gecko-dev/js/jsd/idl/jsdIDebuggerService.idl db43fadc93 bug 99601, add filter support to js/jsd, r=jband sr=brendan
large addition to the jsd_xpc component allows arbitrary filtering of debug hooks by url pattern, line range, and global object.  also adds ability to begin instrumenting jsscripts at app startup.
2001-10-30 13:41:32 +00:00

850 lines
29 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Communications Corporation
* Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
* terms of the GNU Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the
* provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above.
* If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your
* version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by
* deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
* file under either the MPL or the GPL.
* Contributor(s):
* Robert Ginda, <>
#include "nsISupports.idl"
%{ C++
#include "jsdebug.h"
#include "nsAReadableString.h"
[ptr] native JSDContext(JSDContext);
[ptr] native JSDObject(JSDObject);
[ptr] native JSDProperty(JSDProperty);
[ptr] native JSDScript(JSDScript);
[ptr] native JSDStackFrameInfo(JSDStackFrameInfo);
[ptr] native JSDThreadState(JSDThreadState);
[ptr] native JSDValue(JSDValue);
[ptr] native JSRuntime(JSRuntime);
native jsuword(jsuword);
/* interfaces we declare in this file */
interface jsdIDebuggerService;
interface jsdIFilter;
interface jsdINestCallback;
interface jsdIFilterEnumerator;
interface jsdIScriptEnumerator;
interface jsdIScriptHook;
interface jsdIExecutionHook;
interface jsdICallHook;
interface jsdIEphemeral;
interface jsdIPC;
interface jsdIStackFrame;
interface jsdIScript;
interface jsdIValue;
interface jsdIObject;
interface jsdIProperty;
* Debugger service. It's not a good idea to have more than one active client of
* the debugger service.
[scriptable, uuid(01be7f9a-1dd2-11b2-9d55-aaf919b27c73)]
interface jsdIDebuggerService : nsISupports
* Called when a jsdIScript is created or destroyed.
attribute jsdIScriptHook scriptHook;
* Called when the engine encounters a breakpoint.
attribute jsdIExecutionHook breakpointHook;
* Called when the engine encounters the debugger keyword.
attribute jsdIExecutionHook debuggerHook;
* Called when an exception goes uncaught.
attribute jsdIExecutionHook errorHook;
* Called before the next PC is executed.
attribute jsdIExecutionHook interruptHook;
* Called when an exception is thrown (even if it will be caught.)
attribute jsdIExecutionHook throwHook;
* Called before and after a toplevel script is evaluated.
attribute jsdICallHook topLevelHook;
* Called before and after a function is called.
attribute jsdICallHook functionHook;
* |true| if the debugger should register an app-start observer in order
* to begin collecting debug information when mozilla is launched.
attribute boolean initAtStartup;
* |true| if the debugger service has been turned on. This does not
* necessarily mean another app is actively using the service, as the
* autostart pref may have turned the service on.
readonly attribute boolean isOn;
* Turn on the debugger. This function should only be called from JavaScript
* code. The debugger will be enabled on the runtime the call is made on,
* as determined by nsIXPCNativeCallContext.
void on ();
* Turn on the debugger for a given runtime.
* @param rt The runtime you want to debug. You cannot turn the debugger
* on for multiple runtimes.
[noscript] void onForRuntime (in JSRuntime rt);
* Turn the debugger off. This will invalidate all of your jsdIEphemeral
* derived objects, and clear all of your breakpoints. In theory you
* should be able to turn the debugger back on at some later time without
* any problems.
void off ();
* Temporarily disable the debugger. Hooks will not be called while the
* debugger is paused. Multiple calls to pause will increase the "pause
* depth", and equal number of unPause calles must be made to resume
* normal debugging.
* @return depth Number of times pause has been called since the debugger
* has been unpaused.
unsigned long pause();
* Undo a pause.
* @return depth The number of remaining pending pause calls.
unsigned long unPause();
* Force the engine to perform garbage collection.
void GC();
* Adds an execution hook filter. These filters are consulted each time one
* of the jsdIExecutionHooks is about to be called. Filters are matched in
* a first in, first compared fashion. The first filter to match determines
* whether or not the hook is called. Use swapFilter to reorder existing
* filters, and removeFilter to remove them.
* If |filter| is already present this method throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG.
* @param filter Object representing the filter to add.
* @param after Insert |filter| after this one. Pass null to insert at
* the beginning.
void insertFilter (in jsdIFilter filter, in jsdIFilter after);
* Same as insertFilter, except always add to the end of the list.
void appendFilter (in jsdIFilter filter);
* Unignore execution hooks which are triggered by a jsdIScript matching
* particular filter.
* If |filter| is not present this method throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG.
* @param filter Object representing the filter to remove. Must be the exact
* object passed to addFilter, not just a new object with the same
* properties.
void removeFilter (in jsdIFilter filter);
* Swaps the positions of the filters passed in.
* If |filter_a| is not present, this method throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG.
* If |filter_b| is not present, filter_a is replaced by filter_b.
* If |filter_a| == |filter_b|, then the glob and urlPattern properties of
* the filter are reread.
void swapFilters (in jsdIFilter filter_a, in jsdIFilter filter_b);
* Enumerate all active filters. This routine refreshes each filter before
* passing them on to the enumeration function. Calling this with a null
* |enumerator| is equivilant to jsdIService::refreshFilters.
* @param enumerator jsdIFilterEnumerator instance to be called back for the
* enumeration.
void enumerateFilters (in jsdIFilterEnumerator enumerator);
* Force the debugger to resync its internal filter cache with the
* actual values in the jsdIFilter objects. To refresh a single filter,
* see jsdIService::swapFilters. This method is equivilant to
* jsdIService::enumerateFilters with a null enumerator.
void refreshFilters ();
* Causes the debugger service to clear its list of filters.
void clearFilters();
* Enumerate all scripts the debugger knows about. Any scripts created
* before you turned the debugger on, or after turning the debugger off
* will not be available unless the autostart perf is set.
* @param enumerator jsdIScriptEnumerator instance to be called back for
* the enumeration.
void enumerateScripts (in jsdIScriptEnumerator enumerator);
* Clear all breakpoints in all scripts.
void clearAllBreakpoints ();
/* XXX these two routines are candidates for refactoring. The only problem
* is that it is not clear where and how they should land.
* Push a new network queue, and enter a new UI event loop.
* @param callback jsdINestCallback instance to be called back after the
* network queue has been pushed, but before the
* UI loop starts.
* @return depth returns the current number of times the event loop has been
* nested. your code can use it for sanity checks.
unsigned long enterNestedEventLoop (in jsdINestCallback callback);
* Exit the current nested event loop after the current iteration completes,
* and pop the network event queue.
* @return depth returns the current number of times the event loop has been
* nested. your code can use it for sanity checks.
unsigned long exitNestedEventLoop ();
/* callback interfaces */
* Object representing a pattern of global object and/or url the debugger should
* ignore. The debugger service itself will not modify properties of these
* objects.
[scriptable, uuid(05593438-1b83-4517-864f-3cea3d37a266)]
interface jsdIFilter : nsISupports
* These two bytes of the flags attribute are reserved for interpretation
* by the jsdService implementation. You can do what you like with the
* remaining flags.
const unsigned long FLAG_RESERVED_MASK = 0xFF;
* Filters without this flag set are ignored.
const unsigned long FLAG_ENABLED = 0x01;
* Filters with this flag set are "pass" filters, they allow matching hooks
* to continue. Filters without this flag block matching hooks.
const unsigned long FLAG_PASS = 0x02;
* FLAG_* values from above, OR'd together.
attribute unsigned long flags;
* An nsISupports version of the global object to be filtered. A null glob
* matches all hooks. This attribute must be QI'able to the
* (non-scriptable) nsIScriptGlobalObject interface.
* The jsdIService caches this value internally, to if it changes you must
* swap the filter with itself using jsdIService::swapFilters.
attribute nsISupports glob;
* String representing the url pattern to be filtered. Supports limited
* glob matching, at the beginning and end of the pattern only. For example,
* "chrome://venkman*" filters all urls that start with chrome/venkman,
* "*.cgi" filters all cgi's, and "http://myserver/utils.js" filters only
* the utils.js file on "myserver". A null urlPattern matches all urls.
* The jsdIService caches this value internally, to if it changes you must
* swap the filter with itself using jsdIService::swapFilters.
attribute string urlPattern;
* Line number for the start of this filter. Line numbers are one based.
* Assigning a 0 to this attribute will tell the debugger to ignore the
* entire file.
attribute unsigned long startLine;
* Line number for the end of this filter. Line numbers are one based.
* Assigning a 0 to this attribute will tell the debugger to ignore from
* |startLine| to the end of the file.
attribute unsigned long endLine;
* Pass an instance of one of these to jsdIDebuggerService::enterNestedEventLoop.
[scriptable, uuid(88bea60f-9b5d-4b39-b08b-1c3a278782c6)]
interface jsdINestCallback : nsISupports
* This method will be called after pre-nesting work has completed, such
* as pushing the js context and network event queue, but before the new
* event loop starts.
void onNest ();
* Pass an instance of one of these to jsdIDebuggerService::enumerateFilters.
[scriptable, uuid(54382875-ed12-4f90-9a63-1f0498d0a3f2)]
interface jsdIFilterEnumerator : nsISupports
* The enumerateFilter method will be called once for every filter the
* debugger knows about.
void enumerateFilter (in jsdIFilter filter);
* Pass an instance of one of these to jsdIDebuggerService::enumerateScripts.
[scriptable, uuid(4c2f706e-1dd2-11b2-9ebc-85a06e948830)]
interface jsdIScriptEnumerator : nsISupports
* The enumerateScript method will be called once for every script the
* debugger knows about.
void enumerateScript (in jsdIScript script);
* Set jsdIDebuggerService::scriptHook to an instance of one of these.
[scriptable, uuid(ae89a7e2-1dd1-11b2-8c2f-af82086291a5)]
interface jsdIScriptHook : nsISupports
* Called when scripts are created.
void onScriptCreated (in jsdIScript script);
* Called when the JavaScript engine destroys a script. The jsdIScript
* object passed in will already be invalidated.
void onScriptDestroyed (in jsdIScript script);
* Hook instances of this interface up to the
* jsdIDebuggerService::functionHook and toplevelHook properties.
[scriptable, uuid(f102caf6-1dd1-11b2-bd43-c1dbacb95a98)]
interface jsdICallHook : nsISupports
const unsigned long TYPE_TOPLEVEL_START = 0;
const unsigned long TYPE_TOPLEVEL_END = 1;
const unsigned long TYPE_FUNCTION_CALL = 2;
const unsigned long TYPE_FUNCTION_RETURN = 3;
void onCall (in jsdIStackFrame frame, in unsigned long type);
* Hook instances of this interface up to the
* jsdIDebuggerService::breakpointHook, debuggerHook, errorHook, interruptHook,
* and throwHook properties.
[scriptable, uuid(9a7b6ad0-1dd1-11b2-a789-fcfae96356a2)]
interface jsdIExecutionHook : nsISupports
const unsigned long TYPE_INTERRUPTED = 0;
const unsigned long TYPE_BREAKPOINT = 1;
const unsigned long TYPE_DEBUG_REQUESTED = 2;
const unsigned long TYPE_DEBUGGER_KEYWORD = 3;
const unsigned long TYPE_THROW = 4;
* Indicates unrecoverable error processing the hook. This will cause
* the script being executed to be aborted without raising a JavaScript
* exception.
const unsigned long RETURN_HOOK_ERROR = 0;
* Continue processing normally. This is the "do nothing special" return
* value for all hook types *except* TYPE_THROW. Returning RETURN_CONTINUE
* from TYPE_THROW cause the exception to be ignored. Return
* RETURN_CONTINUE_THROW to continue exception processing from TYPE_THROW
* hooks.
const unsigned long RETURN_CONTINUE = 1;
const unsigned long RETURN_ABORT = 2;
const unsigned long RETURN_RET_WITH_VAL = 3;
const unsigned long RETURN_THROW_WITH_VAL = 4;
const unsigned long RETURN_CONTINUE_THROW = 5;
* @param frame A jsdIStackFrame object representing the bottom stack frame.
* @param type One of the jsdIExecutionHook::TYPE_ constants.
* @param val in - Current exception (if any) when this method is called.
* out - If you return RETURN_THROW_WITH_VAL, value to be
* thrown.
* If you return RETURN_RET_WITH_VAL, value to return.
* All other return values, not significant.
* @retval One of the jsdIExecutionHook::RETURN_* constants.
unsigned long onExecute (in jsdIStackFrame frame,
in unsigned long type, inout jsdIValue val);
* Objects which inherit this interface may go away, with (jsdIScript) or
* without (all others) notification. These objects are generally wrappers
* around JSD structures that go away when you call jsdService::Off().
[scriptable, uuid(46f1e23e-1dd2-11b2-9ceb-8285f2e95e69)]
interface jsdIEphemeral : nsISupports
* |true| if this object is still valid. If not, many or all of the methods
* and/or properties of the inheritor may no longer be callable.
readonly attribute boolean isValid;
* Mark this instance as invalid.
[noscript] void invalidate();
/* handle objects */
* XXX can't reflect the jsuword pc because it'll change sizes on 64 bit systems,
* but we could represent all pcs as offsets, and store them in ulongs. This
* would allow us to get rid of jsdIPC, and simplify things in some places. The
* only tradeoff would be that scripts with more than 2^32 instructions would
* have pc's we can't represent. If you're script is that large, you need more
* help than the debugger can provide.
[scriptable, uuid(e7c8ea2c-1dd1-11b2-9242-f2768e04e92e)]
interface jsdIPC : nsISupports
/** Internal use only. */
[noscript] readonly attribute jsuword pc;
* Stack frame objects. These are only valid inside the jsdIExecutionHook which
* gave it to you. After you return from that handler the bottom frame, and any
* frame you found attached through it, are invalidated via the jsdIEphemeral
* interface. Once a jsdIStackFrame has been invalidated all method and
* property accesses will throw a NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE exception.
[scriptable, uuid(b6d50784-1dd1-11b2-a932-882246c6fe45)]
interface jsdIStackFrame : jsdIEphemeral
/** Internal use only. */
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDContext JSDContext;
/** Internal use only. */
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDThreadState JSDThreadState;
/** Internal use only. */
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDStackFrameInfo JSDStackFrameInfo;
* Link to the caller's stack frame.
readonly attribute jsdIStackFrame callingFrame;
* Script running in this stack frame.
readonly attribute jsdIScript script;
* Current program counter in this stack frame.
readonly attribute jsdIPC pc;
* Current line number (using the script's pc to line map.)
readonly attribute unsigned long line;
* Function object running in this stack frame.
readonly attribute jsdIValue callee;
* Top object in the scope chain.
readonly attribute jsdIValue scope;
* |this| object for this stack frame.
readonly attribute jsdIValue thisValue;
* Evaluate arbitrary JavaScript in this stack frame.
* @param bytes Script to be evaluated.
* @param fileName Filename to compile this script under. This is the
* filename you'll see in error messages, etc.
* @param line Starting line number for this script. One based.
* @retval Result of evaluating the script.
jsdIValue eval (in AString bytes, in string fileName,
in unsigned long line);
boolean eval (in AString bytes, in string fileName,
in unsigned long line, out result);
* Script object. In JavaScript engine terms, there's a single script for each
* function, and one for the top level script.
[scriptable, uuid(a38f65ca-1dd1-11b2-95d5-ff2947e9c920)]
interface jsdIScript : jsdIEphemeral
/** Internal use only. */
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDContext JSDContext;
/** Internal use only. */
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDScript JSDScript;
* Filename given for this script when it was compiled.
* This data is copied from the underlying structure when the jsdIScript
* instance is created and is therefore available even after the script is
* invalidated.
readonly attribute string fileName;
* Function name for this script. "anonymous" for unnamed functions (or
* a function actually named anonymous), empty for top level scripts.
* This data is copied from the underlying structure when the jsdIScript
* instance is created and is therefore available even after the script is
* invalidated.
readonly attribute string functionName;
* Line number in source file containing the first line of this script.
* This data is copied from the underlying structure when the jsdIScript
* instance is created and is therefore available even after the script is
* invalidated.
readonly attribute unsigned long baseLineNumber;
* Total number of lines in this script.
* This data is copied from the underlying structure when the jsdIScript
* instance is created and is therefore available even after the script is
* invalidated.
readonly attribute unsigned long lineExtent;
* Get the closest line number to a given PC.
unsigned long pcToLine (in jsdIPC pc);
* Get the first PC associated with a line.
jsdIPC lineToPc (in unsigned long line);
* Determine is a particular line is executable, like checking that
* lineToPc == pcToLine, except in one call.
boolean isLineExecutable (in unsigned long line);
* Set a breakpoint at a PC in this script.
void setBreakpoint (in jsdIPC pc);
* Clear a breakpoint at a PC in this script.
void clearBreakpoint (in jsdIPC pc);
* Clear all breakpoints set in this script.
void clearAllBreakpoints ();
* Value objects. Represents typeless JavaScript values (jsval in SpiderMonkey
* terminology.) These are valid until the debugger is turned off. Holding a
* jsdIValue adds a root for the underlying JavaScript value, so don't keep it
* if you don't need to.
[scriptable, uuid(b7964304-1dd1-11b2-ba20-cf4205772e9d)]
interface jsdIValue : jsdIEphemeral
/** Internal use only. */
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDContext JSDContext;
/** Internal use only. */
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDValue JSDValue;
* |false| unless the value is a function declared in script.
readonly attribute boolean isNative;
* |true| if the value represents a number, either double or integer.
* |false| for all other values, including numbers assigned as strings
* (eg. x = "1";)
readonly attribute boolean isNumber;
* |true| if the value represents a JavaScript primitive number or string
readonly attribute boolean isPrimitive;
/** Value is either |true| or |false|. */
const unsigned long TYPE_BOOLEAN = 0;
/** Value is a primitive number that is too large to fit in an integer. */
const unsigned long TYPE_DOUBLE = 1;
/** Value is a number that fits into an integer. */
const unsigned long TYPE_INT = 2;
/** Value is a function. */
const unsigned long TYPE_FUNCTION = 3;
/** Value is |null|. */
const unsigned long TYPE_NULL = 4;
/** Value is an object. */
const unsigned long TYPE_OBJECT = 5;
/** Value is a primitive string. */
const unsigned long TYPE_STRING = 6;
/** Value is void. */
const unsigned long TYPE_VOID = 7;
* One of the TYPE_* values above.
readonly attribute unsigned long jsType;
* Prototype value if this value represents an object, null if the value is
* not an object or the object has no prototype.
readonly attribute jsdIValue jsPrototype;
* Parent value if this value represents an object, null if the value is not
* an object or the object has no parent.
readonly attribute jsdIValue jsParent;
* Class name if this value represents an object. Empty string if the value
* is not an object.
readonly attribute string jsClassName;
* Constructor name if this value represents an object. Empty string if the
* value is not an object.
readonly attribute jsdIValue jsConstructor;
* Function name if this value represents a function. Empty string if the
* value is not a function.
readonly attribute string jsFunctionName;
* Value if interpreted as a boolean. Converts if necessary.
readonly attribute boolean booleanValue;
* Value if interpreted as a double. Converts if necessary.
readonly attribute double doubleValue;
* Value if interpreted as an integer. Converts if necessary.
readonly attribute long intValue;
* Value if interpreted as an object.
readonly attribute jsdIObject objectValue;
* Value if interpreted as a string. Converts if necessary.
readonly attribute string stringValue;
* Number of properties. 0 if the value is not an object, or the value is
* an object but has no properties.
readonly attribute long propertyCount;
* Retrieves all properties if this value represents an object. If this
* value is not an object a 0 element array is returned.
* @param propArray Array of jsdIProperty values for this value.
* @param length Size of array.
void getProperties ([array, size_is(length)] out jsdIProperty propArray,
out unsigned long length);
* Retrieves a single property from the value. Only valid if the value
* represents an object.
* @param name Name of the property to retrieve.
* @retval jsdIProperty for the requested property name or null if no
* property exists for the requested name.
jsdIProperty getProperty (in string name);
* jsdIValues are wrappers around JavaScript engine structures. Much of the
* data is copied instead of shared. The refresh method is used to resync
* the jsdIValue with the underlying structure.
void refresh();
* Properties specific to values which are also objects.
* XXX We don't add roots for these yet, so make sure you hold on to the
* jsdIValue from whence your jsdIObject instance came for at least as long as
* you hold the jsdIObject.
* XXX Maybe the jsClassName, jsConstructorName, and property related attribute/
* functions from jsdIValue should move to this interface. We could inherit from
* jsdIValue or use interface flattening or something.
[scriptable, uuid(d500e8b8-1dd1-11b2-89a1-cdf55d91cbbd)]
interface jsdIObject : nsISupports
/** Internal use only. */
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDContext JSDContext;
/** Internal use only. */
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDObject JSDObject;
* The URL (filename) that contains the script which caused this object
* to be created.
readonly attribute string creatorURL;
* Line number in the creatorURL where this object was created.
readonly attribute unsigned long creatorLine;
* The URL (filename) that contains the script which defined the constructor
* used to create this object.
readonly attribute string constructorURL;
* Line number in the creatorURL where this object was created.
readonly attribute unsigned long constructorLine;
* jsdIValue for this object.
readonly attribute jsdIValue value;
* Representation of a property of an object. When an instance is invalid, all
* method and property access will result in a NS_UNAVAILABLE error.
[scriptable, uuid(b8816e56-1dd1-11b2-81dc-8ba99a833d9e)]
interface jsdIProperty : jsdIEphemeral
/** Internal use only. */
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDContext JSDContext;
/** Internal use only. */
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDProperty JSDProperty;
/** visible to for/in loop */
const unsigned long FLAG_ENUMERATE = 0x01;
/** assignment is error */
const unsigned long FLAG_READONLY = 0x02;
/** property cannot be deleted */
const unsigned long FLAG_PERMANENT = 0x04;
/** property has an alias id */
const unsigned long FLAG_ALIAS = 0x08;
/** argument to function */
const unsigned long FLAG_ARGUMENT = 0x10;
/** local variable in function */
const unsigned long FLAG_VARIABLE = 0x20;
/** found via explicit lookup */
const unsigned long FLAG_HINTED = 0x800;
/** FLAG_* values OR'd together, representing the flags for this property. */
readonly attribute unsigned long flags;
/** jsdIValue representing the alias for this property. */
readonly attribute jsdIValue alias;
/** name for this property. */
readonly attribute jsdIValue name;
/** value of this property. */
readonly attribute jsdIValue value;
/** slot number if this property is a local variable or parameter. */
readonly attribute unsigned long varArgSlot;
[scriptable, uuid(a2dd25a4-1dd1-11b2-bda6-ed525acd4c35)]
interface jsdIContext : nsISupports
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDContext JSDContext;
[scriptable, uuid(a47adad2-1dd1-11b2-b9e9-8e67a47beca5)]
interface jsdISourceText : nsISupports
[scriptable, uuid(b6d1c006-1dd1-11b2-b9d8-b4d1ccfb74d8)]
interface jsdIThreadState : nsISupports
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDContext JSDContext;
[noscript] readonly attribute JSDThreadState JSDThreadState;
readonly attribute unsigned long frameCount;
readonly attribute jsdIStackFrame topFrame;
attribute jsdIValue pendingException;