Xidorn Quan c60dd0aef1 servo: Merge #14608 - Use string and nsCSSProperty for stylo CSSOM FFI (from upsuper:bug1323147); r=heycam
<!-- Please describe your changes on the following line: -->
This is the Servo side change of [bug 1323147]( which has been reviewed by @heycam and @SimonSapin on Bugzilla.

r? @heycam

Source-Revision: 11dffa89582aca3607de60e2bcd00b3e917e713b
2016-12-17 18:22:10 -08:00

632 lines
24 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
mod common {
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref OUTDIR_PATH: PathBuf = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()).join("gecko");
pub const STRUCTS_DEBUG_FILE: &'static str = "";
pub const STRUCTS_RELEASE_FILE: &'static str = "";
pub const BINDINGS_FILE: &'static str = "";
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub enum BuildType {
pub fn structs_file(build_type: BuildType) -> &'static str {
match build_type {
BuildType::Debug => STRUCTS_DEBUG_FILE,
BuildType::Release => STRUCTS_RELEASE_FILE
#[cfg(feature = "bindgen")]
mod bindings {
use libbindgen::{Builder, CodegenConfig};
use regex::Regex;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufWriter, Read, Write};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use super::common::*;
lazy_static! {
static ref INCLUDE_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"#include\s*"(.+?)""#).unwrap();
static ref DISTDIR_PATH: PathBuf = {
let path = PathBuf::from(env::var("MOZ_DIST").unwrap());
if !path.is_absolute() || !path.is_dir() {
panic!("MOZ_DIST must be an absolute directory, was: {}", path.display());
static ref SEARCH_PATHS: Vec<PathBuf> = vec![
static ref ADDED_PATHS: Mutex<HashSet<PathBuf>> = Mutex::new(HashSet::new());
fn search_include(name: &str) -> Option<PathBuf> {
for path in SEARCH_PATHS.iter() {
let file = path.join(name);
if file.is_file() {
return Some(file);
fn add_headers_recursively(path: PathBuf, added_paths: &mut HashSet<PathBuf>) {
if added_paths.contains(&path) {
let mut file = File::open(&path).unwrap();
let mut content = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut content).unwrap();
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.to_str().unwrap());
// Find all includes and add them recursively
for cap in INCLUDE_RE.captures_iter(&content) {
if let Some(path) = search_include( {
add_headers_recursively(path, added_paths);
fn add_include(name: &str) -> String {
let mut added_paths = ADDED_PATHS.lock().unwrap();
let file = search_include(name).unwrap();
let result = String::from(file.to_str().unwrap());
add_headers_recursively(file, &mut *added_paths);
trait BuilderExt {
fn get_initial_builder(build_type: BuildType) -> Builder;
fn include<T: Into<String>>(self, file: T) -> Builder;
fn zero_size_type(self, ty: &str) -> Builder;
fn borrowed_type(self, ty: &str) -> Builder;
fn mutable_borrowed_type(self, ty: &str) -> Builder;
impl BuilderExt for Builder {
fn get_initial_builder(build_type: BuildType) -> Builder {
let mut builder = Builder::default().no_unstable_rust();
let args = [
"-x", "c++", "-std=c++14",
for &arg in args.iter() {
builder = builder.clang_arg(arg);
for dir in SEARCH_PATHS.iter() {
builder = builder.clang_arg("-I").clang_arg(dir.to_str().unwrap());
builder = builder.include(add_include("mozilla-config.h"));
if build_type == BuildType::Debug {
builder = builder.clang_arg("-DDEBUG=1").clang_arg("-DJS_DEBUG=1");
if cfg!(target_family = "unix") {
builder = builder.clang_arg("-DOS_POSIX=1");
if cfg!(target_os = "linux") {
builder = builder.clang_arg("-DOS_LINUX=1");
} else if cfg!(target_os = "macos") {
builder = builder.clang_arg("-DOS_MACOSX=1");
} else if cfg!(target_env = "msvc") {
builder = builder.clang_arg("-DOS_WIN=1").clang_arg("-DWIN32=1")
// For compatibility with MSVC 2015
// To enable the builtin __builtin_offsetof so that CRT wouldn't
// use reinterpret_cast in offsetof() which is not allowed inside
// static_assert().
// Enable hidden attribute (which is not supported by MSVC and
// thus not enabled by default with a MSVC-compatibile build)
// to exclude hidden symbols from the generated file.
if cfg!(target_pointer_width = "32") {
builder = builder.clang_arg("--target=i686-pc-win32");
} else {
builder = builder.clang_arg("--target=x86_64-pc-win32");
} else {
panic!("Unknown platform");
fn include<T: Into<String>>(self, file: T) -> Builder {
// This makes an FFI-safe void type that can't be matched on
// &VoidType is UB to have, because you can match on it
// to produce a reachable unreachable. If it's wrapped in
// a struct as a private field it becomes okay again
// Not 100% sure of how safe this is, but it's what we're using
// in the XPCOM ffi too
fn zero_size_type(self, ty: &str) -> Builder {
.raw_line(format!("enum {}Void {{ }}", ty))
.raw_line(format!("pub struct {0}({0}Void);", ty))
fn borrowed_type(self, ty: &str) -> Builder {
self.hide_type(format!("{}Borrowed", ty))
.raw_line(format!("pub type {0}Borrowed<'a> = &'a {0};", ty))
.hide_type(format!("{}BorrowedOrNull", ty))
.raw_line(format!("pub type {0}BorrowedOrNull<'a> = Option<&'a {0}>;", ty))
fn mutable_borrowed_type(self, ty: &str) -> Builder {
.hide_type(format!("{}BorrowedMut", ty))
.raw_line(format!("pub type {0}BorrowedMut<'a> = &'a mut {0};", ty))
.hide_type(format!("{}BorrowedMutOrNull", ty))
.raw_line(format!("pub type {0}BorrowedMutOrNull<'a> = Option<&'a mut {0}>;", ty))
fn write_binding_file(builder: Builder, file: &str) {
let bindings = builder.generate().expect("Unable to generate bindings");
let binding_file = File::create(&OUTDIR_PATH.join(file)).unwrap();
bindings.write(Box::new(BufWriter::new(binding_file))).expect("Unable to write output");
pub fn generate_structs(build_type: BuildType) {
let mut builder = Builder::get_initial_builder(build_type)
.with_codegen_config(CodegenConfig {
types: true,
vars: true,
// FIXME(emilio): Incrementally remove these "pub use"s. Probably
// mozilla::css and mozilla::dom are easier.
.raw_line("pub use self::root::*;")
.raw_line("pub use self::root::mozilla::*;")
.raw_line("pub use self::root::mozilla::css::*;")
.raw_line("pub use self::root::mozilla::dom::*;")
.raw_line("use atomic_refcell::AtomicRefCell;")
.raw_line("use data::ElementData;")
let whitelist_vars = [
let whitelist = [
"mozilla::DisplayItemClip", // Needed because bindgen generates
// specialization tests for this even
// though it shouldn't.
"Side", // must be a rust-bindgen bug that requires both of these
let opaque_types = [
"atomic___base", "std::atomic__My_base",
"nsWritingIterator_reference", "nsReadingIterator_reference",
"nsTObserverArray", // <- Inherits from nsAutoTObserverArray<T, 0>
"nsTHashtable", // <- Inheriting from inner typedefs that clang
// doesn't expose properly.
"nsRefPtrHashtable", "nsDataHashtable", "nsClassHashtable", // <- Ditto
"nsIDocument_SelectorCache", // <- Inherits from nsExpirationTracker<.., 4>
"nsIPresShell_ScrollAxis", // <- For some reason the alignment of this is 4
// for clang.
"nsPIDOMWindow", // <- Takes the vtable from a template parameter, and we can't
// generate it conditionally.
"gfxSize", // <- union { struct { T width; T height; }; T components[2] };
"gfxSize_Super", // Ditto.
"mozilla::ErrorResult", // Causes JSWhyMagic to be included & handled incorrectly.
struct MappedGenericType {
generic: bool,
gecko: &'static str,
servo: &'static str,
let servo_mapped_generic_types = [
MappedGenericType {
generic: true,
gecko: "mozilla::ServoUnsafeCell",
servo: "::std::cell::UnsafeCell"
MappedGenericType {
generic: true,
gecko: "mozilla::ServoCell",
servo: "::std::cell::Cell"
MappedGenericType {
generic: false,
gecko: "ServoNodeData",
servo: "AtomicRefCell<ElementData>",
struct Fixup {
pat: String,
rep: String
let mut fixups = vec![
Fixup {
pat: "root::nsString".into(),
rep: "::nsstring::nsStringRepr".into()
for &var in whitelist_vars.iter() {
builder = builder.whitelisted_var(var);
for &ty in whitelist.iter() {
builder = builder.whitelisted_type(ty);
for &ty in opaque_types.iter() {
builder = builder.opaque_type(ty);
for ty in servo_mapped_generic_types.iter() {
let gecko_name = ty.gecko.rsplit("::").next().unwrap();
builder = builder.hide_type(ty.gecko)
.raw_line(format!("pub type {0}{2} = {1}{2};", gecko_name, ty.servo,
if ty.generic { "<T>" } else { "" }));
fixups.push(Fixup {
pat: format!("root::{}", ty.gecko),
rep: format!("::gecko_bindings::structs::{}", gecko_name)
let mut result = builder.generate().expect("Unable to generate bindings").to_string();
for fixup in fixups.iter() {
result = Regex::new(&format!(r"\b{}\b", fixup.pat)).unwrap().replace_all(&result, fixup.rep.as_str());
pub fn generate_bindings() {
let mut builder = Builder::get_initial_builder(BuildType::Release)
.with_codegen_config(CodegenConfig {
functions: true,
.raw_line("pub use nsstring::{nsACString, nsAString};")
.raw_line("type nsACString_internal = nsACString;")
.raw_line("type nsAString_internal = nsAString;")
let structs_types = [
struct ArrayType {
cpp_type: &'static str,
rust_type: &'static str
let array_types = [
ArrayType { cpp_type: "uintptr_t", rust_type: "usize" },
let servo_nullable_arc_types = [
struct ServoOwnedType {
name: &'static str,
opaque: bool,
let servo_owned_types = [
ServoOwnedType { name: "RawServoStyleSet", opaque: true },
ServoOwnedType { name: "StyleChildrenIterator", opaque: true },
ServoOwnedType { name: "ServoElementSnapshot", opaque: false },
let servo_immutable_borrow_types = [
let servo_borrow_types = [
for &ty in structs_types.iter() {
builder = builder.hide_type(ty)
.raw_line(format!("use gecko_bindings::structs::{};", ty));
// TODO this is hacky, figure out a better way to do it without
// hardcoding everything...
if ty.starts_with("nsStyle") {
builder = builder
.raw_line(format!("unsafe impl Send for {} {{}}", ty))
.raw_line(format!("unsafe impl Sync for {} {{}}", ty));
for &ArrayType { cpp_type, rust_type } in array_types.iter() {
builder = builder.hide_type(format!("nsTArrayBorrowed_{}", cpp_type))
.raw_line(format!("pub type nsTArrayBorrowed_{}<'a> = &'a mut ::gecko_bindings::structs::nsTArray<{}>;",
cpp_type, rust_type))
for &ty in servo_nullable_arc_types.iter() {
builder = builder
.hide_type(format!("{}Strong", ty))
.raw_line(format!("pub type {0}Strong = ::gecko_bindings::sugar::ownership::Strong<{0}>;", ty))
for &ServoOwnedType { name, opaque } in servo_owned_types.iter() {
builder = builder
.hide_type(format!("{}Owned", name))
.raw_line(format!("pub type {0}Owned = ::gecko_bindings::sugar::ownership::Owned<{0}>;", name))
.hide_type(format!("{}OwnedOrNull", name))
.raw_line(format!("pub type {0}OwnedOrNull = ::gecko_bindings::sugar::ownership::OwnedOrNull<{0}>;",
if opaque {
builder = builder.zero_size_type(name);
for &ty in servo_immutable_borrow_types.iter() {
builder = builder.borrowed_type(ty);
for &ty in servo_borrow_types.iter() {
builder = builder.mutable_borrowed_type(ty);
// Right now the only immutable borrow types are ones which we import
// from the |structs| module. As such, we don't need to create an opaque
// type with zero_size_type. If we ever introduce immutable borrow types
// which _do_ need to be opaque, we'll need a separate mode.
write_binding_file(builder, BINDINGS_FILE);
#[cfg(not(feature = "bindgen"))]
mod bindings {
use std::fs;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use super::common::*;
lazy_static! {
static ref BINDINGS_PATH: PathBuf = Path::new(file!()).parent().unwrap().join("gecko_bindings");
pub fn generate_structs(build_type: BuildType) {
let file = structs_file(build_type);
let source = BINDINGS_PATH.join(file);
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", source.display());
fs::copy(source, OUTDIR_PATH.join(file)).unwrap();
pub fn generate_bindings() {
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", source.display());
fs::copy(source, OUTDIR_PATH.join(BINDINGS_FILE)).unwrap();
pub fn generate() {
use self::common::*;
use std::fs;
use std::thread;
let threads = vec![
thread::spawn(|| bindings::generate_structs(BuildType::Debug)),
thread::spawn(|| bindings::generate_structs(BuildType::Release)),
thread::spawn(|| bindings::generate_bindings()),
for t in threads.into_iter() {