
191 lines
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// Helpers for Web Audio tests
function expectException(func, exceptionCode) {
var threw = false;
try {
} catch (ex) {
threw = true;
ok(ex instanceof DOMException, "Expect a DOM exception");
is(ex.code, exceptionCode, "Expect the correct exception code");
ok(threw, "The exception was thrown");
function expectTypeError(func) {
var threw = false;
try {
} catch (ex) {
threw = true;
ok(ex instanceof TypeError, "Expect a TypeError");
ok(threw, "The exception was thrown");
function fuzzyCompare(a, b) {
return Math.abs(a - b) < 9e-3;
function compareBuffers(buf1, buf2,
/*optional*/ offset,
/*optional*/ length,
/*optional*/ sourceOffset,
/*optional*/ destOffset,
/*optional*/ skipLengthCheck) {
if (!skipLengthCheck) {
is(buf1.length, buf2.length, "Buffers must have the same length");
if (length == undefined) {
length = buf1.length - (offset || 0);
sourceOffset = sourceOffset || 0;
destOffset = destOffset || 0;
var difference = 0;
var maxDifference = 0;
var firstBadIndex = -1;
for (var i = offset || 0; i < Math.min(buf1.length, (offset || 0) + length); ++i) {
if (!fuzzyCompare(buf1[i + sourceOffset], buf2[i + destOffset])) {
maxDifference = Math.max(maxDifference, Math.abs(buf1[i + sourceOffset] - buf2[i + destOffset]));
if (firstBadIndex == -1) {
firstBadIndex = i;
is(difference, 0, "Found " + difference + " different samples, maxDifference: " +
maxDifference + ", first bad index: " + firstBadIndex +
" with source offset " + sourceOffset + " and desitnation offset " +
function getEmptyBuffer(context, length) {
return context.createBuffer(gTest.numberOfChannels, length, context.sampleRate);
* This function assumes that the test file defines a single gTest variable with
* the following properties and methods:
* + length: mandatory property equal to the total number of frames which we
* are waiting to see in the output.
* + numberOfChannels: optional property which specifies the number of channels
* in the output. The default value is 2.
* + createGraph: mandatory method which takes a context object and does
* everything needed in order to set up the Web Audio graph.
* This function returns the node to be inspected.
* + createGraphAsync: async version of createGraph. This function takes
* a callback which should be called with an argument
* set to the node to be inspected when the callee is
* ready to proceed with the test. Either this function
* or createGraph must be provided.
* + createExpectedBuffers: optional method which takes a context object and
* returns either one expected buffer or an array of
* them, designating what is expected to be observed
* in the output. If omitted, the output is expected
* to be silence. The sum of the length of the expected
* buffers should be equal to gTest.length. This
* function is guaranteed to be called before createGraph.
function runTest()
function done() {
addLoadEvent(function() {
if (!gTest.numberOfChannels) {
gTest.numberOfChannels = 2; // default
var testLength;
function runTestOnContext(context, callback, testOutput) {
if (!gTest.createExpectedBuffers) {
// Assume that the output is silence
var expectedBuffers = getEmptyBuffer(context, gTest.length);
} else {
var expectedBuffers = gTest.createExpectedBuffers(context);
if (!(expectedBuffers instanceof Array)) {
expectedBuffers = [expectedBuffers];
var expectedFrames = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < expectedBuffers.length; ++i) {
is(expectedBuffers[i].numberOfChannels, gTest.numberOfChannels,
"Correct number of channels for expected buffer " + i);
expectedFrames += expectedBuffers[i].length;
is(expectedFrames, gTest.length, "Correct number of expected frames");
if (gTest.createGraphAsync) {
gTest.createGraphAsync(context, function(nodeToInspect) {
testOutput(nodeToInspect, expectedBuffers, callback);
} else {
testOutput(gTest.createGraph(context), expectedBuffers, callback);
function testOnNormalContext(callback) {
function testOutput(nodeToInspect, expectedBuffers, callback) {
testLength = 0;
var sp = context.createScriptProcessor(expectedBuffers[0].length, gTest.numberOfChannels);
sp.onaudioprocess = function(e) {
var expectedBuffer = expectedBuffers.shift();
testLength += expectedBuffer.length;
is(e.inputBuffer.numberOfChannels, expectedBuffer.numberOfChannels,
"Correct number of input buffer channels");
for (var i = 0; i < e.inputBuffer.numberOfChannels; ++i) {
compareBuffers(e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(i), expectedBuffer.getChannelData(i));
if (expectedBuffers.length == 0) {
sp.onaudioprocess = null;
var context = new AudioContext();
runTestOnContext(context, callback, testOutput);
function testOnOfflineContext(callback, sampleRate) {
function testOutput(nodeToInspect, expectedBuffers, callback) {
context.oncomplete = function(e) {
var samplesSeen = 0;
while (expectedBuffers.length) {
var expectedBuffer = expectedBuffers.shift();
is(e.renderedBuffer.numberOfChannels, expectedBuffer.numberOfChannels,
"Correct number of input buffer channels");
for (var i = 0; i < e.renderedBuffer.numberOfChannels; ++i) {
samplesSeen += expectedBuffer.length;
var context = new OfflineAudioContext(gTest.numberOfChannels, testLength, sampleRate);
runTestOnContext(context, callback, testOutput);
testOnNormalContext(function() {
testOnOfflineContext(function() {
testOnOfflineContext(done, 44100);
}, 48000);