Jim Chen b62c5aa0a3 Bug 1192043 - Add support for proxying native calls; r=snorp
If a C++ class implements native calls that all return void, it can
choose to have those calls go through a custom proxy function by
inheriting from mozilla::jni::UsesNativeCallProxy and override the
ProxyNativeCall member.

ProxyNativeCall accepts a rvalue reference to a
functor object specific to each call, and can alter the calling
environment (e.g. dispatch the call to another thread) before issuing
the actual native call through the functor's operator().

Any JNI refs contained in the call are automatically turned into global
refs so that the call can continue to work outside of the original JNI

Native call proxy will be used to implement automatic dispatching of
native calls from the main thread to run on the Gecko thread.
2015-08-25 14:52:16 -04:00

692 lines
24 KiB

#ifndef mozilla_jni_Natives_h__
#define mozilla_jni_Natives_h__
#include <jni.h>
#include "mozilla/IndexSequence.h"
#include "mozilla/Move.h"
#include "mozilla/Tuple.h"
#include "mozilla/TypeTraits.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/unused.h"
#include "mozilla/jni/Accessors.h"
#include "mozilla/jni/Refs.h"
#include "mozilla/jni/Types.h"
#include "mozilla/jni/Utils.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace jni {
* C++ classes implementing instance (non-static) native methods can choose
* from one of two ownership models, when associating a C++ object with a Java
* instance.
* * If the C++ class inherits from mozilla::SupportsWeakPtr, weak pointers
* will be used. The Java instance will store and own the pointer to a
* WeakPtr object. The C++ class itself is otherwise not owned or directly
* referenced. To attach a Java instance to a C++ instance, pass in a pointer
* to the C++ class (i.e. MyClass*).
* class MyClass : public SupportsWeakPtr<MyClass>
* , public MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>
* {
* // ...
* public:
* using MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>::Dispose;
* void AttachTo(const MyJavaClass::LocalRef& instance)
* {
* MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>::AttachInstance(instance, this);
* // "instance" does NOT own "this", so the C++ object
* // lifetime is separate from the Java object lifetime.
* }
* };
* * If the C++ class doesn't inherit from mozilla::SupportsWeakPtr, the Java
* instance will store and own a pointer to the C++ object itself. This
* pointer must not be stored or deleted elsewhere. To attach a Java instance
* to a C++ instance, pass in a reference to a UniquePtr of the C++ class
* (i.e. UniquePtr<MyClass>).
* class MyClass : public MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>
* {
* // ...
* public:
* using MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>::Dispose;
* static void AttachTo(const MyJavaClass::LocalRef& instance)
* {
* MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>::AttachInstance(
* instance, mozilla::MakeUnique<MyClass>());
* // "instance" owns the newly created C++ object, so the C++
* // object is destroyed as soon as instance.dispose() is called.
* }
* };
namespace {
uintptr_t CheckNativeHandle(JNIEnv* env, uintptr_t handle)
if (!handle) {
if (!env->ExceptionCheck()) {
ThrowException(env, "java/lang/NullPointerException",
"Null native pointer");
return 0;
return handle;
template<class Impl, bool UseWeakPtr = mozilla::IsBaseOf<
SupportsWeakPtr<Impl>, Impl>::value /* = false */>
struct NativePtr
static Impl* Get(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance)
return reinterpret_cast<Impl*>(CheckNativeHandle(
env, GetNativeHandle(env, instance)));
template<class LocalRef>
static Impl* Get(const LocalRef& instance)
return Get(instance.Env(), instance.Get());
template<class LocalRef>
static void Set(const LocalRef& instance, UniquePtr<Impl>&& ptr)
SetNativeHandle(instance.Env(), instance.Get(),
template<class LocalRef>
static void Clear(const LocalRef& instance)
UniquePtr<Impl> ptr(reinterpret_cast<Impl*>(
GetNativeHandle(instance.Env(), instance.Get())));
if (ptr) {
SetNativeHandle(instance.Env(), instance.Get(), 0);
template<class Impl>
struct NativePtr<Impl, /* UseWeakPtr = */ true>
static Impl* Get(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance)
const auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<WeakPtr<Impl>*>(
CheckNativeHandle(env, GetNativeHandle(env, instance)));
if (!ptr) {
return nullptr;
Impl* const impl = *ptr;
if (!impl) {
ThrowException(env, "java/lang/NullPointerException",
"Native object already released");
return impl;
template<class LocalRef>
static Impl* Get(const LocalRef& instance)
return Get(instance.Env(), instance.Get());
template<class LocalRef>
static void Set(const LocalRef& instance, Impl* ptr)
SetNativeHandle(instance.Env(), instance.Get(),
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(new WeakPtr<Impl>(ptr)));
template<class LocalRef>
static void Clear(const LocalRef& instance)
const auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<WeakPtr<Impl>*>(
GetNativeHandle(instance.Env(), instance.Get()));
if (ptr) {
SetNativeHandle(instance.Env(), instance.Get(), 0);
delete ptr;
} // namespace
* For C++ classes whose native methods all return void, they can choose to
* have the native calls go through a proxy by inheriting from
* mozilla::jni::UsesNativeCallProxy, and overriding the OnNativeCall member.
* Subsequently, every native call is automatically wrapped in a functor
* object, and the object is passed to OnNativeCall. The OnNativeCall
* implementation can choose to invoke the call, save it, dispatch it to a
* different thread, etc. Each copy of functor may only be invoked once.
* class MyClass : public MyJavaClass::Natives<MyClass>
* , public mozilla::jni::UsesNativeCallProxy
* {
* // ...
* template<class Functor>
* class ProxyRunnable final : public Runnable
* {
* Functor mCall;
* public:
* ProxyRunnable(Functor&& call) : mCall(mozilla::Move(call)) {}
* virtual void run() override { mCall(); }
* };
* public:
* template<class Functor>
* static void OnNativeCall(Functor&& call)
* {
* RunOnAnotherThread(new ProxyRunnable(mozilla::Move(call)));
* }
* };
struct UsesNativeCallProxy
template<class Functor>
static void OnNativeCall(Functor&& call)
// The default behavior is to invoke the call right away.
namespace {
// ProxyArg is used to handle JNI ref arguments for proxies. Because a proxied
// call may happen outside of the original JNI native call, we must save all
// JNI ref arguments as global refs to avoid the arguments going out of scope.
template<typename T>
struct ProxyArg
static_assert(mozilla::IsPod<T>::value, "T must be primitive type");
// Primitive types can be saved by value.
typedef T Type;
typedef typename TypeAdapter<T>::JNIType JNIType;
static void Clear(JNIEnv* env, Type&) {}
static Type From(JNIEnv* env, JNIType val)
return TypeAdapter<T>::ToNative(env, val);
template<class T>
struct ProxyArg<Ref<T>>
// Ref types need to be saved by global ref.
typedef typename T::GlobalRef Type;
typedef typename TypeAdapter<Ref<T>>::JNIType JNIType;
static void Clear(JNIEnv* env, Type& ref) { ref.Clear(env); }
static Type From(JNIEnv* env, JNIType val)
return Type(env, T::Ref::From(val));
template<typename T> struct ProxyArg<const T&> : ProxyArg<T> {};
template<> struct ProxyArg<Param<String>> : ProxyArg<Ref<String>> {};
// ProxyNativeCall implements the functor object that is passed to
// UsesNativeCallProxy::OnNativeCall
template<class Impl, class Owner, bool IsStatic,
bool HasThisArg /* has instance/class local ref in the call */,
typename... Args>
class ProxyNativeCall
template<class T, class I, class A, bool S, bool V>
friend class NativeStubImpl;
// "this arg" refers to the ClassObject::LocalRef (for static methods) or
// Owner::LocalRef (for instance methods) that we optionally (as indicated
// by HasThisArg) pass into the destination C++ function.
typedef typename mozilla::Conditional<IsStatic,
ClassObject, Owner>::Type ThisArgClass;
typedef typename mozilla::Conditional<IsStatic,
jclass, jobject>::Type ThisArgJNIType;
// Type signature of the destination C++ function, which matches the
// Method template parameter in NativeStubImpl::Wrap.
typedef typename mozilla::Conditional<IsStatic,
typename mozilla::Conditional<HasThisArg,
void (*) (const ClassObject::LocalRef&, Args...),
void (*) (Args...)>::Type,
typename mozilla::Conditional<HasThisArg,
void (Impl::*) (const typename Owner::LocalRef&, Args...),
void (Impl::*) (Args...)>::Type>::Type NativeCallType;
// Destination C++ function.
const NativeCallType mNativeCall;
// Saved this arg.
typename ThisArgClass::GlobalRef mThisArg;
// Saved arguments.
mozilla::Tuple<typename ProxyArg<Args>::Type...> mArgs;
ProxyNativeCall(NativeCallType nativeCall,
JNIEnv* env,
ThisArgJNIType thisArg,
typename ProxyArg<Args>::JNIType... args)
: mNativeCall(nativeCall)
, mThisArg(env, ThisArgClass::Ref::From(thisArg))
, mArgs(ProxyArg<Args>::From(env, args)...)
// We cannot use IsStatic and HasThisArg directly (without going through
// extra hoops) because GCC complains about invalid overloads, so we use
// another pair of template parameters, Static and ThisArg.
template<bool Static, bool ThisArg, size_t... Indices>
typename mozilla::EnableIf<Static && ThisArg, void>::Type
Call(const ClassObject::LocalRef& cls, mozilla::IndexSequence<Indices...>)
(*mNativeCall)(cls, mozilla::Get<Indices>(mArgs)...);
template<bool Static, bool ThisArg, size_t... Indices>
typename mozilla::EnableIf<Static && !ThisArg, void>::Type
Call(const ClassObject::LocalRef& cls, mozilla::IndexSequence<Indices...>)
template<bool Static, bool ThisArg, size_t... Indices>
typename mozilla::EnableIf<!Static && ThisArg, void>::Type
Call(const typename Owner::LocalRef& inst,
Impl* const impl = NativePtr<Impl>::Get(inst);
(impl->*mNativeCall)(inst, mozilla::Get<Indices>(mArgs)...);
template<bool Static, bool ThisArg, size_t... Indices>
typename mozilla::EnableIf<!Static && !ThisArg, void>::Type
Call(const typename Owner::LocalRef& inst,
Impl* const impl = NativePtr<Impl>::Get(inst);
template<size_t... Indices>
void Clear(JNIEnv* env, mozilla::IndexSequence<Indices...>)
int dummy[] = {
(ProxyArg<Args>::Clear(env, Get<Indices>(mArgs)), 0)...
mozilla::unused << dummy;
static const bool isStatic = IsStatic;
ProxyNativeCall(ProxyNativeCall&&) = default;
ProxyNativeCall(const ProxyNativeCall&) = default;
// Get class ref for static calls or object ref for instance calls.
typename ThisArgClass::Param GetThisArg() { return mThisArg; }
// Return if target is the given function pointer / pointer-to-member.
// Because we can only compare pointers of the same type, we use a
// templated overload that is chosen only if given a different type of
// pointer than our target pointer type.
bool IsTarget(NativeCallType call) { return call == mNativeCall; }
template<typename T> bool IsTarget(T&&) { return false; }
void operator()()
JNIEnv* const env = GetEnvForThread();
typename ThisArgClass::LocalRef thisArg(env, mThisArg);
Call<IsStatic, HasThisArg>(
thisArg, typename IndexSequenceFor<Args...>::Type());
// Clear all saved global refs. We do this after the call is invoked,
// and not inside the destructor because we already have a JNIEnv here,
// so it's more efficient to clear out the saved args here. The
// downside is that the call can only be invoked once.
Clear(env, typename IndexSequenceFor<Args...>::Type());
// We can only use Impl::OnNativeCall when Impl is derived from
// UsesNativeCallProxy, otherwise it's a compile error. Therefore, the real
// Dispatch function is conditional on UsesNativeCallProxy being a base class
// of Impl. Otherwise, the dummy Dispatch function below that is chosen during
// overload resolution. Because Dispatch is called with an rvalue, the &&
// version is always chosen before the const& version, if possible.
template<class Impl, class O, bool S, bool V, typename... A>
typename mozilla::EnableIf<
mozilla::IsBaseOf<UsesNativeCallProxy, Impl>::value, void>::Type
Dispatch(ProxyNativeCall<Impl, O, S, V, A...>&& call)
template<typename T>
void Dispatch(const T&) {}
} // namespace
template<class Cls, class Impl> class NativeImpl;
namespace detail {
// Wrapper methods that convert arguments from the JNI types to the native
// types, e.g. from jobject to jni::Object::Ref. For instance methods, the
// wrapper methods also convert calls to calls on objects.
// We need specialization for static/non-static because the two have different
// signatures (jobject vs jclass and Impl::*Method vs *Method).
// We need specialization for return type, because void return type requires
// us to not deal with the return value.
template<class Traits, class Impl, class Args, bool IsStatic, bool IsVoid>
class NativeStubImpl;
// Specialization for instance methods with non-void return type
template<class Traits, class Impl, typename... Args>
class NativeStubImpl<Traits, Impl, jni::Args<Args...>,
/* IsStatic = */ false, /* IsVoid = */ false>
typedef typename Traits::Owner Owner;
typedef typename Traits::ReturnType ReturnType;
typedef typename TypeAdapter<ReturnType>::JNIType ReturnJNIType;
// Instance method
template<ReturnType (Impl::*Method) (Args...)>
static ReturnJNIType Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
static_assert(!mozilla::IsBaseOf<UsesNativeCallProxy, Impl>::value,
"Native call proxy only supports void return type");
Impl* const impl = NativePtr<Impl>::Get(env, instance);
if (!impl) {
return ReturnJNIType();
return TypeAdapter<ReturnType>::FromNative(env,
(impl->*Method)(TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...));
// Instance method with instance reference
template<ReturnType (Impl::*Method) (const typename Owner::LocalRef&, Args...)>
static ReturnJNIType Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
static_assert(!mozilla::IsBaseOf<UsesNativeCallProxy, Impl>::value,
"Native call proxy only supports void return type");
Impl* const impl = NativePtr<Impl>::Get(env, instance);
if (!impl) {
return ReturnJNIType();
auto self = Owner::LocalRef::Adopt(env, instance);
const auto res = TypeAdapter<ReturnType>::FromNative(env,
(impl->*Method)(self, TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...));
return res;
// Specialization for instance methods with void return type
template<class Traits, class Impl, typename... Args>
class NativeStubImpl<Traits, Impl, jni::Args<Args...>,
/* IsStatic = */ false, /* IsVoid = */ true>
typedef typename Traits::Owner Owner;
// Instance method
template<void (Impl::*Method) (Args...)>
static void Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
if (mozilla::IsBaseOf<UsesNativeCallProxy, Impl>::value) {
Impl, Owner, /* IsStatic */ false, /* HasThisArg */ false,
Args...>(Method, env, instance, args...));
Impl* const impl = NativePtr<Impl>::Get(env, instance);
if (!impl) {
(impl->*Method)(TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...);
// Instance method with instance reference
template<void (Impl::*Method) (const typename Owner::LocalRef&, Args...)>
static void Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
if (mozilla::IsBaseOf<UsesNativeCallProxy, Impl>::value) {
Impl, Owner, /* IsStatic */ false, /* HasThisArg */ true,
Args...>(Method, env, instance, args...));
Impl* const impl = NativePtr<Impl>::Get(env, instance);
if (!impl) {
auto self = Owner::LocalRef::Adopt(env, instance);
(impl->*Method)(self, TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...);
// Overload for DisposeNative
template<void (NativeImpl<Owner, Impl>::*Method) (const typename Owner::LocalRef&)>
static void Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jobject instance)
if (mozilla::IsBaseOf<UsesNativeCallProxy, Impl>::value) {
Dispatch(ProxyNativeCall<Impl, Owner, /* IsStatic */ false,
/* HasThisArg */ true>(Method, env, instance));
Impl* const impl = NativePtr<Impl>::Get(env, instance);
if (!impl) {
auto self = Owner::LocalRef::Adopt(env, instance);
// Specialization for static methods with non-void return type
template<class Traits, class Impl, typename... Args>
class NativeStubImpl<Traits, Impl, jni::Args<Args...>,
/* IsStatic = */ true, /* IsVoid = */ false>
typedef typename Traits::ReturnType ReturnType;
typedef typename TypeAdapter<ReturnType>::JNIType ReturnJNIType;
// Static method
template<ReturnType (*Method) (Args...)>
static ReturnJNIType Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jclass,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
static_assert(!mozilla::IsBaseOf<UsesNativeCallProxy, Impl>::value,
"Native call proxy only supports void return type");
return TypeAdapter<ReturnType>::FromNative(env,
(*Method)(TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...));
// Static method with class reference
template<ReturnType (*Method) (const ClassObject::LocalRef&, Args...)>
static ReturnJNIType Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
static_assert(!mozilla::IsBaseOf<UsesNativeCallProxy, Impl>::value,
"Native call proxy only supports void return type");
auto clazz = ClassObject::LocalRef::Adopt(env, cls);
const auto res = TypeAdapter<ReturnType>::FromNative(env,
(*Method)(clazz, TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...));
return res;
// Specialization for static methods with void return type
template<class Traits, class Impl, typename... Args>
class NativeStubImpl<Traits, Impl, jni::Args<Args...>,
/* IsStatic = */ true, /* IsVoid = */ true>
typedef typename Traits::Owner Owner;
// Static method
template<void (*Method) (Args...)>
static void Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
if (mozilla::IsBaseOf<UsesNativeCallProxy, Impl>::value) {
Impl, Owner, /* IsStatic */ true, /* HasThisArg */ false,
Args...>(Method, env, cls, args...));
(*Method)(TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...);
// Static method with class reference
template<void (*Method) (const ClassObject::LocalRef&, Args...)>
static void Wrap(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls,
typename TypeAdapter<Args>::JNIType... args)
if (mozilla::IsBaseOf<UsesNativeCallProxy, Impl>::value) {
Impl, Owner, /* IsStatic */ true, /* HasThisArg */ true,
Args...>(Method, env, cls, args...));
auto clazz = ClassObject::LocalRef::Adopt(env, cls);
(*Method)(clazz, TypeAdapter<Args>::ToNative(env, args)...);
} // namespace detail
// Form a stub wrapper from a native method's traits class and an implementing
// class. The stub wrapper has a Wrap function that will form a wrapped stub.
template<class Traits, class Impl>
struct NativeStub : detail::NativeStubImpl
<Traits, Impl, typename Traits::Args, Traits::isStatic,
mozilla::IsVoid<typename Traits::ReturnType>::value>
// Generate a JNINativeMethod from a native
// method's traits class and a wrapped stub.
template<class Traits, typename Ret, typename... Args>
constexpr JNINativeMethod MakeNativeMethod(Ret (*stub)(JNIEnv*, Args...))
return {
// Class inherited by implementing class.
template<class Cls, class Impl>
class NativeImpl
typedef typename Cls::template Natives<Impl> Natives;
static bool sInited;
static void Init() {
if (sInited) {
JNIEnv* const env = GetEnvForThread();
sizeof(Natives::methods) / sizeof(Natives::methods[0])));
sInited = true;
// Associate a C++ instance with a Java instance.
static void AttachNative(const typename Cls::LocalRef& instance,
SupportsWeakPtr<Impl>* ptr)
static_assert(mozilla::IsBaseOf<SupportsWeakPtr<Impl>, Impl>::value,
"Attach with UniquePtr&& when not using WeakPtr");
return NativePtr<Impl>::Set(instance, static_cast<Impl*>(ptr));
static void AttachNative(const typename Cls::LocalRef& instance,
UniquePtr<Impl>&& ptr)
static_assert(!mozilla::IsBaseOf<SupportsWeakPtr<Impl>, Impl>::value,
"Attach with SupportsWeakPtr* when using WeakPtr");
return NativePtr<Impl>::Set(instance, mozilla::Move(ptr));
// Get the C++ instance associated with a Java instance.
// There is always a pending exception if the return value is nullptr.
static Impl* GetNative(const typename Cls::LocalRef& instance) {
return NativePtr<Impl>::Get(instance);
NativeImpl() {
// Initialize on creation if not already initialized.
void DisposeNative(const typename Cls::LocalRef& instance) {
// Define static member.
template<class C, class I>
bool NativeImpl<C, I>::sInited;
} // namespace jni
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // mozilla_jni_Natives_h__