Simon Sapin 6b4250586f servo: Merge #19073 - Use encoding-rs instead of rust-encoding (from servo:encoding-rs); r=SimonSapin
Source-Revision: 994ff4b66ee51bbfae431af0ca99497b38fb0e19

extra : subtree_source : https%3A//
extra : subtree_revision : b21f5635f7f1e6160dab1dda00bd3d73ffa54262
2017-11-01 06:37:54 -05:00

316 lines
12 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use cssparser::SourceLocation;
use document_loader::LoadType;
use dom::bindings::inheritance::Castable;
use dom::bindings::refcounted::Trusted;
use dom::bindings::reflector::DomObject;
use dom::document::Document;
use dom::element::Element;
use dom::eventtarget::EventTarget;
use dom::htmlelement::HTMLElement;
use dom::htmllinkelement::{RequestGenerationId, HTMLLinkElement};
use dom::node::{document_from_node, window_from_node};
use encoding_rs::UTF_8;
use hyper::header::ContentType;
use hyper::mime::{Mime, TopLevel, SubLevel};
use hyper_serde::Serde;
use ipc_channel::ipc;
use ipc_channel::router::ROUTER;
use net_traits::{FetchResponseListener, FetchMetadata, FilteredMetadata, Metadata, NetworkError, ReferrerPolicy};
use net_traits::request::{CorsSettings, CredentialsMode, Destination, RequestInit, RequestMode};
use network_listener::{NetworkListener, PreInvoke};
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use servo_arc::Arc;
use servo_url::ServoUrl;
use std::mem;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
use style::media_queries::MediaList;
use style::parser::ParserContext;
use style::shared_lock::{Locked, SharedRwLock};
use style::stylesheets::{CssRules, ImportRule, Namespaces, Stylesheet, StylesheetContents, Origin};
use style::stylesheets::StylesheetLoader as StyleStylesheetLoader;
use style::stylesheets::import_rule::ImportSheet;
use style::values::specified::url::SpecifiedUrl;
pub trait StylesheetOwner {
/// Returns whether this element was inserted by the parser (i.e., it should
/// trigger a document-load-blocking load).
fn parser_inserted(&self) -> bool;
/// Which referrer policy should loads triggered by this owner follow, or
/// `None` for the default.
fn referrer_policy(&self) -> Option<ReferrerPolicy>;
/// Notes that a new load is pending to finish.
fn increment_pending_loads_count(&self);
/// Returns None if there are still pending loads, or whether any load has
/// failed since the loads started.
fn load_finished(&self, successful: bool) -> Option<bool>;
/// Sets origin_clean flag.
fn set_origin_clean(&self, origin_clean: bool);
pub enum StylesheetContextSource {
// NB: `media` is just an option so we avoid cloning it.
LinkElement { media: Option<MediaList>, },
/// The context required for asynchronously loading an external stylesheet.
pub struct StylesheetContext {
/// The element that initiated the request.
elem: Trusted<HTMLElement>,
source: StylesheetContextSource,
url: ServoUrl,
metadata: Option<Metadata>,
/// The response body received to date.
data: Vec<u8>,
/// The node document for elem when the load was initiated.
document: Trusted<Document>,
origin_clean: bool,
/// A token which must match the generation id of the `HTMLLinkElement` for it to load the stylesheet.
/// This is ignored for `HTMLStyleElement` and imports.
request_generation_id: Option<RequestGenerationId>,
impl PreInvoke for StylesheetContext {}
impl FetchResponseListener for StylesheetContext {
fn process_request_body(&mut self) {}
fn process_request_eof(&mut self) {}
fn process_response(&mut self,
metadata: Result<FetchMetadata, NetworkError>) {
if let Ok(FetchMetadata::Filtered { ref filtered, .. }) = metadata {
match *filtered {
FilteredMetadata::Opaque |
FilteredMetadata::OpaqueRedirect => {
self.origin_clean = false;
_ => {},
self.metadata = metadata.ok().map(|m| {
match m {
FetchMetadata::Unfiltered(m) => m,
FetchMetadata::Filtered { unsafe_, .. } => unsafe_
fn process_response_chunk(&mut self, mut payload: Vec<u8>) { payload);
fn process_response_eof(&mut self, status: Result<(), NetworkError>) {
let elem = self.elem.root();
let document = self.document.root();
let mut successful = false;
if status.is_ok() {
let metadata = match self.metadata.take() {
Some(meta) => meta,
None => return,
let is_css = metadata.content_type.map_or(false, |Serde(ContentType(Mime(top, sub, _)))|
top == TopLevel::Text && sub == SubLevel::Css);
let data = if is_css { mem::replace(&mut, vec![]) } else { vec![] };
// TODO: Get the actual value.
let environment_encoding = UTF_8;
let protocol_encoding_label = metadata.charset.as_ref().map(|s| &**s);
let final_url = metadata.final_url;
let win = window_from_node(&*elem);
let loader = StylesheetLoader::for_element(&elem);
match self.source {
StylesheetContextSource::LinkElement { ref mut media } => {
let link = elem.downcast::<HTMLLinkElement>().unwrap();
// We must first check whether the generations of the context and the element match up,
// else we risk applying the wrong stylesheet when responses come out-of-order.
let is_stylesheet_load_applicable =
self.request_generation_id.map_or(true, |gen| gen == link.get_request_generation_id());
if is_stylesheet_load_applicable {
let shared_lock = document.style_shared_lock().clone();
let sheet =
Arc::new(Stylesheet::from_bytes(&data, final_url,
if link.is_alternate() {
StylesheetContextSource::Import(ref stylesheet) => {
// FIXME: Revisit once consensus is reached at:
successful = metadata.status.map_or(false, |(code, _)| code == 200);
let owner = elem.upcast::<Element>().as_stylesheet_owner()
.expect("Stylesheet not loaded by <style> or <link> element!");
if owner.parser_inserted() {
if let Some(any_failed) = owner.load_finished(successful) {
let event = if any_failed { atom!("error") } else { atom!("load") };
pub struct StylesheetLoader<'a> {
elem: &'a HTMLElement,
impl<'a> StylesheetLoader<'a> {
pub fn for_element(element: &'a HTMLElement) -> Self {
StylesheetLoader {
elem: element,
impl<'a> StylesheetLoader<'a> {
pub fn load(&self, source: StylesheetContextSource, url: ServoUrl,
cors_setting: Option<CorsSettings>,
integrity_metadata: String) {
let document = document_from_node(self.elem);
let gen = self.elem.downcast::<HTMLLinkElement>()
let context = ::std::sync::Arc::new(Mutex::new(StylesheetContext {
elem: Trusted::new(&*self.elem),
source: source,
url: url.clone(),
metadata: None,
data: vec![],
document: Trusted::new(&*document),
origin_clean: true,
request_generation_id: gen,
let (action_sender, action_receiver) = ipc::channel().unwrap();
let listener = NetworkListener {
context: context,
task_source: document.window().networking_task_source(),
canceller: Some(document.window().task_canceller())
ROUTER.add_route(action_receiver.to_opaque(), Box::new(move |message| {
let owner = self.elem.upcast::<Element>().as_stylesheet_owner()
.expect("Stylesheet not loaded by <style> or <link> element!");
let referrer_policy = owner.referrer_policy()
.or_else(|| document.get_referrer_policy());
if owner.parser_inserted() {
let request = RequestInit {
url: url.clone(),
destination: Destination::Style,
// Step 1
mode: match cors_setting {
Some(_) => RequestMode::CorsMode,
None => RequestMode::NoCors,
// Step 3-4
credentials_mode: match cors_setting {
Some(CorsSettings::Anonymous) => CredentialsMode::CredentialsSameOrigin,
_ => CredentialsMode::Include,
origin: document.origin().immutable().clone(),
pipeline_id: Some(,
referrer_url: Some(document.url()),
referrer_policy: referrer_policy,
integrity_metadata: integrity_metadata,
.. RequestInit::default()
document.fetch_async(LoadType::Stylesheet(url), request, action_sender);
impl<'a> StyleStylesheetLoader for StylesheetLoader<'a> {
/// Request a stylesheet after parsing a given `@import` rule, and return
/// the constructed `@import` rule.
fn request_stylesheet(
url: SpecifiedUrl,
source_location: SourceLocation,
context: &ParserContext,
lock: &SharedRwLock,
media: Arc<Locked<MediaList>>,
) -> Arc<Locked<ImportRule>> {
let sheet = Arc::new(Stylesheet {
contents: StylesheetContents {
rules: CssRules::new(Vec::new(), lock),
origin: context.stylesheet_origin,
url_data: RwLock::new(context.url_data.clone()),
quirks_mode: context.quirks_mode,
namespaces: RwLock::new(Namespaces::default()),
source_map_url: RwLock::new(None),
source_url: RwLock::new(None),
media: media,
shared_lock: lock.clone(),
disabled: AtomicBool::new(false),
let stylesheet = ImportSheet(sheet.clone());
let import = ImportRule { url, source_location, stylesheet };
let url = match import.url.url().cloned() {
Some(url) => url,
None => return Arc::new(lock.wrap(import)),
// TODO (mrnayak) : Whether we should use the original loader's CORS
// setting? Fix this when spec has more details.
let source = StylesheetContextSource::Import(sheet.clone());
self.load(source, url, None, "".to_owned());