434 lines
17 KiB

#filter substitution
// main
var srDest;
var err;
var fProgram;
var platformNode;
var searchPlugins = "searchplugins";
var restrictedAccess;
function registerProgramFolderKey(winreg, fFolderPath)
var subkey;
var err;
var szCurrentMozillaVersion;
/* set the Program Folder Path in the Mozilla key in the Windows Registry */
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$";
err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "CurrentVersion", "$UserAgent$");
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\Mozilla";
szCurrentMozillaVersion = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "CurrentVersion");
logComment("szCurrentMozillaVersion: " + szCurrentMozillaVersion);
if((szCurrentMozillaVersion == "") || (szCurrentMozillaVersion == null))
// A Mozilla\CurrentVersion key must be set so that Java can work.
// (bug 229627)
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\Mozilla";
err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "CurrentVersion", "$GreVersion$");
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$\\$UserAgent$";
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$\\$UserAgent$\\Main";
err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "Program Folder Path", fFolderPath);
function createShortcuts()
var subkey;
var valname;
var szStartMenuPrograms;
var szStartMenu;
var szFolderDesktop;
var szFolderQuickLaunch;
var szFolderAppData;
var winreg;
var fTemp;
var fProgram;
var fDefShortcuts;
var fileExe;
var scExeDesc;
var scFolderName;
var fFolderDesktop;
var fFolderPrograms;
var fFolderProgramsStr;
var fFolderQuickLaunch;
var is_winnt;
var szCurrentVersion;
var folderQuickLaunchExists;
winreg = getWinRegistry();
fProgram = getFolder("Program");
fDefShortcuts = getFolder("Program","defaults/shortcuts");
fTemp = fProgram + "$MainExeFile$";
fileExe = getFolder("file:///", fTemp);
scExeDesc = "$ProductName$";
scFolderName = "$ProductName$";
scSafeModeDesc = "$ProductName$ (Safe Mode)";
scSafeModeParam = "-safe-mode";
if (winreg) {
// determine if the script is running under NT or not
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion";
szCurrentVersion = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "CurrentVersion");
logComment("szCurrentVersion: " + szCurrentVersion);
is_winnt = szCurrentVersion != "";
logComment("is_winnt value: " + is_winnt);
// Locate the various folders we're about to install shortcuts into.
if(!is_winnt || restrictedAccess) {
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders";
szStartMenuPrograms = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Programs");
szStartMenu = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Start Menu");
szFolderDesktop = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Desktop");
else {
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders";
szStartMenuPrograms = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Common Programs");
szStartMenu = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Common Start Menu");
szFolderDesktop = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Common Desktop");
// Locate the Start Menu Programs Folder
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$\\$UserAgent$\\Main";
fFolderProgramsStr = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Program Folder Path");
fFolderPrograms = getFolder("file:///", fFolderProgramsStr || szStartMenuPrograms);
// Locate the Desktop Folder
fFolderDesktop = getFolder("file:///", szFolderDesktop);
// Locate the Quick Launch folder
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders";
szFolderAppData = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "AppData");
szFolderQuickLaunch = szFolderAppData + "\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch";
fFolderQuickLaunch = getFolder("file:///", szFolderQuickLaunch);
folderQuickLaunchExists = File.isDirectory(fFolderQuickLaunch);
if(!folderQuickLaunchExists) {
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\GrpConv\\MapGroups";
szFolderQuickLaunch = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "Quick Launch");
folderQuickLaunchExists = File.isDirectory(fFolderPrograms);
fFolderQuickLaunch = getFolder("file:///", szFolderQuickLaunch);
logComment("folderQuickLaunchExists: " + folderQuickLaunchExists);
logComment("Folder StartMenuPrograms: " + szStartMenuPrograms);
logComment("Folder StartMenu : " + szStartMenu);
logComment("Folder FolderDesktop : " + szFolderDesktop);
logComment("Folder FolderQuickLaunch: " + szFolderQuickLaunch);
logComment("fileExe : " + fileExe);
logComment("fFolderPrograms : " + fFolderPrograms);
logComment("scExeDesc : " + scExeDesc);
logComment("fProgram : " + fProgram);
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$\\$UserAgent$\\Main";
// Explicitly create the fFolderPrograms even though the windowsShortcut
// function creates the folder. This is so that the folder creation gets
// logged for uninstall to remove it.
// Only create the Start Menu folder if the user selected start menu icons
if (winreg.getValueNumber(subkey, "Create Start Menu Shortcut") != 0 && !File.exists(fFolderPrograms))
// Always create default shortcuts folder
if (!File.exists(fDefShortcuts))
// Create the Shortcuts
if (winreg.getValueNumber(subkey, "Create Desktop Shortcut") != 0)
File.windowsShortcut(fileExe, fFolderDesktop, scExeDesc, fProgram, "", fileExe, 0);
if (winreg.getValueNumber(subkey, "Create Start Menu Shortcut") != 0) {
File.windowsShortcut(fileExe, fFolderPrograms, scExeDesc, fProgram, "", fileExe, 0);
File.windowsShortcut(fileExe, fFolderPrograms, scSafeModeDesc, fProgram, scSafeModeParam, fileExe, 0);
if (winreg.getValueNumber(subkey, "Create Quick Launch Shortcut") != 0 && folderQuickLaunchExists)
File.windowsShortcut(fileExe, fFolderQuickLaunch, scExeDesc, fProgram, "", fileExe, 0);
// Always create the default shortcuts.
File.windowsShortcut(fileExe, fDefShortcuts, scExeDesc, fProgram, "", fileExe, 0);
File.windowsShortcut(fileExe, fDefShortcuts, scSafeModeDesc, fProgram, scSafeModeParam, fileExe, 0);
if(!restrictedAccess) {
registerProgramFolderKey(winreg, fFolderPrograms);
// This is so that Windows Media Player works with us
var subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MediaPlayer\\ShimInclusionList\\$MainExeFile$";
winreg.createKey(subkey, "");
registerProgramFolderKey(winreg, fFolderPrograms);
logComment("winreg is null");
function IsWinnt()
/* Determines if the script is running under NT or not.
var winreg = getWinRegistry();
var subkey;
var szCurrentVersion;
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion";
szCurrentVersion = winreg.getValueString(subkey, "CurrentVersion");
logComment("szCurrentVersion: " + szCurrentVersion);
return szCurrentVersion != "";
function registerMainKeys(winreg)
var subkey; //the name of the subkey you are poking around in
var data;
var err;
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$";
err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "CurrentVersion", "$UserAgent$");
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$\\$UserAgent$";
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$\\$UserAgent$\\Main";
err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "Install Directory", fProgram);
// The following keys are required to be created to supply information
// about the location of the Gecko Embedded Client to 3rd party apps.
// "SOFTWARE\\Mozilla" must not be localized!
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\$ProductName$ $UserAgentShort$";
err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "GeckoVer", "$GreVersion$");
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\$ProductName$ $UserAgentShort$\\Extensions";
err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "Components", fProgram + "Components");
err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "Plugins", fProgram + "Plugins");
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Mozilla\\$ProductName$ $UserAgentShort$\\bin";
err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "PathToExe", fProgram + "$MainExeFile$");
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$\\$UserAgent$\\Main";
err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "PathToExe", fProgram + "$MainExeFile$");
// Register as a windows XP internet browser
if( IsWinnt() )
subkey = "Software\\Clients\\StartMenuInternet\\$MainExeFile$";
winreg.createKey(subkey, "");
winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\DefaultIcon", "");
winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\shell", "");
winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\shell\\open", "");
winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\shell\\open\\command", "");
winreg.createKey(subkey + "\\InstallInfo", "");
winreg.setValueString(subkey, "", "$ProductNameInternal$");
// path does not need to be quoted per MS doc
data = fProgram + "$MainExeFile$,0";
winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\DefaultIcon", "", data);
data = "\"" + fProgram + "$MainExeFile$\"";
winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\shell\\open\\command", "", data);
data = "\"" + fProgram + "uninstall\\uninstall.exe\" /ua \"$UserAgent$\" /hs browser";
winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\InstallInfo", "HideIconsCommand", data);
winreg.setValueNumber(subkey + "\\InstallInfo", "IconsVisible", 1);
data = "\"" + fProgram + "$MainExeFile$\" -silent -nosplash -setDefaultBrowser ";
winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\InstallInfo", "ReinstallCommand", data);
data = "\"" + fProgram + "uninstall\\uninstall.exe\" /ua \"$UserAgent$\" /ss browser";
winreg.setValueString(subkey + "\\InstallInfo", "ShowIconsCommand", data);
function updateWinReg()
// can't use a double backslash before subkey - Windows already puts it in.
// subkeys have to exist before values can be put in.
var winreg = getWinRegistry();
var subkey; //the name of the subkey you are poking around in
var err;
var ikwDefined;
if(winreg != null)
/* This will check to see if the user has restricted access or not.
* It checks to see if HKEY_LOCALMACHINE\SOFTWARE is writable. If
* it is, then access is not restricted. This is only used to
* determine which Desktop, Programs, and Start Menu folders
* are to used: common or per user
restrictedAccess = false;
ikwDefined = typeof(winreg.isKeyWritable);
logComment("winreg.isKeyWritable(): " + ikwDefined);
if(ikwDefined == "function")
restrictedAccess = true;
logComment("restrictedAccess value: " + restrictedAccess);
// set the App Paths key here
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\$MainExeFile$";
err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "", fProgram + "$MainExeFile$");
err = winreg.setValueString(subkey, "Path", fProgram);
// XPInstall content type mappings.
subkey = "SOFTWARE\\Classes\\MIME\\Database\\Content Type\\application/x-xpinstall;app=firefox"
winreg.createKey(subkey, "");
winreg.setValueString(subkey, "Extension", ".xpi");
// Now clean up Uninstall entries that may be laying around in the
// registry for older versions of the software that we're overwriting/
// upgrading...
var wr = getWinRegistry();
var i = 0;
const uninstallKey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall";
do {
var key = wr.enumKeys(uninstallKey, i++);
if (!key)
key = uninstallKey + "\\" + key;
// For us to remove the entry from the ARP uninstall list, the install
// folder paths must *match* and the display version strings must *NOT
// MATCH* - i.e. we don't want to remove the entry we just created for
// this version.
var itemInstallFolder = wr.getValueString(key, "InstallLocation");
var thisInstallFolder = wr.getValueString("SOFTWARE\\$CompanyName$\\$ProductName$\\$UserAgent$\\Main",
"Install Directory");
var itemInstallFolderShortName = File.windowsGetShortName(getFolder("file:///", itemInstallFolder));
var thisInstallFolderShortName = File.windowsGetShortName(getFolder("file:///", thisInstallFolder));
var itemDisplayVersion = wr.getValueString(key, "DisplayVersion");
var thisDisplayVersion = "$UserAgent$";
// It is possible that a user might have installed several products into
// the same directory that have the same "DisplayVersion" (e.g. "1.0")...
// in this case we don't want to trash the Uninstall info for the others
// so we have to be sure to make sure Comment matches... we use Comment
// instead of DisplayName since DisplayName varies from version to version
// as it contains the version number, and this instance of javascript is
// crippled so as not to contain any useful string parsing.
var itemComment = wr.getValueString(key, "Comment");
var thisComment = "$ProductName$";
if ((itemComment == thisComment || itemComment == "The Browser, Reloaded.") &&
itemInstallFolderShortName == thisInstallFolderShortName &&
thisDisplayVersion != itemDisplayVersion &&
wr.isKeyWritable(key)) {
logComment("Removing obsolete uninstall key with upgrade: " + key);
while (true);
logComment("initInstall: platformNode=" + platformNode);
// end
// end - OS type detection
var chromeNode = "@AB_CD@";
var regName = "locales/mozilla/" + chromeNode;
var chromeName = chromeNode + ".jar";
var localeName = "locale/" + chromeNode + "/";
srDest = $SpaceRequired$:bin;
err = initInstall("@AB_CD@ Langpack", "@AB_CD@", "$Version$");
logComment("initInstall: " + err);
fProgram = getFolder("Program");
logComment("fProgram: " + fProgram);
if(verifyDiskSpace(fProgram, srDest))
var chromeType = LOCALE;
var fTarget;
err = addDirectory("",
"bin", // dir name in jar to extract
fProgram, // Where to put this file (Returned from GetFolder)
""); // Force Flag
logComment("addDirectory() returned: " + err);
// check return value
if (err == SUCCESS)
fTarget = getFolder("Program", "defaults");
logComment("fTarget: " + fTarget);
err = addDirectory("",
"bin/defaults", // dir name in jar to extract
fTarget, // Where to put this file (Returned from GetFolder)
""); // subdir name to create relative to fProgram
logComment("addDirectory() returned: " + err);
fTarget = getFolder("Program", searchPlugins);
logComment("fTarget: " + fTarget);
err = addDirectory("",
"bin/searchplugins", // dir name in jar to extract
fTarget, // Where to put this file (Returned from GetFolder)
""); // subdir name to create relative to fProgram
logComment("addDirectory() returned: " + err);
err = performInstall();
logComment("performInstall() returned: " + err);
logComment("cancelInstall due to error: " + err);
// end main