David Keeler b92dd26f47 bug 857627 - 1/4: improve nsIX509Cert.windowTitle (and rename to displayName) r=Cykesiopka,jcj
This patch makes the following changes:
1. renames nsIX509Cert.windowTitle to displayName
2. removes (most of*) displayName's use of the NSS certificate nickname API
3. adds additional fields that displayName will attempt to use to find a good
name to return (namely, organizationalUnitName and organizationName)

*except for built-in roots, where we have a good hard-coded value for the name

MozReview-Commit-ID: Bt864GnOu7D

extra : rebase_source : 5d85aaf68fd4fbe563596354a5ed50e541689934
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