nboyd%atg.com 39f51f6c80 Subject:
Rhino: patch for IdScriptable.java and question about useDynamicScope
             Mon, 16 Apr 2001 17:55:19 +0200
             Igor Bukanov <igor.bukanov@windriver.com>
             Wind River
             Norris Boyd <nboyd@atg.com>

Hi, Norris!

Here is a patch to IdScriptable.java that fixes sealed semantic and
makes Something.prototype.constructor to behave just as having DONTENUM
attribute, not DONTENUM|READONLY|PERMANENT. It also renames
seal_function to sealFunctions.

I also have a following question. I added nextInstanceCheck to
IdScriptable.java and its usage in realThis in NativeDate to emulate
code from FunctionObject where it looks up prototype in search for
NativeSomething instance if useDynamicScope is true. But could you
describe why it is necessary? I can understand why doing something like

var proto = new Date();
function Test() { }
Test.prototype = proto;
var test = new Test();
print(test.getDay()); // same as proto.getDay()

would be useful in ceratain situations, but what it has to do with
shared scopes?

Regards, Igor
2001-04-16 19:29:48 +00:00
2001-04-14 18:57:00 +00:00
2001-04-16 19:29:48 +00:00
2001-04-14 17:18:14 +00:00