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XTF: An eXtensible Tag Framework ================================ XTF allows you to extend Mozilla by implementing new XML elements in XPCOM modules. It is not a C++-version of XBL: XTF elements can be written in any XPCOM-compatible language. I myself tend to write most elements in JavaScript. XTF support needs to be explicitly switched on for Mozilla builds by specifying the configure option '--enable-xtf' (add "ac_add_options --enabl-xtf" to your .mozconfig). To serve a particular namespace "urn:mycompany:mynamespace" with your own XTF elements, create an XPCOM component that implements the interface nsIXTFElementFactory, and register it with the component manager under the contract id "@mozilla.org/xtf/element-factory;1?namespace=urn:mycompany:mynamespace". Whenever Mozilla encounters a tag in your namespace it will call your factory's 'createElement()' function. This function should either return a new xtf element (an object implementing 'nsIXTFElement' and some other interfaces, depending on type and required features), or 'null'. In the later case, the implementation will build a generic XML element. All interfaces relevant to XTF factory modules and XTF elements can be found in mozilla/content/xtf/public/. The implementation code itself is mainly spread over the directories mozilla/content/xtf/ and mozilla/layout/xtf/. Binding outermost elements (document elements) ============================================== Binding of outermost elements is not (yet) supported. Depending on what you use xtf elements for, this might or might not be a problem. If you use xtf to implement a whole new language, rather than just widgets that will get used in html, xul, or svg docs, then you'll probably want to wrap up your documents in an xml element for which you provide some style (e.g. via a ua style sheet), so that things get displayed instead of pretty printed. This outermost element can be in your xtf-served namespace, as long as your xtf factory returns a failure for this element's tagname. The implementation will then generate a generic XML element for this element. XTF and XUL =========== When using XTF elements in XUL documents, note that the owner document (both wrapper.ownerDocument & wrapper.elementNode.ownerDocument) will be null at the time of the onCreated() call. (For XML and SVG documents, at least wrapper.ownerDocument should be non-null.) This is unfortunate, since it is often advantageous to build the visual content tree at the time of the onCreated() call and not wait until the visual content is explicitly requested, so that attributes set on the xtf element can be mapped directly to elements in the visual content tree. It is possible to build the content tree using a different document than the ultimate target document, but this in turn leads to some subtleties with XBL-bound content - see below. XTF and XBL =========== XTF elements generally behave well in conjunction with XBL. There are a few issues when using XBL-bound elements in an XTFVisual's visualContent that arise from the fact that XBL bindings are attached to elements at layout-time rather than content-tree contruction time: Accessing an XBL-bound element's interfaces or JS object before layout-time usually doesn't yield the expected result. E.g. a listbox won't have the members 'appendItem', 'clearSelection', etc. before layout-time, even if QI'ed for nsIDOMXULMenuListElement. Worse, if the visual content has been constructed in a different document (because the target doc wasn't available at the time of content tree construction time - see above), then the JS object obtained before layout time will be different to the one that will ultimately receive the bound implementation, i.e. even QI'ing at a later stage will fail. To work around these issues, XBL-bound content should a) either be build as late as possible (i.e. when requested by the wrapper with a call to nsIXTFVisual::GetVisualContent()) or b) if this is not a possibility (e.g. because you would like to map attributes directly into the visual content tree), all JS object references to the element should be re-resolved at the time of the first layout (listen in to DidLayout() notifications). Bugs ==== 1. For xtf elements written in JS (and possibly C++ as well), constructing a visual's visualContent using the same document as the visual's leads to some nasty reference cycle which prevents the wrapper, inner xtf element, anonymous content and possibly the whole document from ever getting destroyed. A workaround is to construct the visualContent in a different document (e.g. setting the document in nsXMLContentBuilder to null, or not setting the document at all, will lead to new content being build in a new temporary document). 2. XBL-bound elements behave strangely if *any* XUL content underneath them is accessed from JS too early. Example: <groupbox> <caption><xtf:foo/></caption> <label value="label text"/> </groupbox> If the JS-implemented xtf element 'foo' accesses any xul content before it receives the 'didLayout' notification, the groupbox will not be properly build (it will not contain the label text). 'Accessing xul content' includes any operation that leads to a js wrapper being constructed for a xul element. E.g. if the xtf element listens in to parentChanged-notifications, a wrapper will be build for the notification's 'parent' parameter and groupbox construction mysteriously fails. 3. Some XUL interfaces can't be used via XPCOM and thus might not work as expected. E.g. menulist's nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement::insertItemAt() is supposed to return an element of type nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement. However, since menulist's XBL implementation of insertItemAt creates a xul element which will only be bound when the next asynchronous layout occurs, QI'ing to nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement fails. The result is that the method call always fails when invoked through XPCOM. A pragmatic solution would be to change the XUL interface signatures to return nsIDOMXULElement instead of nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement. 4. QI'ing a JS-implemented xtf element's wrapper from JS as in element.QueryInterface(Components.interface.nsIXTFPrivate); occasionally hits the assertion ###!!! ASSERTION: tearoff not empty in dtor: '!(GetInterface()||GetNative()||GetJSObject())', file /home/alex/devel/mozilla/js/src/xpconnect/src/xpcinlines.h, line 627 with the result that the QI succeeds (i.e. doesn't throw an exception) but the interface methods/properties aren't available on the element after the QI, even though element implements the given interface. This seems to happen if GC kicks in *afer* the xtf element is being queried for its interface ( resulting in the creation of an nsXTFInterfaceAggregator) but *before* the nsXTFInterfaceAggregator has been wrapped for JS use by XPCConvert::NativeData2JS(). The workaround is to a) either expose the interface via getScriptingInterfaces (in which case it will be available to JS callers automatically), or b) call QI until the interface is correctly installed, e.g.: while (!element.inner) element.QueryInterface(Components.interface.nsIXTFPrivate); With this code the QI should succeed in the first or second iteration. 07. October 2004 Alex Fritze <alex@croczilla.com>