aRequest.parameters.highlights},
* Get the current browser orientation.
* Will return one of the valid primary orientation values
* portrait-primary, landscape-primary, portrait-secondary, or
* landscape-secondary.
getScreenOrientation: function MDA_getScreenOrientation(aRequest) {
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
let curWindow = this.getCurrentWindow();
let or = curWindow.screen.mozOrientation;
this.sendResponse(or, this.command_id);
* Set the current browser orientation.
* The supplied orientation should be given as one of the valid
* orientation values. If the orientation is unknown, an error will
* be raised.
* Valid orientations are "portrait" and "landscape", which fall
* back to "portrait-primary" and "landscape-primary" respectively,
* and "portrait-secondary" as well as "landscape-secondary".
setScreenOrientation: function MDA_setScreenOrientation(aRequest) {
const ors = ["portrait", "landscape",
"portrait-primary", "landscape-primary",
"portrait-secondary", "landscape-secondary"];
this.command_id = this.getCommandId();
let or = String(aRequest.parameters.orientation);
let mozOr = or.toLowerCase();
if (ors.indexOf(mozOr) < 0) {
this.sendError("Unknown screen orientation: " + or, 500, null,
let curWindow = this.getCurrentWindow();
if (!curWindow.screen.mozLockOrientation(mozOr)) {
this.sendError("Unable to set screen orientation: " + or, 500,
null, this.command_id);
* Helper function to convert an outerWindowID into a UID that Marionette
* tracks.
generateFrameId: function MDA_generateFrameId(id) {
let uid = id + (appName == "B2G" ? "-b2g" : "");
return uid;
* Receives all messages from content messageManager
receiveMessage: function MDA_receiveMessage(message) {
// We need to just check if we need to remove the mozbrowserclose listener
if (this.mozBrowserClose !== null){
let curWindow = this.getCurrentWindow();
curWindow.removeEventListener('mozbrowserclose', this.mozBrowserClose, true);
this.mozBrowserClose = null;
switch (message.name) {
case "Marionette:done":
this.sendResponse(message.json.value, message.json.command_id);
case "Marionette:ok":
case "Marionette:error":
this.sendError(message.json.message, message.json.status, message.json.stacktrace, message.json.command_id);
case "Marionette:log":
//log server-side messages
case "Marionette:shareData":
//log messages from tests
if (message.json.log) {
case "Marionette:runEmulatorCmd":
case "Marionette:runEmulatorShell":
this.sendToClient(message.json, -1);
case "Marionette:switchToFrame":
this.messageManager = this.curBrowser.frameManager.currentRemoteFrame.messageManager.get();
case "Marionette:switchToModalOrigin":
this.messageManager = this.curBrowser.frameManager.currentRemoteFrame.messageManager.get();
case "Marionette:switchedToFrame":
logger.info("Switched to frame: " + JSON.stringify(message.json));
if (message.json.restorePrevious) {
this.currentFrameElement = this.previousFrameElement;
else {
if (message.json.storePrevious) {
// we don't arbitrarily save previousFrameElement, since
// we allow frame switching after modals appear, which would
// override this value and we'd lose our reference
this.previousFrameElement = this.currentFrameElement;
this.currentFrameElement = message.json.frameValue;
case "Marionette:register":
// This code processes the content listener's registration information
// and either accepts the listener, or ignores it
let nullPrevious = (this.curBrowser.curFrameId == null);
let listenerWindow =
//go in here if we're already in a remote frame.
if ((!listenerWindow || (listenerWindow.location &&
listenerWindow.location.href != message.json.href)) &&
(this.curBrowser.frameManager.currentRemoteFrame !== null)) {
// The outerWindowID from an OOP frame will not be meaningful to
// the parent process here, since each process maintains its own
// independent window list. So, it will either be null (!listenerWindow)
// if we're already in a remote frame,
// or it will point to some random window, which will hopefully
// cause an href mismatch. Currently this only happens
// in B2G for OOP frames registered in Marionette:switchToFrame, so
// we'll acknowledge the switchToFrame message here.
// XXX: Should have a better way of determining that this message
// is from a remote frame.
this.curBrowser.frameManager.currentRemoteFrame.targetFrameId = this.generateFrameId(message.json.value);
let browserType;
try {
browserType = message.target.getAttribute("type");
} catch (ex) {
// browserType remains undefined.
let reg = {};
// this will be sent to tell the content process if it is the main content
let mainContent = (this.curBrowser.mainContentId == null);
if (!browserType || browserType != "content") {
//curBrowser holds all the registered frames in knownFrames
reg.id = this.curBrowser.register(this.generateFrameId(message.json.value),
// set to true if we updated mainContentId
mainContent = ((mainContent == true) && (this.curBrowser.mainContentId != null));
if (mainContent) {
this.mainContentFrameId = this.curBrowser.curFrameId;
this.curBrowser.elementManager.seenItems[reg.id] = Cu.getWeakReference(listenerWindow);
if (nullPrevious && (this.curBrowser.curFrameId != null)) {
if (!this.sendAsync("newSession",
{ B2G: (appName == "B2G") },
this.newSessionCommandId)) {
if (this.curBrowser.newSession) {
this.newSessionCommandId = null;
return [reg, mainContent];
case "Marionette:emitTouchEvent":
let globalMessageManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/globalmessagemanager;1"]
"MarionetteMainListener:emitTouchEvent", message.json);
MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.requestTypes = {
"getMarionetteID": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getMarionetteID,
"sayHello": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.sayHello,
"newSession": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.newSession,
"getSessionCapabilities": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getSessionCapabilities,
"log": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.log,
"getLogs": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getLogs,
"setContext": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.setContext,
"executeScript": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.execute,
"setScriptTimeout": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.setScriptTimeout,
"timeouts": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.timeouts,
"singleTap": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.singleTap,
"actionChain": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.actionChain,
"multiAction": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.multiAction,
"executeAsyncScript": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.executeWithCallback,
"executeJSScript": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.executeJSScript,
"setSearchTimeout": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.setSearchTimeout,
"findElement": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.findElement,
"findElements": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.findElements,
"clickElement": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.clickElement,
"getElementAttribute": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getElementAttribute,
"getElementText": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getElementText,
"getElementTagName": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getElementTagName,
"isElementDisplayed": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.isElementDisplayed,
"getElementValueOfCssProperty": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getElementValueOfCssProperty,
"submitElement": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.submitElement,
"getElementSize": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getElementSize, //deprecated
"getElementRect": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getElementRect,
"isElementEnabled": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.isElementEnabled,
"isElementSelected": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.isElementSelected,
"sendKeysToElement": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.sendKeysToElement,
"getElementLocation": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getElementLocation, // deprecated
"getElementPosition": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getElementLocation, // deprecated
"clearElement": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.clearElement,
"getTitle": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getTitle,
"getWindowType": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getWindowType,
"getPageSource": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getPageSource,
"get": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.get,
"goUrl": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.get, // deprecated
"getCurrentUrl": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getCurrentUrl,
"getUrl": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getCurrentUrl, // deprecated
"goBack": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.goBack,
"goForward": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.goForward,
"refresh": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.refresh,
"getWindowHandle": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getWindowHandle,
"getCurrentWindowHandle": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getWindowHandle, // Selenium 2 compat
"getWindow": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getWindowHandle, // deprecated
"getWindowHandles": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getWindowHandles,
"getCurrentWindowHandles": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getWindowHandles, // Selenium 2 compat
"getWindows": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getWindowHandles, // deprecated
"getActiveFrame": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getActiveFrame,
"switchToFrame": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.switchToFrame,
"switchToWindow": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.switchToWindow,
"deleteSession": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.deleteSession,
"emulatorCmdResult": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.emulatorCmdResult,
"importScript": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.importScript,
"clearImportedScripts": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.clearImportedScripts,
"getAppCacheStatus": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getAppCacheStatus,
"close": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.close,
"closeWindow": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.close, // deprecated
"setTestName": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.setTestName,
"takeScreenshot": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.takeScreenshot,
"screenShot": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.takeScreenshot, // deprecated
"screenshot": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.takeScreenshot, // Selenium 2 compat
"addCookie": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.addCookie,
"getCookies": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getCookies,
"getAllCookies": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getCookies, // deprecated
"deleteAllCookies": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.deleteAllCookies,
"deleteCookie": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.deleteCookie,
"getActiveElement": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getActiveElement,
"getScreenOrientation": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.getScreenOrientation,
"setScreenOrientation": MarionetteServerConnection.prototype.setScreenOrientation
* Creates a BrowserObj. BrowserObjs handle interactions with the
* browser, according to the current environment (desktop, b2g, etc.)
* @param nsIDOMWindow win
* The window whose browser needs to be accessed
function BrowserObj(win, server) {
this.DESKTOP = "desktop";
this.B2G = "B2G";
this.tab = null; //Holds a reference to the created tab, if any
this.window = win;
this.knownFrames = [];
this.curFrameId = null;
this.startPage = "about:blank";
this.mainContentId = null; // used in B2G to identify the homescreen content page
this.newSession = true; //used to set curFrameId upon new session
this.elementManager = new ElementManager([SELECTOR, NAME, LINK_TEXT, PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT]);
this.frameManager = new FrameManager(server); //We should have one FM per BO so that we can handle modals in each Browser
//register all message listeners
BrowserObj.prototype = {
* Set the browser if the application is not B2G
* @param nsIDOMWindow win
* current window reference
setBrowser: function BO_setBrowser(win) {
switch (appName) {
case "Firefox":
if (this.window.location.href.indexOf("chrome://b2g") == -1) {
this.browser = win.gBrowser;
else {
// this is Mulet
appName = "B2G";
case "Fennec":
this.browser = win.BrowserApp;
* Called when we start a session with this browser.
* In a desktop environment, if newTab is true, it will start
* a new 'about:blank' tab and change focus to this tab.
* This will also set the active messagemanager for this object
* @param boolean newTab
* If true, create new tab
startSession: function BO_startSession(newTab, win, callback) {
if (appName != "Firefox") {
callback(win, newTab);
else if (newTab) {
this.tab = this.addTab(this.startPage);
//if we have a new tab, make it the selected tab
this.browser.selectedTab = this.tab;
let newTabBrowser = this.browser.getBrowserForTab(this.tab);
// wait for tab to be loaded
newTabBrowser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() {
newTabBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true);
callback(win, newTab);
}, true);
else {
//set this.tab to the currently focused tab
if (this.browser != undefined && this.browser.selectedTab != undefined) {
this.tab = this.browser.selectedTab;
callback(win, newTab);
* Closes current tab
closeTab: function BO_closeTab() {
if (this.browser &&
this.browser.removeTab &&
this.tab != null && (appName != "B2G")) {
this.tab = null;
* Opens a tab with given uri
* @param string uri
* URI to open
addTab: function BO_addTab(uri) {
return this.browser.addTab(uri, true);
* Loads content listeners if we don't already have them
* @param string script
* path of script to load
* @param nsIDOMWindow frame
* frame to load the script in
loadFrameScript: function BO_loadFrameScript(script, frame) {
frame.window.messageManager.loadFrameScript(script, true, true);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("marionette.contentListener", true);
* Registers a new frame, and sets its current frame id to this frame
* if it is not already assigned, and if a) we already have a session
* or b) we're starting a new session and it is the right start frame.
* @param string uid
* frame uid
* @param object frameWindow
* the DOMWindow object of the frame that's being registered
register: function BO_register(uid, frameWindow) {
if (this.curFrameId == null) {
// If we're setting up a new session on Firefox, we only process the
// registration for this frame if it belongs to the tab we've just
// created.
if ((!this.newSession) ||
(this.newSession &&
((appName != "Firefox") ||
frameWindow == this.browser.getBrowserForTab(this.tab).contentWindow))) {
this.curFrameId = uid;
this.mainContentId = uid;
this.knownFrames.push(uid); //used to delete sessions
return uid;
* Marionette server -- this class holds a reference to a socket and creates
* MarionetteServerConnection objects as needed.
this.MarionetteServer = function MarionetteServer(port, forceLocal) {
let flags = Ci.nsIServerSocket.KeepWhenOffline;
if (forceLocal) {
flags |= Ci.nsIServerSocket.LoopbackOnly;
let socket = new ServerSocket(port, flags, 0);
logger.info("Listening on port " + socket.port + "\n");
this.listener = socket;
this.nextConnId = 0;
this.connections = {};
MarionetteServer.prototype = {
onSocketAccepted: function(serverSocket, clientSocket)
logger.debug("accepted connection on " + clientSocket.host + ":" + clientSocket.port);
let input = clientSocket.openInputStream(0, 0, 0);
let output = clientSocket.openOutputStream(0, 0, 0);
let aTransport = new DebuggerTransport(input, output);
let connID = "conn" + this.nextConnID++ + '.';
let conn = new MarionetteServerConnection(connID, aTransport, this);
this.connections[connID] = conn;
// Create a root actor for the connection and send the hello packet.
closeListener: function() {
this.listener = null;
_connectionClosed: function DS_connectionClosed(aConnection) {
delete this.connections[aConnection.prefix];